Friday, May 3, 2024

Bill Cole

In case you need a gentle reminder about why gathering for the holidays isn’t a good idea

There is a plague in progress. Please listen to science and doctors and show love to each other by wearing a mask and social distancing. But eat well and order some ice cream...

Blinded by the science of the pandemic? You are not alone…

Over Royal Farms coffee in his Cole Roofing mug, Nestor implores his pal Bill Cole to interpret why anyone would question the veracity or impact of a deadly global pathogen and the safety of others during a plague. But feel free to believe what you want...

Catching the second wave of safety during this COVID winter

Every day we are see alarming spikes in the virus as the weather changes. Bill Cole and Nestor remind each other of the civic diligence necessary to battle this pandemic.

One pandemic, no solutions…

Lock down? Open up? Wear a mask. Go to school. Stay at home. Avoid science. Believe science. Ignore science. We all know someone with a different belief on these significant social issues. Bill Cole and Nestor discuss agreeing to disagree about pandemic solutions during election season. They do agree you should vote!

Life is about to change! You better be ready…

Sometimes they just talk sports with masks on, Zoom booted up and six feet of distance, but this time Bill Cole and Nestor discuss the human nature of resistance to change and the realities of how the pandemic doesn't care.

How do we maintain a sense of community amidst a plague?

Bill Cole and Nestor discuss how we eventually figure out a way to all come together for our own good.
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