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After three decades of behind-the-scenes friendship working for “rival” media companies, the freshly retired Mark Viviano finally joins Nestor to discuss their long-standing careers in sports journalism, reflecting on mutual experiences and personal connections. From St. Louis to Baltimore via Atlanta, Dayton and Cedar Rapids, Viv’s memory of their first-ever radio chat via Chicago 25 years ago even makes Nestor blush.

Mark Viviano steps out of reti…azing broadcasting journey.mp4

Wed, Sep 04, 2024 7:18PM • 25:25


years, oyster, cocos, baltimore, good, don, viv, worked, talk, menifee, sports, sat, story, caracas, baseball, phil, covering, man, st louis, iowa


Nestor Aparicio, Mark Viviano


Nestor Aparicio  00:00

Premier. Welcome home. We are wnst tassel, Baltimore, Baltimore, positive this. This one’s gonna be fun. One. We’re at Cocos. We’re kicking off the it was 26 years in the 26th anniversary and 26 oysters, but we’re doing a 27th oyster, because Marcella said, so we’re Cocos. We’re in Laravel. It’s all brought to you by the Maryland lottery. You have the final Gold Rush sevens, doublers batch. It is a hardy batch. I will have these out of here, because we’re making room for the Raven scratch offs. We’ll have those next week. Next Friday, gonna be Cooper’s in Fells Point, kicking off the Fells Point oyster festival. I’ll be in like, oyster 10 or 11 by then, and I have special guests all along the way. I want to say this, the Liberty pure solutions. They keep my water clean, one 800 clean water, but they keep my water clean, and they the oysters keep the bay clean. So that’s the thing I’m going to be educating people about all month long, the oyster recovery partnership. And when you go into Costas or fade these and like, no, no, no, put the oysters in that bag. Put it in the oyster thing. That’s what it’s going to be all about. We’ll talk about that on the 26th we’re going to be at the bno Railroad Museum for their big gala. And it’s taken me 33 years on the air. I don’t and you can tell me if I’m wrong, because I have a bad memory, and I think you’re a little older than me. Mark Viviano and I have never done radio together as I know it. Now, I know you hosted in my studios. You could tell me when I’ve known you since the beginning of time with Bal, and then you went to Atlanta. And I think I even ran into you when you were in your little Atlanta thing and came back here. I always think, if he’s a Bal guy crazy enough, even though you were Jay Z for two decades, but you and I’ve never liked on a radio because you worked for the competitor, Jaden, like me, I got thrown out of the ballpark, but like, you were responsible for my dentist in my neighborhood, like I can Dr Lebo. I consider you a friend. My teeth are beautiful and straight because of Dr Jeffrey Lebo, and when I moved into federal neighborhood, you were, like, sitting on the board of your condo association, and Viviana would just like, run by, I’d be looking out the window at 23rd floor of like, oh, there’s VIV going up. You know, 30 minutes there’s VIV going down. So, you know, you were, a doubt. We were downtown. People for a long

Mark Viviano  02:19

time. Really fed Hill and cannon for me for about 24 years now, the only time you and I see, if you remember this, oh, boy, here we go. Actually did a radio exchange. I was in Atlanta. You were doing a syndicated national thing, yeah, what was that? All

Nestor Aparicio  02:41

Star game, maybe the Turner Field. All Star game. No, no, no,

Mark Viviano  02:46


it was whatever that networking, news,

Nestor Aparicio  02:48

radio, sporting, one sports flag. Okay, so I’m at a North Brook, Illinois. I’m

Mark Viviano  02:54

at CNN sports. So

Nestor Aparicio  02:55

this is 99 2000 2001 2000 Okay, so, it’s


Mark Viviano  03:00

in 2000 and they solicited a few of us at CNN Sports Illustrated to do some fill in shows in a studio in Atlanta for that network. And clay matvic And I did it. And after our as our show was ending, we tossed to you, and you and I had a very brief exchange.

Nestor Aparicio  03:23

Was I in Chicago? I don’t know where you were. Well, I could talk down the line because I did my show from the second floor in spring house court in White Marsh. I built this. I mean, I did the national show for my home on the second floor. This

Mark Viviano  03:34

is 24 years ago. Wow.

