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Leonard Raskin joins Nestor to discuss the Orioles new patch and big local money coming into Team Rubenstein that never came with the Angelos ownership.


game, people, talk, great, pappas, t rowe price, crabs, week, orioles, baltimore, playing, yankees, wife, brand, money, weekend, good, company, years, global


Leonard Raskin, Nestor J. Aparicio

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home we are W n s t test Baltimore. Baltimore positive we’re positively back out on the road here all summer long doing the Maryland crabcake tour. I’ll be telling you I want to brag on last week we were Coco’s on Wednesday we were on Cooperstown on the square watching the planes fly by on Friday and tell it oh rock and roll stories of Ron Furman from Max’s tap house. Formerly Max is on Broadway. Bill Cole from cold roofing. I wish I had my cold roofing mug here. I drank a lot of coffee this morning. A lot of royal farms but he joined me on Friday we talked about the pride in Baltimore of having a city full and even though there’s a lot of Phillies fans around they were leaving behind a lot of money as well. This week, we’re going to be a Costas on Thursday before the Orioles Yankees game, there was a rumor that new Uncle Luke Jones will be joining us so for the four o’clock game and the three o’clock hour so we’re gonna be a cost so Thursday I’ll be giving away the Gold Rush sevens doublers from the Maryland lottery, also our friends at Jiffy Lube multi care making our crabcake tour happen and liberty pure solutions. Keeping the water crystal clear. This is a this is my orange Kool Aid. I need clean water for Liberty pure solutions in order to make that happen. And then we are at Pappas next Tuesday. And I’ve got some victims I mean guests signed up for Pappas next week. It appears as though the one time WPA l powerhouse John Patti will be my guest at Pappas, also Barry Stitz who’s been ducking me since we played little league together in 1979. And he’s with little league. He’s now running the currently athletic events over there. We have a curly kid playing major league baseball right now. It’s it’s pretty timely. And of course Stetson I ran together with a blast and a spirit. 2530 years ago, we’ll tell some stories about eating chicken wings and drinking beer on the road. And then this guy is going to come by and manage my money as well as my expectations for all things ravens and Orioles as well as the caps from time to time. I said some bad things about Ted leonsis, on the air to Howard share last week at the State Fair. Let Raskin how are you? What’s going on? You and I have not needed any crabs together this summer? What happened? What’s going on your crab cakes at Papworth. Keep your hand


Leonard Raskin  02:15

Absolutely, absolutely. Well, we had. We had some crabs this past weekend. We did a little bit of crabs for Father’s Day. We didn’t fight the Baltimore City crowd and the sold out 44,000 At MIT, which is not MIT candy Yars, which was fantastic. I mean, I was watching the games over the weekend, loving what I was seeing. Two fantastic series, two out of three against the Braves two out of three against the Phillies. I love having the Philly fans down here, especially love beating them. But as you said, what’s better for the economy? Then people driving an hour or so down 95 and leaving all their money in the city. It’s excellent. And the team losing? It’s a perfect combination. So I cost

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:04

this two weeks ago, the day after my wife broke her leg. We’re like, Yeah, what can we do? What can we still do? That’s fun. So we had snowballs. We had Pitt Bo ball we had we had legitimate crabs. I know one thing. I haven’t had any real steamed shrimp with some proper beer and onions idea. Like I’m working on all of this this week, because we’re constantly on Thursday. We’ll be Pappas, I have your little crab Malik thing, here. Um, you know, we do a lot of branding here, right, like so I can hold your crab mallet that you have invested. Which sir, very clever and how you branded and part of what you do is talk about money, your, you know, a couple of weeks ago, we skipped and Bill Cole, skip that week, it was two weeks ago is right around when my wife broke her ankle, which sort of changed trajectory the whole summer. But I got an invitation, I bought Oracle tickets like everybody else, I got an email to take a survey, new fan survey. So I am not going to drop that on your right now. But I want to do that. Cole was told me he’s going to do it. I want to do it where I open it up right here on the Zoom. And I literally take it but I’m a little afraid some of the questions might be personal to my address or what, like whatever. So I don’t even know what it entails. But I opened it and I went three in and I’m like, stop, stop. This is a bid for radio. And this isn’t even a bid for Nestor. And what Nestor thinks of you know the whistler calling me and yelling at me that I’ll write about later on here about my press credential and being Venezuelan. This is really more about how you feel and how people on the more on the periphery that have been partaking you gave your seats the Phillies fans this weekend, right? Like there were a lot of Philadelphia fans here. Yeah, it was good sale. Yeah, Mr. Rubenstein would like for it. But this is what I’m going to drop on you this week. This is my this is my we don’t do kayfabe you’re not even with our sponsors. Rascon global Tell me about the T Rowe Price deal in your mind and you’re seeing it and the patch and the alleged $15 million a year that’s the number I know I don’t know if it’s I don’t want to play the truck I don’t know if that’s the number Yeah, but I’m hearing if it’s 15 million that’s a nice that’s a good number buys it buys one quarter of 1/3 of a good really good ballplayer in the future. What is that? What does that do and how does that relate to Rascon global in regard to money money management all of that because they’re out in front dude, it’s Glenn was glowing like on fire day. Yeah, right. Like, they’re, they’re all in in the way you want you to said m&t Bank Stadium. Getting the name wrong. We all do all this jumbled up for Costas or Coco’s. They’re all great families. Love you all. You’re my sponsors. i There is some individuality that I tried to bring to all of this that I’ve been seeing T Rowe and Legg Mason all over town all my life. I see their names, I work with you. I’ve worked with other people. And I have a friend that works in a different place. And but that money and that sponsorship and what that represents for the team for the community, it’s not a stadium naming, right. Right. Banks are doing that. So you have to bank all that competence thing, I think for the baseball team, and this is really an unprecedented deal. Yeah.

