Do you love sports memorabilia, baseball cards and the history of the game? Let Robbie Davis Jr. of Robbie’s First Base tell you about the Saturday celebration at the Babe Ruth Birthplace and Museum before the Orioles and Marlins game. And allow Nestor to show you his amazing Luis Aparicio collection here.
robbie, card, year, orioles, babe ruth, graded, collections, talk, baseball, baltimore, steadman, crab cake, give, collectors, people, boys, picture, day, saturday, week
Robbie Davis, Nestor Aparicio
Nestor Aparicio 00:01
Looking back at wn st Towson, Baltimore, Baltimore positive or positively back out on the road doing the Maryland crab cake tour gonna be Coco’s on Thursday. That’s the 13th after the all star game then on the 20th We’re gonna be at the Beaumont and Catonsville be crab caked up this time you know, I haven’t used my crab mallet. Letter Raskin gave me this great crab man, I haven’t used it yet. I’m going to use it on August the third for our 25th anniversary gonna be giving away the scratch offs in the Maryland lottery. When Joe had a guy with 100 bucks down to faith he’s back on opening day had some lucky winners as well over spirits West also our friends in winter nation I get to wear the floppy hat doesn’t look as good as the Orioles. Miller Lite floppy hat, but it’s still a really cool window nation. Floppy Hat. This is a friend segment it is it’s the All Star Game week. I’ve known this guy since he was a little guy. Now. He’s a big guy, but not the big guy cuz that’s Robbie senior at Robins first base. Now he’s Robbie, Jr. And how old so this is my 25th year in NSA. You’ve been asked in the radio station many times I feel like I’ve known your old man may have been the first listener of mine wi th in 1991. Back with Kenny Albert. So you’ve had Robbie’s first bass, as long as I’ve known your dad was in the car business. I don’t know how old you are. I always think of you as being like 20 I know you’re not anymore, because I’ve seen your kids. But, but but I like always think of you. When did you meet me? Do you remember the first time like How old were you?
Robbie Davis 01:23
I would say the first time we met Nestor. I was probably between 2528 years old sometime around and then I came to work for my father. Well, number one, I’ve been working at that store since I was 10 years old. Now you
Nestor Aparicio 01:36
look like you were 18 when you were 25 Is that true?
Robbie Davis 01:39
Well, good, right? Yeah, I hope that’s true. Because that means I look like I’m 30 now and I’m 44 so that I like that.
Nestor Aparicio 01:45
But okay, so we’re about 11 years ago, okay? I don’t know how much older I am than any Hey, looks turning 40 This year, every time Luke says you know I was born in 1983 when you need your and I’m like, Oh my god. Poor guy. You know what I mean? Feed generation too late, but you’re leaving a little older than Luke so I always feel he was like the Robbie Jr. I always see who is this youthful guy and all that. But like all of these years of hobbying collecting, doing all that stuff. You got the TV show going on and all that stuff. I actually invited you on this week to do one of my favorite things, which is the Babe Ruth Museum, right? And you guys are doing a thing here this week. And a lot of you get together and Danny and other people I know who are in the hobby and in the in the business of collecting or maybe it was just one guy when I was a boy Shay Finn glass and chase the stallion world baseball right above the bank over here in Pennsylvania that just began.
Robbie Davis 02:41
That’s where I started collecting cards. And I think that’s a lot of where a lot of us in Baltimore started collecting cards. We started at Jay’s on Pennsylvania Avenue that we moved to Jays when he moved to York Road, we just followed J around and then probably like I said, 1989 When we opened we became Jays competition, which was interesting because we started as customers is but I tell you what, this card show that the baby’s museum was putting on the people would be refused the mic given Sean her and Katie Did they put this show on for the first time last year? And I’m telling you for I was there. I mean, it was crazy. It was amazing. For something that was a first time event. It was well organized, well attended.