Nestor Aparicio  03:37


Viv, you have how many times did you host wnst radio when you key? Because when you came back, right? Probably, yeah, when did you come back? 2002 all

Mark Viviano  03:47

right, May of 2002 I came back and I did a few

Nestor Aparicio  03:51

fill in short here, when the Ravens won the first Super Bowl. Purple Rain. One you

Mark Viviano  03:55

was I was in between. I was in, I was at, I was in Atlanta. How many years there? Three, four. I got there in December of 99 and came back here and I signed off the last show on that network, on CNN sports, illustrated with Mike galanos, who went on to continue in news, at headline news, but Mike and I signed off the last


Nestor Aparicio  04:17

show was like Hickman there and the Charles

Mark Viviano  04:23

and Well, Nick wasn’t there, okay, Nick was a CNN original. Well, Nick had

Nestor Aparicio  04:27

your seat. Nick had your seat. Yeah, when I was a boy back in 1973 74 Andrea Kirby and Nick Charles were the first TV sportscasters before Randy Blair, before any of the legends, before John burin, any of those guys, that’s my childhood you work with you didn’t work with Nick, though he was gone

Mark Viviano  04:44


by, I did not know he visited. One time I had a chance to meet him, and we got to connect over the whole Baltimore was fan Earl right there? Ben Earl was not there. Nancy Newman was there. Inga, Hammond, Tom Rinaldi. Hannah, Storm was long gone, right? Hannah was gone. Okay? Then Stephen A, I mean, Tom Verducci, a lot of the Sports Illustrated guys, yeah, Don banks, he rest in peace guy, there’s

Nestor Aparicio  05:13

a moment there for him, right? Better name me a better guy than Don

Mark Viviano  05:18

banks. Don just a dear friend of mine and I, he was

Nestor Aparicio  05:23

maybe cry. They might even think we’ve talked about this, man. We’ve been at this long time. You and me, you know, when


Mark Viviano  05:27

I saw, I saw Peter King at the AFC Championship game. He

Nestor Aparicio  05:32

was a part of your thing too, right?

Mark Viviano  05:34

I did shows with Peter. We talked about Don and for those who don’t know Don, long time NFL writer Donnie Brasco, yeah, he passed away in his hotel room at during the weekend of Ed Reed’s induction in Canton, in Canton, Ohio, yeah, and I tell you what, that was a sobering thing for me to see, because it scared me. Don and I are the same age, and the thought of passing in a hotel room away from your family, it just it shook me to my core. You know, that’s a horrible thing.

Nestor Aparicio  06:11


We’re going back four years, right before the plague, maybe 19. This happened five years it was, it was, I mean, I saw Don and ran the on my baseball tour, my crazy baseball tour. I’m in Toronto on day 12. I make it up. It was 2015 I’m in Toronto, and they’re playing the Red Sox, and there’s Don with this kid out in right field. I’m with big Poppy. I had a press pass that day, a rare day, but I saw Don and wave to him, and two weeks later, I’m in Comiskey Park on like, day 30, walking, and I ran into him again.

Mark Viviano  06:49

What the hell serendipitous to say the least, but he huge

Nestor Aparicio  06:53

Springsteen Fanny and Red Sox. Yeah, he turned me down for Springsteen tickets. I had an extra ticket at Barclays, which he was living in Brooklyn. He loved his life there. I mean, I can’t believe we’re talking about dot, but DOM was just such a God bless him. Just what a wonderful piece. But that affected you. Mark, yeah, really, the thought

Mark Viviano  07:09

of dying in a hotel room away from my family, just that that shook me. And there were some other guys who passed away. Mel Antonin, sure he was ill. He got sick during the pandemic, and then had some other complications from that. Couple of guys that I work with, couple of photographers, passed away, and we’re all about the same age.


Nestor Aparicio  07:35

Too Young be passing Yeah, Oh, for sure. I’m 55 I’ll be 56 next. I

Mark Viviano  07:39

just turned 60, all right? And I’m an older dad, because I didn’t get married till I was 49 didn’t become my father till I was 51

Nestor Aparicio  07:47

and still a whole different I was a dad at 15, right? You have a totally different turns 42 weeks. Yeah, it’s amazing. I mean, totally different perspective, totally different and we’ve done the same sort of gig, you know, chasing athletes around with my whatever, no question in this sort of the same way forever. But you know, I and you wonder, what the value of all that is? Well,