Leonard Raskin  06:24

Well, I think first of all, you got to give them credit. They said it’s been going on negotiating for a while before Rubinstein owned the team, and he continued the negotiations. You got a long time. Baltimore based company, T Rowe Price. You got a long time sports franchise the Orioles. They come together. I don’t know how much the money is, but it ain’t cheap. Whatever that amount is. It’s not. I wouldn’t say insignificant to Tiro, but it’s not huge, either.

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:58


I heard it was five years. 75 That’s great. And I don’t know. I mean, like it is for tonight. Let’s assume it is it is that’s that seems too good, too. Good. Listen, I’m going to talk to John Moran. I’m going to talk to Eric Fisher. I’m going to talk to Marty Conway. You know, all the you

Leonard Raskin  07:16

know, let’s assume that’s a number. It’s a good number. You got a solid brand. From my standpoint. tiro price is a money management firm. They handle investments, that’s all they do. And they do it. They do it fine. They do a fine job. They’re a public company. They get their branding out. And the goal for them is to have individual investors and advisors use their company to buy funds and assets through them. They are a big player in the 401k space. A lot of companies have their 401 K’s AT T Rowe Price. The Maryland 529 college funding plan is through tiro price. So you’re right, they’ve been all over. But now to connect them with the Orioles gives them a broad spectrum. And they’ve been more than Baltimore, theirs they couldn’t have made the money they’ve made and be as big as they are with only Baltimore investors, investors. So they’re national already, but now they’re right behind home plate. And as you said they are front and center on the Jersey, every Yankees

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:30

fan in the world. And Japan. Every bet on baseball, they’re trying to make it happen in London where the Yankees are a

Leonard Raskin  08:39

global brand. Absolutely. Next three the number one selling Jersey in the world. Yeah, that that patch will be there. Right right on the Oreo sleeve. And a chance for anybody in the in the world watching to see T Rowe Price. And for them, as I said from a marketing budget standpoint, drop in the bucket and the potential return significant. Big significant. I think it’s a great move by both entities. And I’m surprised we haven’t seen more of it sooner. You know the NASCAR ification I’ll call it there’s a word for you. The NASCAR ification of baseball you know the next thing Nestor we can talk about this to the cows. Just google


Nestor J. Aparicio  09:27

this Barcelona sells more Jersey than the Yankees. Okay, just worldwide

Leonard Raskin  09:31

worldwide. Okay, so there you go. You got one and what are they number two? So maybe they’re number two.

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:37

I don’t know I’m gonna look it up because I really did wonder about that because everyone, the New York part of the gray jersey, certainly you know that that has cachet anywhere you go. The reason why I would say that hat all caps, the NY horse because when everywhere and Moscow every everywhere and for no reason. And just because they like it, it’s always the song. This is New York. Right? Well, that was all

Leonard Raskin  10:09


right, exactly, exactly. But what’s the New York songs? Why isn’t this right? We’re going we’re going and we’re winning. That’s what we got to do. Would

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:17

you get like today? Would you jump in the car and go to the Bronx and see game review? No, no, no. Have you ever been to Yankee Stadium? Yes.

