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She created a bigger, better Baltimore Positive website and experience for you

Our Baltimore Positive web developer Jessica Valis takes a break from building this very busy little website to join Nestor at Costas Inn on the Maryland Crab Cake Tour for a discussion on local business and making it work on the web with her new Creative Circle Collective.

Authors and Books, Business, C-Suite, Celebrities, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Marketing, More Sports, National, National, Nestor Aparicio, News, Politics, Sports, Sports News

Feinstein: The PGA Tour LIVing down to its ugly reputation is not a crowning moment

Venerable columnist and decorated golf author John Feinstein takes a long walk through the history of the PGA Tour and how it wound up in business with the murderous government Saudi Arabia. And what does this mean for the future of golf on the planet?

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