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Seth Elkin of Maryland Lottery talks baseball and Dundalk million dollar winners with Nestor

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Seth Elkin of Maryland Lottery talks baseball and Dundalk million dollar winners with Nestor

Always fun to talk baseball, trading deadline deals and Maryland Lottery news with Seth Elkin. This week, a guy walked into Squire’s in Dundalk and walked out with more than the pepperoni and meat sauce…


lottery, orioles, winners, pitch, maryland, good, prize, pirates, baseball, fun, pittsburgh, tickets, sammy hagar, homerun, august, progressive jackpot, year, game, seth, promotion


Nestor J. Aparicio, Seth Elkin

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home we are wn St. am 1570, Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive we are positively getting the Maryland crabcake tour back out on the road as well as the oyster tour. We’re a month out now, September oyster tour 26 oysters and 26 days. Our 26th anniversary is Saturday but don’t tell anybody it’s August 3, we will be here 26 years then the lottery was 50 plus one. The Gold Rush seven snowboards I had these in my possession, we will have these to give away when the cheats, droves come to town later on in the month. But do a lot of baseball around here. We’ll get back to that certainly data fade. Please have my caster shirt on where they’re always talking baseball. It says Dundalk on it. And I just gotta say this. John Martin is not with us this week. He’s on assignment as the director of all things Maryland lottery and gaming. He told me he wasn’t going to be here. He always seems to space out when the Orioles are about to play. The guardians are right after they play the Guardians. This guy’s actually a pirates fan. And I got some soup for both of you to be honest with you because I drove through Pittsburgh, on my way to Cleveland, and I went to breakfast in Cleveland. I didn’t go to the Hall of Fame because I was too tired. I needed to nap up for Sammy Hagar but Thomas told me my good friend wore me out on Sunday night with the totally tubular Festival at the blossom music festival. And then I went back for Sammy Hagar and and Loverboy and they blew me out but I drove through Pittsburgh coming and going and I must say that I threw a personal text to this guy. As one of two or three people I know who still loves the pirates. Nobody here should ever love the pirates. I point that out. Seth Alcon is here on behalf of John Martin in the Maryland lottery. And I was gonna like say all these nice things to John about the Ohio lottery because I saw I lottery stuff. And I was a tree mount in the Christmas story house and the the Indian or excuse me guardians in first place, but your pirates may trade deadline news for the first time since Bert Blyleven maybe, maybe maybe since Bobby Binya

Seth Elkin  02:08

maybe no Matlock maybe we have to go back further even so I don’t know Steve

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:12

glass I’ll you know, Doc Ellis I’ll throw Mani Singh ghee in our throat all that but it’s looking at Cleveland for John for you. Cleveland said better than us right but Pittsburgh and Baltimore these places that have been outpost baseball places to be buyers on the trading deadline to invigorate the fan base. Even if there’s a lot of stuff about alias and how much they did they get a lot. I don’t know how it’s gonna turn out. But like it was fun. The bid the baseball trading deadline had me in my car listening to Cleveland sports radio and classic rock and then Butler classic rock and Pittsburgh Sports Radio coming through. And it was a baseball trading. fun time to be at the end. I know what a big baseball fan you are man.

Seth Elkin  02:58

I have to say first of all that if you were driving through Pittsburgh, as a Pittsburgh, you might just stop there. Because most people in Pittsburgh don’t want to go on to Cleveland, but well, we’ll leave that where

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:10

I stopped. I have a bad back. I pee a lot because I’m 55 and I just needed to stretch my back right? I went to the Oakmont stop because I didn’t really go into Pittsburgh. I went around it now. I did call my son and my daughter in law who loved Pittsburgh they went to the arts festival they had a little place called MADELINE That was a cafe but it was like lunchtime and I figured they’d be out of you know console. If I if I made my wish I didn’t stop in Pittsburgh, but I went through Listen, a lot of Pittsburgh classic rock Hozier played in Pittsburgh is every stop I made including the Oakmont stop was nothing but hose your fans wearing all this gear, right. But I’ll say this, they had a whole gift shop because next year’s Open is being played up there. So they had like I could buy all this PGA gear and let you hang more crap in your office. That’s from Pittsburgh, right?

