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For two decades Charles Steinberg worked for the Baltimore Orioles and can recite the history of Orioles Magic because he was there when it happened. Checking in from his gig running the Worcester Woo Sox after a long trail of success with the Boston Red Sox, the native Baltimorean had some thoughts on the kindness of Brooks Robinson, warm memories of 33rd Street and the resurgence of the Oriole Way with the 2023 Birds.


brooks, orioles, baltimore, jersey, brooks robinson, baseball, story, wearing, cal ripken, oreo, players, talk, charlie, fans, oriole, clubhouse, louis, 25th anniversary, worcester, sat


Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

Welcome back, W and S, T, Towson, Baltimore. And Baltimore positive. Itโ€™s our 25th anniversary that cupcake and the fireworks out in front should tell you so our friends at curio wellness and Farr and daughter not just hooking me up with this really sweet Baltimore shirt this week, but also sponsoring our 25th anniversary and our stories of glory top 25 stories up. Weโ€™re on number 23 Right now, time will not dim the glory of your deeds and lifting our company here. Weโ€™re appreciative to them. Weโ€™re also doing the Maryland crab cake toward next Friday for my 55th birthday. It is Friday the 13th should be good luck for an American League Championship Series. Weโ€™ll see. Weโ€™ll be a truck city. Itโ€™s all brought to you by our friends at the Maryland lottery. We have some rabid scratch offs to give away as well as our friends at window nation. 866 90 nation and Jiffy Lube multi care our newest sponsor for the crabcake tour. Theyโ€™re just in it for the crabcakes appreciate the Pete and all the folks over Jiffy Lube as well. This guy has been a friend I guess a colleague over the course of time. At one time we routed for the same team which was orange and black. He ran off to Boston got a fistful of rings, and one time he was doing PR for the Orioles to community outreach. A longtime friend of Eddie Murray and Cal Ripken and the late great Brooks Robinson as well. He is now living his best life in Worcester, Massachusetts probably would have been hard to tell him that when he was a dentist in Owings Mills here 30 years ago that his best life would be in Worcester, Massachusetts, running the Western.


What are the naked give me the facts, the Western redside I want to call

Nestor Aparicio  01:37

them Pawsox. But I donโ€™t want to be disrespectful to Rhode Island. How are you Charles Steinberg, the good doctor, and a longtime advocate of all things. Baseball and love have specifically, no offense to Boston in all that Baltimore baseball, youโ€™re one of the original lovers of Baltimore baseball.


I tell you, Iโ€™m fine. And Iโ€™m glad to talk to you always happy to see you and talk to you. And to be back in my hometown. Even if itโ€™s virtually Iโ€™ve been blessed with the most unusual career to be in baseball 48 years, which is amazing, starting with a high school internship from Gilman at age 17. But the longest stretch Iโ€™ve ever had with one club out was my stretch with the Orioles the 19 years from 1976 until 1995. So thereโ€™s a big piece of, of orange and black inside of me and Iโ€™m thrilled, thrilled for everybody in Baltimore. And to be able to have a year like this. It kind of reminded me, you know of some of our other years of 79 of 89. But to see people flock to the ballpark to really connect with these young players. Iโ€™m really happy for Baltimore.

