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Good Day Curio

As the Orioles promise to keep us twice as busy this week after the Ravens kept us up late on Monday night, Wendy Bronfein of Curio Wellness tells Nestor about the Good Day energy she needs when her toddler gets an overnight illness and work meetings come early in the morning.


people, oyster, feel, baseball, week, products, games, orioles, playing, wendy, ravens, years, win, day, feeling, high, good, energy, night, 26th anniversary


Nestor Aparicio, Wendy Bronfein

Nestor Aparicio  00:00


Music. Welcome home. We are W, N, S, T, am 1570 Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive. This is, you know, I’ve had the station 26 years. In a month or two, we’re celebrating our 26th anniversary. We’re going to have the oyster and crab motif here for our oyster tour. And the Maryland lottery has me Acosta having fun. My birthday is two weeks from now. We’re doing a big birthday celebration at Pizza Johns with our friends at Jiffy Lube, and eating pizza and cake and all that stuff. But I think about all the years that I’ve had the station, and all the years I’ve been on the year, 33 years now, I don’t know. Man, this is a big week. This is really big. The Buffalo Bills are in the Orioles are going to have home games. It’s sort of all or nothing, and a lot of folks get swept up in it. And I love having our guests on and our friends on, who love the Orioles, and we’ll be there fair square, and we haven’t seen enough playoff games here, even the sort of like, who are we playing? How many games? What time’s the game? I got kids now. I got to get a sitter. I got a job and a business. Wendy Brown, fine is. She’s our chief cannabis officer, and she comes here and usually educates us, and probably will today. She already told me she’s dragging and using her own products today, so I’ll let her get to that. You know, Wendy Luke and I get after it with sports and the game and Josh Allen and Sunday night football, and how’s the defense? And you know, he’s four, he’s played like all this stuff in the wnst. Tech service is now back out, servicing over 6000 folks. You can join that by texting, 410, 821, wnst, that’s 410-821-9678, just text, join and you get on our text service. You get our news. Our new service is back the football team’s like, struggling, and the baseball team’s coming. I’m a sports guy, and this is a week where I’m, like, you have tickets for the games and you’re going down. This is a week where you’re going to need some energy. Wendy,

Wendy Bronfein  01:57

yes, I know it’s I know. I’m, well, I’m still kind of a little bit more leaning Orioles right now than ravens as I watch for them to make it farther and farther. Hopefully we

Nestor Aparicio  02:09

wake up Monday morning and they’re one and three. You know, like Sunday night’s going to be Nip Tuck the whole way. I’m going to sit and watch football all day. Sunday I’m putting my my oyster tour, presented by curio wellness and foreign daughter, in conjunction with our friends at Liberty, pure solutions that got the chia seeds out of my teeth before the segment one, 800 clean waters the way to find them. Just like the oysters keep the bay clean. They’re key. They’re making me run and getting me hydrated. And I’m telling you the baseball thing. I keep talking to Luke, and he’s, he’s a little dour. He’s a little like not rich dower either. That he doesn’t think we can survive the bullpen of the month, right? So we’re talking real baseball stuff. Then there’s just the enthusiasm of you’ve got tickets. Your family’s had tickets from Neighbor Care a million years ago, Memorial State, I’ve been in your seats for Yankees games. You’re the kind of family gonna use your own tickets, and not just giveaways and whatnot, and it is really a little bit of a slog for all of us to say. Is it one o’clock, four o’clock, seven o’clock, what day? Or is there a game on Thursday? What’s the format? Again, it’s three games. So, like, you’re trying to plan next week, and you’re running a business so and you got kids, um, it is a little different this time of year when you’re when you want to participate and want to be involved in it, because you got to move your schedule

Wendy Bronfein  03:21

around for this absolutely, I know I was I can’t go the second day, so I’m leaning towards the first, because if you go the third and then, you know, there’s nothing, then you didn’t get anything. But yeah, I mean, I I’d like to make it past this round. I just even I can’t go all the way. It’s good for the morale for next year, and there’s a bit of consistency that we’re building here in terms of our ability to show up and at least make it through a couple rounds of it would be nice.