Nestor Aparicio 03:22
And Boris was great to
Robbie Davis 03:24
it. bordick was great. The guests were great. It was absolutely a first class well ran event this year, year number two, they’re going to have Orioles best again, we don’t know who the guest is going to be rumor has it maybe I’ll Bumbry this year, but what we really do have this year is a really good group of dealers and collectors. We’re gonna have Danny for sportsball we’re gonna have us of course, Robbie’s first face but at Danny McKee, who is one of the most avid collectors in Maryland, this guy has one of the most impressive collections that you’ve ever seen. Last year he brought some of the most rare Babe Ruth and early Orioles cards to be on display at the museum. And he you know he did a little bit of extra exhibit down there last year where he was showing some people this year they’re gonna make a bigger deal out of haven’t Danny there and really show off some of that collection. This guy, I’m telling you, he’s got one of the best collections not only in the state of Maryland, but one of the best collections in the country. And he’ll have a lot of those Babe Ruth cards on display just when you
Nestor Aparicio 04:26
need it Aparicio. I got my whole box here for you. To show and tell with you if you want to do show Intel.
Robbie Davis 04:32
You can do show Intel and you did show Intel last year. Yeah.
Nestor Aparicio 04:35
I mean, I brought it all down. This is this is in the middle. This is Aparicio Heartland so I had a guy come up to me in the 90s. I want to say because I went to all the all star games, right? We talked about all our game. So it’s been 30 years this week. We we had a card show here as part of the fan fest, but it became like a big, big thing in Texas, Philadelphia. Few years after Atlanta, in the late 90s, every year the card show got bigger at the fan. And one year a guy came tapped me on the shoulder. And someone told him who I was. I might have been been wearing my oil aparece your jersey or some heck it was, Hey, I hear you’re related to Louie. He said, I got a mint condition, Heartland apery. And unlike where I said, I’ve been looking for that for 30 years, I saw one that was kind of beaten up years ago, and it had a tow plate. So in Nellie Fox, they had a tow plate they were missing. Yeah. And the guy brought it to me. So like, Look, man, it’s probably a $500 thing. Just 100 420 Whatever. I mean, it was not nominal. You give it to me. But he, he made it like I had to buy it. So I’ve had it all of these years. It’s It’s perfect. It’s in perfect shape. He’s been great. We look a little bit of like, right, like maybe a little bit.
Robbie Davis 05:50
Yeah. Very much. So you’re a little more handsome than him?
Nestor Aparicio 05:54
Well, and you know, so I went back through all this collection and Louie signed so many of these. My favorites. Were always the catalogs, this is a 70 catalogs. And I have a 71 catalog. So very hard to get that one not beaten up. But here you go. This is the aparece, your rookie, 56. Rookie. And this one Yeah, worth a couple 100 bucks. Right. I mean, are you serious? This is serious car a really good condition to
Robbie Davis 06:17
Yeah, that’s a really good condition. That’s a card that you need to have graded right there. Really, but and that’s another thing I’d like to let folks know, that’s something else we’ll be doing at the show is that we’ll be there on site, we’ll let people will appraise people’s collections. Within reason, you know, don’t bring your whole entire collection down. You can do if you want to do that. Bring it to the store.
Nestor Aparicio 06:37
What about an autographed 56. Louis with that, is that better or worse? That’s standard about this that if if he signs it really signs it is does that make it worth more or less depends on it.
