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Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss the joys and pains of tax free week in Maryland for back to school – and how it works in Delaware and other places where it’s 365 days a year.

Leonard Raskin and Nestor disc…in Maryland for back to school

Mon, Aug 05, 2024 9:36AM • 29:18


week, money, years, maryland, delaware, raskin, tax, people, government, property taxes, buy, taxes, baltimore, spend, home, house, state, pens, wealthy, big


Nestor J. Aparicio, Leonard Raskin

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:00

Music. Welcome home. We are W, N, S T, Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore, positive. Yes, we’re still at an am 1570 hope you set a spot on your doll. We’re going to be doing the Maryland crab cake tour. I have to get rid of the 25th anniversary cupcake. We have to go to the 26th anniversary oyster. We’re doing the Maryland oyster tour, beginning the day that the Ravens open their season next month, on the fifth so a month out on that. All brought to you by our friends at the Maryland lottery. You have the Gold Rush sevens doublers will be giving his way on the 23rd at fadelies at Lexington market. Also our friends at Jiffy Lube, multi care, keeping us out on the road and keeping Luke out of training camp all week. We’ll have some Orioles action back home next week, as they’re playing all American League East this week, as well as our friends at Jiffy Lube MultiCare, getting the car out on the road, and liberty pure, keeping our water clean as well. This guy, one of our great sponsors, keeping the money clean as well. And certainly a summer time, and we talk about Delaware and Maryland and Ocean City, and my wife and I were looking at some concerts on that Delaware side down there in Selbyville, where they had that shed, that Freeman arts pavilion down there. So, um, letter Raskin. I will say this to you. I am going to damnation next week. I haven’t been beach. I haven’t I haven’t been across the Bay Bridge since the Key Bridge fell. Um, so I haven’t been, I haven’t been across the Bay Bridge all summer. So I will be going next week. I’m doing broadcast from Thursday and Friday at Mako. That is the annual Maryland convention of everybody that does business with the state. The governor’s there. Everybody will be there. All the electeds are there, all the people that do business there, Maryland lotteries there. John Martin will be on next week with us down at the fish Powell convention center. But I know like you’re here to talk about Delaware, not Maryland, right?

Leonard Raskin  01:44

No, no, no, talk about it all. But this is White Marlin week,

Nestor J. Aparicio  01:48

it is, and they’ve extended that by an extra day, yes. So,

Leonard Raskin  01:52

so some big catching down there. I think Michael Jordan is, is in the house. I

Nestor J. Aparicio  01:58

when his plane lands in Salisbury, everything stops on the Eastern

Leonard Raskin  02:01

Shore, right, right. It’s a big deal.

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:04

But you know, Evan brown one of our great sponsors, and I know you’ve joined me out at State Fair before El Guapo, Evan is an annual angler. He is in it every year. He has one of the houses right there, you know, gets a little condo on the pier. I’ve sat with him at seven o’clock after he’s been out fishing all day. It’s like, well, they’re up at they’re up at three, four in the morning. It’s all to me, and it’s four in the morning and hunting for big fish. Brian eater, my childhood friend, also from Dundalk, who owns the Chaucer, one of our other great partners in Highland town, he won. He had a check a couple of years ago. He was one of the boats that cashed the percentages in. He won a couple 100 grand. It was like a whole deal, right, right thing down there, but, but you’ve abstained. Your family goes down. This is the week where I give you because we did a lot of sports last week. And I’ll let you get on holiday and Kobe May. I’ll let you do we can get Lamar fake football. We do all that. But you love tax free week in Maryland, coming up, coming up, it’s next week, and you have space in Delaware. You are tax free all the time. You know, free all the time. I’m not going to blame Trump on you, but you know you’re, you’re part of that stew. But this Maryland won’t make a difference whether Trump gets elected or not, but this money part can class, yes. Thank God for that. The money part, the money part of Delaware and Maryland. This is where you can make new Republican if you didn’t have this creep running your party.

Leonard Raskin  03:36

Who’s, hey, go through all that, larry hogan. We got larry hogan.

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:39

He’s not, he’s a rhino, so we don’t like him anymore.

