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Now 21-10-2 against the spread, Nestor goes to Hollywood (Casino Perryville) for Week 3

Hollywood Casino Perryville sportsbook manager Christian Horton makes sure that Nestor isn’t getting too cocky with his NFL picks heading into Week 3. Imagine his record if he didn’t pick against the Ravens in Cincinnati?

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The Maine Event centers up the Lamar Jackson discussion

Former Ravens center and Super Bowl XXXV champion Mike Flynn provides some wisdom and player perspective on the ongoing tug-of-war between the franchise and its franchise quarterback as winter turns to spring an offseason of Baltimore football angst and uncertainty.

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#ColumnNes There are no bad wins over Bill Belichick in Foxboro

But don’t bury the lead in this one: Lamar Jackson (still) might be the best player in the National Football League and his “value” as a Most Valuable Player continues to soar as he does things no one has ever done at the most valuable position on the field and the most difficult position to play in all of sports.

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