Nestor Aparicio  03:03

Doctor, you sat in my studio when you had a fistful of rings. I mean, I guess it must have been 15 years ago, it was probably eight or nine or 10 in that range. You came in, sat in my studio for a couple of hours and regaled me of how Pippins magic to do became the song they walked out on the field all the disco era of Ring My Bell and thank God Iโ€™m a country boy and the way music sort of set the background this was your background theater, music, the arts and and what became Memorial stadiums Oriole magic and you know the song. You know, somewhere around here, I have Harry Shrivers letter to a very very young nasty Nester back in the 90s and Oreo magic and W FBR. And Charlie Ackman Doug de senseis, by the way was supposed to be on the show literally right this minute, but was in town for Brooksโ€™s funeral. And listen, Charlie, I want to reach out to you. Just because we have a week here waiting for Game One Saturday watching the wild card games, but Brooksโ€™s death last week. I mean, I was pulling into LA chiropractic to go to my yoga class with my wife, literally never forget where you are right. And I got the wn S T texts from Luke Jones at the ballpark. And my wife was making a left turn on Joppa road and Iโ€™m like, I was like, oh my god, we lost Brooks. And I donโ€™t know what your story but that may be reached to you and to Rick Vaughn this week and all of you and it would have been natural to reach to you anyway. Just this is a baseball week despite the fact that the Ravens were first place and theyโ€™re playing the Steelers and itโ€™s Pittsburgh. We used to be called Pittsburgh we now itโ€™s called Walker we the Brooks thing. Itโ€™s brought people like Doug to senseis across the country. Youโ€™re obviously running a baseball team and in Worcester, but, and Brooks like i When Johnny died. Oh my god. Itโ€™s been 20 some years 23 years since Johnny died. I, but Brooks dying, everything stopped around my life for like about 36 hours last week despite the clinch game and the Orioles, Brooks, I mean, you say larger than life, but like, Brooks is larger than life.


Thereโ€™s so many references you can make. You can hear James Earl Jones say the one constant throughout the years, and instead of baseball, you would say, has been Brooks Robinson. He was already playing when I was born. I think he was already playing when so many of us were born. And itโ€™s he has been not only a constant, but a constant force of good and the ultimate role model. Heโ€™s the one who helps little children believe in sports heroes and find that their right to do so. He validates your heroism, and I use present tense because I donโ€™t think of Brooks in the past tense, yet. I feel his spirit and I think that what he contributed to generations of little boys and little girls is just itโ€™s the ultimate itโ€™s the model. You know, I was just a fan just a kid growing up in Mount Washington like everybody else wearing shirts that said number five, and

Nestor Aparicio  06:30

are you a junior Oriole? Tell me the truth. Were you. Oh, yeah, I was to crown gasoline yet. Brooks was standing there next to the gasoline. You had to put your little to back. Do you want to sweep the bases, which I got to do one time? So yeah, yeah, Frank Lucchese chase me they were playing the rangers and he chased me off third base because I was little you know, as part of the third base coach job is to scare the little kid but I got the broom and the broom looks just like the broom the bird has in the pictures when we sweep somebody, you know, but it had black whistles and a nice orange handle. And that was the broom in my house for a good dozen years in my house after I got that broom Junior Oreos.


Well, I think we all went through it. Yeah, I was a junior Oreo. I got my 10 bleacher tickets. That was the program at one point, along with a Gino giant, which Iโ€™m sure I did not need but I have anyway, I thank the Oriole advocates because the oral advocates were that claimed of human pillar of the Orioles, just as Brooks in his own way was. But we all grew up the same way. Knowing his smile, knowing his kindness and knowing his advertisements for bubbly, bubbly milk, knowing that he had a little sporting goods. Corner at hamburgers at the ranch down the road plaza where you bought your Rawlings glove. Mine not have the ability to catch balls, but there was no follow the glove. You know, weโ€™re all weโ€™re all loving Brooks and admiring him when he would have an appearance. Youโ€™re gonna put down Yeah, I think the Bank of that time was Calvert. Yeah, my mom made sure s&p is took me there. Iโ€™ve got that ball. In my office at polar Park here in Worcester. I just showed that ball to one of our really nice AAA players, Ryan Fitzgerald, hoping he gets a call in the majors. But Ryan is the kind who always has time for people who always signs autographs for people. He even stopped his car, driving down the street, saw a kid playing by himself the front yard, introduced himself the kid lost his mind and and invited him to a game. Thatโ€™s thatโ€™s the Brooks Robinson spirit. And when you see it and other players the irony is I sat in my office at polar park with our great community ballplayer, Brian Fitzgerald. I showed him the ball showed him the effect heโ€™s having on 10 year olds as Brooks had on me. And about three hours later got the news that Brooks had passed away. So you had