Robbie Davis 06:48
It makes it worth more now in the past, people didn’t want autographs for rookie cards, because there’s a collector that collects strictly rookie cards. And there’s a collector that collects
Nestor Aparicio 06:58
so in other words, the car to faces the car, even if it’s ink. No,
Robbie Davis 07:04
no, that’s a better card. Now, that is a better card with every show signature on it with them without his signature on it. There’s no question about it. And once upon a time, so
Nestor Aparicio 07:13
all of these that I have signed by him are it’s a good idea that I took the good idea seven are good. I do think that I took the 64 and the post as well see, I can identify all these items. Really, you know, I’m old school like that, you know, I know the difference between a 65. And let’s say 6161 60. Twos right here, panel. And all of these are sized so you think they’re worth where’s the 60? Don’t that sorry? 62. I’m sorry, I just saw the paneling on it. And I looked up and I’m like, I didn’t fail. You mean 6862. Okay, sorry. People don’t know how old school I was. I mean, I used to have a table when I was 1213 years old. Literally. I was a dealer. I had a table at the right. Yeah, my radio station holiday in Cromwell bridge. That’s where Jay did his event every year 1980 8182. I mean, I remember when Tebow Shelby was playing for the Orioles against the brewers. We had a card show over at the VFW hall on Old North Point Boulevard in Dundalk. Right? Tivo Shelby paying $500 He came over and signed it ever. Like I remember dealing baseball cards in my neighborhood. And you know, I got rid of a lot. And then I found that the George Brett school for like five grand is 75 grand. I mean, drives me crazy. And you’ve been in it from the beginning of the beginning. You Your Dad, it’s your business. And now you’re like on a television show again, right?
Robbie Davis 08:41
So we’re lucky enough to have been on a television show just over 10 years ago with all boys. Now the producers for ball boys they reached out to us again and now we’re making another show called the golden touch.
Nestor Aparicio 08:51
Can I tell you what pisses me off about ball boys? Okay, they didn’t come back. So listen, I’m going to talk bad about friends of mine all right, okay, if anybody knows the people over chats, over roof I grew up in chat I chase girls in the bar in the disco, a pit beef and I ate her father’s food glove is up next to G and a Coney Island hot dog and I say this I go into chaps and I go into more than I admit because they have great sandwiches but they’re not a sponsor, which keeps me out and Bob knows that you know and they know this. Every time I go in there to get a sandwich and I went the other day I’ll have you know onions will Tiger sauce on their barbecue. You got pictures at the front of the counter autographed probably senior Robbie everybody’s ball boys and I get my face on the wall. I feel like I’m in the middle of do the right thing right now but what some people on the wall you can afford boys. You’re right. That’s the guy for Yeti over there. I’ve been five times you might have seen what either one of you have a chat.
Robbie Davis 09:56
Well, I’m gonna do chaps one up. We’re gonna start the Robbie’s first face Hall of Fame and I’m gonna make you the inaugural inductee. How do you feel about that? I’m gonna put your picture I’m telling
Nestor Aparicio 10:04
you what is in the front window and I am because I have a Wikipedia page with a bunch of lies and issue on it. That was brought up to me this week again. I have eaten more chaps pit V sandwiches than any one who’s famous maybe even not famous in this city. Because I’m from that side of town. It was from near my house on cage. Yeah, like I go in there and a bowl boys are right next to die for Yeti. I just want you to know that this is they just put my picture on the wall and Costas and it’s only because monkeys in it. I took a picture of Bucky and because my wife’s pretty so they put her in it, but like I’m not on anybody’s wall anywhere in the city. And after 25 years, it pisses me off to see the ball boys next to guy for Yeti and I don’t just they could just put a little picture up they wouldn’t even eat sandwiches,
Robbie Davis 10:55
so don’t let it bother you don’t let it bother you. We’re gonna get you on the gonna tell. We have
Nestor Aparicio 11:03
to understand gardens but
Robbie Davis 11:04
we have Sweet Lou to thank for being on that wall. But let me tell folks this show king of collectibles. The golden touch is produced by Peyton Manning, Jimmy Kimmel, Brent Montgomery Brembo Gummer. He’s one of the top reality producers in the country. And obviously everybody knows who Jimmy Kimmel and Peyton Manning are. I believe that this season one that we just did is the tip of the iceberg for the show for collectors. six episodes of a 30 minute show are just not enough. But what we needed. Were mainstream America, just people that enjoyed sports, watch TV, we needed those people to enjoy the show. And it was an absolute hit. It was top 10 on Netflix for the first three weeks in the US. And it just it just did so well. That I would be absolutely shocked if there weren’t a season two in the works within the next couple of months.