Nestor Aparicio  03:52

I haven’t talked a lot about this, you know, in advance of this, and I guess there’ll be no advance, because, boom, we’re gonna be playing games, right? You know, once the football game’s over, we’re going to have to hang over on Monday or the celebration on Monday, and there’s even a pep rally at the harbor on Monday for the baseball team. So, like, all of this stuff is happening, but it really does happen really quickly, right? Like in football, you get a week to sit around and think about playing Tom Brady or Ben Roth. You know, back in the day, Jerome Bettis, whatever it was, the baseball thing’s like, All right, we’re through this. Let’s go game one. We got maybe scuba looks that way with the Tigers. Maybe by the time people hear this, maybe it won’t be maybe it’d be the Royals. I don’t know the games better be here, but all I’m thinking is all the games will be here this week. So it’s a kind of a weird series. Never. The Orioles have never participated in something like this, where they are the home team for three games and just have to win two out of three of them to move on, and they they then would probably play New York, beginning next Saturday, at Yankees and and as Palmer and McDonald pointed out, we do okay against the Yankees when Gary Cole stop pitch. So like there is a level of home games, you know, we got our pitching the line burns look good the other day. At least. We’re missing all of our pitching, but the pitching we have is. Aligned, and we got players back, westburg back and mount castles back. So from a baseball perspective, I can feel good about it, but from a 44 48,000 people gathering on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, spending a couple 100 bucks coming down, biting their nails, wearing the orange being the noise. That’s the the slogan, be the noise. It’s the slogan. Um, are you ready to be the noise? I mean, are you ready? You love energy. This is where curio’s Gonna. I know you’re gonna.

Wendy Bronfein  05:27

I know. I know I am. I am absolutely ready, because it’s just, it’s just nice to be, you know, in the running, there’s just been so many years of not being this team that I’m just happy to be on the other side of it. And I hope that you know that everyone who’s there kind of sticks around and maybe, like, you know, gets a little bit old school. They just want to build their lives here and stay with the team and do something great together. I

Nestor Aparicio  05:55

think if they put Wild Bill up on the scoreboard, nobody would, you know, get into the, oh, I mean, the bird does the ori. So they bring that part of because I say to my wife all the time, we never really called him the O’s. You know what I mean? Like, my neighborhood, like there was a birds, Orioles, whatever, but the let’s go O’s chant, I’ve always felt that that’s very modern era, sort of, they like it. There were things that happened at Stadium, the the bugle and the charge. When I think about the things that went from Memorial Stadium, the Camden Yards and the next thing, but like the collapse, the chance, the cheers, the squirt zone, which somebody’s got to, I don’t, I don’t understand this. Like, all right, you’re all into it. Go ahead. That has nothing to do with why I love baseball, or the strategy of it, or the pitching, or all the hardcore Luke and I nerdy. How are we going to win? How’s our bullpen gonna hold up, lefty, righty matchups? You know, just all of that rested bullpen. Then there’s just the I just want to go and yell, and I want to wear orange, and I just want Baltimore to win. And really there’s the part where I felt like it, in my era, in the Ray Lewis era, I would say the amount of noise that we could generate. Memorial Stadium was really loud. The football stadium was really loud. I think most people would say they’ve heard Camden Yards get loud a couple of times, but only a couple times. I mean, the Delman young double is the seminal moment where that was allowed us to stay. And even with Ripken 2130 when it wasn’t like a loud thing, it was more like an homage thing. But the the noise and the feeling and the shadows falling and the bunting up, we haven’t I mean, you and I are getting a little older. We haven’t had enough of that in our adulthood that it still is really rare and unique. And I think once you take some of your own products on Tuesday, you’re gonna have a lot of energy by the time you get down there. I think the crowd will the be the noise thing. The crowd will build the energy. I think it’s going to be an exciting environment this week. I really do. Oh