Nestor Aparicio  09:25

just touched his baseball that day. You know, for me, I was cleaning my closet out on Sunday. And I found the crown gasoline multi image that was on the credit card early 90s crown was a sponsor of mine and brought Brooks by in the 90s a lot. So I have a lot of tape of Brooks and I talk and he always called me partner. You know, and you know, I remember how nervous I wasnโ€™t he met me at Hooters in 1995. Right after the strike. You were still working for the Orioles May of 95 All of you were trying to sanitize the game, clean it up Cal Ripken to strike the odious pneus of all of that happen. And hereโ€™s Brooks come on back to the ballpark partner. So, but BROOKS I found the autograph to nasty Brooks Robinson. I remember when he signed it 1995 But I met Brooks in 1974. When third base is my home was launched his book, and it was at Brooks Robinson store at the Herschel cone and heโ€™s point mall up on the second floor in the sporting goods area. And I have the book to Nestor signposted left handed, everything was left handed for you, Brooks 1976. You said you were like the kid from Gillman working there. Right? What were you? Thanks, Brooke staying like as an employee of the Orioles.


All right, so these ladies are to pool stories. My new you

Nestor Aparicio  10:49

have them Dr. Steinberg, I knew you would add them. Thatโ€™s why I called



my How about this my first day as an intern for the Baltimore Orioles was Saturday, May 8 1976. I started on a Saturday May not on Monday morning, because Bob Brown, my dear boss and first mentor and legendary PR director said them to me and my interview on April 12. He said if you can come on Saturday, May 8, weโ€™ve got to give away and we think weโ€™re gonna sell out the house. Well now it took a lot to sell out Memorial Stadium. And he pulls out from behind his desk. This memorable orange Orioles number five, replica jersey t shirt,

Nestor Aparicio  11:42

Crown gasoline. My neighborhood wore that chain for 10 years that that orange right was rayon it was 100% rayon


100%. Now, how did those T shirts get to gate w two and and E three and W six. There had to be a crew of young folks six who and it was a group of people that Mack Barrett, our system PR Director a wonderful guy assembled and we put those boxes on hand trucks. flatbed trucks didnโ€™t even know what those were. And we got those T shirts to the gates and what a thrill to contribute to that day. But thatโ€™s not the end of the story. Now, a year later was thanks Brooks day. Remember he?

Nestor Aparicio  12:40

I was September 77 Norman Rockwell? Yeah, my my dad got tickets out section 16. Man, we were out way past the bullpen with bolts game on the radio because it was a Sunday.


And that was the birth of the O during the anthem. But while Bill had been doing the Orioles cheer all year long since about May or so. But on that Sunday, September 18 and 1977. During the silence of the anthem, you heard this oh, weโ€™re like, Oh my God. But anyway, um, Thanks, Brett stay. I had the honor the privilege of writing the names of Brooksโ€™s on field guests in Sharpie on index cards and taping them to the brown folding chairs on the field. And I didnโ€™t think life could really get better. The 16th Go gloves. Were all there. Youโ€™ve seen that photo?

Nestor Aparicio  13:41

You had something to do with that picture? Did you have something to do with that picture?


I was there for it. I know that we assembled those pigs i Those gloves and then I got it. You got

Nestor Aparicio  13:50

the dirt off the bottom of it because the trophies are sitting in the dirt. I look, Charlie, every Brooks picture in a completely new way last week, right? Like the jumping up at the 66 World Series. And Iโ€™m going to ask you this and this is homework for anybody in our audience. Where was Louis? I mean I you know, I see McNally I say like everybody was the shortstop I want to see video to see if he ran toward a dugout ran. Because a lot of times when the fans come, you know you just want to take cover I think if youโ€™re given a 1966


