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Prolific author and recovering sportswriter Will Leitch tells Nestor about his new book “The Time Has Come” and talks sports like a grown up even though he knows the truth behind the fiction.


sports, team, feel, love, springsteen, write, baltimore, baseball, fans, deadspin, pandemic, happened, orioles, writing, years, book, town, talk, buy, journalism


Nestor Aparicio, Will Leitch

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

Welcome back, WN S T, Towson, Baltimore. Baltimore positive. We’re positively into the post Preakness parade. We have a real pennant race going on around here. I got a baseball fan coming on. He will understand the differences between the summer and Baltimore. We’re gonna be doing the Maryland crabcake tour. He’s exactly the kind of guests we’re going to have out here all summer long. The governor’s coming out the mayor’s coming everybody’s coming out. So I brought to you by the Maryland lottery their friends when their nation 866 90 days you go find them. I had a real writer on and I aspire one day to have my Wikipedia say, American writer will Meech joins us now. Longtime reader of yours, you know this, he makes his home in Athens, Georgia, but he still roots for Illinois and the St. Louis Cardinals, running around with family and Springsteen concerts, and all sorts of things. And places we’ve been, he has inked yet another new book, and I’m gonna let him tell you all about it. Because you just you never cease to amaze me with your writing. Because I’m sort of a journalism guy, right? Like, I can write books, I can write first person, but I can’t make style. I’m not a fiction person. I don’t read it, I don’t write it. And I am always drawn to when folks like you that are so good at what you do at your craft. Just say now, it’s like I play the guitar. I’m gonna go play the bass for a while. I feel like that. That’s what what you’re kind of writing is when you come to me with some. It’s well, Nietzsche do and sports no more, you know, like that,


Will Leitch  01:29

right? I’m sorry, that’s sports. Don’t worry. I’ll always be writing sports. But yeah, you know, it’s fun. You know, I love writing journalism, whether it’s sports, or politics, or entertainment, or all the things I write about. But you know, at a certain level, I run a novel I basically every couple of years. And one nice thing about writing a novel, when you know, when you’re writing journalism, you have to stick it’s very annoying, you have to stick to the things that actually happened. It’s very frustrating. I love to be able to write the novel and just make the people do what I want them to.

Nestor Aparicio  01:59

Anybody in my life will tell you, I have a hell of a sense of imagination. Like, I guess I have the ingredients. I guess, as a kid, I never really sat down, maybe book reporting, but I was so I read newspapers every day of my life. And I read Sports Illustrated, it’s like, that’s how I knew how to write. That’s how I learned how to write. I didn’t get lost in Hardy Boys books as an example, a B, I’m curious, George, right. But like, Were you that kind of writer or were you always aspiring to be the Deadspin guy that sort of you became to me when I got to know you,

Will Leitch  02:35

you know, I certainly loved writing, I loved writing. And I loved sports. And it took me a while to realize, oh, wait, I can combine those two if I wanted to. Like I actually never really thought about connecting the two I didn’t grow up with like a big sports writer that I kind of looked up to my writer growing up was Roger Ebert, the old film critic who’s from Champaign, Illinois, which is right by where I was from, in Mattoon, Illinois. So my heroes, so I loved sports to be very, very clear. I was obsessed with sports. And I loved writing, but it never really occurred to me, kind of dumbly that you can actually do both of them. At the same time. You know, I went to University of Illinois, to be a film critic, and then all of a sudden, they were like, Hey, can you write about sports? I was like, Wait, people do that. Awesome. I love sports. And so I kind of like stumbled into sports writing a little bit, we kind of aspire

Nestor Aparicio  03:18


to be telander just as long as it wasn’t Marriott it? You know, there was a colleague of mine,

Will Leitch  03:25

there is not a universe where I would ever aspire to be anything even resembling a Marriott.

