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Wendy Bronfein Of Curio Wellness joins Nestor to discuss finding the right terpene for your mood or physical need


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Curio Far and Dotter terpene

Working our way through some of the sometime funny and always functional names of strains, our Chief Cannabis Officer Wendy Bronfein of Curio Wellness continues the educational journey through cannabinoids and terpenes with Nestor. Finding the right components for your mood or physical need is essential and our goal is always effective strain selection.


autumnal spirits, holiday season, crab cake tour, curio wellness, Stevie Wonder, concert experiences, expired driver’s license, strain exploration, terpene effects, cannabis education, rewards program, Tropicana banana, good night tablets, yoga benefits, Halloween costumes


Wendy Bronfein, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:01


Welcome home. We are W, N, S, T, Tess, Baltimore, Baltimore, positive. We are into the autumnal thing here, where it gets dark early in the day. Try to keep the spirits bright. It’s almost holiday season. I start the Raven scratch offs in the Maryland, crab cake tour. We’re a mama’s on the half shell in in Owings Mills, the crab cake tour is going everywhere. All of our sponsors, Pappas is getting it. Cocos is getting it. Fales is getting it. Costas is getting it. We’re doing holiday stuff, all of it brought to you by friends at the Maryland lottery, conjunction with Jiffy Lube. And then our oyster tours out on the road right now. And you know, I’m wearing my purple curio wellness thing, and you can find the new oyster tour on a day by day basis. Now out at the front of Baltimore, positive our friends at curio wellness, in partnership with our friends at Liberty, pure solutions, one 800 clean water. They keep the water clean, and the oysters keep the bay clean. And I tell you what curio wellness keeps my body running well here and Wendy, you better. You’ve gone away. I think the Orioles were still in it, and you were doing things, and it’s October, and you missed my birthday, and we had pizza and Essex and did all the stuff. How are you and how’s life these days? Wendy bronfen joining us here, our chief cannabis officer, of course, from curio. I am

Wendy Bronfein  01:12

good. Life is good. It has been a busy couple of weeks. I did catch the Stevie Wonder Show in between us last seeing each other. Did you make it there?

Nestor Aparicio  01:24

You know what happened? So, you know, I love going to CFG Bank Arena, right? So, I mean, I’m trying to play the Mariah Carey thing appeals to me, strangely enough, like the Christmas thing. So I would be into that, um, because it feels right, but I didn’t do Stevie Wonder. It was the day after my birthday. We were a little worn out. It was one of those, like, middle of the week kind of Tuesday night thing. Ticket prices were like, held up. It was, it was not inexpensive to go see Stevie Wonder. And we just looked at it and said, are we feeling 250 bucks on a Tuesday night to sit wherever to go down. And we’ve seen we have front row tickets for Stevie Wonder last two, three years ago, he played MGM, and I scored a ticket last minute, literally, front row like it was insane. We had the greatest night ever. And I’ve seen Stevie five times. I’ve met Stevie back at the Baltimore Civic Center, back in the 80s when I was the music critic, as shown in the documentary. But no, Stevie didn’t go. And then the next morning, I woke up, and you and everyone else had overjoyed my Sharia, like I was singing along with my coffee at four in the morning. And I thought, well, that was a nice night. And then on my timeline, Sting was playing that night at MGM, and I didn’t put it on my calendar. And sting is my wife’s numero uno, and she didn’t know. And we’re like, and tickets were, like, really cheap, like, 40 bucks. Like, nobody wanted to go. Was a Wednesday night in DC. It was cold out. We did that instead, so we wound up going to see sting instead of Stevie Wonder, and we had a great time. And we’re concert people, aren’t we? I mean, we don’t even begin with the sports, especially when the sports isn’t going well. But this thing, people think I’m wearing the Lamar. I’m not gonna. It’s not right, because it looks a little bit like the top of an eight, so I kind of like the security top. Yeah,

Wendy Bronfein  03:12

I didn’t even think about that until you said it. But, yeah,


Nestor Aparicio  03:16

love Steve. Was he good?

Wendy Bronfein  03:19

He was great. Yeah, we’re going to Duran Duran too.

Nestor Aparicio  03:23

I will see you on Monday. I hope you’re not dressed as kiss this week as well.

