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Luke Jones and Nestor welcome Chuck Pagano back to the Baltimore Ravens and talk defense and Ronnie Stanley

It’s quite personal for Nestor Aparicio and his wife, Jennifer, who made Chuck Pagano their first phone call for advice when she was diagnosed with leukemia in 2014. Luke Jones and Nestor welcome the un-retired defensive coaching wizard Pagano back to the Baltimore Ravens and talk defense, secondary and the upcoming Ronnie Stanley free agency decision.

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Chuck Pagano is back in Baltimore and we’re excited about that

It’s quite personal for Nestor Aparicio and his wife, Jennifer, who made Chuck Pagano their first phone call for advice when she was diagnosed with leukemia in 2014. Luke Jones and Nestor welcome the un-retired defensive coaching wizard Pagano back to the Baltimore Ravens and talk defense, secondary and the upcoming Ronnie Stanley free agency decision.

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