Leonard Raskin  03:43

So whatever. But here’s you like them till they don’t like him. This is where

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:47

you and I, and I know half taxes, more than half your fans you’re nuts with that’s fine, but not more than half. Maybe Delaware, Maryland. Thing I want to, I want to get rid of, Wes Moore. We’re going to get rid of him and make you the Governor of Maryland, and we’re going to have you change all of this. Tell me how they do it differently in Delaware, in a way that you and many other people, including businesses that incorporate in Delaware, take advantage of it. Right now, we have a week here, and it’s next week for shopping, for back to school, which is a big part of this. There’s an incentive part of this. I’m sure Governor Moore is going to be all about. All about this. I’m going to be down in Ocean City when it’s going on. So, but tell me how Maryland generates the revenue it needs. Because Bill X, Republican like you, he got out of the state. One thing before to die here, that was about

Leonard Raskin  04:37

one thing, one thing that that is is gotta be said first. When you say, generate the money that they need, the government generates money to spend, okay, and they spend it frivolously and stupidly on all kinds of things that they shouldn’t spend it on, that’s the first thing, many more things could be privatized. Than are, and lots of spending on lots of stuff leads to we need lots of revenue, and when you need lots of revenue, you raise taxes, and taxes hit the lower and middle class the hardest, especially regressive taxes. So sales tax, it’s we’re talking about is a regressive tax,

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:19

regress somebody, the money’s in my bank and now I want to spend and I have to do it.

Leonard Raskin  05:24

No, no meaning it hits the lower and middle class the hardest. That’s what

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:30

you mean by regressive, regressive tax. I thought you meant like, All right, I’ve paid my income taxes. I paid everything. Now I have money in my bank account, and every time I cross a bridge where I, you know, I have to pay tolls, I have to pay things that I’ve already generated, the money that I have made. You taxed a million times. You

Leonard Raskin  05:51

get taxed a million times. You’re right about that. But No, I’m talking about the fact that somebody with wealth, somebody of means, goes out and buys the stuff they want, and if it’s a 6% sales tax on a $10,000 item, $1,000 item, $100 item, they don’t care. It’s just a cost of buying stuff. But if you don’t have means, and you’re going to buy your kids clothes, shoes, backpacks,

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:18

and 100 becomes 106

Leonard Raskin  06:20

that’s becomes 106 that’s $6 matters dramatically to that person, the effect on the lower and middle class of sales tax, property tax, those types of things, tolls, cigarette tax, which is now, I mean, look, I am not about Smoking. I’m not a smoker, not an advocate of smoking. They just raised the cigarette tax, $5 a pack. Nestor. When I was a kid, 14 years old, I worked at the Royal Farm Store, which is now the farm store.

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:55

Was it real fresh, real fast? Then, no, no. There

Leonard Raskin  06:59

was no food. No, it was no food. The only thing we had was, was we had coffee that we perked in a filter in a pot with water, and we had, it wasn’t Krispy Kreme back then. It was a local donut vendor that came in every night and brought in fresh donuts. You

Nestor J. Aparicio  07:17

also had, you also had the icies that went into the baseball cup, because I used to get the baseball, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Leonard Raskin  07:22

that was it. Yes, that was it. But my point is, and I don’t remember the number, because I’m not a smoker, but I do remember people coming in angry as hell because cigarettes went to $1 a pack, and they were going to quit smoking by God, because it went to $1 a pack. Nobody quit smoking at $1 a pack, but, but they threatened

Nestor J. Aparicio  07:42

to get sideways on the government, saying, but my point is, but the problem then, is the health care toll 40 years,

Leonard Raskin  07:49

but irrelevant. Relevant. It’s not on the government. It shouldn’t be on the government. That’s the problem. They take so much money that they make you a slave to their to their programs. Okay, things should be privatized. The government should only be involved in things they need to be involved in. Okay, roads, bridges, safety and rules of of property ownership, fine. But when we charge people six cents to buy stuff that they can drive three minutes over to Delaware and pay nothing for that’s that’s a problem so they don’t generate the money they want. Now, what they say coming up, you’ll hear it all this week, tax free week next week. Buy an item with clothes, buy shoes, buy backpacks for your kids under $100 I don’t know what the heck you can get for under $100 but I guess you can go to Walmart or wherever else target, those kind of places, sure, under $100 you pay no sales tax, and they tout this as being fabulous for now, who is this fabulous for? It’s fabulous for the consumer and it’s fabulous for the merchant. Okay, wait a minute, if tax free week is fabulous for the consumer and fabulous for the merchant, why is it only one week? Why wouldn’t it be tax free August? That would be fabulous for the consumer and fabulous for the merchant. If it’s good for a week, why isn’t

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:23

it this? I’m going to see Brooke next week. She’s a controller. I’m going to discuss this from a idiot and dundalks perspective, yeah, because I am wondering if I lived in Elkton, yes, 128th street notion, right? I would go to Delaware for everything if I cared about that $6 on the edge of every 100, which that

Leonard Raskin  09:47

6% matters most to those that can afford it least. This is my point, cigarette taxes. Again, I’m not going to make a statement that is a blanket statement. Let’s be clear.