Wendy Bronfein  03:27


No only Saturday afternoon. Curia wellness

Nestor Aparicio  03:31

puts us out on the road on our oyster tour. I did 26 oysters in 26 days last month, one day this week, we honor Ray Bachman, my long time executive producer and brother who’s battling cancer, if you can help him, you’ll see that in the oyster tour. But the oyster tour got me out, like, all over the community, meeting people, talking to people, eating oysters, sitting it quick, in and outs and then sometimes just sitting down and getting a fried and hanging out. I wanted to talk to you about, like, sort of where things are going here. I get your emails all the time, and I came into your store last week and I I have a customer story. Am I allowed to tell you this one? Yes. Alright, so I haven’t had you on like, two three weeks. My birthday came and went, and I had, I was going over to your store, and I didn’t think about it at all, but my birthday was the birthday where expirations happen with Real ID and driver’s license. This was the eight years where I had to, like, go take my picture and do all that. And I thought it could take me all day, and it took me 30 seconds, and they gave me a sheet of paper, and they said, we’ll mail you your driver’s license. And I’m like, Cool, I walked into your store, went over with an expired driver’s license, and it would let me in. Well, right, right. I mean, when we talk about it being regulated, like I got turned away kindly with smiles and I’m and I needed the paper, and I thought like, well, the paper might be on my phone, but it wasn’t. It was just a receipt that you get digitally when you get your thing. I text my wife, I’m. Like, I feel like I’m 19 at the liquor store. And so I text her, and she’s like, why? Where’d you leave it? It’s on the bureau. I’ll take a picture and I’ll send it over. And I went back in, and your staff took it, printed it, and I’m telling you, in two minutes I was in, I got fresh move, I tried some new strains that we’re going to talk about. I’m trying to, I’m trying to figure out the strain that you would name after me. I’m getting, I’m getting very envious of happy Eddie, and I see Wendy doing all this stuff with friends of mine and Keisha McLean and all this stuff out online. And I’m thinking to myself, what would a nasty Nestor strain be? And uplifted, creative, you know, those kinds of words. So I I went into that strain category, and I tried a few, and I came home, my wife’s like, what would you get? And I said, Cheetah piss. And she’s like, man who would buy a product called that? I’m like, No, but the terpenes align with the limonene and the linalool and like, and the carcinogens I can’t even pronounce. So I am following your science. I’m just letting you know I came in and I had a good experience, as I always do. It wasn’t particularly busy that day. I got in and out, whatever, but they were very helpful. And felt awful that like, here’s this old guy with expired driver’s license. But they did help me, and they printed it, and it was all clean and legal and all that. But, um, so Tropicana, banana, Cheetah that PP, I don’t know anything called PP or urine. I I don’t know, but nonetheless, um, trying them, what would you say to someone like me, and I see customers in there, all flower choose, too much, too little. Don’t, don’t take the 25 stop, slow down, like all of the things that we preach about, Gambling Awareness here as well, in in Europe, somebody like me, if we’re just out and you, you run a dispensary, you’re the curio cannabis. What do you say to someone to me and say, try this, that compare this and that, so that you get where you want to be? Because I really am trying to find a strain beyond blissful wizard, which has its benefits for me, which is more of a maybe Yoga, you know, someplace where I want my mind to go elsewhere. It’s not a sleeping thing for me, and it’s not a awake thing for me at all, and it’s not a concert that it’s just not it’s certain strains hit you a certain way. And I think I’m in exploration as probably every person that comes in adult use or medicinal to say, what products, right for me, yeah,

Wendy Bronfein  07:42

well, if you’re looking for flour or which also relates to potentially having a vape or a pre roll, because those are all kind of a strain approach, yeah, it really comes down to like that. What you’re talking about in terms of what, what’s your end goal? Right? Are you trying to deal with pain? Did you want to sleep? Do you want your mood corrected. Do you just want to feel good? Is it, you know, for a Saturday night, or for other reasons, all of that’s going to be like you said in the terpenes. So when you give the person who’s working in the store that context that helps them identify the right strain. That’s the good fit for you. I, similar to you, tend to lean towards the like, happy, energized, maybe some mental clarity in there. I like

