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After the honeymoon, Rubenstein has a lot of work to do with Orioles brand and growth

The good professor of all things sports business and longtime MLB executive Marty Conway joins Nestor to discuss the quickly-changing and evolving Baltimore Orioles franchise of David Rubenstein – and the many challenges ahead after the Splash of the honeymoon period and a great team on the field.

Leonard Raskin joins Nestor to talk Orioles profit of Angelos and money of Rubenstein to lift Baltimore

After Nestor broke out a cocktail napkin and did the math on the $173 million price tag of the Baltimore Orioles in 1993 (that came with $45 million in cash) and the recent sale price of $1.7 billion to David Rubenstein (that comes with $600 million in free money from Maryland taxpayers), he wanted to confirm his Dundalk math with our financial advisor Leonard Raskin as to just how much money the Angelos family actually made while attempting to destroy the franchise for the fan base.

Business, C-Suite, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Leonard Raskin, Local, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Politics, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

In the end, Angelos family made $1 million every week they owned the Orioles – plus the actual profit

After Nestor broke out a cocktail napkin and did the math on the $173 million price tag of the Baltimore Orioles in 1993 (that came with $45 million in cash) and the recent sale price of $1.7 billion to David Rubenstein (that comes with $600 million in free money from Maryland taxpayers), he wanted to confirm his Dundalk math with our financial advisor Leonard Raskin as to just how much money the Angelos family actually made while attempting to destroy the franchise for the fan base.

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