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Authors and Books, ColumnNes, Community, Education, Featured, Free The Birds, MASN, Nestor Aparicio, Orioles, Peter Angelos, Sports, The Peter Principles

The Peter Principles (Ch. 4) – The Dumb Dumb error begins in Baltimore

The Ballad of Davey Johnson begins in Baltimore in 1996. All he ever did was win baseball games. He and Peter Angelos never agreed on much. And then he was gone. Here’s the whole story through the eyes of the journalists who covered it.

Authors and Books, Business, ColumnNes, Community, Education, Featured, Free The Birds, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, MASN, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Peter Angelos, Sports, Sports News, The Peter Principles, WNST Classic

The Peter Principles (Ch. 2): The error of tyranny at Camden Yards

This is Chapter 2 of The Peter Principles, a book chronicling the Baltimore Orioles ownership tenure of Peter G. Angelos. In the early days, getting rid of DeWitt and Lucchino was easy but winning proved to be much more difficult for King Peter.

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