but remember Paul Blair made that final catch. So Louis might have been sprinting to centerfield. Iโ€™m wondering yes, right. balblair But what a moment so but hereโ€™s the pivotal moment. And the greatest honor of my baseball career came when Brooks asked me to be the one to speak on behalf of all the fans at his statue dedication in 2012. And I told this story because itโ€™s the kind of story that only two people knew Brooks and me but itโ€™s the kind of story that that I think all of us want to understand to fortify our belief. Bob Brown asked me to go into the clubhouse to have Brooks sign something. Itโ€™s early in the day, itโ€™s about four oโ€™clock for a night game relatively early relative to the game. And I go into the clubhouse, and itโ€™s an empty clubhouse. The only person in there is Brooks Robinson, sitting at his locker with the chair turned around. So heโ€™s facing the empty center of the clubhouse. Brooks is in his underwear. And he has this giant cardboard box. And heโ€™s reaching into the box one at a time, taking out the fan mail that Gwen Phillips in the PR office had prepared for him. And heโ€™s signing every single letter, every single baseball card, every single baseball, thereโ€™s no one there to see it. And I just felt like I had been given this this aperture into a holy sanctuary.

Nestor Aparicio  16:07

Santa Claus, right, like literally make making the gifts out early right


indicates himself. Thatโ€™s the thing. And by the my words in 2012 are my words, today in 2023. Do you know how validating that is to a little boy now 17 1817 years old to see that your hero is who you think he is. And that the man behind the curtain was just as kind, Justice friendly, just as able to put you at ease, as you imagined. And as you saw him be in public. That was a really cool moment. What if we had been not so blessed to have great guys in our clubhouse? What if somebody, you know, told me names to get out of there? It might have changed my love of baseball. But Brooks was always, always kind. And one time I said to him many years later, how did you say yes to every autograph. He goes, Charlie, itโ€™s a lot faster to the sign than to explain why you canโ€™t.

Nestor Aparicio  17:20

Oh, thatโ€™s beautiful. He just knew


he, I think he knew how loved he was. And I think Baltimore really distinguished itself as it still does. By showing that love. I think Baltimore is unafraid to love people who love them. And thatโ€™s not always true everywhere. Some people can go oh, Iโ€™m not gonna I might look soft. Baltimore unabashedly loved Brooks, and expressed it and I honestly believe he felt that right up to the last minute. Iโ€™ll tell you one more story of how personal it is for all of us. Everybodyโ€™s got their Brooks Robinson story. Now, I was 17. When I started at the Orioles. I had already met Brooks a bunch of times. I think he knew me when I got there as that little kid or met him all these times. Getting the Brooks Robinson story sign up putting it all together. So high school

Nestor Aparicio  18:23

kid we all were right. Youโ€™re a baseball kid.


Now we go to this year. I am no longer young. But for the first time in my life. I am engaged to be married. And just out of love. I sent a save the date to Brooks, back in late April, early May. I sent them to a lot of people. Only one person who got to save the day to which you donโ€™t need to RSVP, RSVP, and it was a phone call that thank goodness went to my voicemail. Hey, Charlie, itโ€™s Brooks Robinson. I got your invitation. Charlie, your man, a beautiful girl. Iโ€™m so happy for you, Powell. I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ll make it up there. Iโ€™ve been in and out of the hospital with a bad ticker. But I know youโ€™re gonna have a lot of people from Baltimore and I just want you to know how happy I am for you. It was a little longer than that. But that was the gist. And God willing, weโ€™re playing that at the wedding. And it will give Brooks a presence. Who does that? I have many, many friends who arenโ€™t going to be able to come to the wedding. Iโ€™ve lived all over the country. And yet Brooks Robinson takes the time to call and thank me for the invitation. It takes me back to thanks Brooks day in September of 77 that night, there was a reception for him a party at crosskeys. And Bob Brown allowed me to go. And there I am. I mean, I canโ€™t believe that Iโ€™m at a Brooks Robinson party. And I, he came up to me and I said, Oh, thank you so much. No, thank you for coming. Like, youโ€™re thanking me for coming to a Brooks Robinson party. Well, itโ€™s the same thing is that? Hereโ€™s Brooks, thanking me for inviting him to a wedding that he wouldnโ€™t live to see. But let me tell you, I feel his spirit profoundly. And my fiance is blessed with three wonderful children. The middle one of a 16 year old boy is a huge baseball fan from Massachusetts. And he has declared himself an Orioles fan all the way. And when I went over to the house the day

Nestor Aparicio  20:58

when youโ€™re 16 were first place now you know, Thanks for Thanks for us in the Red Sox lately.


