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Its now a Lamarathon Luke on Ravens fatigue
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Make no mistake about it: Lamar Jackson has gone to war with the Baltimore Ravens

In the aftermath of John Harbaugh’s bizarre press conference and the Lamar Jackson “I asked for a trade on March 2nd” news drop, Nestor Aparicio was invited onto Sirius Mad Dog Radio and gets grilled by J.T. The Brick about what comes next for the Ravens in the broken relationship between the franchise and its franchise quarterback.

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Business, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, Local, Luke Jones, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

Separating facts from fiction: Lamar Jackson v. Ravens for the money has begun

So much can happen in the coming weeks in regard to a franchise tag and trade – or a miracle signing of Number Eight. Luke Jones and Nestor assess the Ravens circumstances and all of their options with Lamar Jackson this offseason in this deep purple dive.

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