Mark Viviano  08:07


we can get into it. But you know, I say relative to when things come about in your life, these major moments, the getting married, having children, whatever it is, God gives you life. He doesn’t give you a schedule. You’re left on your own to figure that part out. And even as an older dad, it was funny when I asked, you know, my wife’s father for her hand in marriage, one of the things he said to both of us, you can do the math. You know, she’s younger than me. That’s just what it is. And I said, Yeah, I can, and I have a perspective about now being having been alive longer that I could walk away from the only job I ever wanted because I want to be with my family, and I’m blessed to have had those years as a single man in which I worked multiple jobs. I was a full time TV guy, I had a full time radio show, and I took vacation from both of them to travel with the Orioles and do massen, and you were running 150 miles a week and doing marathons and stuff like that. So I got all that stuff done. It was all good. And now I retired in July, and I’m coaching my kids baseball teams, two of them, I’m baseball practice every night. I love throwing

Nestor Aparicio  09:23

BP. Yes sir. As I had that would not go well for me. I had

Mark Viviano  09:27

rotator cuff surgery, and I was gonna say yeah. And I kind of was thinking, I want to be able and I’m that’s your goal. I’m icing it. I’m icing it at night, but I can do it. It’s all good. How

Nestor Aparicio  09:36

many times have we seen Messina, you know, with the whole with the bag up on his arm back in the 90s. Mark Viviana is our guest. We’re out here. Cocos. So I was thinking about this because I had to go get my seat cushion for you. This was to sit on my face, a seat cushion here. Because what year is that? What, sir, this would be 1998 probably Memorial Stadium last. Last year because we had just gotten the station. We liked the logo because we didn’t really need it. Well, the seat cushion, maybe it was 99 because I Memorial Stadium was uncomfortable. I mean, you know what? I mean, so, but anyway, they have wooden seats here. And, you know, I’ve sat in a lot of church pews at Our Lady of Fatima, but my, my back doesn’t handle that, so I gotta, like, move. So I ran out to the car, you use the restroom. I told you, we’re gonna get some coconut shrimp. We’re good. We’re shrimp. We’re good. And I thought, all right, so we’re gonna talk about the media thing. We’re gonna talk about Angela. We can talk about all of that, and media rights and access and big media and small media. We’ll do all of that. But I thought, like, I don’t know you well enough, and I like and the familiarity even for the audience to say Viviano is, like, legitimate. You’re like, not legitimate. Like, what is he? 30 years I’ve never sat with you, and I’ve sat with you having hot dogs in stadia, in hotels, and we’ve been on planes together. I’m sure we’ve lined up for planes together at eight in the morning


Mark Viviano  10:56

at the Metropolitan. Do we

Nestor Aparicio  10:59

have a coffee at the Metropolitan? We did? Did we do that? Yeah, all right,

Mark Viviano  11:02

so we’re walking right? I lived across metropolitan

Nestor Aparicio  11:06


cafe. I’m thinking the cafe met in Seattle.

Mark Viviano  11:09

No, they on on South Charles Street, okay? 911 south, right across

Nestor Aparicio  11:13

from liquor store. Okay, I don’t I know you’re from St Louis, right, born, and raised. I learned during your retirement that you were a journalism J school Missouri guy, like my dude, Jeff Gordon, you know, at St Louis, who I worked with 40 years ago. I don’t know your gig, man. Like, I know you showed up here at Bal on my TV. I was a Chris Thomas guy. You sort of took his gig, right? Maybe, I mean, Vince sort of sideways in that way, right? Wasn’t like, Chris just left. He going to Tampa. He got his game. Okay, right? So you were, I didn’t see his number two, right? Or, like, one in one, no. Sandusky

Mark Viviano  11:53

was there. Okay. Vince was doing weekend mornings. Vince was kind of like part time in his way into retirement. So when did Jerry get there. Jerry got there in 9090 92


Nestor Aparicio  12:03

some, and you got there 94 years ago. See, I didn’t remember that. It was the other way around. I thought Jerry took your gig when you like, oh, Jerry’s been there, okay, but, and now I remember it, but it was a small period of time where was just like, two of you, like, right? You 94 to maybe, like, 98 four years I left in 99 so you were there five years together with Jerry. Yeah, that’s why I don’t remember. I think events, right? I think events at 11. I think it’s Chris Thomas at 11, absolutely. And I don’t know your pathway.

