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A Weis strategy for entertaining for “The Big Game” on Sunday

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Dennis Curtin and Nestor discuss snacks and strategies for Super Bowl weekend and stocking the party for the last game of the season. Kansas City BBQ or Philly pretzels?


wise, year, ice cream, big, wife, flavors, points, tour, maryland, eggs, people, friends, baltimore, eating, interviewed, markets, holiday, super bowl, rock, road

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

Looking back at W and S, T, Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive still broadcasting and high definition mono am 1570 sound, make sure you’re setting a place on the dial as we move into our 25th year celebrating the August 3 1998. We open wn St. We’ll be celebrating all year long with great sponsors and great friends. And we’re trying to figure some things out for some reengagement. It’s fun, moving after Super Bowl time, but in the meantime, we’re doing the Maryland crab cake tour this week we are in Catonsville at State Fair come on out. We’re having breakfast. It’s a bunch of friends of mine. It’s been a little you know Super Bowl time and a little Raven hangover Talk brought to you by the Maryland lottery. I’ll be giving away some holiday cash drops scratch offs. We’re this close to getting the wishbone 50th anniversary, Maryland lottery scratch offs that will be for next week and we got show set up a truck city we’re setting up a show at fade Lee’s as well. So good, good stuff happening. also brought to you by our friends at window nation. 8669 you nation, make sure you checking them out, you buy two you get two free and you get a better deal than me, which is 0% financing. I paid up front because that’s where I roll but if you can’t roll that way, they’ll take your carry 866 90 days. We call these wise conversations. It’s been a long time probably crabcake tour last summer. I probably had you know flip flops on and shorts and was galavanting around like I don’t know late tro Pennsylvania last time that that is curtain and I got together. So I got all of this Thanksgiving I put on the weight that I put on more weight at Christmas time. And I had I had both sides of this of the holiday treats. And then there’s the Christina saying hey, man, we got to get into the veggies into the new year. So I always love having Dennis on because it always turns into a travelogue and fun and I know he’s a sports guy too. So with the big game coming up we got to talk some tailgating and another wise conversation the director well thanks public relations and old school and we welcome Dennis curtain back onto the program to enlighten us and have a little bit of fun. What’s going on man? How are you? How was your holiday? Did you use your 400 reward points to get your hand the way I did because I was saving up?


Dennis Curtin  02:09

I did and I I brought it home and we we had a nice ham dinner the day after Christmas because we were we planned Christmas like clockwork and my family.

Nestor Aparicio  02:21

Well see it’s kind of different for us right my wife got cancer in 14 and 15th so she now spends more time with her family and goes up to New Hampshire for like most of December. They go to baking classes they you know they do they go to the King Arthur baking thing and she comes home with croissants and Piper, all of this stuff that I don’t need December 26 Seven days it sounds good on Week Four crisp start eating Greek cookies and I get into the pastry. I’m not picking up all sorts of you guys tempt me in your pastry but I’m an ice cream guy at heart you know so like I just wanted to have some post-holiday props and show you how much ice cream that I ate. So this is limited edition cinnamon goes great with Apple goes great with cinnamon goes great with pumpkin pie. mincemeat pie pecan pie, I know all of these things. And those little pies you guys sell for a buck in the front. They got me this year so yeah, that ice cream went on to the top of that. But I gotta tell you I’m so proud of myself Dennis and I wanted to get Jamie on and she’s stalking me again in the new year but I’ll get her on at some point, though. I was going to have her on for Elvis his birthday, but I am I really learned how to use my app really well last year. WISE was schooling me I was up in Sunbury doing the ice cream tour, and they made me like learn my password and my rewards, and then how to do it and how many points I’ve spent. And I had like $4,900 spent last year wise. And I was at point short because I had used my points at Thanksgiving and like whatever. And I went on a little spree so I could get my hand. And here this is true. And I went in and like the 23rd of December, and you would think there’s a ham shortage during this hams are big, you’re fine. Yeah, but whatever I want. I picked up the wrong blue tinfoil and they’re like, no, no, you gotta get the red. Okay, I picked it on the one I’m so proud of myself. I think my little reward put that felt so young, you know. And so I check out get home I got this giant hand and my wife’s donor, the man who has saved her life twice on the bone marrow reg. Okay. From Germany was bringing his family here. His wife were coming in Boardman and resorts Romney so they were here for the entire holiday season and they were coming in so they were eating our American ham dinner with my kielbasa and sauerkraut that wise markets all over the Northeast Baltimore wise, we talked about regional in the way you guys do your business, but you have Ostrowski from backstreet, same as I’ve always had it for 54 years of my life, and we had this beautiful dinner and the ham gets left over my house status and my wife loves soups. So I made a vat of split pea soup that I had refused to share with my son and his wife because it’s too good to share with them. Oh yeah. And then we bean soup my mom made butter bean soup with potatoes, tomatoes, and fresh ham. And we are I got six bags of bean soup and three bags of split pea soup still in my freezer, the holidays and the wise reward points. I just want you to know, they keep giving and they will continue to give throughout the spring. Life is good. Life is very free. What’s going on with wise markets? I mean, I know. We’ve got a lot happening with football and we’re not in the big game. But the Eagles you know, we’ll see we’ll find out here soon. But you guys do so many things around. Tailgating season football season holiday, but the biggest eating holiday of all every dollar spent when I go out to the last 28 Super Bowls that I’ve attended now, right? It’s all about snack foods, right? Thing names Wingdings