He did it last year. But but when I went over to the house the day Brooks died. There he was wearing his orange Brooks Robinson jersey. Brooksโ€™s legacy will continue, because we will continue to tell stories of the greatest heroes Baltimoreโ€™s ever known, and the greatest heroes baseball has ever known. And youโ€™re not going to tell those stories without talking about Brooks Robinson.

Nestor Aparicio  21:29

Dr. Charles Steinberg is our guest as always, he is now spreading the love of baseball love to my my wifeโ€™s people up in New England. Heโ€™s in Wooster, hometown of the great Phil Jackman. I might add Mark blancher from also on up and throwing that out and he is running the woof socks up there now at polar park and you can follow along get married this week talking Brooks Alright, so I got to tell a couple stories to you because weโ€™re kind of old school chums as well. So this summer the Orioles get good my wife and I moved about a year and a half ago and I cannot find my Oracle Jersey which was an IT 92 jersey. You were running the team when I bought it. You know first year Camden Yards is the button up polyester orange crest on it. Aparicio. 11 Mar over Pro Am sports. So the letters on for me 32 years ago now? 31 years ago? I canโ€™t find the jersey in a thicket. Did I get pissed enough at Angeloโ€™s to give my jersey away I donโ€™t think I did that. So I did not give that away and Alan Mills traded me this beautiful oriental warm up jacket that looks like Earl Weaver wore it with the old bird on the sleeve in like 9899 they were wearing that style again. And Allah Mills traded me this jacket I had these two great pieces, but I canโ€™t find the jersey going up online and buying these Pacific belt buckles right from the 70s rock belt buckle. So I started to buy things on eBay as an old guy, which Iโ€™d never bought anything on eBay in my life a couple years ago. And I started poking in, you know, Louis Aparicio, the 58 car that I canโ€™t get in better shape. Can I buy that? Hold the Houston Oilers stuff? I had Dan Passerini Jersey i I wound up picking up in Warren Moon wearing some old school stuff that the Ravens threw me out. I put Louis Aparicio in doctor, and thereโ€™s a 1969 beautiful gray blue jersey. They only wore one year for the 100th anniversary of baseball with a 69 patch on it. And itโ€™s in the 1970 courts. Itโ€™s itโ€™s sharp jersey, but itโ€™s been like a $400 Jersey when Iโ€™ve been at Comiskey Park trying to buy me and itโ€™s made a wall like I wouldnโ€™t want to wear it. So I poke around and I found this Aparicio Jersey Iโ€™m like, Thatโ€™s good look, and itโ€™s in my price range. I clicked 58 bucks. I bought it. Itโ€™s beautiful. Itโ€™s like a Mitchell and itโ€™s not made in China or undergrad. Itโ€™s like nice and fit. So I got it. But then I put Louis Aparicio Orioles jerseys in for my 25th anniversary of the radio station. On August 3, we did the show it cost this and one of my dear listeners and I have at least a dozen or two by now. Itโ€™s been been 30. You have a couple of listeners. Kevin grace is an old school friend of mine, worked at the racetrack. Heโ€™s