Wendy Bronfein  08:03


yeah. I mean, I think even during this season, there’s been a decent amount of moments where everyone’s standing up. Everyone it, you can, it feels old school. My friends and I have taken to this thing where we where, when something like this comes up, and we’re thinking about how things used to be. We’re like, well, you know, we’re, we’re from the late 1900s and so that, as you were saying. And I was like, yes, that’s, that’s how it was back in in the in the latter half of of the 1900s when we were all watching a

Nestor Aparicio  08:35

lot of that. Man, I did a segment this week on my television show with Lawrence Taylor and Buddy Ryan, that I did here 27 years ago. And it was like that was last century. And then I did a piece this week on the 40th anniversary of the demise of my first newspaper, the news American, which you may remember as you were a kid, and the 40th anniversary of the demise. And I’m doing that like that was last century, you know, like so and they haven’t won a whole lot of baseball games in this century, in October. And I’m with you, like, win a game when a series extend this thing give me like Brett Michaels give me something to believe in here. But I’m a believer. I’m literally I’m the guy in the conversation with Luke around here. And even in I went to the oyster recovery partnership on their big event, the world is your oyster, appropriately named it was down at the piano railroad on Thursday, and lots of my friends with their state fair faith leaves a lot of our partners, a lot of people that had oysters with earlier in the month. On behalf of curio and foreign daughter, on our 26th anniversary for oyster recovery partnership, I’d love to invite you next year, because it was a great event. Especially like to eat you like it outside and West Baltimore, bno, indoor, outdoor. It was really a, you cool thing. But everywhere I went, you know, my hair was down, I’m there. Whatever it was people coming up to me. They weren’t like, Hey, are you worried about the Ravens? How about Josh Allen? It was all baseball conversation. And I’ve been doing this a long time. There hasn’t been a whole lot of coming up to me. And. Asking me who we’re playing on Tuesday, and you know where the tickets are and how exciting it’s going to be. We have not had, we haven’t squeezed the juice of the building, right? And I would say, like that Delman, young thing, it’s a decade ago, like, it’s a long time ago. Cal Ripken was last century. You know, all of the, all of the playoff win last century, 30, almost 30 years ago. Since we’ve really had a lot of fun down there, other than the domino thing, I’m just hoping for some moments, you know, yeah, I’m hoping that when you and I get together a week from now, and we will, um, you will tell me that you woke up a little, you know, stretched you you could date it through game started at one. We got a couple runs off school. We’re moving. You’re going to New York tomorrow because the Yankees and you got tickets for Game One and Two up there, whatever. And then the Yankees would be coming here, like the week of my birthday, so we’d have all you see me getting excited about it. It’s this close. They’ve got to win a couple ball games. But I hope we get moments. I hope, yes, that for you and your hub and the people you’re going with that you have that high five, that hug, that moment where the home run happens, and we’re like, yeah, that’s why we’re baseball fans. And I think, as a 56 year old guy next week, my investment and time and love and money, and this is for all my life I haven’t had enough of those moments. This is the time to make the moments, I think, for everybody, for families, for everyone,

Wendy Bronfein  11:22

agreed, and if I feel like you and you, as you were saying, I was thinking like, you know, all summer I feel like I’ve just seen people in O’s gear more and more that are just like rapping in their life. Like last week, we were at the Ellicott City Music Festival. Like on Main Street, there were tons of people who were wearing some, some sort of O’s garb somewhere on them. Everyone, I think, is like, they’re back, they’re happy. And, yeah, I think if we can, if we can, like, make a dent here, then I think we have, like, a good momentum. And yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  11:58