Nestor Aparicio  08:33

uplifted as a term, you know, not high, but alert and awake and sharp and focused. And that makes, I think anyone in the artistic world that it’s ever used this I, by the way, Todd rungren, tell your dad, Todd rungren came on Rock and Roll Hall of Famer. It was a complete fluky. I’ve always loved him. I’ve always wanted him on. I he played up at the strand in York, Pennsylvania, the Appel theater the night before my birthday, two nights before Stevie Wonder, and the week before I saw he was playing, and I meant to, like, try to reach in August, I reached so last minute that I was a little embarrassed. They got back to me. He was on zoom with me the next day, and we did an hour. And like rungren Fans have loved the conversation, but he mentioned in the middle of it, he said, I had a period in my life where I wrote all of these out. I mean, there’s a creative element that goes on here, above and beyond anything we could talk about that you’re trying to find, I think, I mean, and I guess, being a Dundalk guy, people say it puts me to sleep. Well, then if that’s what you want it to do. And I’m talking about pre any of this just where you want to be, because I think you can do a lot of reading, and that’s where I am with you at this point. I think you understand that to say, find the right thing. And for me, it’s not asking someone in your store what might be right. For me, it’s me really trying to understand it and do the work on my own. Because, as I pointed out, it’s not an inix. Fence product. I mean, you, you want to get the right thing. And I’m at that point where I’m exploring right now, and I think this might be fun for us over the next couple months, because I really am trying to find something new.


Wendy Bronfein  10:10

Yeah, well, we have, we have these little guides, and they’re like, kind of pocket size, and in the store, there’s a larger format on the wall, but it’s, it kind of breaks down cannabinoids and terpenes and aligns them to the potential effects that you would get when those appear in the the mix on that product, right? Because every product has a label, and it will tell you what the potency of the cannabinoids and terpenes in the product are. And so that’s, that’s, again, how you sort of educate yourself and what the bud tender at the store is using. But also when you go on the menu. So if you were to go onto the foreign dollar menu and you’re looking at the flower, and you tap into a specific product, there are one the metrics are just there. If you know them, you understand them, and you can read them, then you’d be able to identify yourself. But also, there’s little like pie charts and things that would kind of give you visuals of what the potencies are, and also what that likely means, like, is it going to be uplifting? Is it going to be sedating? But yeah, I mean, to your point, back in the day, you just got something, you didn’t have the lab analysis, so you wouldn’t have known. And it’s like, somebody says, Oh, that’s some good, you know, stuff like, right? You know, something maybe a different word. I

Nestor Aparicio  11:27

think we’re way past that point, right? And, yeah. And I think I don’t want to say that’s where the fun is, that’s where the education is, that’s where the help is, that’s where the benefit is. When I’m doing yoga and I’m trying to figure out when I apply this after a hot shower or in the morning. I, you know, listen, I was told a couple look my back’s not great. I told the folks over at GBMC, right when they told me they were going to cut on me. And I tell my folks at Planet Fitness, thank you. And my roller and my yoke, I have these heated things that I sit on in the morning, like, you know, moist heat on my back early in the morning, different day, right? Put a little move product on a different day. You know what I haven’t been doing? And I’ll pull it right out, because I have it here. This is, this is Advil. I have, I have, I try to stay away from this, right? It’s here, right? It’s a tool in but, like, that’s the last thing I’m trying to do. So anyway, I know my time is a little short, but I want to let you know I’ve been a good doobie, because I’m using your rewards program and also inspired by it in regard to QR codes and different things that I could be doing in my own business, or things that I see lots of my clients and restaurants. And you know when I order food online, like the kids are doing these days. But I used my rewards program, and literally, when I zapped it, when I zapped Tropicana banana as a strain, is that funnier than cheetah piss or Tropicana banana? I’m trying to figure out which one’s a funnier one to say. It’s fun to say either, but they’re both fun. Yeah. So, um, introducing so is this a new, newest strain, the sensational Tropicana banana, vibrant sativa, delightful fusion of Tropicana, banana Cush and I have said anything since Kush reminds me Frank Kush, which wasn’t a good era Baltimore Colts football, but also feels more sleepy, crafting an experience that’s as uplifting as a sunny day on a tropical beach. Dominant turpine terpenes, mere scene sometimes make me sleepy. Carful

Wendy Bronfein  13:22


Nestor Aparicio  13:26


I’m not going to. I just learned to say Massillon Ohio this week. And limonene, which is where I need to be increased energy and focus. Try it, right? I mean, like, I’m giving it a try. That’s, this is what I’ve read, and I’m like in that’s why I got my 35 points. So how about that? Yeah, and

Wendy Bronfein  13:43

then you can, I mean, you can actually see on when you do that scan, you can actually see the certificate from the lab and the breakdown test

Nestor Aparicio  13:50

results Maryland compliance. And then there’s the little thing of, do you have legal ID? And I did all of this research. And I went online, and I went into the little bags, the little cartons, and clicked one and I got one move, and I got the terpene shoes, so I got it all. And then I came over to store, and I and expired license. So you, you know that, like, I was like, God, I put the work in. I did the research. Prod fine is here.