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:59

People in Salisbury buy all their cigarettes across the border, lower

Leonard Raskin  10:03

socio economic individuals tend to smoke more and drink more. I’m just going to put that out there. Fair enough. Therefore, the tax on cigarettes hits the people. Government pretends to say they’re going to help the most, because they’re going to cost them a fortune in tax. Well, we’ve


Nestor J. Aparicio  10:24

been doing this for a long time, like Boston Tea Party. Right? Syntax, right? Absolutely. Like if you government steps in to punish you by taxing you alcohol. That could go through all the we

Leonard Raskin  10:38

can go through a list. We could go through a list of how many taxes the government inflicts on people that never existed 100 years ago, when the government didn’t do everything they think they need to do today, government feels that it needs to provide and do everything for everyone, because people are too dumb to Do things and take care of themselves.

Nestor J. Aparicio  11:02

Well, would be anarchy without the government, I

Leonard Raskin  11:04

must admit. Well, without the government, without certain pieces, but without everything,

Nestor J. Aparicio  11:10

a big river. Me being a Democrat, you being a Republican and a proud Democrat at this point, especially given my options and voting here, and my options on ideology, but mine aren’t any better. My friend, your private tie? Well, every everybody that’s going to vote for Trump says that, that I’m independent, like I hear all that, but that the privatization part, and this is where I’m going to be writing in Labor Day week about my press credential, which they allow my Caucasian employee in and not me. And don’t call it discrimination. And if I call it discrimination, I’m a jerk, right? But let me say this, after 30 years of doing this, these are two private companies that are owned by really, really wealthy white men who take every tax advantage of these wealthy white men and owning these teams that they get. They do the same thing. Middle River, if they were wealthy black men, they do this, well, wealthy, just wealthy. How about wealthy?

Leonard Raskin  12:02

Let’s talk wealthy with your wealthy.

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:04

So so on that case, the privatization part that you talk about is that they find a way to get $600 million in Rubenstein’s case, thrown into a deal to buy him a whole new house, to fix the house up.

Leonard Raskin  12:18

That’s because we’re all too stupid to stop it. That’s not government’s job. The point is they got it because the government takes it from you and me and people that can’t afford 6% sports zones. This happens all the time. It’s not just sports owners. Look, there are companies in this state that are making money hand over fist, that are taking handouts from the government for all kinds of things, property tax releases for 20 years to build a hotel in the city. It’s garbage,

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:53

right? Like it shouldn’t happen. My wife was downtown the other day, and she said to me, Hey, you know where Nick’s fish house, where the bridge in Hanover, where the Walmart was, she’s like, not just port Covington has popped up as Baltimore Peninsula. It’s been rebranded, right? Because port Covington somehow a dirty name. It’s a port um, and the ships, she said that they’re building even more stuff down their residents, where they getting the money. And I said to her, I’m like, well, they’re knee deep in the port Covington with making it have to work like I’ve driven by there, and I don’t think it’s a good idea. Bad Idea work now that all government’s gone down there, government

Leonard Raskin  13:32

has given the wealthy more money to be wealthier than you and I could count or find out about okay, I

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:42

appreciate you as Republican admitting it’s this is that is the stories. The only difference that’s

Leonard Raskin  13:49

right, the only difference between your politics and mine is whether or not we like what they use the money for, but they stop and taking it from either one of us, no matter who wins this election, the federal government right now brings in more revenue than it ever has, and yet our deficits are spiraling up because they spend more than we ever have, and the state is right there with it. Hogan left with a balanced budget and a surplus. In a short time, West Moore has caused that to be a deficit, and his solution is to tax more. If you look around the country, property taxes, another horrible tax. There are people in this country. This is the most. This is sad and untold. There are people in this country who can’t afford to live in their homes that they’ve owned for 20 or 30 years in some states, counties in this country, because the property taxes have gone up to be more than what their mortgage was when they bought that house 20 years ago. Okay, property taxes, if you look around the country, this is another dirty little secret. If you look. Around the country at property taxes, you will see that the areas that have the highest property taxes have the greatest flight out of those areas of anywhere. Well, that’s white