it looks like we can’t win the World Series because of the bullpen. And I’m like, you can win one series, then you can win two series, and then things could happen. And, you know, like getting the planners, you could be there the energy. So let’s talk some energy. Wendy brown fine is here. She’s our chief cannabis officer. She represents the folks at the Curia wellness. We would highly encourage you to, you know, do your due diligence and education there. This is why we do these conversations, not just talk Oreo baseball and some rock and roll as well. It’s been a fun month. You know, Pearl Jam Springsteen that was so last month, we’re on to baseball. We’re on to like, trying to figure out the commanders we got to play them in two weeks. You and I talked a lot about products that get you high, don’t get you high, things that can fix your GI, things that can help you sleep, which my wife appreciates, and a lot of folks out there, as they get a little older, getting a little better sleep and more automatic. But you and I talked about an energy product, and people say to me, like, I’ve been accused of being on all sorts of drugs over 56 years with my level of energy. But like, whoo, what do you know? Are you five hour energy? I’m like, now I’m like, literally, water and yoga and good rest. And I, you know, I eat a lot of legumes and fruits and vegetables, but I, in my time with you, and in the five years of doing this, there’s so many products that don’t get you high, they’re not what you would remember from the Cheech and Chong era. This is, this is a medicinal plant. And from an energy standpoint, you literally, before we got on today, you’re like, I’m really dragging today. I had this thing happen last night, whatever. And you have products for people like you, right, that are safe, effective and easy to get and try for yourself. And it just really doesn’t have a whole lot to do with smoking a product or vaping a product, or having the feeling of being high.


Wendy Bronfein  13:44

Yeah, absolutely, yeah. So I have a baby, and when we went to check on her last night, we walked in to find a bit of a scene in the crib, if you catch my drift. And so then that turned into what we believe is a stomach bug that is now in her and so it was, it was a long night. But then, and, you know? And so then I thought, You know what, I’m going to take a good day tablet, which I did just probably right before we started. And I can even, I, as you were saying, that I started to feel some of it kind of kick in, and it’s like, it’s because

Nestor Aparicio  14:22

I’m here, that’s what, that’s my role. And also the thought of Oriole baseball, you know what? I mean, the thought of playoff baseball should kick those endorphins,

Wendy Bronfein  14:29

yes, well, the, oh,

Nestor Aparicio  14:33


sorry, go ahead. All right, that’s a curio, right? Yeah, do right. Okay, just here you go. Yeah, yeah,

Wendy Bronfein  14:40

no. So it’s like that that, you know, like that feeling like you get up early for a flight and you feel like your eyes like, never wake up. That’s and so I feel like I don’t know what that

Nestor Aparicio  14:51

feels like, other than being hungover. And this is really a speech for you, because every time I felt that way the last 10 years, it’s involved some other drugs. Like, vodka or beer or Guinness or, like, just to that extra drink, I wake up. That’s the feeling I have. Like, yeah, I don’t ever wake up cloudy. Maybe it’s because I eat good stuff and I drink, you know, like, I’m a, I’m a healthy dude at 56 thank God for that. But I don’t that’s an that’s an odd feeling to me, to wake up without energy, because I sort of met. There are days I have less of it, and I’ve been sick before, but most of the time I feel like that’s, that’s not a product I need all the time, right? That’s not and but for a lot of people and people with babies that have had them up last night, I know what. I know that feeling I was a parent when I was young,

Wendy Bronfein  15:40

yeah, I mean, so it’s, it’s like, it’s, it’s almost like I can feel myself shifting back to zero, if you will, right? Like, getting like, the the sluggish is, like, wearing off, and I’m like, it’s almost like I’m, like, waking up now for where I felt, where I feel like I haven’t been up for however many hours prior to this. But I product,


Nestor Aparicio  16:00

because this is a pill you took, right? I’ve had the gummies before, the good day, gummies, thc v, correct?

Wendy Bronfein  16:08

Yes, well, the Yeah, so the the gummy that you’ve had is a different ratio of CBD, THC and thc v than the tablet is, but this tablet, similar to the sleep tablet, has the pulse system in it, so it gives you an immediate release and then sustained three hours later, you’re going to get another pulse. So considering that I was feeling like so sluggish from being up too much last night. I thought, you know, I’m going to go with the tablet so that I can actually, it can really kind of help me get over this hump, versus that chew you’re referring to, which would immediately get me there. But, I mean, I’m dragging from too many times getting up last night, but it is now. I’m feeling like I’m getting back to square one, which is nice.

