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Our Chief Cannabis Officer Wendy Bronfein of Curio Wellness discusses the medicinal benefits of some new products – and a little baseball and football spirit – and the fall healing season at Far and Dotter in Timonium.


cannabis, product, concert, ants, oyster, strain, year, gummies, friends, wendy, pearl jam, talk, nestor, drink, pit, gummy, orioles, sports, people, educate


Wendy Bronfein, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:00

Music. Welcome home. We are W, N, S, T, touston, Baltimore, Baltimore. Positive. I think this will be the last time I hold the Gold Rush seven stoppers up because I’m getting the Raven scratch also in the Maryland lottery, I’ve been eating oysters every single day. I had an oyster shooter in Columbia the other night. I’m having oyster fritters. I’m having some shuck raw oysters with minionet sauce. I’ve learned what minion net sauce, even I don’t like it, but I learned what it was over Conrad’s. It’s been a great time. Oyster chores, all brought to you by our friends at Liberty. Pure solutions. It’s one 800 clean water. You can find them. You see the trucks around town. They take care of well water. They keep my water fresh. They give me fresh bottled water here. But they make the water that comes out of your your spigots cleaner. Even my kitty likes the clean water around here. They’re also good plumbers and our friends at curio wellness and foreign daughter also putting us out for this crazy oyster. I have not had an oyster with Wendy bronfen, our chief cannabis officer, and the Chief Brand Officer, Curia wellness and foreign daughter, but I have had some rock and roll with you. You and I were together one night and never saw each other. You were with my wife the next night at Lake Street dive, and I was at sticks. I have been rocking. I let my hair down for you because I figured you and your husband were probably making fun of me at Pearl Jam, because I’m a little I’m awkwardly fun at concerts, right? I mean, a little bit, right?

Wendy Bronfein  01:16

No, not at all. I mean, we saw you right in the pit down in front of us. You were having a good time. I went alone.

Nestor Aparicio  01:22

I went with Craig lusko. So I had an extra ticket because of my wife. And my wife’s had a family thing and, like, whatever. So I’m going, I had an extra ticket in the pit. I hit every friend who ever commented on my Facebook about Pearl Jam. And I saw Pearl Jam in May. When I put pictures up, be like, Oh, I love I can’t wait. Get me a poster, you know, like everybody’s into it. And I hit every one of them and said, I’ve got an extra pit ticket. I, you know, would you like to go? Everyone was like, I’m already going. I’m already going. I’m you’re already going. Everybody was going. So my friend Craig lusko goes, and we get there, and he’s, he’s a big concert. I love Craig. He says to me, Look, man, I got one pit. I’m storming the stage. She’s I’m going in. I’m going to the belly of the beast. I’m like, Dude, you don’t you’re not my date. Go have at it. He’s got video up Eddie’s nose, like, under, like, hey, you know, he went into the pit, and I kind of hung out. And Eric Brown and I were saying hello, you know, all night long, Eric got a chance to say hello to me, but I was down in the pit, and I it was silent, no one talked. It was the best behaved, most awesome experience. It was my favorite concert at CFG bank. I and you’re not like a huge Pearl Jam, but you loved it, right?

Wendy Bronfein  02:35

No, I am a huge and it was great. The thing is, though, I mean, are we? We gotta talk about what happened. And also, I don’t know that. You know that, like prior, to quote, the event, during a live there were two instances going on near me, so I had sort of a an awakening to, I’ve had a lot of these lately, where I realized I’m not the young people anymore, and it’s very depressing. But earlier on in the concert, the the Usher and security were, like, near us, we’re like, looking up and trying to figure out what’s going on, and then a little bit late. And this is, like, you know, the concert started like, of nine o’clock. This is like, 930 on a Thursday, right? Like, let’s just be honest. And my husband Tasmania, and says, Oh, it’s, it’s over there. Somewhat, somebody threw up on that other guy’s seat, right? So, and this, and by the way, these are middle aged people, let’s remember, and I saw the reason to

Nestor Aparicio  03:32

use cannabis instead of drinking too much vodka. Wait. So then,

Wendy Bronfein  03:35

like, like, 20 or so minutes later, there’s this guy who’s by on the stairs by us, and he is just like, wave and a teeter, and you can see all the people going, oh, like, you want to grab him before he falls. And so then the security, like, kind of put their arm around him and shuttle him out. And he’s just like this, like, you know, probably 50 something year old guy. And then, of course, the big moment happens, where, in the middle of alive, and he says, whoa, whoa, whoa. And the lights go up, and the dog stops, right? The