Mark Viviano  12:33

Your son was an intern when I was there. Your son came in to visit wearing a San Francisco 40 Niners jacket, right? Yeah, I remember him. Okay,

Nestor Aparicio  12:43

so how did you get to Bao? Give me Give me the This Is Your Life. Mark Viviano, because that’s really what I wanted to do today. Like, I don’t know the first time you went to Bush stadium. I don’t know your favorite Cardinal. I just know you’re a cardinal head. I know you’re I know I’ve always liked you. The city loves you, but, like, I’ve never had you on to be able to, like, give you a hard time or so, like, talk to you a little bit. So, like, did you grow up in St Louis? Give me, give me the story. Born in the first date, yeah, born in the city. One of five kids near the hill were Yogi Berra and Joe Garagiola, not far my father.

Mark Viviano  13:18


My father, Sicilian, second generation American. My mother, second generation polish, five kids. They wanted 10. They wanted 10. I was the second of the five that they had. Grew up in St Louis, went to the University of Missouri. I decided when I was 17 years old I wanted to be a broadcaster. What I really wanted, because I wanted to be the center fielder for the Cardinals or play in the NBA. I was

Nestor Aparicio  13:48

you played sports every day of your life, all the time, okay?

Mark Viviano  13:51

But it was clear to me that I was not proficient enough to do either. I could have played division three basketball. Big deal. What I really want to do be around sports. Play sports couldn’t play it at a level that would have been life sustaining. So I was also the guy who would play do play by play while sitting on the bench during basketball games, like I just I fell in love listening

Nestor Aparicio  14:16

Joe Buck, man. Jack Buck, sorry, yeah, that’s what I meant.


Mark Viviano  14:19

I fell in love with the art of describing live sports. That was my dream. That’s what pulled me into wanting to go into broadcasting when I went to the University of Missouri, and I did do the J school thing, but not to be a newspaper writer, though no different than I had to do that. And that’s one thing that’s good about at Mizzou. You gotta, you gotta learn it all. And they do have a NBC affiliate that the university owns, that on the weekends, it is student run. I was doing the sports on the


weekend. This is 82

Mark Viviano  14:52

345, and that graduated, yeah, I graduated high school and 82 college. Not

Nestor Aparicio  14:58


a bad year for the card. And. Says, I

Mark Viviano  15:00

remembered 82 freshman year we celebrated pouring. Remember weed, them in beer? You ever hear of that? I you could get a case for five bucks in Columbia, Missouri. I know you could. You can report it on

Nestor Aparicio  15:10

a budget. Liquors over so, you know, talking to man, it hadn’t had red, white and blue and weeds Baltimore.

Mark Viviano  15:17

So anyway, went to Mizzou and you say,


Nestor Aparicio  15:20

82 so you

Mark Viviano  15:22

86 you got at I got out 86 and first job was in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I go to up to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where the intern I worked with Kurt Menifee. Kurt Menifee and I are friends of this day. So Kurt and I used to run around on Friday nights in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Shooting High School highlights, get back to the studio and edit them. Old edit system, three quarter inch tapes. You it would take you forever to get stuff done, and you would just have the VO done. You didn’t have your voice on it because that took way too long. So Kirk and I would stand the tapes are this big. So so John Campbell, sports director in the Hall of Fame in Iowa. God bless him. My first boss that that was a blessing to me. That guy worked so hard and knew so much so. So here’s Kurt Menifee and I. Kurt Menifee, for those who do not know, he’s been the Fox Sports NFL

Nestor Aparicio  16:14

tonight with Menifee in Austin, Texas, with the street band. And Brian Baldinger, what a dude. And I hung out all night, and I didn’t see him for 25 years, and I saw him at a Super Bowl, like two years ago, and he came over like we were fans.

Mark Viviano  16:28


That man is a prince. He’s a good dude, but we he and I used to stand in front of a live microphone with our notes and our highlights. We planned live and we would go all right, Lin Mart had the ball at the five yard line with a chance to take the lead over Cedar Rapids, Washington, and, you know, as we’re and then now we go to Kurt, to Kurt Menifee, who was at the LIN Margaret, whatever, you know, we did that. That’s, that’s and I covered University of Iowa, Iowa State. From there, the guy that hired me in i in Iowa, the general manager, Phil stoles becomes the general manager at wbas. Famous name here, yeah. He becomes a GM in in Baltimore, hires the hires a news director who calls me on Phil’s recommendation. Dave Roberts, I came to Baltimore, set foot for the first time ever in this city on Preakness Saturday, 1994 who