Nestor Aparicio  03:29

Well, of course, of course. But I guess that you know, which, which leads me to this. And I do want to talk to you about sports and columnist. You know, I had my access taken away by by the National Football League and the Baltimore Ravens after 27 years, for no apparent reason other than maybe my hair got long, or the color of my skin. So you know, your whole like that’s been access thing. But I want to talk about the book and you doing this thing where you write books, as you say, every couple of years, which is a lot of my author friends has that’s pretty prolific for being a guy that’s got like five other things that you do. When do you find time to do it? And then what inspires you to write a book about let’s see the new hometown and a pharmacy that’s completely made up but pretty modern, from from what I’m telling

Will Leitch  04:12

ya, you know, certainly the, the the idea that for the book kind of came out of the idea, the book takes place in June 2021. And I feel like that’s actually kind of an important time, because you’ll remember that was the time we were, it felt like we were not we felt that we were mostly not necessarily entirely done with the pandemic, we got into the hard part, right, like we’d been out for the world was starting to open up a little bit. I remember Tom Hanks, his son chez Hayes with he called it white boy summer and if you remember, that was like the time where people were going to be out doing stuff again, people kind of be falling for it. But the vibe was we were going to be able to get out into the world again. But you know, a lot we also call it a wall went through a lot of trauma, I think during that period in 2020, and everything that went on and so I wanted to kind of write about what it felt like to go through that and to try to come to try to get get out of it a little bit because I think that’s something we all kind of felt. And I think still you know, I think the pandemic is officially over whatever wins thoughts about that. But certainly, I feel like it was a pretty dramatic thing that everyone has all I think I understand why people would be eager to be done with it. I’m certainly eager to be done with it. But a lot went down. I don’t know if we’ve necessarily all processed. And so the book to me was a way to kind of like try to wrestle with seven different people who all went through very difficult times during that, and then how they ended up, colliding, intersecting and hopefully being able to help each other. There is some baseball in the book, I’m proud to report. My last book, how lucky I had was it was another novel, I had no baseball, and people like, well, we love your novel. But we know you like baseball, you’ve got to read about some days. So I snuck a little bit more baseball on it, because I do love reading about baseball.


Nestor Aparicio  05:41

My last name is Aparicio and I walk America as a free man because my family came over here. And my cousin could slide a little and run the bases and field a little bit. So I mean, baseball, and I’ll definitely get to that. But I want to talk about this prism of seven different people looking at the plague because it changed my life, right? Like I went from being nasty Nestor sports sky, to having the governor on and talking about the city and wanting to run for mayor of Baltimore, and all of these things that happened to me around that period of time, and coming out of it and doing nothing but zooming Right? Like I’ve never been off the air I’ve been you’re talking to people, we were locked down locked on the crabcake tour the things that I’m doing on the back end of this. But I often wonder what would have happened to my life all of our lives, if it didn’t happen, and it affected everyone, you take seven people give me a little slice of where these people come from, because you moved I think during this period of time, or find yourself in sort of a new place and locked down. And I would think these are made from people you’ve maybe met somewhere then

Will Leitch  06:43

what are these like go to Athens and really a lot of college towns in general, it forces a lot of different types of people to come together in a small place. You know, I think we generally are kind of in our silos, right. I think a lot of the people in the world, whether it’s politically or demographically, we tend to hang out with people who are like us. And in LA Times in big cities, you can get away with it or in like rural areas, you can get away with that. The thing I love about a college town, it is a relatively small geographic place. But there’s a lot of different types of people that come there. So like you’ve got your college professors in in Athens, you have music, Rem is from here to drive by truckers are from here. It’s a great music place. So one of the characters runs the rock club in town, and that’s been closed for the last for last year and him trying to get his life back going. He’s a recovering alcoholic. club thing going on is a definitely a 41 S Club isn’t officially the 41. But if you if you read about the club, it will certainly sound a lot like I have been to

Nestor Aparicio  07:33

Athens. Well, yeah, it’s the best matches now come on. Oh, yeah.

Will Leitch  07:37


40 wants the best. And so there’s a character that’s a nurse that was taking care of people during the pandemic, there’s a character who was a school teacher, there’s all there’s an activist, and there’s also like an old time, like construction guy who’s kind of burly, and all these people have to intersect with what they know. And I like the idea. One of the things that really struck me about not just the pandemic, but the reaction to the pandemic. Very rarely do we have things that everyone experiences because again, particularly in a world where we can be online all the time and just select to our audiences and select to the people that around us are, we often don’t interact with people that are different than us. One of the things that pandemic happened is everybody experience there’s a human being on the planet that did not go through it. And it did not change them in one way or the other. And so the but so after we went through all this isolation, then we were all colliding back together again. And I thought it was interesting to kind of write kind of this thriller story about how we all both, both were alone for a long time. And once we got back together, how we were different in chains, but ultimately, I still think we’re good at wanting to help one another.