Dennis Curtin  06:05

prepared pre Chili’s. What’s cool, it’s funny Thanksgiving in the Super Bowl have this big contest as to who the biggest food day is for my money I think it’s Thanksgiving but you know Super Bowl you can make a good argument for them with with Super Bowl it’s a lot of you know, crock pot kind of meals, pre prepared chilies, bean soup, all those all those things that you can bring with you sort of a potluck event or, you know, you’re hosting a party and you’ve prepared everything that week and you can actually watch the game instead of work your own party. And then I mean for people like me who don’t cook, we have a platter program, deli C foods, fruit and veggies that’s built for every budget. So yeah, I mean, you call it a charcuterie

Nestor Aparicio  06:58

and accrued ite or crew crew to to add I don’t even know how to say it. But but it’s, it’s, it’s accessible is what we’re seeing. Right?

Dennis Curtin  07:07

Yeah, I mean, we have we have charcuterie with the big ones are like, like hoagie trays, you know, like, like, like sandwich trays, fruit and veggie tray shrimp trays. And we do all of those they can be ordered online, they can be ordered in store, we have pre packed platters as well, in the point is today’s supermarket. We’re in the business of offering value and choices and that’s what you get when you’re getting ready for the big game.

Nestor Aparicio  07:36

Well, that is starting to hear he is from wise markets. He is all thanks, PR public. I’m gonna double PR for you right now with wise because I was in the other day. I mean, we shop pretty much exclusively wise, right? I mean, we know you see my point. So when we’re, I mean, we’re not the people that shop every 10 days, right? Like our why we have I’m not kidding you. We have Fiat and Nick’s gonna be mad at me because he’s honey go in. He’s mad at me because I don’t come into his location or honey. I’m like, it’s just a little. It’s like a sixth furthest one away. And I bet it’s not six miles away. I mean, I have several choices, different sizes, old Mars, all of that. But we went into I’ll call an hour wise this week, and on the way in my wife and we were just picking up a few things. Just get some coconut water, we need to melt we need fruit. I’m a big strawberry, blueberry, raspberry banana, and almost every day in my life, fresh cereal, all of that right. So I begin my day healthy and that’s you know, that’s just important to me. But we walk in and she says to me, I’m gonna move from rice pudding. And I’m like, All right, I think they can handle that. It’s called Mr. Ron’s it says on the on the label in the deli, we went over to deli and we’re not big deli people. I don’t get a lot of I mean, I do see all of the deli things but we’re not big deli people. But we went over to the deli and I know right where the the rice pudding is. And there’s Macaroni and Cheese and Potato south. Oh, that’s their coastal all that. I’m always like, they don’t have any. I’m like, the nice people back here slicing the meat these people here. They want to make us happy. And he called back and said hey, how are you any rice pudding today? She says how much you need. And I said all right, so next thing you know, we have some rice pudding here, but you talk about the delis and all of that. That is that’s game day right? I mean little bit and around here. It’s going to be shrimp with you know, some local Chesapeake Bay seasoning, you know and seafood and, and it’s certainly anything crab oriented and dip and crap dips. Those are all going to be a big part of what we’re doing around here. Especially as we we sit with our nose pressed up to the glass waiting for our turn. You know, it’s our 10th anniversary this year, the last Super Bowl so 10 year we’re going to 10 year itch around. You’re dead in Baltimore, so we’re tired of meeting other people’s dip on Super Bowl Sunday, you know?

