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The big Ravens Maryland Lottery winner returns with his Voices of Hope to help others overcome addiction in Harford County

He bought a Ravens scratch-off Maryland Lottery ticket on Harford Road 18 months ago and T.J. Humphries is going to the games with his daughter for the next 20 years. He returns to “A Cup Of Soup Or Bowl Week” to tell Nestor about his cushy club level seats but also his amazing story of addiction, recovery and now helping others via his Voices of Hope recovery and mentoring journey.

TJ Humphries tells Nestor his Ravens lottery club seats story and Voices of Hope recovery and mentoring journey

He bought a Ravens scratch-off Maryland Lottery ticket on Harford Road 18 months ago and T.J. Humphries is going to the games with his daughter for the next 20 years. He returns to “A Cup Of Soup Or Bowl Week” to tell Nestor about his cushy club level seats but also his amazing story of addiction, recovery and now helping others via his Voices of Hope recovery and mentoring journey.

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