Nestor Aparicio 11:54
I have something for Ken golden, you know, that’s right. You know this right. Now, you’ve seen this before, right? And only people seeing this. I think I’ve put it on the show. Once or twice. I’ve actually shown it to hunt auctions. I’ve shown it to Robbie. I’ve shown it to people at the Hall of Fame at the NFL Hall of Fame. I believe I have something that nobody else has. I believe it’s a one of a kind item. I believe it’s the first of a kind item. I think we could all agree that the Super Bowl has become the ultimate event in a modern American entertainment medium. And we can all agree that Super Bowl one and Super Bowl two weren’t called Super Bowls. They were called the first annual and second annual AFL NFL championship game. Kansas City Chiefs, Green Bay Packers Lombardi all that LA Coliseum that is now called Super Bowl one. But on that day it was not called the Super Bowl by anybody that tickets don’t say Super Bowl. It wasn’t called the Super Bowl on the air. But that day in LA John Steadman was a media member John Steadman walked into the press box and was given this thing that says first annual Superbowl it says the word Superbowl on it. I believe that this and it is it’s as legitimate as legitimate is because apparently, Steadman was the runner who went down to the locker room and actually talked to Vince Lombardi at halftime, I have all of the game notes. This is you could still, you could smell this. Remember when they ran the data was off on this, right? And then there’s the flip card that Steadman wrote in, in his handwriting on both sides of the flip card. So this is a Super Bowl, one flip card, which to me is probably how many of those exists, and in any way. And then these are all of the game notes. And this was actually distributed by the people at Disneyland, as part of the halftime show that Disneyland Hotel, you can see it at the bottom. These are the press notes that were distributed that day. So I think I have something for Ken gold and so you let him know.
Robbie Davis 14:07
We will we will we need that to be a season two piece.
Nestor Aparicio 14:11
Well paid man holding the first ever thing that ever said Super Bowl be kind of cool. I think it would
Robbie Davis 14:16
be it would be and I’ll tell you that’s the cool thing about the show is that athletes are now athletes have the best collections and media members have the best collections of anybody because they have more access to things than anybody. And what we’re finding on this show is that we have a trove of athletes that are just ready to bring their items to auction that they’re just waiting in line. So this thing could really be never ending I mean, the amount of things that were turned down, and some of the most impressive things that were turned out like for instance, we had a Wilt Chamberlain suit that he wore to the Playboy Mansion in the 70s it was it was awesome. And that didn’t even make the show. I mean it was one of the coolest pieces I’ve ever seen. We had the photo match we had the everything I had the rabbit’s foot hanging from it. It had a little bit of like he looked like we might have spilled a drink or somebody spilled a drink on him on the sleeve. Still had that on the sleeve. It was it was amazing. It was a piece that was
Nestor Aparicio 15:11
fun. I want a Playboy Mansion what we want to auction that or no.
Robbie Davis 15:16
Did you What did you wear a whole outfit?
Nestor Aparicio 15:18
It wasn’t seven foot one.
Robbie Davis 15:22
That was the cool thing about the Wilt Chamberlain when you held the pants up, they were up to your shoulder. Their pants were just, I mean it was it was it was amazing. But like that is the level of memorabilia that’s out there and the things that people have and that are going to come to auction I really think this season two is gonna happen.
Nestor Aparicio 15:41
Can you get me Joe NamUs llamas skin rug if maybe Robbie Davis Jr. Robin Davis, it says on the screen, or you find him over Robbie’s first page. You can find him this weekend that at the Babe Ruth Museum, they’re doing their annual card show. Gift the be my best album pre I know we’re celebrating 83 here in a couple of weeks. I want to talk a little baseball with you. I mean, it shows great and I get a hard time at the ball boys go to the lottery and a crab cake tour. But this season in the business you’re in and listen, I say this to Cal Ripken I say to marooned anybody that’s in the baseball space. What Peter Angelos has done to this city. And me and people like me and fans turning people off and bad baseball, and just all of that the trickle down of what the value of Cal Ripken memorabilia is or what the value of the iron birds would be or what the value of baseball in general would be. When they’re losing 100 games. Boy, boy, this is this is a new start for them. I don’t want to say, you know, we gave John angelos, a fresh start. And then he started lying on Martin Luther King Day, which you know, it’s just offensive to everybody but certainly Dan Connolly yelling at him open the books, all that lies aside what’s going on on the field, and what’s going on with young people in the city level. And the fact that baseball is relevant again, at a time when ravens are relevant. We’re a real sweet spot hear me we you came over to my place when during the plague and took a bunch of items and I didn’t want any more off walls and got rid of them for me and whatnot. And, you know, think about where we were when sports wasn’t even playing right? Back to where we are now where this is, we have a real going concern about championships around your run.
