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Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, Community, Crab Cake Tour, Featured, Local, Local, Marketing, Nestor Aparicio, News, Remember That Time

For the holiday love of Lauraville

On the first stop of the holiday Maryland Crab Cake Tour at Koco’s Pub, sports cartoonist Mike Ricigliano and Nick “The Greek” Syropoulos welcome Nestor back “home” to their neighborhood and tell tales of what makes their part of Baltimore City so special and why they’ve never left Lauraville. Or is it Mayfield? Or Beverly Hills?

Ricig Nick Marcella Koco's Pub

Smalltimore holidays with Ricig, Marcella and Nick The Greek at Koco’s Pub in Lauraville

The Maryland Crab Cake Tour is back on the road for the holidays with friends, food, community conviviality and smiles for the season. We started the December fun at Koco’s Pub where owner Marcella Knight told Ko-Host Mike Ricigliano and legendary WNST caller (and one-time donut provider) Nick “The Greek” Syropoulos welcome the real Santa Claus on Saturday for a family day of Lauraville “Holidays On Harford” seasonal magic.

Ricig Nick Marcella Koco's Pub
Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, Community, Crab Cake Tour, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, Nestor Aparicio, News

Smalltimore “Holidays on Harford” with the real Santa at Koco’s Pub in Lauraville

The Maryland Crab Cake Tour is back on the road for the holidays with friends, food, community conviviality and smiles for the season. We started the December fun at Koco’s Pub where owner Marcella Knight told Ko-Host Mike Ricigliano and legendary WNST caller (and one-time donut provider) Nick “The Greek” Syropoulos welcome the real Santa Claus on Saturday for a family day of Lauraville “Holidays On Harford” seasonal magic.

Tim Watts Nasty 1570 Bowling
25 Stories of Glories, Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, C-Suite, Community, Crab Cake Tour, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, Travel, WNST Classic

Turn of the century Baltimore sports glory with our first WNST Ravens reporter

Our first WNST Ravens reporter Tim Watts joins Nestor at Greenmount Station on the Maryland Crab Cake Tour for memories of turn of the century Baltimore sports glory and tales of tailgates, football players, charity events and pictures that capture the evidence – for better or worse.

25 Stories of Glories, Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 12: The legend of the first great tailgate in San Diego

It sounds like heresy but last century, “tailgating” was illegal in Baltimore. (You kids can look it up!) In 1996, when the Ravens came to the Charm City, David Modell set out to change those laws and in 1997 when the first purple trip San Diego took 200 “Nasty Nestor” listeners to Jack Murphy Stadium, we met some Chargers fans in the parking lot and made some memories. There were many, many roadtrips and more beer, sandwiches and fried chicken consumed along many highways with Gunther buses but this virgin voyage in a town that the NFL has now forgotten was truly unforgettable.

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