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Talking Heads

Arts and Entertainment, Celebrities, Featured, Hall of Fame, Journalism & Media, Music, Music Classic, Nestor Aparicio, WNST Classic

Jerry Harrison of Talking Heads burns down the house with Nestor in late 1980s chat

Some bands break up and never reunite. And forty years later, the music of Talking Heads has only aged gracefully and wistfully and joyfully. Back in the late 1980s during his time as a music critic at The Baltimore Evening Sun, Nestor Aparicio had a chance to talk about music, David Byrne and the magic of Talking Heads with Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Jerry Harrison.

Ron Cassie and Ricig continue their Crab Cake Tour chat with Nestor about winter fun, Talking Heads and sports journalism in Baltimore

As the Maryland Crab Cake Tour continues to bring together new friends and old souls, Ron Cassie of Baltimore Magazine and longtime sports cartoonist Ricig continue their spirited holiday Koco’s Pub chat with Nestor about winter fun in our state, beer and curling, Talking Heads and the future of sports journalism in Baltimore from three guys who have made a living in the art form.

Arts and Entertainment, Business, Community, Crab Cake Tour, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Remember That Time, Sports

Winter sports, Talking Heads and local sports journalism and access

As the Maryland Crab Cake Tour continues to bring together new friends and old souls, Ron Cassie of Baltimore Magazine and longtime sports cartoonist Ricig continue their spirited holiday Koco’s Pub chat with Nestor about winter fun in our state, beer and curling, Talking Heads and the future of sports journalism in Baltimore from three guys who have made a living in the art form.

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