Nestor Aparicio  16:59

Wendy brown this year, She’s the Chief, Chief Brand Officer at curio. She’s our chief candidate. You were gonna say something?

Wendy Bronfein  17:06


No, it’s good. I don’t even know now. Okay, well, I

Nestor Aparicio  17:10

guess what I my thought for you is, if you’re you and you sort of wander into foreign daughter, York and Timonium row, right on York to south of Timonium, and come in, no medical card. I mean, we’re, you know, it’s adult use at this point. Come in to try to educate yourself with saying, I’m waking up sluggish. And you say, Okay, here’s one product that you have. But, I mean, you’re really the more I come in and over the course of years of knowing you your family, when it was really a more like a GNC in the front part of it, before the cannabis part of it all kind of happened. It really is amazing how many different products, and I say this with love and respect every week, it can be really overwhelming. And I say that as someone who’s familiar with the products, having spent tons of hours with you on my own on the internet, my kid is really into research, like so much he could work for you, like he knows a lot about the plant, and I know a lot of people in my space that know a lot about the plant, but I still think that they’re because of stigma, because of my job, this p test, all, all of those thoughts that have been for 100 years. I mean, before Nixon, people come into your place and they say, I’m having this problem, I would need help. Like, I love when I come in and talk to some of your folks about little things and say, Well, tell me about that, because I’m doing it, because I talk to you every week, not because I need, I don’t need sleep help. I don’t need indica in a general sense, you know. So like, some of these things aren’t for me, but some of the things, I’m like, well, that’s new. What is that? And I’ve even experienced that with your sister. I’ve seen products, and I’m like, What? What is that? And what I know, I’ve talked to you about tinctures and stuff. It’s something I’ve just never considered. But when I’m in there, I’m considering things that I know it works. I know there’s an efficacy. I know it’s not snake oil. I know that you put a lot of effort into this, that when I’ve given my wife a sleeping pill, that Paul says it’s really worked for her, and I know when I’ve had your your bombs really work for me. But then there’s things that I don’t know about, like waking up tired, and what I would do about it, what other options I would have besides that, because you have a lot of things going on in your place.

Wendy Bronfein  19:24

Yeah? I mean, I think most of the time when you think about like, like, as I’m talking about like, needing to have like energy or feel uplifted, people would default to thinking of like, quote, sativa, right? And I have a sativa strain, and it makes me happy and giggly and elevated, as

Nestor Aparicio  19:41

opposed to maybe a cup of coffee that would make you jittery, right? Like we’ve all experienced that, right?


Wendy Bronfein  19:46

Yes, but in this case, you would actually be talking about something where you have the THC, right? So you’d have those, those uplifting feelings, but you would still have psychoactivity with what I used a. I’m not, I don’t feel any psychoactivity because there, while there’s THC in it, it’s very low, and it’s being used more so as an activator with the other cannabinoids. So when they’re together, they can potentiate each other’s effects. And so there isn’t, it’s more of a, I mean, it is called Good day, right? So it’s, it’s more daytime and functional, but not, not about getting high. And with each each word I say, it’s getting better, well,