an author. He writes it, he brought me a gift on my 25th anniversary. And heโ€™s like, I know you donโ€™t have this because I hear you talk on the air about how you want it. When my wife was battling, they gave away a 66 Palmer jersey with the Oriole crest 66. You know what the 60s Squat little black letters like the boob Powell black rests on the back. And I never got the Palmer jersey. And he gave he gifted it to me on August 3. And itโ€™s too big. It looks like I mean, I can eat crabs in it, but it looks like a night gown. Itโ€™s an extra large giveaway. And I loved it and Iโ€™m wearing it and I started to think all right. Iโ€™m gonna get this Aparicio White Sox jersey and itโ€™s gonna be cool little Louis. Itโ€™s awesome looking with the Creston Chicago White Sox. How can I get an Oreo 166 I start poking around Charlie Jersey pops up in early August dude wanted to under bucks for it Iโ€™m like Iโ€™m cheapskate for Dundalk. Iโ€™m not gonna do that. So the front of the jersey look like this. Tell everyone this is the Brooks right now now that Iโ€™ve youโ€™ve given me the Brooks Robinson rayon storage product reason I love this jersey Gary Ranchi wore this jersey, this is a 79 or real magic jersey. It was birthed in 7576 77 in the disco era. And on the backside of this 79 jersey was the Aparicio name and an 11. And Iโ€™m like, Iโ€™ve never seen anything like this. And Iโ€™m like looming and weird this you want a 66 so this is available in my size, it was already made, and the dude wanted to unbox because I am the guy I am I got it for 9999 Plus tax and shipping. And I Iโ€™ve been wearing this thing for the last three and a half weeks as though itโ€™s like Linus i Itโ€™s like my blankie Iโ€™ve been wearing it because like itโ€™s itโ€™s been such a tragic thing here. As you know, you sat in my studio and talked about the owner calling me a very unimportant individual wondering and youโ€™re you ring in my ears about there are no unimportant customers or fans for Brooks Robinson. Nobody was unimportant to Brooks or anybody like that. And my love of the team and my love of the 70s and Gary Radnicki and brother Lo and you and Rick Vaughn and Bob Brown and every Ellen con everybody that was a part of this. I got this thing now and Iโ€™m wearing it. And itโ€™s just fun. Baseball can be so much fun. And the reason I did free the birds doctor, as you know was it doesnโ€™t it canโ€™t be this much fun every year you donโ€™t want 100 Every year you donโ€™t not even the Red Sox, not even the Yankees. But it should it should have been more fun than itโ€™s been over the last 30 years. And this year has been fun this week will be fun. And Iโ€™m soaking in the fun and you know Iโ€™m soaking it in for every person like my friend Melanie from Dundalk. Heโ€™s had season tickets since 84 and can barely afford them. You know what I mean? But it will mean so much see and Clancy I sat Clancy sat down at a beer with me, but four months ago, and he he started welling up talking about Adam Jones honoring him. In 14 Clancy has been glancing was stealing cotton candy and peanuts before you work for the team.