Leonard Raskin  10:24

The old original.

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:26

The new one though.


Leonard Raskin  10:27

I have not been to the new one yet. But the oh it’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:30

made for guys like you it’s all corporate IT

Leonard Raskin  10:33

ALL Yeah. Here is do it big bear. You’re only really 20,000 A seat along the rail or something. By the

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:40


way, tickets are like, every time I’ve gone up there. Yeah. And this is just me being like, I’m not being mean about the Yankees because we’re just want to go up and spend it actually, I’ve been going to Yankees games in New York for 35 years. I was driving up there with my beer buddies back in the days when Don Mattingly was like literally covered in moss literally right. So I’ve gone through all of it the old saying the new stadium, big games in the old stadium World Series games in the old stadium in the dugout with Tony Gwynn. Like I’ve done it all. I’ve seen it all, I would say right, like documentary would show everybody that want to go check that out fondata curio wellness, for putting that thing together. And Greg Landry from Towson transfers, it’s still a lot of people seeing it. So the Yankee thing for me in all of the years is I loved the Yankee team. When I was syndicated at the turn of the century, I’m talking about Clemens now block O’Neill. Those got cheater. Those guys were great to me. I was at their team party when Nagel won and like, Stan, Mike Stan was Jeff Nelson from Kingsville, one of molars people over there paint a picture, what’s it like? So I felt differently about them, and the Red Sox with my wife and Curt Schilling. And like all of that, this Yankee thing. I have never seen a series like this. But I’ll also say this in this century, and especially in the new ballpark, and I’ve gone up there for playoff games. When we played we lost in the playoffs up here. I paid $40 to get in that night, it was never expensive to go to the Bronx. And when I’ve taken bus trips up there with fans, tickets are 10 bucks in the bleachers like it was always easy. This week. Tickets are expensive. Let me tell you what, 60 bucks every night, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday afternoon game, there’s real demand. This is this a big series by

Leonard Raskin  12:35

it is a big series. It’s going to be front and center on national TV. I don’t know the exact but I’m pretty sure it’s to be watched television. It’s appointment TV. That’s what it is. It’s time to watch and see how the young ins can step up against the vaulted Yankees. So we’ll see. But, you know, I was looking past week here, Braves and Phillies over the weekend. That wasn’t a cheap seat. There was I mean, there was some standard tents

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:08

came down is really on an incredible conversion of events. And Bill Cole and I discussed this in the window as the planes were buzzing. Fells Point o’clock in the afternoon Friday, hard time Park and

Leonard Raskin  13:20

timeout. The timeout in the game because jets were going overhead nobody can hear a thing. They’re flying over the warehouse like they were about to bomb it. My


Nestor J. Aparicio  13:29

wife and I were incredibly blessed to be invited to Jamie rat. Jamie Costello I should say Jamie Raskin. He’s with Jamie Costello’s. What a great guy down in Little Havana and I mean, it was just such a beautiful night because my wife’s in a boot by the way can I publicly thank you for this? Lee when my wife’s ankle blew out Leonard such a great friend to us that he he and his wife Kathy Matthew say hey, get get this scooter. We came up to your house. We grabbed a scooter and I didn’t know where you live now. I’ve been I feel like I’ve been to your home and honked the horn and right you almost live on the same road. So, um, we got the scooter we got her into the middle of the room and P Kurinji. took great care of my wife kept her humor at all night. He’s quite the comedian PD is at Highland town Dundalk thing. Dave Johnson came over and El Corte and talked about pitching and Bradish and all this. But here’s the we had a rookie mistake that I want to as my money manager and advisor, my life manager and advisor. Here’s life management getting it wrong. You ready? Oh. Costello and his wife throw this party at six o’clock. On Saturday afternoon. The Oreos played at four o’clock right right. My wife takes her time getting ready. She’s in a boot everything’s moving slow. She’s in pain. It sucks. We’re going out we want to have a good time but it’s gonna be different cuz she can’t really move around. Right and And like all of that, so we leave that I said, we need to leave like 525 30 We left more like 550 we get in the car I’d had the game on the whole day. I knew the game was Nip Tuck, I jumped a quick shower, threw my hair up out the door. We get in the car, she’s drive and I looked down, we put the game on bottom of the eighth inning. I’m like, we’re going to Little Havana from Towson, he’s only one road you can’t you can’t you can’t go west side Martin Luther King you know you can’t do that right. So I’m like, we might want to just go through the tunnel and just go key hot we we might just want to fish east and just literally go that way. And we wound up hitting we got to the center of the city as the game ended. Four minutes we were Mount Vernon when the game ended, and I’m like we are so effed. And you know what we made it through? It wasn’t all I’ll tell you this. It was all Phillies fans run I mean like coming down on the light Street in that direction toward the harbor. It was 99% Phillies fans and it was a beautiful day