Nestor Aparicio  04:06

woman that there was like a health incident, yes, yeah. Then the and then

Wendy Bronfein  04:11

he’s like, he says, Uh, no, it’s a long time to stand. It is a long time to stand. And then the wife starts to apologize. Says, No, don’t worry. Is everything okay? Well, wait, wait, totally

Nestor Aparicio  04:21

forgot that happened. Oh my god, the song like, that’s what you’re going to remember about it. All I remember is just how great black was. And, like, Just then

Wendy Bronfein  04:31

the crazy part was, is the couple walked towards where we were sitting, right? And they, I mean, they had to be at least 65 years old, right? And so then as soon as they get to, like, the threshold of being close enough to, like the outer perimeter, the lights drop, and they pick right up. And I leaned into the people with me, and I was like, it feels like this happens more than we think it does. And that’s what I was like, we have clearly the audience. We have all moved to a different age. We think we’re a certain age here on this Thursday. Night, reliving our reason to

Nestor Aparicio  05:01

hydrate and and not drink too much alcohol. And like, Oh my God. And you know, I love music, and you know that. And like, and you’ve been at concerts. Your Lake Street died. My wife went to Lake Street. I went to sticks. They’re my friends. They came on the show. Nils, Lofgren came on the show. It’s like, I it’s been an embarrassment of musical riches here of late, and I’ve just, I went to Marcus king with my buddy John Allen, having oysters at as part of this oyster tour, and doing all of that. And I am, I’m sort of blown away by how diverse the music audiences can be. And I know that’s part of your sponsorship with CFG bank. It was sort of like ushers one weekend and Pearl Jam’s next weekend, and Bruce is the next night and and it’s music is way more ubiquitous than even sports, and it’s been a tough sport. Listen. I this is where I’m gonna get curio wellness involved here, because I was gonna wear this shirt, and I thought, hold on, it’s the Orioles shirt, and I’m like, they’ve been tough times, and next week’s a whole different thing with the Yankees. But I was gonna wear this shirt, the purple, but I thought one would be disrespectful to the other, because they both need our help right now. The one thing I know is, I walked out of Bruce in DC victorious. He played Bobby Jean. I walked out of Pearl Jam completely victorious, because I had just a great night, arms raised in a V, as they would say, variety. I went to sticks. They played extra songs. They played crystal ball. It was awesome. I went to Marcus King. Loved it. He was acoustic, different, bluesy, whatever. Walking out of Orioles games. Hadn’t felt this unless you went to Tony taters Thursday, the sports Mojo this month, and you’re a huge sports fan, your family, your how’s your kid handling these Orioles like has your you got a young child who’s hasn’t come to terms with the Freddie potek moment, as I would say, when we’re crying in the dugout, we’re not going to win the World Series, and we have to explain To them, we’ll get them next year.

Wendy Bronfein  06:59

Yeah. So, so he is going to his last game, or with this last round in town before we moved to, like, a playoff window, and too expensive to take a kid, right? Yeah. And we were talking about, we were talking about, you know, oh well, the season ends, and then the playoffs and and the way that he’s like, yeah, and then there’s the and then there’s the World Series. I was like, right? But like, we don’t necessarily we have to get there, right? We have to, we have to win these games. We have to win more games. And so we keep talking about that over and over again. And I will tell you that I am sure there is going to be some sort of lesson on sportsmanship, because even if we start watching a random sport on a Saturday afternoon that just happens to be on TV. Whoever he decides he wants to win, he’s crushed if they don’t. And I’m like, You win some, you lose some. Like, we’re not gonna, like, it’s

Nestor Aparicio  07:51

a teaching moment, and earn the World Series, right? Yeah, you don’t just get there. It’s like, the Ravens. We just thought, well, they earn there’s gonna be in the playoffs. And then we wake up. And when did sports mood around here? I way rather be talking about Pearl Jam and Marcus King and how much fun you had. How was Lake Street dive? I you know, we talk about crowds and fun and and, I mean, maybe this is really where, like, I could talk about gummies, and I’m going to talk about ants and gummies and proper storage for everybody in a moment, because I’ve had an incident, but I would just say, your business and gummies and concerts and the experience of, am I going to drink? Am I going to have $22 drinks at the concert, like literally, I was, I saw a tequila drink 26 bucks the other night. The second one was 19 once you had the glass, but it was 26 for the first one. And I’m thinking to myself, this is where maybe your industry and the Grateful Dead experience of 40 years ago has come to a feeling of happy euphoria, contentment, peacefulness, all of these things that your plants known for. So maybe this is a good time to talk about how concerts are a little bit married to this in some ways, because I certainly see it and feel it. Oh, my friends. I mean, you know, if they don’t have cards, they know where foreign daughter is at York and Timonium road.