Robbie Davis 17:26
I’m gonna say this and this is a strong statement to make and you’re old school so you can validate this or you know, this is the best position the Orioles have ever been in, in their entire history of the franchise. They have never had this many prospects either knocking on the door or come to fruition. At the same time. I don’t care what generation what era oriels you look at. They’ve never had
Nestor Aparicio 17:49
I would fully agree with that even greige Coggins, you know, Bunbury, we could talk about that. Yeah,
Robbie Davis 17:54
but you’re talking about a gunner Henderson that was the number one prospect he’s in the big leagues at least number one prospect Jackson Holliday a number one prospect. I’m talking number one major league baseball prospect, not just number one Orioles prospect. These guys are going to be in Baltimore together. That’s unheard of you don’t see this. They’re hidden. They’re clicking on all cylinders. The Angelo’s family aside, the front office, the scouting department, the player development, they’re doing it all right, and they’re hitting me they’re hitting on every cylinder. And it’s amazing to see all these draft picks come to fruition because nobody does that. They didn’t even do that in Houston they missed on guys in Houston like guys like Mark a belt, but they’re hitting on every single guy. And, you know, people sometimes complain about their keeping some of the guys out of the minor leagues a little too long. But I tell you, what it is doing is that when they bring these guys like Westberg and Couser up, they’re ready to play right away. What occurs, the eye gets here, he’s gonna be ready to play right away. I know because they’re
Nestor Aparicio 18:48
not gonna bring him up because they, you know, they can play Hicks. They can play your riffs, they can they can play if Westberg can’t make it if Henderson doesn’t learn, you know, I mean, and it’s it’s true. I mean, Mao castles now the guy were like, Well, is he a diver or is he not and for some career, they’re they’re not gonna let you get to 20 if you’re Aaron Fraser then they’re just going to make room safe they know pitching you’re not good enough and I love for Zimmerman, but he’s gonna be bubbled out and then Grayson Rodriguez is gonna you talk about guys that haven’t. Yep. Crazy, guys means the things that haven’t worked out well for the hall.
Robbie Davis 19:29
Do Hall believe it’s good. Gellin Kate Evans? Yeah, all these guys have, you know, and some of those guys aren’t going to come to fruition just hasn’t happened yet. But I tell you what, this is a perfect time, a great time to be a young baseball fan and Baltimore, we’ve got it. We’ve got an exciting team, because of the rule changes that sped the game up so it keeps people are more interested in engage. And we’ve got a core of players that aren’t going anywhere, at least doesn’t look like they’re going anywhere. You know, we’ve got guys that you can count on being here for three, four or five years and Just that’s an exciting time I’ve never seen anything like this in Baltimore I really really haven’t. And even thinking back like you said all the days are Grich Coggins. Bumbry this that the other even with town Eddie, you know they weren’t come at the same time. We’ve never had a group of guys like this all at the same time. It’s, it’s amazing what they’re doing. And I can just I hope and pray that we can keep this front office intact that these guys that run this club, don’t want to get out of here.
Nestor Aparicio 20:26
Robbie Jr’s over posting USA Robbie’s first base, some plug your place, don’t worry about your hours. And you know, everybody knows we’ll find you and you’re off door. And then we’ll talk a little bit more about Saturday what’s going on data papers?