Nestor Aparicio  08:39

Well, we choose our guests Yeah, that will leech the the Deadspin guy, the guy you see on TV, the Cardinals fan, the new book is The time has come, we have well on for how lucky he got a couple of years ago. Now. We had you on and I I know we talked about falling into this sort of writing style and and is the next one coming? Or is the series coming? or can any of these characters have another life because I know, all of my fiction buddies like you, you know, sort of think of themselves as writing a James Bond thing. You know what I mean? At some point, there’s going to be another what happened to that little girl in the story, right?

Will Leitch  09:17

Well, certainly the how lucky which was a very I was very forced to that was successful as it was. There’s two smaller characters in that book that are larger characters in this book, both those book states play dates and Athens. So like there is I gotta imagine like it Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul shared universe sort of thing where they all can interact with one another like, Oh, I remember that character from that last book. And yeah, I imagined doing that. I don’t think of these things as sequels are certainly different stories, but I like the idea. You know what, there’s one theme that kind of my fiction writing it is the notion that the world is both bigger and smaller than we realize and send you it’s always remarkable me particularly as I get older, that I’ll run into someone and be like, Oh my gosh, I like I knew this person that you knew 15 years ago, how and how small the world feels. When that happens, I think sometimes when we get because the world does feel so vast and often out of our control, I think it’s always good to remind people that actually, there are these connections that are constantly be happening throughout us all the time. And so that’s a fun thing to write about. So yeah, I’m gonna keep writing one of these every two years. I’m still doing my sports writing. I think that’s a key thing. I did a reading. I did an event in New York last week. And someone asked me like, What happens if this sells 5 billion copies and you turn it into Stephen King or John Grisham? Are you still gonna write a baseball? And the answer was yes. I will always write about sports to me, you know, I love writing and I love sports, it would be masochistic of myself to stop myself from the rave about something that I truly love.

Nestor Aparicio  10:39

It’s fascinating for me the sports thing, right? Because I was born into it. I was a sports writer at 15 at the paper and like all of these years, the Orioles free the birds thing I’ll take that on, because back in 2006, you were you were you’re putting that spin together writing about my free the birds walkout happened because the guy had owned the team for 13 years and was a complete civic louse and no one would say it. Everyone knew it. He was a pariah everywhere. And they had stunk for eight years, just eight and only been eight years then it felt like 800 when you’re 35 for eight baseball seasons, right? When based on your last names aparece you so they threw me out 17 years ago now the football team that I have been raising running road trips, having them on 27 Super Bowls. Now the PR director has thrown me out. And the owners okay. It really is amazing how you really hit the nail on the head when Kenny ballgame came into my condo 15 years 18 years ago and said, there’s this Deadspin thing man, like, you know, access, like what without access, but like without favor and like, I’m like, oh, okay, well, you know, I’m still on the inside. It really is amazing what sports has become. Whether it’s we’re going to flex NFL games, even if you have a flight to Sid city to see the Rams on Sunday. We’re going to play the game on Thursday. And if you like it, it’s unbelievable how the fans have been gone and how much money has been pushed into this thing and how it’s changed so much. And there are people like you that I’m sure had been mistreated wildly over all of this that you still love it you still I still see you you absolutely still love it.


Will Leitch  12:22

Yeah, you know, I think one of the reasons that I did spend I think I don’t think that’s been became really popular because I was just so brilliant and funny because I don’t think it was the case. I think people wanted a place where they could talk about sports from the outside and I and doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t get information like one of the fun things about doing Deadspin was it was probably in the early days of Deadspin, someone said Deadspin the insider sports I was like a weird the literal opposite of that. We have but we would get scoops right because because it because inevitably people within ESPN or within the league’s would be like complain about their jobs, like people like to complain about their jobs all the time. It sends stuff to us. So you and but the key to that was being on the outside. And I actually think it’s really important to kind of almost keep your sanity as a sports fan, particularly as, as you kind of note how the business gets gotten completely out of control. The flex thing is really bad. I’ve wrote a piece for New York Magazine this morning, generally about how in the wake of how, if you’re a sports fan, now ESPN is basically going to make it a standalone app, all you have to pay for outside of the cable and cord cutting. Which means if you if you let’s say you want to watch every Baltimore Orioles game, you have to have if you have to be able to pay for the local for the local games, you have to pay for Apple TV, if paid for Amazon Prime you pay

Nestor Aparicio  13:32

about Apple on Friday night exactly the 55 year old Ford has a team in the pennant race for the first time since like, forever. And I will really want to, like my wife literally be at food. And we’re like, we wanted to watch the game. And the game wasn’t on. And I’m like, who’s running this place who and I guess to your point on the Deadspin side, you could say whatever you want it at any point, the minute that somebody like me says that they never let you back in again.