Dennis Curtin  09:48

Yeah, no, I get that. It was a tough season for the Ravens.

Nestor Aparicio  09:53

You’re gonna rub it in. Sorry, Mike, I know. You’ve been anywhere good lately you and I use We get off of a topic here. And we’ll talk rounding up and we’ll talk more and all that stuff. But you said some interesting things to me about getting out. And and this is the interesting thing for me planning the crab cake tour, right? So it’s my 25th anniversary. This is my third year of planning crab cake tours. And it’s the first one without sort of the gray clouds of the pandemic, in that I’m planning this, I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I’m hoping, I mean, last year alone, and I know you’re big music guy, and I guess that’s why I’m sort of suckering you into this conversation. But last year, I went to concerts because it was all saved up, right? And I’m about to go on the road with Springsteen. Next week. Everybody that knows me knows that. I’m going to be seeing Bruce in the most affordable ways possible, including up in State College on I believe it’s a march 16 I’ll be up that’s

Dennis Curtin  10:47

gonna be a great show, because that’s not a big venue. Oh, yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  10:50

man, he’s gonna play lion stand. It’s gonna be unbelievable. So I love concert. But last year, I really, at the end of the year, you take stock while I’m eating the leftover ham and all the leftover goodies and pan atony and some of them really cinnamon ice cream and all the eggnog ice cream, all the stuff I had. I thought about the year and I thought I went to Oakland, California for a long weekend to see Pearl Jam. remembers that their band COVID It was it was just a free for all. They had a 15 year old kid playing drums from you know, Loma point because they didn’t have a drummer, right. It sounds like the who. Yeah, I went to New York last year to see John Mayer. And I was so geeked up for the sob Rock Tour. And he comes out with an acoustic guitar. He’s like, my whole band, Scott COVID. I’m making it up as I go. And we’re gonna you know, so there, I saw sticks and JY God bless him friend of mine from sticks. His wife passed away this year, he had all sorts of in and out of the band some nights he was in the band, some lighting. So I am and Bruce is bringing a bunch of folks, somewhere between your mind age and some you know, you’re out on the road to do at dates. And I am just celebrating that I’m alive, that he’s alive, that we’re alive that we can praise Clarence Clemons and Danny Federici and you know, my friend knows law friends. Like I am so excited about music. And you suckered me into this because you saw some great shows last year, and you’re bragging about it.

Dennis Curtin  12:13


I did. I did. I don’t think I was bragging. But I was fortunate. My sister got me into Wilco 20 Some years ago, and they did a Anniversary series of anniversary concerts. And I saw them in New York City. Upper East Side, I believe. And they did a straight run through of Yankee hotel, Yankee Foxtrot hotel. And then they did a bunch of other songs, you know, that finish out the show. And it was a fabulous show. They’re they’re a great band. They make their living on the road. They do albums as well. And they’re always quirky, they’re always fun. They have great fans. But for me, the highlight of the year was I liked Midnight Oil. I’ve always liked them. I’ve been following them around for 30 plus years seeing their concerts. I’ve seen them in big venues in North America and smaller venues in North America. And they never failed to deliver a great show. And they ended their touring career this year, and I saw their last three shows in North America and it was fabulous. And just remind you how much fun live music is. And just the fact that you’re going somewhere. You and I were talking off screen about getting on a plane and going places and for last three years I’ve been going to cities throughout the Mid Atlantic, Washington, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, I’ve been having a great time but I’m going to expand this year maybe the Americans half so