But you know what, what Iโ€™m seeing though, this year, after this valley that youโ€™ve described is people have come back. The Oreo fans are there. The the Die Hard Oreo fans, the the Memorial Stadium section 30 fours thereโ€™s an entire new generation falling in love with the Oreos, which is wonderful. But the Oreo fans have come back. And Iโ€™ve come down to Baltimore a couple times. And that place is more orange than it was in in 6979 or 89. So people are wearing the Orange Show in their pride. And I just couldnโ€™t be happier for Baltimore. And for Brooks to pass away in this extraordinary season. And depends on on your spirituality. To me, I think heโ€™s taken a higher perch. And heโ€™s gonna watch this team from the best seat in the house through October.

Nestor Aparicio  28:38

Any thoughts on young players in pitching? Youโ€™ve been around for this? I mean, your red sox era? No offense you bought a lot of players you know there were some players that came to the system for sure. But this thing were you really stink and they really stunk here, right when itโ€™s one thing to brag about all the one ones you have, but those one ones come at a cost of a generation of fans. But then they hit on these players mean holidays not even here yet. Counselors barely blossom Westberg is making his way through. But what rutschman and Henderson have done with grace and Rodriguez is doing deals. Always.


We always knew that the Orioles was that it was always based on scouting and player development, then judicious trades and the occasional free agent. But we always knew that and to see the crop of players that the Orioles are producing what happened on Saturday, on Saturday, Norfolk won the entire triple eight championship. They beat the Pacific Coast League Oklahoma City Dodgers club, and theyโ€™re more common. The Norfolk played in Worcester this year, and I invite I hereby invite everyone from Baltimore to come up. Whenever Norfolkโ€™s playing and it is fun during the anthem When Norfolkโ€™s hear you hear the Oh, it is a cool thing. So, the building a farm system we knew and I congratulate Mike Elias II Rosenbaum, when he was our intern at the Red Sox years ago, youโ€™re doing it the way we always grew up knowing. And yes, you see Adly rushman and you see Gunnar Henderson, thatโ€™s, you know, 1980. The talk was, Wow, I wonder if Cal Ripken is really going to be as good as, as they say, 90. Maybe one is at Rochester. You know, we used to have a bountiful farm system. And it goes all the way back to Paul Richards and Earl Weaver, and to Cal Ripken senior. They taught, they taught magnificently. And if you ask Eddie Murray, Cal Ripken, any of the folks as Boog, who is the best teacher of how to play baseball, they will all tell you Cal Ripken senior, Johnny Oates gave me a dissertation on it once as Bobby Grich the Orioles the oral way was real. And the the player development system was was the envy of all baseball. And I sit here in Massachusetts, in Worcester with an eye on whatโ€™s going on in Norfolk and in Baltimore, and I go, they go, theyโ€™ve got it. So itโ€™s, itโ€™s very, itโ€™s good for baseball, that the Orioles are good. And itโ€™s great for Baltimore. And I just love that Baltimore is responding and embracing these young players. They deserve that.

Nestor Aparicio  31:51

I listen to you if you get an extra seat for Game One, two, because weโ€™re, you know, weโ€™re not gonna play land. somethingโ€™s gonna happen where we will be in a World Series, youโ€™re getting game one and two here. You got a friend here, Iโ€™m out, Iโ€™ll go hang out there. Hereโ€™s the I left the stadium the other night, when I thought we were going to clinch my wife, reds, reds, my wife or her Red Sox hat on Wednesday, because the Red Sox gonna beat in Tampa and the potential clinch Miss happened the next night. Itโ€™s fun. Weโ€™re leaving the stadium the Red Sox are getting wiped out by the rays. And I know we canโ€™t clench but eighth inning, walking up Pratt street vendor out on Pratt street selling shirts. I saw the shirts and I thought, Thatโ€™s good looking shirt, I would get that shirt and I walked on another 50 paces. And I had cash in my pocket, which is, you know, you donโ€™t use cash for much anymore, right? I had a $10 bill like I wanted 10 bucks. I paid 50 steps back and I bought this shirt. And Iโ€™m gonna go Iโ€™m gonna get you one of these we come in for the World Series. You ready? Baltimore? versus everybody? All right. Itโ€™s always been that way, Charlie.


Iโ€™ll tell you, I congratulate you. Iโ€™m gonna Iโ€™m gonna have to run I gotta let you go to but let me tell you the the eyes of baseball are on Baltimore once again. And Iโ€™m really proud of Baltimore. Iโ€™m really happy for the fans. Theyโ€™ve waited a long time. Itโ€™s the 40th anniversary of the 83 team. And we always thought it would always be that way. So I think everybodyโ€™s gonna savor it.

Nestor Aparicio  33:17

parts to perform hearts to warm. You got it things and things to take by storm. I got a little peppered in there.


Magic to do.

Nestor Aparicio  33:29

We got magic to do. Heโ€™s got match. Heโ€™s running things up there and Wooster. Heโ€™s got to run polar Park, the blue Sox, the history of the game, from Brooks Robinson and thanks, Brooks day to that picture being taken out of memorial stadium that says charge in the background. Iโ€™m Nestor. Itโ€™s a great baseball week here. Itโ€™s also Pittsburgh. We were wn st stay with us

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