Wendy Bronfein  09:15

Yeah, I probably should say that. You know, pump lip consumption is not Nestor Aparicio, the state’s program, but you know, people will do what people do. That was actually my thought when I saw these people, these adults who kind of looked way too gone on at the Pearl Jam show, I was like, Is this the night you decided to try a cannabis gummy because I don’t know what’s going on, but it is way too early. Don’t start with 25 for you to be like this. This wasted on a Thursday evening. Well,

Nestor Aparicio  09:48

we’ve been at this our whole lives about alcohol, right? So this is, you know, and this is where I get into it with gambling. And, you know, can you gamble? Everybody were gambling on it anyway, right? So to me, this is a really good teaching point to. Say everybody’s seen somebody who drank too much at a football game, baseball game, concert, whoever it is, there is something about that that was publicly, I don’t want to say tolerated, but we’ve all been there at some point, if you drink and I Marcus King, by the way, has a completely sober he has a platform that shows up my Facebook about sober fans and the importance of that too. So I I’m with you, but I think we’ve all seen the alcohol thing have a really bad result for people, and I know you don’t want that for people who are taking gummies or using cannabis, because this plant can be used in a way that works and is, yeah, helpful, you know? Yeah, yeah. I don’t know what’s helpful about alcohol.

Wendy Bronfein  10:45

I mean, I think, you know, in its perfect consumption, it’s either relieving what is hurting or bothering you, physically or mentally, and otherwise it is. It is sort of this uplift, right? It’s like this sort of general enhancement to the situation. It doesn’t need to be like to the nth degree, like, you don’t know, like anything. It’s all about moderation. Because I think sometimes you know, you take that curve too far, you actually miss where, like, the value is. Well, that

Nestor Aparicio  11:19

would be the difference in going to happy hour and having two drinks and having two drinks too many? Yeah, right. And it would be the same thing with cannabis that there’s a way to do this, and certainly from a sleeping perspective and from sort of an inflammation perspective, there’s a lot of things that are incredibly healing about your plant, yeah? And

Wendy Bronfein  11:40

there’s a lot of things you can use that you would never even feel the psycho activity. But you also hear more and more, you know, these research showing that there’s where cannabis is legal, the alcohol consumption is going down. I’m sure the alcohol industry does not like that. And if we ever become federally legal, they’d probably be one of the top candidates to start acquiring all of us. But I think that you see that a lot, and that it becomes this alternate choice. And of course, you know, one of the primary upsides is, you know, there’s nothing. There’s no residual the next day, right? The Hangover, so to speak, does not really exist.

Nestor Aparicio  12:19

Wendy Brown is here. She tries to educate us. She’s our chief cannabis officer here, and educating us, from foreign daughter and from Curia wellness, we to everyone out there. You know, nowhere to use this product if you use this product, and certainly no to not over consume in any way. But we try to educate folks. And this is the time of the year. So I gotta say this, I my friends at mache, uh, pest control, uh, are taking care of my issues. But I’ve had like, an ant invasion with the rainstorms and whatever the ants try to get after my gummies. You know, there’s a, there’s a there’s a sweet part, I would tell people, you gotta lock this stuff up for for me, for I don’t have children here, you know, animals, things that we see on the internet, stuff like that. But I did have an ant invasion. But I would say this, you mentioned things that do not get you high, right? You turned me on to a thc v product, a good day product here, that is, I reach for words. I’m a man of words, and I don’t know the exact words, but I would say it was a very interesting product in the spring for you to bring to my attention. And I can just say, as a writer and as a person that really wants to concentrate, I don’t want to be zoned out. I want to be focused in. You have some interesting things that folks would not associate with a cannabis product, and say that can really be helpful for me. Yeah?