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:10

or black problem, right? That’s I’m talking but I’m talking everywhere this is, and this is South Carolina, trying to attract, literally pull people out of Pennsylvania and Ohio. There

Leonard Raskin  15:24

are states all over the country. If you look at the top 20 areas that people are moving to, you’ll see less property taxes, you’ll see less state income taxes. You’ll see less state sales taxes the government. So

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:38

as an example, you too, our financial advisor, right? Yeah, me and my wife, we’re good to be that age. I’m 55 she’s worked at the same company 32 years. Yeah, she’s got this, that money 401, K, I got a business, whatever, if we wanted to shut down. And you at Raskin global, by the way, Leonard Raskin is our guest here. You can follow him at a Baltimore positive or go to, for all sorts of financial wisdom. We talked a lot of sports last week, so we’ll stay on topic of tax free. Yeah, sure. I remember when Billy pulled me up in front of my condo by five years ago. He was turning 65 I think, at the time, and he had his money thing, and he’s like, look, I’m moving. I’m moving to a place where Marilyn will kill me if I were to die here, it’s going to cost my daughters millions of dollars. This is not he. He’s just a famous guy who was my partner who told me this story. I’m hearing this along the line because I’m 55 a lot of guys I did business with are 7075, 80 years old now, and they’re all in Florida, or they’re in Delaware, like you for a minute, there’s

Leonard Raskin  16:38

okay. So there’s reasons for that. One of the reasons for that, and I don’t know about Billick, like it’s probably not gonna, I mean, it affects, but it’s a bigger cash effect, but he can afford it. The fact is, when you retire, think about retirees mostly on a fixed income. He might be on a fixed income. It might be a little higher than most, but a fixed income nonetheless. And Maryland takes six, 7% of that. Okay, so if I have the option to make 100,000 Well, let’s, let’s say an average pensioner, Social Security and pension. I’m making 50, 60,000 a year. Maybe, if I’m making 50, $60,000 and the government wants to take 6% of that three grand and Florida,

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:18

and that’s times two, if it’s me and my wife, like that’s

Leonard Raskin  17:22

combined retirees sometimes, right? You go to Florida, you go to Tennessee, you go to Texas, you go to Wyoming, Alaska, South Dakota, states that have no state income tax, you just save that money, and your cost of living is less.

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:36

So if your cost of living there, right? This is almost, this is like a rebalance. I’ve been to 50 laboratories in Wyoming. I mean, like

Leonard Raskin  17:46

people do anything. There’s 50 laboratories out there figuring out how to attract people and what do they get money on? Well, they all make money, but they make it on different things. So for instance, some states have personal property taxes, where every year you have to tell them how much your cars are worth, and you got to pay a tax on your car. Well, you can choose to drive a cheaper car, but income that then feeds you is hard to manipulate lower to save taxes. Okay, I can choose what car I drive property taxes. I can choose whether I want a half a million dollar, a million dollar or a $200,000 house. Therefore, property taxes are based on that, and people think they own their home. You never own your home. You always share your home with the municipality, local because there’s property taxes. You may be done with your mortgage, but you’re going to pay property taxes for the rest of your life. Yeah,

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:45

all these people say, I’m really independent. Get your own electricity, your own water, your own some do, right?

Leonard Raskin  18:51

You got it well, you got solar on the roof. You sell back to the grid, you know? But what we’re talking about is the government and and how they inflict taxes. You pay tax on your income. You then, and you know my thoughts about that, you then pay tax on your savings as you earn on it. You pay tax on your gains and your investment as you earn on it. You pay tax on everything you buy, basically, not on food right now in this state, but just about everything else you pay sales tax, you pay property tax, you pay cash

