Shannon Sneed tells Nestor importance of City Council President seat and goals of her campaign
Shannon Sneed tells Nestor importance of City Council President seat and goals of her campaign
Shannon Sneed tells Nestor importance of City Council President seat and goals of her campaign
Leading her campaign with transparency and more fairness in Baltimore City government, former District 13 councilwoman Shannon Sneed tells Nestor the importance of the City Council President seat and the goals of her campaign for citizens.
Our Maryland Crab Cake Tour returned to Faidley’s in the new Lexington Market with another extended chat with former Mayor Sheila Dixon, who tells Nestor why she wants to lead Baltimore again and ways that our city could improve.
Our Maryland Crab Cake Tour returned to Faidley’s in the new Lexington Market with another extended chat with former Mayor Sheila Dixon, who tells Nestor why she wants to lead Baltimore again and ways that our city could improve.
Candidate Zac Blanchard tells Nestor why he’s running for City Council 11th District in South Baltimore and ways to improve the neighborhood he calls home.
Candidate Zac Blanchard tells Nestor why he’s running for City Council 11th District in South Baltimore and ways to improve the neighborhood he calls home.
Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott discusses COVID, restaurants reopening and tragic death of Dante Barksdale
Just six weeks into the job at City Hall, Brandon Scott has felt all of the impact of the pandemic and managing COVID and local businesses. We chatted about the legend of Shorty, reopening restaurants, vaccine distribution and the tragic murder of his friend and Safe Streets leader Dante Barksdale.
Buoyed by her long support from Mayor Brandon Scott and fresh off a District 2 election victory, Councilwoman Danielle McCray discusses local housing concerns for residents and the best place for peach cake and holiday goodies in her tasty locality.
Councilwoman Danielle McCray discusses local housing and shopping for holidays in District 2
He is the presumptive next mayor of Baltimore and the current City Council President and we had a lot of questions for Brandon Scott as we discussed his victory, COVID and how to send the kids back to school in Maryland.
Don and Nestor recap 15 months of Baltimore Positive focus on who the next mayor of our city would be and the challenges ahead for the current City Council President
Demanding transparency from City Hall and the City Council.
The race for mayor is not the only election on the ballot that is coming to your mailbox soon
The race for mayor is not the only election on the ballot that is coming to your mailbox soon
The “son of Baltimore” tells us his Charm City dream
We will be talking about this significant June 2nd election with candidates throughout May here at Baltimore Positive. Please watch, listen and learn as we ask tough questions of these mayor hopefuls during a pandemic.
What kind of a mayor of Baltimore would Brandon Scott be if elected next year? We ask him at Faidley’s in another great Baltimore Positive chat…
What kind of a mayor of Baltimore would Brandon Scott be if elected next year? We ask him at Faidley’s in another great Baltimore Positive chat…
The journey of City Council President Brandon Scott from Mervo to City Hall is a story worth telling. Learn more about this candidate for mayor of Baltimore in Part 2 of Baltimore Positive.
The journey of City Council President Brandon Scott from Mervo to City Hall is a story worth telling. Learn more about this candidate for mayor of Baltimore in Part 2 of Baltimore Positive.
Current City Council President Brandon Scott is one of several candidates campaigning to become the next Mayor of Baltimore. We wanted to learn more about one of the bright, young leaders of our city…
Current City Council President Brandon Scott is one of several candidates campaigning to become the next Mayor of Baltimore. We wanted to learn more about one of the bright, young leaders of our city…
Everything you wanted to know about how our Baltimore mayor Jack Young feels about crime, education and the future of the city as Don and Nestor ask tough questions
Everything you wanted to know about how our Baltimore mayor Jack Young feels about crime, education and the future of the city as Don and Nestor ask tough questions