Wendy Bronfein  13:43

Well, that that chew, the thcb Chew, and then its counterpart, which I actually have here, product too, yeah, the good day tablet, right? So this is more of a sustained release, that’s more of an immediate both of those kind of give you a daytime sort of an energy, a mood lift, a bit of focus. And I think, you know, but not, but never really feeling intoxicated in any way, which is, I have royal

Nestor Aparicio  14:16

farms coffee here, and it’s full test. And we all know that that jitter. And this is the opposite of that. This is sort of the literally I’ve used it like, you know, done radio, sort of like, want to get work to process oriented things. And I’m like, Oh yeah, I had that little lemon thing that Wendy told me about over curio. And I’m like, I definitely, it’s definitely I feel a difference, and it’s a difference that you would feel with coffee if you drank too much of it right away. And that’s not a pleasant feeling. This was much more of a directed feeling. Yeah,

Wendy Bronfein  14:53

I mean, I tend to feel like with both of those, whether it’s the gummy or the tablet, that it’s. Like, whereas when something is stronger, you sort of feel it, come on, and you’re like, oh, here it is, or whatever. Maybe not, oh, but wave, like a wave you’re saying, Yeah, this is, like, it’s almost more like the day passes me by, and then I reflect back and go, oh yeah. I was, like, a little bit more energized and focused, and my mood was really good, and like, it kind of happens, and you don’t realize it’s happening, because the day is just happening, and you’re being productive, and you feel good and you don’t, and then you’re like, oh, right, I did. I had that, and it worked. Well,

Nestor Aparicio  15:32

I wanted, so the reason I kept these, and I’m literally these are, these are gummy. So I bought, how

Wendy Bronfein  15:38

about that? I see it. Well, you just took away that last one? Yeah, I’ve

Nestor Aparicio  15:42

had that suspect they’re gone so well if the ants didn’t get to them first, but so these were and I hold these around for a couple of reasons, a to hold them up, right? But I bought two of these, which tells you that I liked it, right? So I went back for this. But the other part is that I used the QR codes on the back for the points, because I’m trying to get in line as a curio spokesperson and trying to educate folks about we’re doing. You, you have a points program, so I’ve kept the bags to show off, and then the ants, literally, this was part of the ant issue for me, but um, in in these bags for for me to keep them. People should throw them away first thing. But, um, but you should use I kept them and I tried to show Jen. I’m like, hey, they have a points thing and QR code. And I’m, I’m an old fart. You know this? You’ve seen the concerts I’m at. Like, the QR part of being in a any membership club or any points program, sort of ingenious. And you guys jumped onto this. Not everybody’s doing it this way. It’s pretty cool. Don’t you think being sort of old like us, when we used to have to mail off and to join fan clubs and get points for stuff, this is very interesting gratification. Yeah, very easy way to zap it, really, yeah.

Wendy Bronfein  16:55

I mean, you’ve got the product, it’s so low, Fi, right? You scan it, it populates it, and as you accrue, I mean, and for you know, for people who are in Maryland and buy our products, you have the ability to redeem it, either for different merch items like Bluetooth speakers and swag and stuff like that, or you can trade it

Nestor Aparicio  17:17

like this. Or no, can

Wendy Bronfein  17:18

we do this swag? I don’t know. I don’t think our stuff is is on there, but more like generic like, but smell proof storage cases are on there, and JBL speakers are on there, and sweatshirts and stuff are on there. But you also can do $25 gift cards to our store in Elkton or our store in Timonium, and then for our friends in Missouri, because we’re out there too, they have access to all of the merch. Well,

Nestor Aparicio  17:45

I just figured it was easy. I’m throwing these away now, and you don’t have to

Wendy Bronfein  17:50

keep them forever. You don’t have to keep them after you do it. But wait, let’s talk about that one. You got

Nestor Aparicio  17:54

this up. I knew you were going, you know, so this was you and I tailored and giggled back in February, because it was Valentine’s Day, and you’re like, we’ve got a strain that people are coming in. It’s a strawberry thing, and it was a flower strain. Originally, people were smoking it and and this has turned into like an oil but we only talk about romance February. Nobody has romance in September, Wendy, the kids are back to school. We’re all work, and we’re trying to get baseball’s keeping us up. There’s no romances. Time of year, right? You need the bedroom Berry is what you need. Yeah, I