Nestor Aparicio  17:20

won the race, Gato Del Sol. I’m making that up, maybe before anyway,

Mark Viviano  17:26

so I’m at the Harbor View Hotel suits. It was the most beautiful day ever. Harbor court. Hotel, harbor court, that’s

Nestor Aparicio  17:33

where I lived. Yeah, yeah, okay. Harbor court hotel, 94 I’m just hold on, 90 you arrive 94 preso Camden Yards is built. Angelo’s owns the team you missed the all star game. Yep, the CFL Colts are about to have about to happen, right? All right, so I’m just getting vibed on that. Okay, so spring of 94 I’m trying to think of where I am in life. How bad the Orioles were. Oh, the baseball strike. Oh, my God, dude, the baseball strike was eight weeks old, so here I am, right. So good first


Mark Viviano  18:04

time covering. I’m in a major league town covering. I thought prayer

Nestor Aparicio  18:08

the football was coming back here. You didn’t come here. Ever thinking that they were gonna get an NFL team. But

Mark Viviano  18:13

let me tell you this. So when I’m in Dayton, Ohio, I’m in Dayton Ohio from the first day I go to work in Dayton, Ohio, was a day Pete Rose gets banned from baseball day one. This was August, 1989 Barcia Mati in 90 they beat the A’s in the World Series. I’m out in Oakland covering the Reds because Dayton, Ohio is like 3540 suburbs, Cincinnati. Yeah, basically true story. After the Reds sweep the A’s in Oakland, a bunch of us reporters are out at a hotel bar, 89 This is 9090. Sorry, okay, yeah, 89 it was Bay right. Bay Area, Erica, all right. So 90, there’s a little one of those Papa shot machines. And so we’re playing Papa shot basketball, and I’m kind of winning here. Some guy comes over, Ricky Henderson, he goes, let me try to No. He

Nestor Aparicio  19:01


didn’t say, let me. He said, Let Ricky, let Ricky. Ricky, Ricky the ball. Ricky and the

Mark Viviano  19:07

A’s had just been swept in the World Series, and he lost in Papa shot to me. So that’s a that’s a low point in his life. Although he’s in the Hall of Fame, he’s got more stolen bases than you. Yes, he does, good man. He had more speed anyway, so you’re right. So I get here, I get here to Baltimore in 94 the first live shot I did was from Memorial Stadium prior to Doug Flutie and the Calgary Stampeders coming to town to take on the Baltimore CFL

Nestor Aparicio  19:36

flute with a lot of Baltimore ties. He

Mark Viviano  19:37

had a lot of family in Baltimore. Then, as you mentioned, base, there’s


Nestor Aparicio  19:40

another good dude, Doug Flutie, good dude, good

Mark Viviano  19:43

dude. So baseball season, it’s Johnny Oates and the Orioles and boom, it’s all over because of the strike. And next thing I know, I’m in New York, covering that. I’m in Washington, DC, at the Mayflower Hotel, chasing Don fear, talking to Mark Belanger. Who was with the players union back then. That

Nestor Aparicio  20:01

was the Joe Smith winter, too. I believe that was the Joe Smith at Maryland winter. That was, that was the year, I think that was the year that Mayor, we didn’t have anything else. We didn’t have we didn’t have a football team. We didn’t have baseball. Baseball is on strike. And the Terps were kind of like coming into their own thing. Yeah.

Mark Viviano  20:18


So, so they cancel the season. OATES gets fired. They hire Phil Regan, and this is in November at this point, and Phil Regan is coaching the ingredients, Caracas, raucous. Caracas, the illness. So I tell my news director. He said, You know, nobody knows who this guy is. How about we just go down to Caracas. Can you imagine even asking a news director that, these days in this business, how

Nestor Aparicio  20:44

much is the American Airlines flight at that time?

Mark Viviano  20:46

Who knows? Right?

Nestor Aparicio  20:48

You never got you didn’t matter manager, and you had to go get it. You know


Mark Viviano  20:52

who was down there as I get down there? Tom Keegan was down there.