Leonard Raskin  16:21

because they were staying in hotels to stay the city for the next game fleet and their money yeah Fleet Week

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:27

ride three days of Phillies Orioles Father’s Day regular loyal fans just gonna go to the game anyway that’s Father’s Day or your fans like you and Matthew that like this is what we do. It’s our tradition if you’re not golf people because I know you’re probably gonna watching golf because there’s a little bit of that too is a lot of golf on you you know us open and Father’s Day that that goes on. But baseball is the other thing people do Mother’s Day Saints salutely Um What a beautiful thing for we do one of the reasons you love me sponsor me try to help me manage life my money I’ll Baltimore positive is nothing more positive than what we

Leonard Raskin  17:04


it was fabulous. Chamber of Commerce. Weekend. Perfect weather. Great baseball. Like you said fleet. We pride everything going on in the city, and and people in the city. And don’t recall that the big report about the weekend was who got shot?

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:25

Well, Kyle Bradish you know his arm. And that was the story on Friday. Terrible. And right here. I mean, like from the baseball team perspective, and then the games themselves. Did you hear the planes? Were you in any?

Leonard Raskin  17:38

No. Nowhere from nowhere live. But But watching the game on the TV. And watching them have to call timeout during the game because they were low and sleek flying over the stadium. And the sound was deafening. So they remember

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:57

that from living. Blue Angels would come by you can’t see them because they move too fast. You would think I lived on the 23rd floor. Right? Great view, no, maybe approach if you could see them. If they were coming to the east. You can see him at all. I would just say this Friday, and I told the story to run firm and I told it the bill. So you’ll hear it in other conversations. But I want to tell it again because it was a beautiful story. I’m coming down the highway to go to Cooper’s and I almost get gouged for parking in Baltimore, which was crazy. Because that’s never happened to me because I I walked everywhere for 20 years. So I’m driving into the city and I’m coming down at three and I see the planes and I start to hear it. Oh yeah, you can’t. Okay. So I get down to the foot of President street where we used to have squeegee boys and we don’t anymore surprised them back to the city. Right? Like that’s one issue. We have certainly squeegee boys do not exist. Please believe me when I tell you. I drive down there all the time was the other four days in a row this weekend. So get out President Street. And the planes are buzzing. And I made the left like through Little Italy. Yeah. And I’m up on Central Avenue where all of those foamer project homes have been brought to the ground. It’s now an incredible construction zone in let’s say, West a butcher’s Hill east of Little Italy in that sort of tender area there Right. Which is very Hispanic. Now sort of upper Fells Point I guess is what we call it so I get detoured a little bit but it’s all flag dudes. Right? And, you know, I mean all denominations. I’m mostly male, but I saw 25 Different flag people all wearing orange in yellow all out in the street and every one of them had their phones out. And they were up in the sky with their phone. Oh yes. You just couldn’t not look up and then I turn the corner of Broadway to go park and mothers and their children. A lot of my people a lot of Venezuelan a lot of Hispanic folks then in that area with their children in there. Families literally just bringing their children to the corner to pick up the Jets. You see the Jets at 11 in the morning on Friday, and I, you know, I’m


Leonard Raskin  20:10

like practice.

Nestor J. Aparicio  20:12

This is kind of cool. This is, this is something you remember. And I just, it was kind of a I had a magical weekend you see me beaming, you see me wonder what

Leonard Raskin  20:22

Well, that is, I was just gonna say, Man that is Baltimore positive. That’s what it’s about. And we need more of that. They had a, we had a great weekend of a confluence of great things, we need more of those to get people to drive in, you know, I’ll be down. That’s what T Rowe Price is betting on. Right, that’s a better believe it, they’re betting on people seeing that logo, I think they now also have, so they have behind home plate. During the game, I saw that they have dead center field, I think on the wall, I saw that. And on every jersey, the whole game. And so every home game, they’re going to be exposed. And every road game, they’re going to be exposed and people are going to say, Hey, who is that? I don’t know about you

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:05


lanes for other people that want to get involved with the brand. there because this was a toxic, toxic situation. That’s right on long time. And I’m not going to play kayfabe and pretend that the last 30 years didn’t happen because they do and and this is one of the byproducts of things that new opportunities.