Seth Elkin  04:06

Well, it took me a little while to reply to your text message because I was in celebration mode, as you said that the pirates made made deadline deals to add players. I’m still in shock. I’m still processing, the fact that they

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:22

added processing this kid that’s pitching that he’s even better than Caracal

Seth Elkin  04:26

I think I think well you know what we’re holding our breath. We want to make sure that that we hold on to him for a little longer than we hold on to Gerrit Cole. But Paul skeans Every Paul skeans Start has absolutely been an event for pirates fans and I think for major league baseball fans in general. You’re seeing those games being televised I think MLB Network is is is often picking up the broadcast whenever Oskins is pitching. I know

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:53

you’re old like me. I remember Fernando mania like it like I was a part of Fernando mania. Trying to stay awake until 1030 at night to watch him pitch in 1980 81 when I was 1230, like that’s I remember Mark fidrych, right? So I mean, I remember Strasburg, too and like, you know, we have our own thing here. We’re in first place, every game is important and all that, but when you have that kind of generational picture, it’s fun watching your Tawny pitch was fun if those are fell off. Yeah,

Seth Elkin  05:21

I mean, you keep waiting, you know? Because you’re because we’re pirates fans. We wait for the other shoe to drop

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:28

because you’re pirates fans. You wait for the Steelers to start and I try that too.

Seth Elkin  05:32

That too. Believe me it’s it’s training camp. So this is the time when pirates news fades from the headlines but yeah, you know, you wait, you wait with bated breath for each one of those starts and the kid just seems like he’s he’s. He’s not going to be daunted by anything. He’s even when he has given up home runs. He said a couple of starts where he’s giving up first inning homers and he just keeps right on go and everything is 99 and 100 miles an hour and he’s getting guys out and I had a chance to see him pitch in person in Chicago back in May his second start he went seven hitless innings. In Wrigley Field it was the first time I’d ever been to Wrigley Field and he threw the last pitch struck out the last guy he faced on a 100 mile an hour pitch. And he I was smiling when he walked off the mound that’s for sure. Do you like Wrigley? What’s that

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:24

did you like Wrigley

Seth Elkin  06:25

Oh yeah, I you know having never been there before it was really something to see. I’m glad I got a chance to get there and and of all things you know, I plan that trip months in advance not knowing you know whether the pirates would even be in contention or let alone have the guy who ended up starting for the National League and the all star game on the mountain that days, though. It was

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:45

a great day. See I love talking baseball Seth Alcon is here for the marijuana. We’re gonna get the million dollar winners in Dundalk. We’re gonna get to all of this in a minute including we have a Olympic we have all sorts of things to talk about. That’s lotteries but the the Orioles and I guess okay, this is home run riches. But but the Orioles this week as well have tried to fortify to invigorate the fan base here and you guys have homerun riches and hitting homeruns up but but this has been a fun week to be a baseball fan to immerse in the sport a little bit to learn about like the Giants trying to deal off guys to get under the threshold of the tax and you know just there’s just so much to understand being a baseball fan and so much nuance to it. That when the Orioles add Eloy Jimenez and Luke and I are like, where did that come from? And then, you know, bringing on a pitcher that has years left and contracts and take it on money and Eflin I mean, you learn a lot and we have new ownership here and all that but it really allows people to immerse in the sport and to your point the Ravens pretty good we got the MVP we were the ones that you know like Lamar is out Lamar was sick last we like all of that. But it’s nice that that secondary for Luke that this week that baseball can stay front and center a little bit for for for everybody that loves both sports

Seth Elkin  08:05

that you knew the Orioles were gonna go after some pitching. So that’s not a surprise. But I was impressed by that Jimenez trait because I know he’s been he’s been banged up and injured his entire career it seems but when he’s healthy and you put him in this lineup where he doesn’t have to be the guy that carries the lineup the way he did with the White Sox or the way the White Sox were expecting him to be and boy if he can be healthy and be an additional bat in that lineup. It’s going to be pretty impressive. That’s already been impressive these last two seasons to watch the Orioles but, but that was a I think that’s an underrated pickup. They needed pitching but he’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:40

gonna make 500 bucks for some Marylanders is what you’re telling? I

Seth Elkin  08:43

think so I think you know, you put that many bats in one lineup, and he’s gonna see some good pitches. You know, similar to the other. The other comparison I would make is to Oscar Hernandez who’s been kind of up and down and then ended up going to the Dodgers and you plug him into that lineup full of all stars. And he’s knocking the ball all over the place now. So I don’t know whether he meant as is going to live up to that. Or Hernandez was a win all star this year and won the homerun Derby but I think that was a good pickup.