Will Leitch  13:58

Yeah, and I just I think that like having a voice for the PERT. Like when you’re involved deep into baseball, or deep in the NFL or wherever you are, you’re just thinking about like, Well, my job, my job is not to worry about whether the fans are happy or not. My job is to make money for the corporations and these 32 owners. That’s my job and and that’s fine. That’s more power to you. If everyone’s gonna make a living, that’s fine. But I don’t feel like there’s really, there’s been often a voice for the fan to be like, hey, look, seriously, look how expensive it is to have peacock now and Apple TV and Amazon Prime and MLB TV and all the things you have to have just to be able to watch sports and just to be able to watch your team. I’m willing to pay a certain amount, but it gets a little bit more a little bit more a little bit more. And I think that like it’s fun for me to do that from the outside because that’s my perspective. I’m not saying I’m some kind of rebellious outsider that’s trying to take down the system. I’m just saying I’m a fan. And I like sports and I want to be able to watch sports. Everybody has difficult lives. Everyone goes through a lot. Everybody has a lot of issues. They have You just want to unwind some time just like you’re talking about a Friday. You just want to chill out, relax, watch the the Orioles who are super, super fun right now you want to watch them on a Friday, on a Friday night. And wait, I guess subscribe to this thing. And like that is that is the you get to that point by a lot of people, people being too close on the inside of sports, and only worrying about making money outside of the people who for the fans, you know, the people who are actually paying for all of this, that that line has gotten more of a gap in last few years. And so I like to try to stay out of it as much as I can I try to stay as far I like to write about sports, but I like to write about them from afar rather than to deep within

Nestor Aparicio  15:38


religious our guest, he has inked a new book, I hope nobody goes out and buys it. You could find him in a million different places. But the book is The time has come. It is fiction and which is a side hustle. Aside from doing sports and writing and more writing and more writing. Man, I have so many notes here. But you’ve said some rather prescient things over the years, but certainly in the framework of the conversation about that is your perspective, right? Like your perspective is the road you’ve walked right. And I think the difference now are the team websites and the league. restricting access to anything that feels like journalism, while pushing forth. Some sort of Putin esque. I don’t even know what it is where they have fake column this because they all work at the pleasure of the owner and the work of the pleasure that goes, I go into these press conferences. Now half the people in there are employed by the coach they’re asking questions of,

Will Leitch  16:32

certainly I think that’s a trend that’s happening outside of the sports too. Certainly sports, it’s having a lot of offense, frankly, you know, I mean, listen, you married you’ve been in this business long enough. You remember when there were five newspapers covering these teams, or six or seven newspapers covering these teams? Now those newspapers aren’t there. Now you’ve got the Atlantic and you get like a lot of particularly college sports, you’ve got a lot of individual websites covering the sports. But yeah, I mean, the business has changed a lot of the sports journalism business, not just I guess all of journalism has changed in shrunk and kind of contracted in a way. And but the fact is, people still want the information. And so what’s happened is a lot of leads, a lot of teams have basically taken more power over that information. It is remarkable to me the example I always used in this. Three years ago, I follow the St. Louis Cardinals and follow them pretty closely. Three years ago, they fired Mike shields their manager, we still don’t know why. Like, we still don’t know why. There’s the the official statements, we support what Microsoft has done and wish him good luck in his future endeavors. But and the reporters did the best they could to maybe get a few theories. But there was a time 20 years ago, they would have been eight reporters killing each

Nestor Aparicio  17:38

other. Nicholas would have been all over, of course, it would have been on at the lake, a great moment of silence for Rick como, of course, would have been I mean, because those and if they didn’t have it, Joe Buck would have had it or Costas would have had it or whatever. Because they’re St. Louis people. And they’re there. Yeah. And I

Will Leitch  17:55

just think that like that kind of there was an understanding to that the team owed the reporters in there.