Leonard Raskin  21:21

That’s right, even Apple oppo company that wants to be affiliated with the brand called the Orioles. That’s exactly right. And, you know, I think I think it’s a good look. I’m not concerned as an advisor. I think anything that gets people to think about their money, and want a plan is a good thing. I think not everybody in the world and or everybody in the country knows tiro price like we do here in Baltimore. And I don’t know about you, but when I watch a game, and it’s on the road, and there’s some company advertising, and I don’t know who they are. I’m gonna Google that company. I do it. I want to find out who’s average in the past

Nestor J. Aparicio  22:01

you couldn’t Google stuff. So when I’m gonna go to Kansas City, have you been to Kansas City? Yeah. Okay, so they have a brand they’re called H Yve. Do you know what that brand is?

Leonard Raskin  22:17

I believe that is a massively huge tractor kind of company.


Nestor J. Aparicio  22:23

I go there. You know what it is? It’s a grocery store that competes with wine. Okay, so it’s a different, okay. And I did not know that there’s a company like that. They have spent millions of dollars with the Kansas City Royals, because I see that brand there. Yeah. And whenever I’m there, I’m like, what they what is it? And I would always ask, like, I would sit the press box and ask, you know, whoever sit next to me like, What is our sharpish? Gotcha, gotcha. And so in in these regional companies spend a lot of money. Absolutely. In the old days, you couldn’t google it. Now you can Google. You know what I see a ton of speaking of playing in New York. Any time Japanese players are playing, you will see signs in baseball now that Oh, yeah. Americans, we can’t even

Leonard Raskin  23:09

read this read didn’t really read the sign. That’s right. Because there, that’s how internationalist says Those games are being broadcast home. That’s exactly right. Well, that’s why Shohei wants to be on the West Coast. Right. The West Coast is the closest timezone. Well, I mean,

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:26

Leonard in and again, I will save this for future reference. And we, I would love to take a survey. I have not opened it, Jack’s honor, I want to do it blind. I want to do it on the air and like take it legitimately but I am afraid it’s going to present some some challenges with entering. You know, I may have to pull the screen down. And I’m not saying out loud what I how I’m going to answer that. That’s what I want to be honest with them. But I want more than that. I want you and other people to be honest and say, you know, you don’t see some books. You know if Matthew likes it, but doesn’t you know, Bill Cole’s got kids to play other sports, big time other sports. And, you know, but at some point we’re all trying to catch on to this because let her you’re an old fart like me. It doesn’t get any better than this. Oh, there’s

Leonard Raskin  24:16


no doubt he knows. This is watching. I say he’s not a he’s not a big fan. But he’s watching and he’s asking me questions about the game.

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:24

Before I let you go, and I’ll see you at Pappas next week. Rascon global I got your sir. This is your this is an incredible device, it opens beer and it opens crabs. This was your gift to me. empowering people to choose their financial future. Amen. Fine. What that means for

Leonard Raskin  24:41

folks, it’s simple. The the end part is very simple. Your financial future very important. What do you got going on today? What are you planning? How are you setting up your life to be ready for the future empowering, huge deal. People get told what to do. And they listen Sometimes what they’re told is good, sometimes what they’re told is bad. The idea is, we empower people to create their financial future to choose it to say, this is what I want it to look like, this is how I’m going to get there. And oh, by the way, I’m going to understand what I’m doing. So that if Leonard Raskin, my advisor gets hit by a bus, I know the track that I’m on, and I know what the strategies are that I’m doing. And I know what needs to be done. I mean, I’ll give you a quick, sad tale. We were in Columbus, the boy and I, Matthew and I were moving him out of his apartment, our last trip to Columbus as a student, graduate. Wow. It was it was it was something was that heavier was the build for college having to boy, the boy had a an emotional and emotional leaving of Columbus. But Friday morning, we’re waiting for the movers to show up to load up the truck and take all the stuff out, I got a phone call and a text from a dear client, who his son, this client has been ill for a while and passed in his sleep on Thursday night. And his son called me and said, Hey, we need to need to know what to do next. And I said, Well, here’s what you do. Next, you do this, you do this, you do this. And the family is all together and and dealing with those decisions. But for almost 30 years, you know, I’ve advised this family. And now advise all the children, three children, the way we’ve advised the parents and parents long ago, started bringing the kids to meetings, making sure the kids knew what their financial future was all about. And we asked some pretty tough questions. You know, one of the things we asked back when was what do you get? What are the benefits financially and otherwise, of being a member of this family? And what does that look like? And then number two is what’s expected of you, being a member of this family? What do you have to do? What is your responsibility in the future? What are your finances? What are our