Nestor Aparicio  20:57

Got his leg. Tom still with us. We lost, though we lost Joe Straus, I’m sorry Tom I love you. You

Mark Viviano  21:04

know that Kagan got his laptop stolen in the press box in Caracas, and so Phil Regan warned me he goes, just watch your stuff around here. Have you been down? That’s your name. I’m Venezuela. Yes, you’ve been down. I’ve

Nestor Aparicio  21:15


been to Maracaibo, but not since that era. I went several times in the 80s and once in the 90s. Okay, that’s it. So this way I’ve been down there around that time. I’ve been down there 92 or 93

Mark Viviano  21:27

so Regan gives us full access. We got a mic on him. We’re walking through the town with him. We’re going up to these different academies with him. I had a good relationship with Phil, like this guy. He was a wonderful man. Wonderful, just wonderful. He was very grandfather a Michigan Yeah, he

Nestor Aparicio  21:42

reminds me of everybody. When we start to really talk about the media, how many of those men that were all men of that era, would meet a young person like us as a reporter and want to teach you something because they were men who taught things they were teaching. Marvin Lewis would always say, I’m a teacher. I’m not a coach. I’m a teacher. And Phil Regan, all of those guys that would take their time and sit with Mark Viviano of the television station, you know, and let you mic them up, whatever their story was. They wanted to educate the audience. They wanted to educate you. They felt like you had value as a person, as a human, and that’s who Phil Regan was, yeah, so, well, you’re like, that doesn’t go on anymore. No, it doesn’t come

Mark Viviano  22:25

close to guys like that, unless you’re the network, and then you still got a bag to get, to get that kind of access. But so we cover Regan. He lasts one year, but that one year was the Cal 2131 year. This is all happening. This is like, oh, and then as that’s happening too, we break the story that the Cleveland Browns are moving. I said, Look, this is all hold on a minute.


Nestor Aparicio  22:47

Watergate, Nixon’s dead. They’re all dead. We now know who deep throat is, right? We can, you can Google deep throat and find out who deep throat is. Is there going to come a point where you’re going to tell me the Bob Leffler told you that the team’s coming? No, are you ever gonna tell me? I’ve told the story. You told the story. I’ve told the story. I don’t know this. Can I take a break? Take a break. I’ll tell you the story. You’re gonna tell me you’re not. This is gonna be the real story. It’s been published because I don’t

Mark Viviano  23:11

know this story. I’ll be happy to share it with you. She can’t hear because I knew you got

Nestor Aparicio  23:15

the scoop of the century, literally. And I’ll tell you my story, because I was in Cleveland the night it happened. I was on the tarmac in Cleveland when art signed the deal. I was at the airport because it was the World Series was going on in Cleveland. Yes, it was, and I was there covering it, which is a funny reporter, because

Mark Viviano  23:32


I’ll tell you a story about the NBC affiliate in Cleveland, who, when I called about this story, their reaction.

Nestor Aparicio  23:40

Mark vivianos here we’re at Cocos. All brought to you by the Maryland lottery. Conjunction with the friends at Jiffy Lube MultiCare, we’re doing 27 oysters in 27 days, even though I’ve only got 26 years. It’s all brought to you by Liberty, pure solutions. Marcella has put on the menu here. Read up here, garlic roasted oysters

Mark Viviano  23:58

with broiled Grier and you speak

Nestor Aparicio  24:03

like a Missourian, grievre and Parmesan. Well, you’re like Sicilian, so you probably can say that the right way. So my first oyster will not be with my cousin John shields at Gertrude tomorrow, it will be right here on this stage. Cocos. We’re in laraville. VIBs gonna tell stories. I’ve given out a whole bunch of lottery tickets. We’re going to be at Cooper’s next Friday. We’re going to be at state fair on the 24th we’re going to be a CASAS on the 27th we’re working at the governor. We’ll see how that goes. Working at the other governor, Governor Hogan, will also be joining us. Angela Ulster, Brooks later on. John Sarbanes, I’ve got Dave shining, good man, one of my favorites, right? Dave shining and and Chad weasling. You know Chad agent, Chad the agent for a whole bunch of players in the NFL. Played at Maryland for krevak, and he’s going to join us next Friday at Cooper. So we got all sorts of stuff going on. I got lottery tickets. I got Viviano here. This is your life, Viv we’re going to come back and talk. More St Louis stuff, but I’m gonna stop the whole thing. Because when I when I did the This Is Your Life, I wondered if you were really gonna tell me the story. If you’re gonna play then not till I die. You know, it’s out there. Brother, 100 years to the day, November of 2095, we’ll find this out. All right. I can’t wait to hear it, so I didn’t Google it ahead of time. Mark Vivianna, we’re back for more small we’re positive. We’re Coco. Stay with us.

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