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:23

I think for me, would be a real balance sheet as an example. My My in laws, my mother in law and my father in law, um, moved to Florida, yeah, I don’t know. 1015, years ago, whatever they moved from New Hampshire down there. I don’t know what New Hampshire two free states. Very free state. New Hampshire, right, right. New Hampshire is at least just cold, different than if they lived in Brooklyn, Massachusetts and moved or whatever. But yes, my point would be, if you spreadsheet that out over your last 10 or 15 years, yeah, and we’re to try to make a pitch for me and my wife to move to Naples or wherever, where they’re getting wet this weekend. And boy. Yeah, right. There’s stuff, right? All of that, that spreadsheet over the next 10 or 15 years, that’s a pretty important part of your job at Raskin global right? People that really want to live in Florida, but I might want South Carolina, like but I want to move somewhere else, and I have X amount of money, and this is all the money I have, sell my house, and my kids are gone, and I don’t have college and I don’t have it’s my dog, just very few people I will say this, make that move. And when I tell you this, you spreadsheet that out. Yes, I’m gonna move somewhere. Where am I moving? Dude, yes, I like California. I know you and I, and I thought it beautiful. I love it. Every time I go there, it’s nine and three quarters when I buy a widget anywhere, and then I drive by the gas station. Income tax, $6 a gallon again, $3 myself. How much would Leonard Raskin have to pay me to move like my wife and I are going to move somewhere in vacant in retirement? It could not possibly be there. We’re not rich enough to even think about

Leonard Raskin  21:02

doing that, right? You know, I’m with you 100% that’s not where people tend to go. Where people tend to go are states that have lower costs good health care and they want to live I will tell you this, regardless of the tax situation, very few people leave home because of taxes. It’s rare. It’s sunshine. Usually it’s, it’s, they leave for some reason. My kids live in, got a job in Houston. I’m moving to Texas because I want to be near the Grand

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:36

base. I don’t like the cold. Is usually, probably what you’ve heard as a finance Right, right? It’s,

Leonard Raskin  21:41

it’s, I’m older, the cold some people are, are hate the taxes. So they’ll move across to Delaware, or they’ll move up to Pennsylvania. You know, short little Johnson.

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:52

Does that benefit you? To do that, I guess is what my ask is. And you’re probably going to say over 10 years, between your 62nd and 72nd birthdays, no matter Don’t be an idiot. Go there, you’ll wind up with a quarter million dollars more in your bank account, because you’re just saving money. You’re saving it depends on 20 grand a year. It

Leonard Raskin  22:11

depends how much you earn and what your what your other things you do in your life are. But from a sales tax standpoint, from a property tax standpoint, I can tell you that’s going

Nestor J. Aparicio  22:21

Orioles and ravens games anymore. Games anymore, so I can do the show from Delaware. There you go. I’ll tell you this maybe, why it’s not so bad that they have satellite there. Yes,

Leonard Raskin  22:30

they do. I have clients who live in dela have a home in Delaware, as I do, and I have clients that have a home. It ain’t five minutes away in Maryland called Ocean City, and the difference in property taxes on Similarly, similarly priced situated properties is less than a quarter. It’s it’s a 75% difference.

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:01

It’s huge. Make it financial for me over one year,

Leonard Raskin  23:06

half a million, a half a million dollar house. We’re talking the difference

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:11

in Dewey Beach, little condo. We know what that looks like. Half million, Yeah, same pretty. That’s a little same place in Ocean City, same place,

Leonard Raskin  23:18

same place. They’re going to be the same, half a million, half a million, okay, 1000 4000 3000 a year, a year, difference, okay, yeah, huge. And, and I’m you can, you can look the numbers. It’s, it’s, if it’s not four to one, it may be three to one, but if you live there over time that gets to be significant.

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:42

That’s $10 a day. I just did the math kind of quick on that.


Leonard Raskin  23:45

No, $10 Yeah, yeah, $10

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:48

it’s about $10 it’s $300 Starbucks,

Leonard Raskin  23:51

Starbucks, Starbucks. Baby free Starbucks.

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:57

10 bucks at Starbucks. What the hell you buying?

Leonard Raskin  23:59

I don’t know. I don’t go there.

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:00

I go to ROFO, absolutely, man, I don’t go there. Lena Raskin is here. We’ll be arguing through the political season here about all this. But nonetheless, next week is our big next week.