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:18

finances? Questions? Absolutely. Think of like people who have some affluence and wealth. Yet somebody like you gets in a room with them and their kids and their family. Pick anybody I’ve ever had on the show or met. Yeah, we all have families. They all have money. They all have divorces


Leonard Raskin  27:33

kids. Yes. Yes. And and here’s the thing, all of that. Yep. And I don’t want to disparage T Rowe Price, you know, we had a great conversation or a great company, but they don’t talk to people about that. They want you to invest your money with them. And that’s fine. After that, okay, great, you have your money with them, you move your money away from them, okay, you moved your money away from them, they’ll get another person to invest with them. We are very personal in our advice. And we empower people to make decisions to choose their financial future to understand what it is that they’re doing and what the impact of that is not only on them, on the community, on charities they care about on their children, on their spouses on their family, and, and make hard decisions. And you know, what can you expect from this family? What can’t you expect from this family and what’s expected to you being part of this family? And those questions like you said, They’re not easy, but they come to different answers, then this is how we invest our money. They come to purpose they come to how do we deploy our capital? What do we want it to be? Do we want it to help big business by investing with tiro price or someone else? Or do we want to find startup companies that we want to help grow and become the next great company? You know, where do we deploy our money? Are we only after return? Are we have to social good as well? What’s important you got all of that to think about? And too many people are just told, well put your money in your 401 K invest it for retirement, you’ll be okay. But that’s that’s not who people are. People are more than the sum of their net wealth. It’s what’s their net worth. And that’s what we talked about. We talked about what to do with your money to your best use and your family’s use and community you live in and the people you you deal with and what what is your life

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:33

every year and his holiday party you might be lucky enough to get one of the Raskind global crab hammers that have the beer opener let a Raskin can be found at Raskin global all sorts of information and wisdom sort of money one on one available for you up there at the website. At some point. There’s a rumor you’re doing the Orioles guardians game next week, but I know what happens next week as well. Pappas, we’re gonna be Costas on Thursday this week. Jessica valla. Who was a reader on our new website? We will have permanent fonts at some point for the week is over P Kurinji. Chris Emery, my old old old school rock and roll friend. Joining us. John Patty’s gonna join us next week at Pappas. I’m gonna be getting a Johnny Oh app for the months over. I gotta find Johnny. Oh, and Johnny Eisenberg who’s got his book out as well this summer, so I’ll be fine but a whole bunch of old friends. This summer. We’re going to talk about Mr. Rubenstein. We’re going to talk about the Ravens chances and I get my wife her broken ankle grounding me here this summer. As we build a bigger better a Baltimore positive for all we’ve had rock stars on this week. Mark Bryan came on. Thomas Dolby has been on with us this week. We talked about stars, Science, Science, slang at the anthem and a couple of weeks in early July with a whole bunch of Wang Chung is playing with them. So I find that that Wang Chung is playing. I loved Wang Chung so I got to talk to Thomas Omega Wang Chung on the show. That would be great letter we will be with me at Pappas next Tuesday will be a Costas this Thursday. We will have scratch offs from the Maryland lottery to giveaway Gold Rush sevens. doublers do we had some winners? I Cooper’s at some Phillies fans that one I don’t hold that against me. I’m nondenominational I gotta get I gotta get the lottery tickets at to represent a bar like God for those people and all the money left behind over the week. Amen. I am Nestor. We are wn st am 1570 Towson Baltimore, watching the Yankees watching the Astros and waiting for you know, I don’t know summer to get here and I think this is the week it’s hot hot hot back for more on Baltimore Right after this

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Jackson throws five touchdowns as red-hot Ravens offense flattens Tampa Bay in 41-31 win

Baltimore made a statement on the national stage while winning its fifth straight game on Monday night.

Harbaugh, Ravens unsure on severity of knee injury to cornerback Marlon Humphrey

The Baltimore head coach said Humphrey was walking around and in good spirits following the 41-31 win at Tampa Bay.

Taking the Baltimore "small market" payroll view on Dodgers and Yankees in World Series

It's the first real offseason the Baltimore Orioles will experience under new ownership and different expectations – and possibilities. Luke Jones and Nestor take a Baltimore Orioles' fan payroll view on the Los Angeles Dodgers and New York Yankees in…

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