Nestor Aparicio  13:42

well. I know you and I had talked several times on my crabcake tours because there are wise locations in Western Maryland and on the Eastern Shore and in Southern Maryland. And I passed by in August looking for gold watermelon and coconut water the things that I eat and and just finding gems I mean, it’s been a gift to me for my sponsors like yourself, I mean obviously the Maryland lottery and win donation as well as goodwill who put me on the road to doing these amazing things where I now have I’ve no longer can say rocky gap and and Deep Creek Lake and anti dome or things that I’ve seen on a map or seen on 70 Right drive into Pittsburgh, my wife and I did the most incredible thing this summer we went up to La Trobe and spent the day with Coach Tomlin and rain but her way home we stopped you know outside of Somerset at the 911 site and

Dennis Curtin  14:35

yeah, just it’s a beautiful it’s it honors the victims that it makes you remember how fortunate we are and then yeah, it’s really

Nestor Aparicio  14:43

embarrassed I for 15 years I’ve been driving past there right past you know, a lot of your locations on that road where the the purple turns to black and gold. I think you know what I’m talking about right around Hagerstown, you know as you move north but I I’ve driven by it so many times and It’s not that I didn’t want to get off or think to get off. I’m usually on the way to a Steelers game to be really honest with you every year, we’re up and back. And I had never thought of a raven road trip would the bus want to stop and putting that in, like we’re gonna build an hour and a half to jump off there. And it’s not an hour and a half. I mean, you can spend an hour on each spend three days there, I think, but but it is very close to the road. And I think I would just say to anyone of all the things I saw last year, and it was the Maryland crabcakes or even though I bled into Pennsylvania, I had bled into West Virginia, Delaware to win the Tour, but don’t tell anybody. I said to Dan Rodricks, we were we were out fly fishing out in the lower northern Eastern Potomac. It’s a funny, it’s a place called Luke, Maryland, near Williamsport, Maryland, around the water, and we’re fly fishing. And I said to Dan, I said, I think it’s a legendary Baltimore Sun columnist who just did this beautiful, you know what I’m going to do for you when he does his one man show I’m going to bring you down to Baltimore, and we’re going to sit over at the museum art and see Dan who was one man history of Baltimore last 75 years. It’s unbelievable. But Danville Fisher I’m gonna catch anything. And I said to him, we better not catch any of those West Virginia fish. I don’t want any of those West Virginia for this year. I gotta get some Maryland fish but I did have a good time. That is Curtis here. He is in Pennsylvania up in the Sunbury where our friends from wise markets do all of them the most important things. Has it been since the last time we got together that I did the tour? Have you haven’t done the show since I went in and put the little hat on and had fun, right?

Dennis Curtin  16:32

Yeah, it’s been a while I can’t recall.

Nestor Aparicio  16:36

When’s the last time you went into your own dairy facility? Put the little hat on like Laverne and Shirley and walked around and watched how they make these delicious concoctions because it really, I you can see from my smile, I had a really good time. I think we had a little lunch and then I left you you never got to see how happy it made me but oh, yeah, time. Oh, yeah.

Dennis Curtin  16:59

In the fall, there was a time when we made ice cream sandwiches there. We don’t do that anymore. And they’d come off the line and a freshly made ice cream sandwiches. You know, just, it’s grace.

Nestor Aparicio  17:12

Well, the day I was there was molten salt to the ER and it was coming out soft. So it was like I don’t want to promote, you know, the DEQ people, but I’ll give him a little it was like a blizzard. You know what I mean? It was like, I was perfect, you know, then

Dennis Curtin  17:26

it goes into like a 29 below zero room. And then that’s how it gets its consistency.