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:13

Seth Alcon is my dude at the Maryland lottery we’re going to talk about all sorts of lottery stuff right when we get through some baseball here they moved the fences you know back that you know we got relief pitching now we got it we got a couple starters we got things going on ready the only thing that I’ve asked and I requested this a Luke and I’m mad at my parents quite frankly and they’re both gone now and my my my mother’s birth both my mother’s birthdays for this week. So on her birthday, but I’m mad at my mother for not naming me sir Nestor Aparicio like seranthony to make Lena I need to be sir. For you with home run riches and where we are with that that has been, I guess for anybody that loves baseball loves the Oreos. It’s a front and center promotion for everything you’re doing. And we’re five minutes away from rolling out those ravens tickets. I think John’s gonna come in with a You know, with a drumroll for that next week, but the Homer riches thing is really a lot of fun.

Seth Elkin  10:04

Yeah, we love this thing. And you know, little did we know that the Orioles are gonna end up leading the majors in homeruns. But we’ve given away more than $159,000 worth of prizes through homerun riches. More than 160 home runs if at five grand slams. And of course, the Grand Slams are each worth $5,000. This year for our lucky winners are lucky contestants of the game and we just got a new batch of those for the games in August. So you can go to MD And check that out and see if if you or someone you know is a contestant of the game for the games in August and still time to enter because we’re going to do toward the end of August we’ll draw all the homerun riches contestant of The Game winners for the games in September. So got another month worth of winners still to come. And hopefully a lot a lot more home runs. I know the

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:53

contest that you go out on social media tell everybody everybody’s rooting for like four or five home runs that for you that including a Grand Slam everybody wants. I mean if the bases get loaded and my friend’s name is up there I mean, come on, man. Right. I mean, that’s, that’s everybody makes it fun. Give something

Seth Elkin  11:09

everybody a little extra to pay attention to every time the bases are loaded. And I don’t I don’t have that number right in front of me. But every Bases Loaded opportunity is a chance somebody could win $5,000 Every one of those at bats. So that’s been a lot of fun this year. That was a new addition to the homerun riches promotion this year and I think it’s gone over really well but it’s been a lot of fun.

Nestor J. Aparicio  11:28

Minute Eloy Jimenez hits a homerun or grand slam you’re getting a text from me for that first one. Seth out this year, from baseball to lottery business and I buried the lead. I mean, because yeah, it’s middle of the week trade deadline, John’s not here to talk all that Cleveland stuff that I wanted to talk about. And my favorite scones and tree month by month Bishop coming on this week from Cleveland. So we play Cleveland this weekend. The Orioles play the Guardians, but I can get off a baseball for what makes it any better than baseball. Maybe other than football this time of year rather than maybe the Sammy Hagar tour is that every week. I get James Kennedy’s emails for me. Sometimes they come from you communications Maryland lottery and I get all the winners. And it’s not like you know, I’m here reading through every winner with John or every time somebody hits at the Royal farm somewhere or somebody hits the wise markets or my sponsors, but every week I’m waiting for somebody in Dundalk to win a million dollars and this week apparently like it was out on my social where I saw it first somebody shared it on like Dundalk community saying this ticket got one somebody better claim it. So I’m gonna I don’t know where I picked that up because that was somewhere between the first beer at Sammy Hagar and the six hours of driving home that was before Elias dealt for to pick like so i But somewhere along the line have we found the million dollar person yet, Seth? We did and

Seth Elkin  12:56

that winner was here to claim this week. That winter was at squires restaurant in Dundalk on.

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:04

I swallowed a lot of pizza there. So I swallowed a lot of pizza and Squires.

Seth Elkin  13:10

Well, I’ll tell you what, our million dollar winner is going to be able to buy a lot of pizza because he bought a fast play ticket there on July 26th. That was

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:17

hoping was Mr. Causey I caught playing lottery all day in the squires I believe me I’ve had a lot of pizza squires trust me and pizza John’s back with me I love love you both but there were many family gets like a piece of this right? Like the squires people for selling a ticket. They get some dough, right? Yeah,

Seth Elkin  13:35

I’m looking to see it’s a it’s a 1500 and I’m sorry, I’m looking in the wrong spot here. Get it right and get with the with the exact there is there is a I think it’s it’s 1% of the prize amount. So it’s about $1,000 that goes to the retailer that sells it as a bonus that sells a winning ticket.

