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Nestor Aparicio

Orioles Magic and 666: The Number of The East

Why don’t we tailgate before Baltimore Orioles games? Why aren’t more people going to Orioles games this week? Where are your neon orange lights? Here’s your magic number:

923557 3230330814081 1591345812 n

With every nerve aware, here are my Top 50 Rush songs of all time

3. Cold Fire – Relationships. Everybody’s got them, now what do we do with them?

2. Marathon – “Got to pick up the pace, if you want to stay in the race.”

1. Red Barchetta – The story about a car, a boy and a vision of a summer drive in the country on the lam.

Orioles Magic and 666: The Number of The East

Why don’t we tailgate before Baltimore Orioles games? Why aren’t more people going to Orioles games this week? Where are your neon orange lights? Here’s your magic number:

923557 3230330814081 1591345812 n

With every nerve aware, here are my Top 50 Rush songs of all time

3. Cold Fire – Relationships. Everybody’s got them, now what do we do with them?

2. Marathon – “Got to pick up the pace, if you want to stay in the race.”

1. Red Barchetta – The story about a car, a boy and a vision of a summer drive in the country on the lam.


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