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Oriole Park Camden Yards Rubenstein
Business, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Luke Jones, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News

Why are there so many empty seats at Camden Yards for an Orioles playoff game?

After hyper-inflating the initial pricing of MLB Wild Card playoff tickets, the prices fell like a rock earlier this week and Orioles fans still weren’t buying $15 tickets on game day. Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the empty seats and depressed prices at Camden Yards for Wild Card round in Baltimore.

Bill Cole, Business, C-Suite, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, National, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Politics, Sports, Sports News, Technology

The dark clouds over The Warehouse in a sunny season as Angelos stalls Orioles lease

Bill Cole and Nestor return from MACO business networking in Ocean City with every leader in the state – and all of them talking about the Orioles lease stall and the outlandish demands of John Angelos to keep Baltimore baseball alive at Camden Yards.

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