Nestor Aparicio  20:30

what the deeper? And I’ve got to start using psychoactivity and high to me there. I mean, I’m trying to find the right synonym, quite frankly, for what the feeling of being high would be like for somebody that may have never been high, or maybe just had cough syrup and felt loopy. You know, in fact, that that’s high, right? Or I can’t drive, or I wouldn’t want to operate anything beyond the remote control, like, literally, right? Um, but your case today, just as a mother and up all nighter, my cat screams at me at three in the morning if I don’t feed her, so I get woken up too, right? And I’m 55 I got a pee all night I and I drink too much liberty pure water at this point, because I’m very I’m a hydrated dude, and so I’m up in the middle of the night, and I don’t have that go back to sleep thing, and I don’t wake up. I wake up and make coffee in the morning. I got royal farms to sponsor. I’m a half half guy. I don’t go full caffeine because it doesn’t clear my mind. It makes me jittery and it makes me dehydrated in my in my joints, I like, feel like I can’t type. So these are the side effects of coffee, caffeine, which, lending 99% of everybody in my audience, is like, I’m dry. My ass is dragging. Today, I’m gonna get some coffee. And then you’re like this, and I’m thinking, all right, there are other options. You know, they’re just other options to that feeling, yeah, and maybe there weren’t before, and the option that came along, and this is all due respect to my friends at Royal farms, even, and wise five hour energy. Get that five get that five hour and like, that’s the worst feeling in the world, that feels like drugs, that feels like not good for me, and it’s certainly not good for the ticker. You know, I didn’t I anytime I was ever in into any of those type of products I’m I was one and done with that, like the the Red Bull and like, no, no, no, no, no. That’s not for me. So I know the feelings of things that I don’t like and but I think you’re offering things that don’t provide, that, you know, that don’t have that other part of this. And I think that’s what makes the deeper we get into this a little bit more exciting, that finding a better feeling than jittery coffee in the morning, which we socially accept, or those other things that would have side effects, that would mean, you know? I mean, I I throw this out because it’s been a long time, but it was a kid with the Orioles that his heart blew up, literally. I mean, Steve Beckler, many years ago. I knew him from that crap, you know. And I think that you’re offering something way different than that, and I want to make note of that for everybody out there.

Wendy Bronfein  22:58

Yeah, well, I appreciate it. I mean, yeah, I think most people just think they default to thinking about the kind of things we know, like the flour that you can smoke, or potentially vape pens or even even gummies. But there’s a myriad of products available that get more they can get into the more specific places, like we’ve said, sleep, daytime functionality and productivity, uh, sex, body aches and pains, uh, gut health. So you can really become, um, more targeted with how you’re using it. And there’s many things that you’re using that don’t actually make you feel high depending on their format, including

Nestor Aparicio  23:38


what you took this morning. So show me that product again so I can and it. And literally, for anybody out there who’s ever gone to them, to Royal farms or wise and bought Advil in a it looks, feels like it’s, it’s literally just a little um,

Wendy Bronfein  23:54

it’s about, yeah, and it’s, I mean, like you, it’s also scored. So if you wanted to break it in half and take half of it, you still get the same pulse system in each half, but you would have a lower potency of the whole tablet overall. But in the sleep is just like that as well. So if you want to kind of try it smaller and then take on more, you can always do that as well. You

Nestor Aparicio  24:19

haven’t said a word about the Ravens. I mean, by the time people hear this, they could be one in three or two and not just, I mean,

Wendy Bronfein  24:27

can we not be one and three? That would really okay, all


Nestor Aparicio  24:30

right, just, that’s all we have today. We have a thing

Wendy Bronfein  24:34

in the office where we all do pics every week, and I and I’m like, I am. I think it’s probably evident to this audience. I’m not like a crazy, like, sports fact fan. I’m just a sports fan. So when I go through and I do my picks, and I, you know, it’s like, this team versus that team, like, I look at this, the some of the data, but then most of the time, there’s like, just this gut feeling of, like, oh, like. Yeah, that’s, that’s so and so is from that salroot for their team, or, you know, oh, that’s against the commanders. No, I’m not going to choose them. There was one that was, like, the Steelers, and I really, like, looked at it for a while because I was like, Man, I really think they’re going to beat this team, but I don’t want to pick them. And, I mean, I should pick to win, but I really just don’t want to pick them. And so I might end up at the end of it, because I just won’t pick certain teams because they are