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:59

My friend to sell Yeah, I’m wearing a Costas shirt from Dundalk as well. But man, we get a million dollar winner right there on Halbert Avenue at a place where I ordered Shirley Temples when I was three years old, you know what I mean? Like, really, for real? I mean, all my life Squyres, probably the first restaurant I ever ate in, in my life that that I would consider a restaurant as a child. Yes.

Seth Elkin  14:22

And, and somebody who was there on July 26 bought an extreme green, fast play progressive jackpot

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:30

game, that’s my mother’s birthday. So there’s your good luck right there. My mother loves squire July 26. Go ahead, keep going. This is good.

Seth Elkin  14:38

It paid $1,045,588 That was the progressive jackpot amount that was won by a guy who called himself an extreme green dream, naming himself after the game. So he was stayed anonymous for for publicity purposes, but was very happy to walk in here and claim that prize as you can imagine, and That’s that’s a lot of fun. Imagine you put a few bucks in a lottery a vending machine or a few bucks at the register and you end up with a million dollar prize on a Friday evening as you’re buying your pizza.

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:12

And a damn fine pizza I might add to Well, yeah, okay, always so this is what I’m gonna tell you stuff because you’re not from around here. We’ve established that already get this Pittsburgh thing and I’ve been some Pittsburgh pizza too. And I listen, I like Piero gese. I every time I passed to prevent the sign I wanted to stop by because I like french fries and coleslaw. My sandwich. So you all have you changed my sandwiches? shinza Not if changed my sandwiches.

Seth Elkin  15:38

You didn’t get one of those locally now. They opened a place in Linthicum per man. Yeah,

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:42

I saw that. So but I always drive by the one up in New York, you know, like, because I’m always going up to Pennsylvania for something. So you know, I would just you know, I would say this requires get the meat sauce. That’s a bit the meat sauce on the pizza. Don’t order it any other way. If you’re going to Squires and you will thank me later 140 5000 would have been plenty for this guy. Right? I mean, like you would have felt good about that. But $1,045,000 and thought Yeah,

Seth Elkin  16:10

yep, that’s it’s a great prizes. And those progressive jackpot games on on the fast play. Games are a lot of fun. It increments up. It’s kind of like a little bit like what a slot machine would do in a casino where each play increases that prize amount until somebody wins. So that one got up over a million dollars and very happy to award that prize to somebody that that was that was in a very good mood. When he walked in here. His arms are in the air he was celebrating and that was a lot of fun for us. You

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:39

know, I’ll just say this. This weekend, I abandoned my wife for a couple days went out to Ohio. So my boy Bernard McKinney hung out with a much Bishop and Thomas Dolby had a good time. And I came back home. And she’s got this thing that happens every two years every four years. And especially when it happens somewhere. She’s been recently like Paris, and she is just glued in on the rugby girls. And I got a great rugby story that I could throw your way since we’re doing a Olympics this week and have fun with it. But you guys have you’ve been given away this amazing. It’s not for this Olympics. It’s for Milan or LA. I hope the local winners are taking Milan. But you guys gave three like big Olympic Pat mean, except that my wife’s my wife’s friend doesn’t Super Bowl, she has been the World Cups. I mean, she’s not jaded about all that. I think she likes the television coverage that makes her cry and the storytelling more than she would really want to be in Paris when it’s really crowded right now and getting around and whatever. But she’s also seen two of our friends had we’re at the beach volleyball thing in front of the Eiffel Tower. So like, you know, there’s a part of it, but it’s been hot. You know, but we’re also thinking we’ve been to Tahiti, and I’m seeing him like surfing over there. And I’m like, I didn’t go out to Chapo but we know where that was. And we were in Tahiti. It’s beautiful, lovely. But you’re trying to give someone this experience through the Maryland lottery.

Seth Elkin  18:07

Yeah, we’ve got the Team USA megamillions promotion that’s going on now. through August 12. You can enter. Now we’ve given away two of the top of the three top prizes so far. Lisa Keaney from daubs, Maryland and Cheryl harrow from Baltimore, have already won their choice of a trip to the 2026 Winter Olympics. Go to Italy yes for 2020

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:35

Don’t get me wrong. No, if there’s some kind of the Hollywood Bowl maybe go to LA Dodgers Rome, you know, but I’ve got a Milan you know,

Seth Elkin  18:43

and we still have one of those left to give away. The last entry deadline is August the 12th. You can enter any Mega Millions tickets you buy during this promotion into my lottery rewards you will automatically then be entered into that drawing that comes up on August 13. For us to give away that last trip to the Olympics and a great time to be buying Mega Millions tickets just because of the promotion but but as luck would have it we’ve also got a Mega Millions jackpot that’s rolling along with almost $360 million.