Robbie Davis 20:38
Absolutely. Well, Robbie’s first base we’ve been on York originally road for 35 years now. We buy shell sports memorabilia baseball cards, we also help people do fundraisers. And by that what I mean is we give you our sports memorabilia on consignment at no charge to us your fundraising event, whatever you sell that item for over what we asked for, you simply give us that amount. Everything over that is yours. If you don’t sell the item, you just give it back to us. So it’s really a win win. But the baseball cards and the grading of baseball cards since 2020 has been our number one thing, selling wax bags, baseball cards, selling graded cards, selling baseball cards in general, because like what we just said the Orioles have gotten five six guys now that people call every day they want to Jackson holiday rookie card, they want to Adly rushman rookie card now they want to Westberg gonna Couser rookie card, you know, people were excited. And it’s been great for us. Because we’ve been doing this for so long. We’ve seen the ups downs and backs arounds and now it’s like, now we finally have something to be excited about. And I love having people come in. Even if for new collectors, we were really getting to the point now where we’re getting new collectors in the business. Like you said Nestor, you said used to be a dealer and have a table that shows well that’s what these kids are coming into the store. Now. Their dealers with tables that shows except for their tables at shows aren’t tables at shows. They’re selling cards on eBay, or selling cards on whatnot. And it’s exciting. Did you see kids get excited about that stuff? Fathers and sons.
Nestor Aparicio 22:09
You may get behind number 61 All Star game. That’s meant Dude, I don’t know what the behind numbers right? And then I got my beaten up 58 That’s got chuck on holes in a hole. I gotta get a new 58. But so if I bring you the 56 and it’s in a nice little container. If I bring the 56 Louis That’s autograph. What do you
Robbie Davis 22:28
do? Well, if you wanted to get a grade, we can have the autograph branded, as well as the card graded. Or we could just have the autograph in order
Nestor Aparicio 22:36
for me to sell it. I’d have to get it graded, right basically,
Robbie Davis 22:39
not necessarily. That’s not that’s not necessarily true. Most cards are sold without being graded. But this cards is sold for the most money or cards that had been graded. And it also gives people a comfort level. If you’re selling cards on the internet, like most people do, because they don’t have a shop to sell it to or shop to sell it through. They need to have their card graded so that I can look at the cards. You may look at a card and say probably this card is meant and I may look at a card say Nah, that card is in excellent condition which
Nestor Aparicio 23:08
also needs to be authenticated. Right. That right over here sign and Louise named all this
Robbie Davis 23:13
correct. But if we if we get that authenticated and the card graded, it puts a definitive number on there that anybody can relate to.
Nestor Aparicio 23:20
All right, this weekend Saturday at the paper Saturday, Saturday Saturday, Orientals in town all weekend gonna be a hot stinker out there as well. What they can expect when they get down to the Babe Ruth is, I mean, beyond being the place where papers was born and all this cool magic, but you guys are doing literally you take the joint over. Just take over the hallway, each house and sell baseball cards itself cool stuff.
Robbie Davis 23:44
It’s awesome. If it’s anything like last year, which I know is gonna be better this year, people really are in for a treat. It’s 10 to five on Saturday, we’re going to have live card breaks, which a lot of the collectors will know what that is, guys and VIP guests and door prizes. Raffles, some q&a with whoever the Orioles guest is. And more importantly, you’ve got to have a lot of cards down there for people to buy. And we’ll also be able to tell you what your things are worth. Like you just said you know, that 56 ap ratio, that sign people have things like that they want to know what it’s worth, just come on in, come down, show it to us, we’ll give you an idea of what your card is worth. What it may great at if you send it away to be graded and maybe we might even buy something from you that day. But it’s gonna be a really, really, really fun event. And I tell you it’s a 10 to five event with the Orioles playing the Marlins that night and giving away that soccer jerseys that’d be cool so people can make an all day event of
Nestor Aparicio 24:36
sadness is not worth anything but it’s one of my favorite pieces. This is literally on the Sunday pull out from the American you know, like this. So this one’s bed. It’s folded. Someone brought me I mean listeners. It’s my 25th anniversary coming up August 3 And I’m begging people to show me old pictures memories, road trips, share stories all that we’re going to be Costas on third and trucks and so forth. So a listener brought me this with the fold and then another listener brought me one that was perfect. Perfect. So the perfect one I have under glass, and it’s really the only sort of Aparicio related thing that I have under glass anywhere around here. I don’t know dude, I think I told you sir, I thought this stuff was stolen. All all of this Aparicio stuff I had a box I thought it had disappeared because things disappeared at the radio station over the course of time. And but this this reappeared about a year ago your time for your event last year, so I thought I pull it back out. Get down there Saturday, support Mike Gibbons support the Shawn everybody down at the paper Museum. Katie, give him my best if I don’t make it this Saturday. I’m sort of out of the fence of the summer and baseball and getting away and the beach and all sorts of things are happening. Fine. Robbie Davis out on the other Netflix with the television show. Free plug for Bob and Donna. Maybe I’ll get extra free onions on my sandwich next time I’m down there. But if you want to see the ball boys all you have to do is go to chaps and look there and his autographed pictures and Robbie Jr’s like all like this out on the field. You shoot that at Aberdeen? Was that picture taken?