Leonard Raskin  24:09

Tax free week. If you’re going to buy stuff, go out, get your stuff, save 6% it’s a beautiful week. Take advantage of it’s your favorite

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:19

week of the year. You’re not going to Delaware next week, right? No, but

Leonard Raskin  24:23

if I, but if I was to do that, I would say, oh, I can stay home and shop. I don’t know the gas. You

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:30

can come down to Ocean City with me and sit at the convention hall and try to find andy Harris, okay,

Leonard Raskin  24:35

we’ll look for There you go. I’ve

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:35

been looking for him for three years. I haven’t found

Leonard Raskin  24:38

him. We should get him. We should get him. We should do a tag team and get them on. But I just

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:41

know if I’m in Maryland next week, so in Ocean City, I’m getting away with something being in Ocean City next week, right?

Leonard Raskin  24:47

There you go. There you go, because you’re going to be buying stuff without tag only, cheap clothes, only clothes, shoes, backpacks, pencils, pens. I don’t know if you need any of that. Hey, dude, it’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:58

a political junk at all. All the drinks are free. I learned this last year. You know, there you go. Lampshade on my head at midnight. Let her ask again. Global, if you want all of our sports thoughts, we had them last week after the draft. We got Lamar, don’t take football this week. We had the Steelers fist fight going on last week. So we got all sorts of things happening around here.

Leonard Raskin  25:21

Lamar this week? I tell people so, so what I do is, I help people figure out what to do with their money. The the goal is, have a lot, keep it forever, spend it, enjoy it, pass it on our our mission is to help people, empower people to choose their financial future. We want to give people financial freedom. We want them to understand how their money works and make the most with it, protect it, save it, grow it, spend it, pass it on. I had a guy recently Tell me his plan is to die broke. He’s on the last day of his life. He’s going to write his last check, and he’s going to be broke so he won’t leave any inheritance to his kids. He’s going to die broke. I said, Well, how do you know when you’re going to die? He said, Well, if I’m broke, I’m going to take myself out. I said, That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You’re trying to time your death to your money is a bad strategy. I said the goal is to have all the money you want to spend, all the money you want to enjoy your life the way you want, and to leave all the money you had for your beneficiaries. And if you could do that, why in the world would you ever not do that? And that’s what I help people do, understand how to have it all, spend it all, enjoy it all, pass it on, and have the greatest life they possibly can while they’re here, business owners, professionals, executives, call find us,,

Nestor J. Aparicio  26:59

LinkedIn come to the crab feast and figure it out when he throws that in October, right? There

Leonard Raskin  27:05

you go. There you go. Let us help you handle your money and keep it away from those that would prefer to take it for their own use, business and government and the NFL and the MLB, and

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:21

we’ll do Ticketmaster next week, and how much and fees as well. Letter Raskin is here, rascal, I think it’s the only thing I spend money on anymore, is like concert tickets and, you know, carry out now that I spend, you know, I am writing this huge thing for Labor Day. I’m writing letters to all the various parts that have decided to try to cancel me and cancel my radio station. It is amazing how much more and you’re my financial advisor. I don’t spend as much money on sports, right? How much money I spent on sports when they lock you out, you feel a little differently even about taking about giving them your money, about giving them your money. I give them my time, and they don’t need more fans, obviously throw people like me out. They need more journalists. So I’m going to promise them that they’re going to have more that they’re under review as much as they think under review. So letter Raskin can put your finances under review and help you out. He is at Raskin global. He’s in the front of Baltimore you still see I have my multicolored pens out because I’m trying to, like, it’s August, it’s tax free. Now, it was

Leonard Raskin  28:24

the greatest thing you could ever have as a kid. Multi colored pen. Multi

Nestor J. Aparicio  28:28

colored the problem is, is my blue runs out before the rest of them, and I have to denote that I have a broken pen. So please send four color pens. This one actually has a has a purple on it, which I really like that, but it doesn’t have a green so I can’t do money. So when I do money things, I have to have the other

Leonard Raskin  28:45

one to multicolor. But you remember the one that had like, 20 colors? It was a big, big, round thing. Do

Nestor J. Aparicio  28:51

you remember that got stuck in it never worked, right? Never worked, right? You knew that. See you later. Raskin he he cheated on his exams too. Raskin global is the way to find him. It is fake football week around here, Luke’s and Owings Mills. It’s real baseball week, certainly real baseball week. A lot of new players. You need a lineup card to figure out who all these guys are. At this point, really interesting time for sports. Stay with us. What play we’re Baltimore you.

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