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Angelos BaltimoreMF24
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The legend and lore of Peter G. Angelos

With the Baltimore Orioles under new ownership and the abrupt end of the Angelos era and the Birds on the field flying high, Thom Loverro of The Washington Times tells true stories of his journalistic encounters with the former owner and discusses the future of Camden Yards and a new day with David Rubenstein.

#DearOrioles, ColumnNes, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

The Peter Principles (Ch. 6) – Wire to Wire, champagne and the Dumb Dumb divorce

Davey Johnson faxed The Baltimore Sun. Peter Angelos faxed The Washington Post. Both of their letters were published. Life was never the same for Orioles fans at Camden Yards. Read the history of the Angelos era and learn…

ColumnNes, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

The Peter Principles (Ch. 5) – King Peter silences Jon Miller and anyone else who doesn’t bleed Orioles orange

Peter Angelos never cared for Hall of Fame broadcaster Jon Miller. Angelos thought Miller was too critical of the Orioles. But mostly, his old world sensibilities didn’t like the style of Jon Miller as the voice of his baseball franchise.

Authors and Books, Business, ColumnNes, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

The Peter Principles (Ch. 2): The error of tyranny at Camden Yards

This is Chapter 2 of The Peter Principles, a book chronicling the Baltimore Orioles ownership tenure of Peter G. Angelos. In the early days, getting rid of DeWitt and Lucchino was easy but winning proved to be much more difficult for King Peter.

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