Robbie Davis 26:13
That’s it Aberdeen
Nestor Aparicio 26:17
stared at that. Well, I’m looking at the menu and I already know what I’m going to order. I always wanted the same thing. But But I looked at all of it again. I want sausage. That what that Robbie can be found over York and originally there Robbie’s Force Base and postal USA if you need to mail it, Robbie’s there as well. And you know, Robbie Sr. I tell him don’t get his feelings hurt that I had you on. Now that you’re 21 Robbie, I want to have you on the show.
Robbie Davis 26:40
Okay, absolutely. He’s not I’ll let them down easy. Don’t worry.
Nestor Aparicio 26:44
Me. So Dennis is every he’s on the area three, four times a week and plenty of airtime because plenty of play. And you tell your old man and I mean this from my heart. Okay, we’re five years into crabcake touring. I would invite him out to have a crab cake, but he’s too busy work and I can’t trust the place Junior around here. How am I gonna leave? How am I gonna leave for two hours? Come have a crab cake you up at Pappas. So you let him know that I’m doing the oyster tour. And now your old man’s old because I know how
Robbie Davis 27:09
he loves oyster. Yeah, you need oysters when you get old I
Nestor Aparicio 27:12
store. Here’s the story. I’m doing 25 oysters from my 25th anniversary. Okay, I was gonna do in 25 days. I don’t know that I’m doing that. I think I may drag it out. So I can do it the right way. But yeah, I’m old enough now to go to the pepper mill. Ah, right. Yeah, I’ll be 55 Yeah, I’ll be old enough.
Robbie Davis 27:31
So here’s the spring chicken.
Nestor Aparicio 27:33
I’ve worked. They have really good like oyster stew or something. They’re
Robbie Davis 27:36
they they do have good food. I have been there.
Nestor Aparicio 27:40
Well, your old man’s old he takes you in You look like you’re helping him. So I kept the folks at the Peppermill but I want your dad to join me at the Peppermill Well, I tell you what, I want you to join me so I’m not the young guy.
Robbie Davis 27:54
Or we can do that. Do me you Robbie senior at the Peppermill do oyster. What is the oysters? We’re gonna
Nestor Aparicio 28:01
figure it out. I’m gonna I’m just I’m just making dates with people rob that’s all I’m doing man.
Robbie Davis 28:06
All right. All right, done. Deal. I’m there. Let’s make it happen. Robbie is there
Nestor Aparicio 28:09
find him on Netflix find them at the checkout at chaps find them over your camera actually find them on Saturday at the Babe Ruth Museum. Just sounds like there’s four of them. There’s only one of them. And they broken the mold when they created posted. There’s no other place in the world like Robbie’s first base postal USA get over New York and originally longtime sponsor supporter friends, although I think I’ve lost dad’s friendship now that I’ve had the kid on but we’ll figure that out. I am Nestor. We are wn SDA and 5070, Towson Baltimore. We never stopped talking crabcakes and Baltimore positive