Nestor Aparicio  17:32

That’s snobby about ice cream at this point and the sort of like and it’s weird because I love vanilla bean because it just goes with other pastry things. And my wife like already admitted my wife likes making pies and different things like that. Canella beans sort of complements, we got a molten chocolate thing going on. It’s so we got to wait till we get vanilla bean in order to have that we won’t make that until we have you know the appropriate thing. But the wise market tradition of making ice cream is fascinating. But more than that, I got into the little room where all the computers are running everything. Yeah, I got my hat on. I’m talking to the scientists computer dairy nerds about all flavors. They have all the boxes from 1978 in there like the empty boxes of all these flavors that have funny names and things like that. And I got to ask the real people. How do I get a flavor online? How do I get my mystery pineapple macadamia nut Hawaiian flavor with Mara Tino cherry stuff? How do I how do I get a flavor? And then my wife and I were wise. This was the other day when she got the rice but I didn’t get the ice cream this time. But I went into the ice cream aisle because I always do you got some sort of bubble gum thing. I mean, they come up with things there. They really do.

Dennis Curtin  18:41

They do and they’re always testing and it you know, staying in shape and, you know, testing ice cream, sometimes it’s a struggle. But those guys are hard working and they’re in pretty good shape all things considered that they’re testing ice cream, not non stop, but they get pitched flavors, it’s almost people, you know, manufacturers processors come in and say hey, here are some of the flavor suppliers not processors. Here are some of the new flavors and sometimes years ago it was rocky road was the big thing. I mean it’s just it’s a really wild creative part of the business where you get to try flavors and we’re not the only ones others you know for you guys do it as well. But you know we make 60 flavors so we’re always rotating in and out. We had an orange cream this year for the first time I can remember and it was fabulous. It is fabulous. It’s so

Nestor Aparicio  19:40

high that nobody gave me a tip on that.

Dennis Curtin  19:42

Well consider yourself tip.

Nestor Aparicio  19:44

Alright, well it’s it’s coming back then. Maybe

Dennis Curtin  19:45

I think it’s still out there. Oh, it is still a bit like a push up is what you’re telling me old school. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And he can’t call it something else because everything’s patented but you know, an orange cream ice cream. And that’s good lunch. Good.

Nestor Aparicio  20:02

You can’t use the sickle word or Korean any of those things. He is the director. Well, thanks public relations, choosing his words wisely as he must. And these wise conversations that we have here, you can follow all that they do add wise markets and by all means, and if I’ve learned anything during our partnership here going on three years now that is it, use your reward points gets a little ding, ding, make sure you’re using your app. It will save you gas. It will save you Joe on egg. Oh, I didn’t even get the chance to promote the eggs. This is an exceptional opportunity for you to talk about the SEC ag exceptional offer on the Do I have enough for one where I need 100 points, right?

Dennis Curtin  20:43

Yeah, 100 points. Here’s the thing, the 295 down to 90, then you’re golden. Here’s the thing. We all know that the price of eggs has surged to record highs. It’s a tricky time in terms of inflationary environment. We are certainly not the cause. I mean, there’s the avian flu epidemic that’s wiped out up to 10% of lane flocks in the United States. There’s grain fuel and energy cost increases for our processors. The result is it’s a perfect storm for inflation and egg prices are at a record high. But if you go to wise markets, and you use your card, and you’re a consistent shopper, we can help you out we have something that that’s in your sweet spot if you need eggs, one eggs, US eggs,

Nestor Aparicio  21:27

my wife, right? So when she bakes without eggs, it’s flop right? So who bakes

Dennis Curtin  21:31

eggs without eggs, you gotta have eggs, right? Exactly. And again, like in the holidays, like Thanksgiving and Christmas, hey, eggs are in high demand, which pushes the price upwards. So it’s like just all these factors that are beyond anybody’s control. But if you get 100 points, that’s basically $100 worth of spending, you can buy 18 wise quality large grade AAA eggs for dollar 49 And that’s a deal to beat the band. I mean, it’s just it’s a great price. It’s sort of the rewards we call it the rewards program and we don’t call it rewards for nothing. For shopping at wise markets are being a consistent customer. We want to offer quality and we do we offer convenience as well. We also understand that offering strong everyday values in giving customer choices and how they save money. And this is a good example. You can save on gas you can accumulate points for free him or you can get a great deal on dozen and a half wise quality large x.