Nestor Aparicio  25:24

that’s been my heart and soul in this. So you little background on me. I’ve been doing this a long time, and all the rotisserie baseball was going on back in the 90s when I started. Then the football team came in and it fantasy football took off, right? It was the precursor for gambling, right? And everybody had a trophy in a league, and everybody had a draft with wings and nachos and beer. We’re gonna, you know, I hosted those parties that, hey, nasty you want to be in my my fantasy league? No. Hey, nasty you want to be No, no, no, my friend, like I said, Listen, I have a fantasy team. This is back when I was given the Ravens $30,000 a year traveling all over the world and putting all my schedule together to go ask them questions. And present it for the public. I said I have a fantasy team. They’re the Ravens. When they win, I win. When they lose, I lose. So this, you know, that’s all I needed for fantasy football. And I’m a guy was nationally syndicated talking to football players all that people want. They’re like, you know a lot about this. You’d be good. I’m like, I know enough to know what I don’t know, and I know enough to know I would be preoccupied with beating you eight slobs in my league to win $100 thing in a trophy when I got stuff to do. I don’t need to know who the backup wide receiver for the Cardinals is this week and whether I should start them against you know what I mean? Like it just and and then Wendy, I had a sports radio station with, like, 24 hours to fill. I want to do a fantasy show. Or people would call in and say, Hey, nasty, I’m thinking starting Ben Roethlisberger. I don’t care who you’re starting on your fantasy team. It’s like asking me what you fed your cat last night. Stop. You know what I mean? So the fantasy people, yeah, I mean, I love it. Hey, you’re into it. You’re winning your league. God bless you. But I just could never play. To me, I had a fantasy team was the ravens, and that’s how I felt about it, you know. But people, their level of engagement all of this, I just want the the ravens to play well Sunday night and survive this thing. And I want the Orioles to keep playing, no matter, just keep playing and create some magic for our people. That’s, well,

Wendy Bronfein  27:29


the thing that annoyed me the last week about the Ravens was I was like, Oh, this is, this is the thing we do. We come on strong, and then, and then it get. They let it get tighter and tighter until we lose. And I’m like, just gotta stop this habit. It’s so painful, because every time you’re like, leading like that, you’re like, well, they’re gonna blow it,

Nestor Aparicio  27:51

right? That’s what we’re all worried about, you know, moving forward here, until the defense buckles down, uh, hopefully they get the thing together. Luke will be out at the castle, also at the game, and then he won’t be at the castle on Wednesday and third, if they’re playing at these times, because they don’t let me in. And we won’t have anybody out there, but we’ll be at the baseball game, I promise you that. So will Wendy, so will the folks curio so everybody in the city to stop and everything for a couple days here to enjoy baseball and hang the bunting, watch the shadows move across the field and hopefully survive this week, it’ll be good times. Curry Wellness provides our 26th anniversary coverage. I’m going to erase that 25 and get our oyster and our crab together. Our friends at Liberty pure have also sent this out for this crazy oyster thing we’ve done for the oyster recovery Partnership, which I learned a lot about on Thursday night at their the world is your oyster Gala, which I’m gonna vote on my friends to next year, include our friends for faith, Lisa State Fair for feeding my face. I saw Senator Cardin, and I got him the most delicious oyster I’ve had on the whole poor not a sponsor place in Annapolis. I met the ownership of the Federal House in Annapolis has this crab savitche oyster, and they featured it on Thursday night. And I made everybody jealous by taking a picture of it. So I’ll be making everybody jealous all month long. 26 oysters. 26 ways. 26 days. I’m on day 22 today. I actually had an oyster with my dear late friend, scotty’s son from Nacho mamas, and I didn’t know Finn and I’ve now had oyster stew and an oyster with uh, Scotties boy on Thursday. So that was kind of magical, if you know my relationship with Scotty as well. So, uh, seeing old friends, eating oysters, drinking a few beers, trying to keep it light with my friends a curio, and also just trying to make sure we get through this month, because, uh, unlike Luke, I beat him up while he’s not here. I think they can win the World Series. So there take that. I’m Nestor. We are W, N, S T am 1570 Towson, Baltimore. I’m never going to let him live that down. We’re Baltimore positive, especially if they win. You.

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