Ascension St. Agnes leader Ed Lovern tells Nestor about the power of a true community hospital
Ascension St. Agnes leader Ed Lovern tells Nestor about the power of a true community hospital
Ascension St. Agnes leader Ed Lovern tells Nestor about the power of a true community hospital
Ascension St. Agnes leader Ed Lovern tells Nestor about the power of a true community hospital
Bill Cole and Nestor discuss the consequences of omicron and another winter lockdown
Bill Cole and Nestor discuss the consequences of Omicron and another winter lockdown as we enter third year of masking and adjusting.
Johnny O joins Nestor and Don at Costas for a dicussion about vaccines, Baltimore County and public safety for COVID
The Maryland Crab Cake Tour returned to Costas Inn in Dundalk for a long chat with two Baltimore County Executives as Johnny Olszewski joins Don Mohler for some serious information on how local government has worked to help citizens through the pandemic.
Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss the anticipation of football season and agony of August pain
Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss the anticipation of football season and the agony of August pain to J. K. Dobbins for the Ravens’ hopes this season.
Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss taking advice of any kind from amateurs, internet scholars or science deniers.
Former Delegate and current Essex attorney Todd Schuler joins Nestor to catch up on all things summer, crab cakes and what really brings Marylanders together this time of year.
Todd Schuler and Nestor catch up on crab cakes and what brings Maryland together
Bill Cole gets a Dundalk doctorate education on why Maryland crab cakes taste better and a full Week 1 #CrabCakeTour recap from Nestor.
The second COVID battle of Lamar Jackson has Dennis Koulatsos and Nestor asking big-boy questions about leadership and big contracts in Owings Mills.
Mark Blum of America’s Agenda discusses pharmacy pricing and how citizens really get pounded by the middle men of drug companies.
Many Americans have refused the COVID vaccine. We asked Leonard Raskin what that will mean for the business of business in our country?
Bill Cole and Nestor discuss the ramifications of unvaccinated people in America
Science always believed we’d reach herd immunity because, you know, who wouldn’t want to take a vaccine that could save their life? More people than we ever imagined…
Katrina Osbourne of Weis Markets joins Nestor to discuss vaccinations and easy availability. You can even pick your brand and time and date. It’s so important! Please do your part to end COVID!
Bill Cole and Nestor discuss state of the state of Maryland as the state blooms and opens for business
Bill Cole and Nestor discuss state of the state of Maryland as the state blooms and opens for business
Bill Cole and Nestor discuss the value of “things” and where NFT is taking consumers and brands
Bill Cole and Nestor discuss the value of collectible things and trading currency in a confusing new world of the Non Fungible Token.
Bill Cole and Nestor discuss pandemic changes and spring fever
Leonard Raskin says if you’re feeling the spring of the vaccine bringing back your summer freedoms, just know that American business and ingenuity has pushed the needle.
Don Mohler and Nestor do The Recon on vaccines and spring progress in America
Reverend Al Hathaway joins Baltimore Positive once again to discusses the role of his growing Act Now Baltimore coalition in getting vaccines into arms of vulnerable residents.
As needles go into arms and March Madness comes to our television, Todd Schuler and Nestor look to the end of pandemic for sports motivation and a spring of outdoor games.
Todd Schuler and Nestor wonder if there is a sequel for cicadas or good movies like the original “Coming To America.”
Don Mohler and Nestor do The Recon on how this country will have a better spring and summer as progress arises in the domestic battle with COVID.
Don Mohler and Nestor discuss getting things done in Washington and Congress amidst the madness of polar partisan politics.
Bill Cole and Nestor discuss how we’ll really know and believe the COVID-19 pandemic is over – and when we’re safe to finally move freely about the planet.
Leslie Simmons of LifeBridge Health joins Bob Atlas of the Maryland Hospital Association to discuss ways every local hospital has adjusted during the pandemic.
Donna Jacobs of University of Maryland Medical System joins the Baltimore County Executive to discuss how the three vaccines are making their way to Timonium and other mass vaccination centers in Maryland.
You have questions. We have questions. Dr. Gregory Branch does an incredible job of explaining how the vaccine really works in your body and the ideology behind the significance of this American COVID vaccination process.
Harford County Executive Barry Glassman discusses the work in preparing vaccines, getting back to school and his political future as pressure mounts on Andy Harris in District 1.
Maryland Senate President Bill Ferguson says efficiency of vaccine process is essential for health of our state
Maryland Senate President Bill Ferguson says efficiency of the vaccine process is essential for the health of our state and getting business and commerce back to normal again.
Over Royal Farms coffee in his Cole Roofing mug, Nestor implores his pal Bill Cole to interpret why anyone would question the veracity or impact of a deadly global pathogen and the safety of others during a plague. But feel free to believe what you want…