Wendy Bronfein  18:27

think, I, I mean, I think bedroom berry anytime, really. But yes, the Yeah, you’re absolutely right. The the profile of that strain, the strain itself, years ago, we had people telling us it had Viagra like effects, very literally, for men and for women, more of a heightened sensitivity and an increased relaxation. And

Nestor Aparicio  18:50

you said heightened sensitivity and increase because I, you know, I’m going back to ninth grade sex ed class, and I’m trying to figure out how to do this for all adults here. You know what I’m saying. But you know, we don’t. The blue pill came 20 years ago, and I always say your family was in those pharmaceutical business and Neighbor Care and all that. I am amazed that how many awful flavored things I had as a kid, awful stuff my parents made me take or tablets and stuff like that. This gummy thing for getting medications. Where were the Flintstones? Chewables like that when I was a kid, you know? Because these taste good, but they also have this effectiveness, that sort of, I we titter fireworks. It works like I’m just saying this is a product that is legitimate, and I’ll say this, you know, I’m no stranger to the blue pill and like headaches and like that. Like there’s a point. I mean, you’re a woman, I don’t know. You probably haven’t taken the blue pill, but it can set off, especially if you had a glass of oak or something. It could set off a headache. That would put you completely not it would change the mood instantly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there are definite side effects to that. I mean, come on. I mean, you know, there really are. It works. There’s no doubt about it, but it can be very counter effective. And I say that as somebody who’s a 56 year old guy who knows about that sort of thing, but this is not that kind of product at all. I found this to be like, really, and it tastes good too. I keep going back to life. You guys make stuff that taste good, yeah?

Wendy Bronfein  20:25

Well, you can. So depending on how you like to consume, right? You can. You can achieve that through free rolls. You can achieve it through vape. You can achieve it through that gummy. Yeah, we do. We do a lot of like development work with any gummy to make it very palatable and sort of less, quote, earthy. Like to try and not have a lot of that earthiness that people expect to be in there, and give it a really clean profile with, like the oil and then, and then there is an intimacy oil, so more of a lubricant type product that’s in that line as well. That’s, that’s quite exceptional. Well,

Nestor Aparicio  21:04

I would just say for this, I think of it as a February product, and it’s September, and the only reason I even brought it up, but this is a year round product. It’s just not eggnog at Christmas or pumpkin spice in the fall, right? Literally, yeah.

Wendy Bronfein  21:18

No, no, of course, yeah. I mean, I think that you know, if you only are taking advantage of that as one of life’s offerings in the month of February, like, let’s get you a bag at this and get your life in order. Yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  21:33

they know. We’re gonna talk about that today. And you know what brought it all on? It was the ant invasion. So I’m gonna use my points. They’re all empty, if you I should at least rinse them out and keep them on the set, because we do talk about gummies, as well as lots of other things and medicinal things, foreign dollars, child

Wendy Bronfein  21:49

resistant. You could seal them up tight, and then the ants won’t get in. I

Nestor Aparicio  21:52

don’t have any kids. I don’t think that ants. I don’t think

Wendy Bronfein  21:55

the ants can work. The can work. The child resistant thing,

Nestor Aparicio  21:59

my friends at mache pest control. Thank you for coming to my rescue here this week. And I need all the rescue I could get. I need, I need some relaxation around here after yoga. As you know, I’m not much of an indica guy. I sleep pretty well, but if they name a strain after me, if there’s a nasty Nestor, a be very upbeat, because that’s who I am. Wendy, I love having you on, appreciate the concert, friendship and all that anything down the line like on, you really do. I made a pumpkin spice reference, but tis the season. I mean, you do have you do a great job of flavors. I’ll just say that the gummies taste delicious, even to the ants, apparently, the residue. But you make delicious products, and there are some seasonal fun things above and beyond bedroom berry bliss that is available 12 months a year.