Nestor Aparicio  18:03

Ah, they owe the fans an explanation that

Will Leitch  18:06

was that was that that was that was the understanding. Now I don’t think teams have that. I think teams believe that they can. We don’t We don’t owe them anything. We will keep it in house. We do. The reporters are jackals trying to get to mess with us. I think there’s a siege mentality. Particularly I think part of it is frankly, the part of us that weakened the journalism but frankly, part of it is the just a massive amount of money that’s coming into sports. Now. There is more of a corporate mentality, as opposed to a we’re running a sports team mentality. I always think of Ted Turner tinter when he bought the Braves, he’s like, Yeah, I’m a billionaire. How awesome will it be to run a sports team, I don’t care if I make money off his team, I want to win the World Series. This is amazing. owners don’t have that idea. Now, a lot of these as you know, well, in Baltimore, a lot of these are family owned organizations and family operation where this is their primary income. And there’s a lot of kids who just the team, they need to make money off this team. Otherwise I have to go get another job. Get a real job. So as opposed to there was a time in sports history where owning a sports team was considered like a trophy and whether you you just hope to break even and then you get a parade when your team wins the World Series of the Super Bowl. Now these teams make so much money they are seeing almost wholly as as as business incorporated and corporations and I think that’s just something that gets pushes more and more on the fans and keeps them more information in rather than feeling an obligation for the fans who Again, I remind are paying for all of this to actually know what’s going on.

Nestor Aparicio  19:33

See dude and this is where I’m gonna promote my own book because I’m releasing the Peter principles online this month. The the nature of Bill De Wit, buying the Baltimore Orioles, out of bankruptcy from Eli Jacobs 32 years ago, and the difference between that and Peter Angelos and the difference between Dan Schneider and whatever else would have happened here. I mean, it really does take when you say it’s the mindset of the owner, it’s the mindset of the business. The Ravens came here as purple Barney’s trying to make their way and sell poor suckers licenses PSLs to people. And there was this neighborhood we took the Colts from you screw the NFL tag the boot told us to build them using all of that went down and to feel this corporate thing where they’re taking $600 million of civic money to fix their stadiums. Right? But then not front facing. That’s something in my town specifically in this town. And I we think I know you’re a Cardinals fan. They’ve lost two football teams were part of the Cardinals charm is that it still feels like Stam usuals team and it feels like Lou Brock’s team and if you were kidding me, I feel like Vince Coleman or what you know, whatever your thing is, it felt homespun the Orioles are so FUBAR. I mean the boys fighting with each other over the billion dollars. I mean, just it’s it’s it’s heinous. And then the football side of this. The football owners just sort of walked away for the last 20 years living on a boat cash and checks that things were $5 billion now he’s got a parade You never change ever guys have jobs for life. So it’s a really different and there’s nobody going to the games and the Ravens, like advertise at length for you to buy tickets, individual game tickets, when they were sold out for a generational you know, in my era, we’re in a different place. But this town specifically and town to town and is especially baseball being so not regional, but like really just local hyperlocal unless you’re St. Louis or Atlanta and you have like five states. The Orioles are way way small and trying to make this thing bigger. Yet they’re their tactics with fans, media. All of that is the mindset that you talk about, which is you find the game you find it’s spring training. We don’t put those on TV on the network we own. I mean, there’s just been so many trusts broken? Well, I guess that’s my thing in Baltimore specifically.

Will Leitch  21:54


Yeah. And this I think, I think it’s it’s definitely true in Baltimore, I think you see a really, you do see it a lot of places, I think a lot of it is because these teams make money and they don’t really have to work very hard to because so many, there’s so many television contracts. And there’s so many things kind of built up, it’s really, really hard for a sports team to lose money. And even if they do lose like a little money year after year, some teams lost money, for example, in 2020, because of the pandemic, but like they’re a they’re totally back on revenue it’d be even if they broke even for a year, trust me, you sell that team, no one’s selling the team for not four or five times what they paid for, they’ve all gotten this golden parachute at the end no matter what sort of happens. And so because of that, when that happens, you don’t eat they’re a corporation that doesn’t actually have to act like other corporations, like most corporations have to like have good government governance and have to like answer to shareholders or have to answer to the general to the bottom line. Sports teams generally don’t have to do that anymore. And so you find yourself in this weird kind of sad spot where if you are a fan and we that again, I’m a St. Louis Cardinals fan, not because one day I sat down with all 32 teams and said, Hmm, who’s going to be my team? I grew up with a card I was going to I am your names I’ve read you like you’re going to be involved with the Orioles no matter what people pick their teams. My one of my best friends here in town is a diehard Orioles fan because grew up in Maryland. And of course, it’s gotta be his team. He suffered, He has suffered when he couldn’t get any couldn’t get rid of the Orioles if he wanted to. Like he could not just say, nevermind, I’m not watching anymore, because particularly now they’re good. He’s good. He feels like he’s earned it. But the problem is, so many of you have all these people that cheer for these teams. It’s just you’re just you just cross your fingers, that your billionaire is better than the other billionaires. And that’s a really weird place to think about as a sports fan. You’re almost at the whim of just some random, wealthy person, the Phoenix Suns are going through this right? Like they had a terrible billionaire before. Now we’re gonna find out what kind of billionaire they have. Now, as an owner, it’s a very weird spot when all you want to do is just watch your team and cheer for them.