Nestor Aparicio  22:32

Alright, this is where I’d say the time has come to say is Fair’s fair, right? That is currently I interviewed him back in the in the late 80s Because I know I have all these little micro cassettes that we use back in the day. They literally when I was a music critic of the evening sun from 1986 to 1992. And by the way, shameless free plug. I am in the movie to hammer Jack’s movie that is debuting on the fourth. I will be there with my dear friend John Allen from Child’s Play. So I was the music critic at hammer Jackson in that era. So I interviewed lots and let me interview David Bowie. I interviewed Jon Bon Jovi, you can find Dan Fogelberg, lots of deceased rock stars Clarence Clemons, you can find all that out of Baltimore as a free plug. But I would also say I when my wife was ill, I went through these tapes. And the tapes were still on little micro cassettes that I had a radio shack where because I had an expense account in 1988. My boss says why don’t you buy the tape recorder that has the the recording on the one tape, and then you can take the interview and hit play, which may be a little dangerous and illegal thing if you go back to you know, Ken Starr like but but I recorded these conversations and had them forever. And they were literally in a tuxedo cummerbund box from from hiking, literally. And they sat in there because they’ve said so there were 80 tapes in there with 300 interviews are now over at Hall of Fame Rock and Roll Hall of Famers, people keep going into the hall of fame that I interviewed back then like Pat Benatar and so I’m pulling them all out. And I’m gonna pull out the midnight oil and now that I know you haven’t done that one yet, but I haven’t done Paul Stanley from kiss or I haven’t done dusty Hill from ZZ Top. I mean, I had a lot of interviews that didn’t make the first 50 that I did but but I’m gonna go into somebody

Dennis Curtin  24:25

has to explain to me why Wilco at midnight oil are not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but

Nestor Aparicio  24:29

because it’s a fixed sticks isn’t in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I mean, kiss just got it. Yeah, brush barely got in. guitar in you know, yeah.

Dennis Curtin  24:39

i And again, I It’s a big, vast, you know, segment of music and it’s easy for people to get.

Nestor Aparicio  24:48

But my last name is Aparicio. And I’ve spent the last 31 years on the air argued about the Baseball Hall of Fame right? I came this close to being on the V one of the people that vote for the Football Hall of Fame. I’m in there In a small room of people, and I tell you, it’s a tough assignment, all my friends, and I’ll have them all on the next couple of weeks who had been voting like, I can’t tell you how much pressure there is the vote. I think the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame though I want them to get it right, I want them to get all the right bands in. So that it’s next time we get together, I’m going to pull all of my my mike Pacific belt buckles from the 1970s off the wall. But if I’m not going to know your rock and roll guy, we got to go to shove. So I appreciate you coming on and sharing your wisdom as well as rewards and the exceptional offer of using your reward points right now. It’s always good to visit with you,

Dennis Curtin  25:39

Nestor. Great to be with you Happy New Year to

Nestor Aparicio  25:41

and we’re both going to be going on a South travelogue before the next time we talk. So I’m looking forward to chatting with you about that all right. Okay. Start nice all thanks public relations for our friends wise markets up Sunbury, Pennsylvania, and he is dangerously close now that I have toured the facility dangerously close to the dairy facility and the ice cream line. I don’t know how they separate church and dairy where they are there that everybody’s not down there eating all twice

Dennis Curtin  26:06

a year. That’s my limit.

Nestor Aparicio  26:09 Get out to watch and get those delicious flavors, including the seasonal flavors. They don’t have the cinnamon anymore, but I did sneak some eggnog there. I did see how one more last gallon of that when I’m hanging out over there I am Nestor we are wn st am 5070, Towson Baltimore and we never stop talking. Baltimore positive and those wise conversations stay with us.

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