Wendy Bronfein  22:46

Yeah, there’s so we do a vape line called fuse. They’re all in one disposables, and they’re they’re all a flavored profile, and there is a pumpkin spice in that line. It is that time of year. You’re right. There’s a bunch of new exclusive strains that we’ve been releasing, the super silver haze, a lime dog, purple runs, purple, pure loco. So a lot of different ones coming out that haven’t appeared before. We’ve got a durb Poison. So can I ask

Nestor Aparicio  23:23

about that while I have, because I you start to read off these names, people that are familiar with strains to say I heard of that. And so haze, I know, what a haze. And these, you know, things that are attachments, that let people know where the profile might be, right? There’s something like a Durban Poison that, like I saw that on Denver menus a dozen years ago, and then there’s things that are exclusive to you, like a blissful wizard, that’s your thing, where, in that providing names Northern Light, names that people are very familiar with, right? Versus something that’s Hey, we’re gonna have our own nasty Nestor, a line with names that are fun and unto us, as opposed to Coke and Pepsi, for lack of a better expression, where you know exactly what that is,

Wendy Bronfein  24:09

well. So some of them like a Durban Poison that, you know, there’s a name that is very well known and in long existence, right? So something like that, I don’t think anyone would would mess with, so to speak. But when there are strains that you have, if we cross breed anything and create something new, obviously we’re naming it, or if it, you know, if, when we originally get that material, the name is really not particularly known, and we don’t think it’s strong enough to warrant people’s interest, then we’ll improve the name of it for sure. But most of the time, you know it’s they’re known a lot of strains and people, when you’re growing you’re looking for strains that have familiarity and popularity. So unless it’s something that we. Created originally.

Nestor Aparicio  25:03

Look the names are all wacky and funny, and I often say, and I to anybody out there, even if you are a veteran, you got a card you’ve been in get educated on it, to continue the education on it, because it’s not an inexpensive product, and you want it to be effective, and you and you want people to come in and try something like I did with this product. It doesn’t get you high. That keeps you focused. It tastes delicious. That’s, you know, easy on the body and the mind, and you come back and get another one. That’s the goal of it is to find what works for you. And part of that’s really getting educated and not being so overwhelmed by the menu, and I think that that absolutely, anybody that comes in, they’re like, What, my God, I don’t even know where to start in this. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s too much. And so we try to make it a little easier around here. And I would always say you’re the people in your place are just great. I mean, you could pull anybody up and ask questions, and everybody’s super friendly. You got a great staff at foreign daughter and Timonium. And if I have questions, I ask and, and

Wendy Bronfein  26:05

you should, you know there’s like, there you’re right. The menus are huge, and it’s like, if you don’t it, you can be a deer in headlights with all those choices. And you really have to be very, I think, transparent with whoever is helping you choose, no matter the store about what you’re trying to achieve, because a lot of times, what’s recommended can be what that person working there knows and likes, and it’s not like as broad their their purview isn’t necessarily as broad as the full menu. So it’s really important to really communicate what your goal is, what you’re trying to relieve, the effects you want to have whatever it is, so that they can really place the appropriate product with you to optimize your experience. Yeah, that

Nestor Aparicio  26:46

question. How do you want to feel? Right? How do you want to feel? What? Where’s your pain? You know, where’s your release points? So, hey, I just made a Pearl Jam reference there, Wendy brown fine is here I’m wearing my blunt person shirt. I like. I just couldn’t decide whether I was going to go purple or orange, and I didn’t want to be different, because it’s been a rough week around here. Me till this Dallas thing gets settled, until the Yankees thing gets settled, until we get an opponent next week, until we figure out a starting rotation. And there’s a lot to do sports wise, I was very pleased to take a little respite from sports for 15 minutes, talk some rock and roll, talk some education about cannabis with my friend Wendy bronfen. She’s our chief cannabis officer around here teaching us. She’s the Chief Brand Officer, and has a lot of answers, and there’s a lot of education as well. At a curio wellness, we always encourage people to use the product responsibly. We talk about it in a responsible way and educational way. And I really appreciate you. You coming on, and I hope we get back together. Things are better with the orange and the purple, at least for one of them. If one of them’s going well, I’ll put it on. But right now I’m just trying to, like, hold on to the rails and make sure we’re not oh and five and out of the playoffs next Wednesday. So Wendy Brown, five is here. I am Nestor. We are wnst am 1570 Towson, Baltimore, and we never stop talking Baltimore positive. And don’t worry, I’ll put my hair back up.

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Though talented, the 6-foot, 202-pound defensive back has dealt with a number of injuries in recent years.
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Realities of arms, pitching and money in MLB

With Grayson Rodriguez and Andrew Kittredge unavailable for Opening Day, Dave Sheinin of The Washington Post joins Nestor and Luke at Pizza John's in Essex on the Maryland Crab Cake Tour to the state of the arms' race in baseball…

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