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:15

As you all know, my wife’s into that now that in the Olympics, then my wife went 360 million. We’re going to Milan so

Seth Elkin  19:24

we we are rolling along with that. And obviously we always enjoy a jackpot roll but we had a we’ve had a couple of $10,000 winners in megamillions important to remember for everybody that maybe doesn’t play the games all that often that there are the jackpot is not the only prize in megamillions There are nine different price levels. We had a $10,000 winner in the drawing on Tuesday, July the 30th. And we had a $10,000 winner last week and Mega Millions so make sure you’re checking your tickets and we’re hoping to give away that we hope we give away that jackpot always but We’re certainly hoping we get some more winners at those other price tiers. The second tier pricing Mega Millions is a million dollars, Third gear 10,000. And plenty of time to get your your entries in for that last drawing to win a trip to the upcoming Olympics, I love that prize. And we have a lot of great experiential prizes like that, that you can win through my lottery rewards. If you’re not familiar with it, go to MD And check out all the information there there are always promotions running second chance promotions, you can earn points, as with the tickets that you enter, and you can use those points to enter additional drawings that we run through the rewards program. So there are lots of ways to Second Chance ways to use your tickets. And we hope people take advantage of that and have a lot of fun with it. And we’re looking forward to meeting that last Olympic Winter when that happens. You know, I’m

Nestor J. Aparicio  20:48

just gonna give the you know, gamble responsibly, please do all the other thing I should always tell people on behalf of the lotteries. If you’re playing at all, even when I hand your free ticket at Costas or Bailey’s, you come out to one of my events that she throws she throws are coming to town later this month, we’re going to be failing for that. So I’m going to be able to win the oyster tour. Two things, download the app if you play at all, and always scan and play the second chances. Because like, that’s really the one because not everybody’s getting in that sort of the dirty little seat you want everybody to get in you tell everybody to get in. But the second chance, you often have a better chance of winning, because not everybody gets in and that’s hold the whole gig is to try to get everybody in because you don’t want to lose it. I see people that you scratch out of when they throw you don’t do that, you know? So no. Seth Alcon is here he is with the Maryland lottery and so you know I let you go on that but it’s it’s baseball and we’re gonna roll out Raven scratch off here soon right right around the corner on that into August we got this big jackpot going on a Mega Millions right now. The Olympics is in gear right now. Things are good. It’s good summer. It

Seth Elkin  21:56

really is. And we’ll be out and about. We’ll be on ravens walk for those couple of preseason games that the ravens are hosting in August. We will of course be at the Maryland State Fair starting in late August you’ll be able to find us in the lobby of the exhibition hall all day every day that the fair is open. Come and see us you can buy some tickets there you can spin that prize wheel and win a lottery item while you’re there so we enjoyed getting out there and and meeting up with people and and have fun and please play responsibly

Nestor J. Aparicio  22:24

you know making milk cows or anything like that.

Seth Elkin  22:27

No, we’re not we’re not we’re not the Cow Palace at least not this year. We had our event there last year our winter event there but we haven’t we do have an event we can tell you more about that in the coming weeks here but we’ll have some winners out there for an event that comes up on August 31. So lots to look forward to for us as the summer comes to an end here in the next month.

Nestor J. Aparicio  22:47

I know Doug watches his time to God I need to get the winners on that are going to pick LA or Milan and I’m going to have a talk with them before they pick I just want you know I just want to get them on and see whether they really are gonna go to LA and how many people but and I love that way I’ll sell on like all day long. Oh my god your hat I really will. But I wear my Marcel Dionne throwback good purpley gold you know it’s good looking right? Get a hockey fan. Seth Alka for the Maryland lotteries here. John Martin will be in here after the Orioles beat up on the Guardians this weekend with all this new talent we brought in. I am Sir Nestor Aparicio. We are wn SDA and 15 70,000 Baltimore, and we never stop talking Baltimore positive

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