Wendy Bronfein  14:26

When you got home, did you get all your points? I


Nestor Aparicio  14:29

scanned it just this morning, and not everything in my bag was a curio. I have bought tonic secure that are other places. Don’t scan those, by the way, speaking of your places, because I want to promote, because you need to talk about shoes before you go, um, I made a not a wrong turn. I got stuck in traffic going to Philly like six, eight weeks ago. And I took the turn where my aunt lived on 896, and I went like before there Elkton, where the waffle ass is. And I just sort of fished my way up 40. And I red light. I looked up. Farm Kent. I was looking for F, A, R, M, like, Animal Farm. Oh, yeah, P, H, A, R, and it’s sexy. It looks nice. It’s on the side of the road. It’s big, right?



Nestor Aparicio  15:12

why didn’t you know? I’ve heard you talk about it the whole time. And there I’m at a red light, and I looked up and it was in front of me.

Wendy Bronfein  15:17


Well, yeah, I mean, that can be your little your weekend trip for shopping.

Nestor Aparicio  15:21

I know you gotta promote choose, because I saw it on the email, and I’ll get spanked if I don’t let you do that. Oh

Wendy Bronfein  15:26

yeah, no. Well no, looking at you know, I guess in November, we’re going to have a promo going on with dispensaries all around the state, by one, 10% off, by two, 20% off, by three, 30% off, and then they’re double points on our reward system. So you buy them, you scan that QR code on the back, your points are always equal to the MSRP, even if you pay less. So that’s a deal for any customer. But yeah, I mean, there’s you got to your point of choose your adventure, so to speak. You’ve got choose for sleep. You got choose for daytime, low to no psychoactivity. You’ve got regular old, you know, five milligrams or 10 milligrams of of, THC, you’ve got the terpene shoes that can give you an exact effect every time the way you want it. So my wife

Nestor Aparicio  16:13

has had a really good response with this good night the good night tablets, yeah, night tablets. And, you know the, what’s it the release time, release, give me the, yeah,


Wendy Bronfein  16:24

yeah, the one, there’s an immediate release, and then three hours later, and you get that on the the good day and the good night. So it’s, you get sustained effects.

Nestor Aparicio  16:33

My yoga helps me sleep well. So that’s all I can say, you know? So in the mat, I’m feeling good. I’m feeling as good as the Ravens have been feeling. I’m wearing something that looks like Lamar, but it’s not, and we’re all into Lamar, as long as he doesn’t throw four picks in Cleveland. But it has been a good fall so far, even watching some World Series games from out in LA in New York. Wendy brown fine is here. She has some curio wellness. They support us. We try to educate folks about all of their products and all the cool things on curio wellness does. And foreign daughters right around the corner in simonium. If you have legal ID, i They’ll let you in, but you have to have it. I learned that with my expired driver’s license last week, but it’s all together. Now I have my new license. I’m ready to vote. Everybody get out and vote. Make sure you’re doing the right thing here over the next week or two as well, and I will see you on the other side of Halloween. I can’t wait to see your kiss outfits. I I have no Halloween costume this year, so I have to figure that

Wendy Bronfein  17:23

out. I’m sure you’re going to come up with something good. Usually

Nestor Aparicio  17:27

it’s a last minute thrill. Uh, yeah, I’m, I’m the hair lends itself to Howard Stern. One year it’s going to happen. I’m just not tall enough. She is. Wendy, their curio wellness, they’re out in the front of Baltimore, a positive as well. All the Wendy strats are in the front of Baltimore positive. As we approach the autumnal time of season. By the way, I just had you on for 20 minutes. I saw the Northern Lights since the last time we got together. Bring it up next segment. Next time we’re together, go to the front of Baltimore I’ve told a whole bunch of Northern Light stories. Every single one of them is great, except for the people that were in a ballroom downtown and missed it. Ah.

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Wendy Bronfein Of Curio Wellness joins Nestor to discuss finding the right terpene for your mood or physical need

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