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LIVVing his best life, former Ravens wide receiver Mark Clayton shares story of his patented athletic headphone

Former Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Mark Clayton has stayed in touch with WNST ever since the day he was drafted 20 years ago and was a frequent guest on our Monday Night Live shows. Now an entrepreneur, the former first-round draft pick from Oklahoma tells Nestor his unlikely journey into the world of premium sound, full body athletic movement and finding a headset that goes where you wanna go when you are trying to break a sweat.

Former Ravens WR Mark Clayton tells Nestor about his new LIVV Audio active premium patented headphone

Former Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Mark Clayton has stayed in touch with WNST ever since the day he was drafted 20 years ago and was a frequent guest on our Monday Night Live shows. Now an entrepreneur, the former first-round draft pick from Oklahoma tells Nestor his unlikely journey into the world of premium sound, full body athletic movement and finding a headset that goes where you wanna go when you are trying to break a sweat.

Authors and Books, Baltimore Positive Classic, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Sports, Sports News

Tapping into The Bird Tapes and real Orioles history with John Eisenberg

Local author and longtime sports columnist John Eisenberg tells Nestor about unearthing the lost Orioles conversations and tapes of the heroes Birdland from his turn-of-the-century book on Memorial Stadium and the legendary tales of Brooks Robinson, Earl Weaver, Jim Palmer and everyone associated with Orioles Magic.

Jaws and Tim Brown with Coach Billick
Celebrities, Featured, Hall of Fame, Journalism & Media, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News, Super Bowl Radio Row, WNST Classic

Hall of Famer Tim Brown shares some Raiders and Ravens moments with Coach Billick and Jaws

Sometimes our Super Bowl Radio Row set gets a little overwhelmed with spontaneity and old friends. This 2018 chat in Minneapolis began with Ron Jaworski talking about the Eagles on the verge of winning their first Super Bowl as our partner Coach Billick and then Hall of Famer Tim Brown joined this epic conversation from the Mall of America.

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Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports News, WNST Classic

Purple Reign 2: Chapter 10 “The sad loss of a great work of Art”

This is Chapter 10 of “Purple Reign 2: Faith, Family & Football – A Baltimore Love Story.” Author and radio host and entrepreneur Nestor Aparicio is releasing it chapter by chapter daily to get #RavensFlock ready for NFL season. Hear Art Modell tell his life story here.

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