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Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Luke Jones, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Sports, Sports News

High anxiety at Camden Yards as Orioles look to deal for pitching

A massive weekend ahead for the Baltimore Orioles host the San Diego Padres and Mike Elias searches to improve the pitching arsenal for a first-place team that can win the World Series. Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the unrest associated with the MLB trading deadline for all parties concerned – including nervous and antsy players who know they could be tapped on the shoulder.

Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, C-Suite, ColumnNes, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, Technology

After the honeymoon, Rubenstein has a lot of work to do with Orioles brand and growth

The good professor of all things sports business and longtime MLB executive Marty Conway joins Nestor to discuss the quickly-changing and evolving Baltimore Orioles franchise of David Rubenstein – and the many challenges ahead after the Splash of the honeymoon period and a great team on the field.

Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News

Sitting and talking Orioles baseball with Singy

After a quarter of a century calling New York Yankees games on Yes! Network, our forever resident outfielder Ken Singleton tells Nestor what he loves about the new world of Orioles baseball and the budding rivalry in the American League East. And why he never left Baltimore after all of these years.

Business, C-Suite, Community, Featured, Leadership, Leonard Raskin, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Sports, Sports News

Buying stock in Rubenstein and the “Next Chapter” Orioles

Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss the money, resources and intentions of David Rubenstein and his commitment to being involved with Orioles after a $1.7 purchase from the Angelos family. What will the first bold move be beyond the Splash Zone P.R. and connections to the fans?

Baltimore Positive Classic, Bill Cole, Business, C-Suite, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Sports, Sports News, Technology

Is Rubensplash knocking it out of the park?

New ownership has been a long time coming for the Baltimore Orioles. After a lifetime of watching the baseball franchise wither without hope, along comes a new protagonist who has immediately shown himself to be a man of the people. Bill Cole and Nestor discuss the first month of the David Rubenstein Era and the “Next Chapter” of Orioles Magic.

Sharing the heart of a Baltimore sports fan as baseball season begins Koulatsos
Business, C-Suite, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Leonard Raskin, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, Technology

How the Orioles and Ravens will split your wallet – and hearts – moving forward

For the first time in most of our lifetimes, sports in Baltimore and parade fever is blossoming as the baseball and football franchises both have a chance to win a championship. Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss the power of money in local sports and how a guy in Caps jersey can say “no” to pricey playoff tickets. And we’re all expecting playoff games here for the Orioles and Ravens in the coming years…

Leonard Raskin joins Nestor to talk Orioles profit of Angelos and money of Rubenstein to lift Baltimore

After Nestor broke out a cocktail napkin and did the math on the $173 million price tag of the Baltimore Orioles in 1993 (that came with $45 million in cash) and the recent sale price of $1.7 billion to David Rubenstein (that comes with $600 million in free money from Maryland taxpayers), he wanted to confirm his Dundalk math with our financial advisor Leonard Raskin as to just how much money the Angelos family actually made while attempting to destroy the franchise for the fan base.

Business, C-Suite, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Leonard Raskin, Local, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Politics, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, The Peter Principles, WNST Classic

In the end, Angelos family made $1 million every week they owned the Orioles – plus the actual profit

After Nestor broke out a cocktail napkin and did the math on the $173 million price tag of the Baltimore Orioles in 1993 (that came with $45 million in cash) and the recent sale price of $1.7 billion to David Rubenstein (that comes with $600 million in free money from Maryland taxpayers), he wanted to confirm his Dundalk math with our financial advisor Leonard Raskin as to just how much money the Angelos family actually made while attempting to destroy the franchise for the fan base.

Authors and Books, Business, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News

The real value of a “fresh start” Baltimore Orioles ownership for MLB

Longtime author and baseball historian Barry Bloom of Sportico provides some historic perspective what the new Orioles ownership could mean for Baltimore and Major League Baseball as David Rubenstein and Cal Ripken step forward to unleash of the potential of a franchise that is blooming on the field and about to blossom with fresh energy.

Business, C-Suite, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, Local, Luke Jones, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Sports, Sports News, Technology

The fresh start of a new era of Orioles baseball in Baltimore

Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the new baseball season and Orioles fresh start at Camden Yards with David Rubenstein and Cal Ripken in front of things after three decades of tyranny. What changes come first and what have we seen so far in the first hours?

Sports business journalist Eric Fisher of Front Office Sports tells Nestor where new Orioles ownership can make progress right away

Sports business journalist Eric Fisher of Front Office Sports tells Nestor where David Rubenstein and the new Orioles ownership team can make progress right away. Things like a way to watch games on your mobile device and an All Star Game in Baltimore and real progress for the folks at MLB, who believe the franchise will finally reach its modern potential.

Authors and Books, Business, C-Suite, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, News, Orioles, Sports, Sports News, Technology

Pointing the Orioles in a new direction with MLB and the community

Sports business journalist Eric Fisher of Front Office Sports tells Nestor where David Rubenstein and the new Orioles ownership team can make progress right away. Things like a way to watch games on your mobile device and an All Star Game in Baltimore and real progress for the folks at MLB, who believe the franchise will finally reach its modern potential.

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ColumnNes, Community, Featured, Featured Home, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Local, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports News, State of Baltimore Sports Media, WNST Classic

Why did Chad Steele take my press credentials after 26 years of covering the Baltimore Ravens?

This is my story in my own words. Listen and learn about how the NFL treats the local media and avoids the tough questions and intimidates local media who have traveled and reported on Baltimore football since before Art Modell brought the Ravens here in 1995. What happened is wrong and here’s why…

Business, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Luke Jones, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, Orioles, Sports, Sports News

Another week of Angelos chaos and a $13 million closer

In a week of swirling rumors and the usual anarchy and chaos of Orioles ownership and the lease fiasco, at least Mike Elias landed a stopgap closer in Craig Kimbrel. Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the promise of new Orioles ownership and why the bullpen move makes sense in the short term for a team that believes it can win the World Series.

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