Nestor Aparicio  23:56

I’m googling Stockholm Syndrome, right? Well, leeches here. He writes great, great things a writer of great writing. So follow him. The new book is out. You can go check it out. The time has come. And it’s fiction, it’s not your thing you can always stick with team will in Illinois, and St. Louis. And by the way, I just want to end with this because you and I were in the same building and, and chasten Springsteen ran a little bit back on the winter days, a couple months ago. There is something about music that I think we share that is for me has been through all the sports and 45 years of covering it and caring about it and being immersed in it. I that’s still my outlet that you know, when I see you taking folks to see Bruce I’m like, you know, life is good when Bruce is on tour, you know, it’s

Will Leitch  24:41

great, you know, and like, you know, my parents, like I was introduced to verse Springsteen when I was eight years old and my parents were obsessed with Born in the USA. And so like and then I got obsessed with it to me, I like that guy. I got this one and then I went back and listened to Nashville. And you know, listen to the ladies and listen to that album. then you go back forward, and you listen to you get obsessed with like the later albums. And I love the I love the folk album that he does. And to me, it’s a life history, like the thing about Springsteen, he’s been making music for so long that it really becomes kind of a soundtrack to a lot of people’s lives. Like you’ve been listening to this stuff for so long. To me, it’s a really kind of wonderful thing to share that with, like a family right to share that with my parents who have their own experience. And I’m like, No, Nebraska is a really great one. Nebraska is a really great way. And then I’m like, no, no, no, devils and dust is a great one. And it becomes like a way that you share with your family, both memories and new experiences. And also, I mean, for crying out loud that guy is, is a boundless source of energy to like, see him going out there at that age with the energy that I don’t know most of the like the Kid Rock bands. I see. It’s just a 23 year old kid struggling like going into a movie room like this Springsteen’s bouncing around the stage and losing his mind in his 70s is pretty awesome thing to say. I’m a tunnel of love guy.

Nestor Aparicio  25:59

And people thought that was fiction, but it turns out it might Yeah, a little bit more than that.


Will Leitch  26:05

I think he was going through some stuff at the time.

Nestor Aparicio  26:07

Some issues I remember it, you know, he tells a story because I’ve seen him in St. Louis Several times he tells the story of falling in love with paddy under the arch to on that tour on the board and USA tour. So we’re on the way toward total of love Hey dude, appreciate you keep writing what you’re writing keep being the American writer that

Will Leitch  26:27

American writer says Wikipedia very much

Nestor Aparicio  26:30


love my visits with you will leach we’ll be following you the family the kids but you’re not winning the World Series this year. Coming home to Baltimore. I love this. I got Oreos fever me I think it’s so fun right now. Call you about August maybe into September. We’ll see where things are settled right around then. And listen man all these years. It’s nice to talk about baseball. It is.

Will Leitch  26:52

Yeah, the fans of Baltimore fans have absolutely earned it.

Nestor Aparicio  26:55

All right. And I will not be writing the book on the Orioles championship that nobody’s gonna buy. I did that on the Ravens 10 years ago. Well leach can be found out on the interwebs make sure you find his book that time has come you could find us. The time has come for the Maryland crabcake tour back out on the road the fallston the local this week we’re going to be at spirits West we’re going to be at Shannon’s lots of places Costas Pappas all over the place. All brought to you by the Maryland lottery giving these away 50th anniversary scratch offs and a lot of winners and a frozen winter nation. 866 90 nation I am this we are wn st am 1570, Towson Baltimore. We never stop talking Baltimore. Positive

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Kremer tosses six shutout innings as Orioles win 2-0 over Tampa Bay

Dean Kremer took a no-hitter into the seventh, and Yennier Cano stranded the bases loaded later in the inning to help preserve Friday's victory.

ColumnNes: In the end, the Ravens came close but was it really a close game?

What is there to say about any Week 1 game in NFL in any year? It’s always choppy, sloppy and stoppy. And that’s just the officiating…

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