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Ripken brings us an iron streak of mental toughness during the crisis


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Podcast Audio Vault


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We’re almost 200 episode into this Baltimore Positive journey and Nestor finally snuck in a surprise for Don. After seeing the Cal Ripken 2131 game being replayed on ESPN while most of Baltimore watched – again – 25 years later, who better to drop by and help us make sense of a long, mentally-challenging streak of days at home quarantined than The Iron Man.

Don had no idea Cal Ripken was on the line until about 10 seconds before this began.

Nestor feels like he needed to give him a minute or two of prep time but felt like the questions and conversation would come easy. It always does with Cal Ripken.

This one covers a lot of ground…

Clearly, a lot has changed and it’s happening very quickly – and crisis management has become the key role for all us during the pandemic.

We are all in this together and this is a time to educate, unite and keep each other safe. But we also have some extra time to read and learn and educate ourselves in many ways.

We will continue to produce high-quality, intelligent conversations with thought leaders throughout this pandemic at Baltimore Positive. And we expect to do it at a rapid pace so stick with us and subscribe!


Like all others, we have halted a “live schedule” and will continue to launch our chats as we have them during this crisis. Expect more than less.

Because of the election moving to June 2nd, we will be having more of the mayoral candidates back to Baltimore Positive to discuss all of the current issues and the additional five weeks of virtual campaigning for the hopefuls.

Please subscribe to Baltimore Positive and stay with us.

We were built for this…

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