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Sharing the heart of a Baltimore sports fan as baseball season begins Koulatsos

For the first time in most of our lifetimes, sports in Baltimore and parade fever is blossoming as the baseball and football franchises both have a chance to win a championship. Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss the power of money in local sports and how a guy in Caps jersey can say “no” to pricey playoff tickets. And we’re all expecting playoff games here for the Orioles and Ravens in the coming years…


week, money, game, american dream, great, documentary, buy, play, raskin, bucks, caps, fiduciary, tickets, spend, kid, pac man, point, dad, leonard, bruce


Leonard Raskin, Nestor J. Aparicio

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home we are wn st am 1570 Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive or positively taking the Maryland crabcake tour back out on the road finally broke down a little bit in the March put together the 25th anniversary documentary which comes out on Thursday night at five await PM. If you don’t know why five away pm you’re just a young old timer here you’re not a real old timer or an OG as my dogs would say. We’re gonna have these to give away their Pac Man scratch offs. The Maryland lottery has armed me with these to giveaway they’ve been very, very popular because Pac Man is like, awesome. And everybody loves Pac Man. It’s seminal. Phenomenal. 40 years later, still as awesome as like my memories of the World Series in 83. Wow. Because that’s what I think about Pac Man. But Wednesday we’re going to be Greenmount bowl where they do have duck pants and temperance. We’re going to be doing the Greenmount station crabcake at 4pm When the angels take on the Orioles, and then on Friday we’re gonna be at fade Lee’s Alexina market I’m gonna have some shrimps out nothing wrong with the fate these crab cake Believe me, I’ve three but I’m gonna have the shrimp salad this time at Luke’s gonna join us as the Oakland Athletics via Sacramento and Las Vegas they move them to the moon if this guy thought he Fisher can make some money off it. I’m talking a lot of Oakland people this week. Speaking of making money off of things. We welcome our financial insider Leonard Raskin back on to the program. He’s with Rascal global they make the American dream happen and what’s your American dream here this week other than so we got draft week. I’m doing this crazy documentary. I’m doing some crab cakes things and we got springtime to bring in.

Leonard Raskin  01:36

When is the draft? Is it you’re wearing your capitals? Jersey? Are you damn I’m not not back to football yet. When is the draft? Thursday night? Thursday night. 25th. Okay, I knew it was Detroit. I didn’t know the date. I didn’t know which day it was. So what is my American dream right now my American dream is looking for I got a few right now. But the first one is looking across the pond. As we have discussed in short biz. The boy graduates from the Ohio State on May the fifth Cinco de mio. And in August he will be leaving us for Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland for a masters year. So that’s that’s part of my American dream is paying for college. overseas for a year. And then where I am right now as you can see, I’m rockin the red. Ready for the NHL playoffs?

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:32

Have you been going to games? And I’m not such a slouch.

Leonard Raskin  02:35

I have not. That’s something that’s ready for the playoffs? Yeah, I usually catch a couple few during the year. Look, as we talked about my first ever purchase towards my American dream right out of college with season tickets to the caps. That’s when you knew you made it happen for a while. That’s when I knew I had a job hadn’t made anything just had a job. It was the first expense I got

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:57


no no, no, what I’m saying is the first thing that you it felt like you you would achieve some Yeah, yeah. And having

Leonard Raskin  03:04

grown up job I could afford caps tickets now. I was a 40 It was a 40 a game 40 Game a year deal. And playoffs and the whole thing playoffs. Yeah, absolutely. Well, every time they went round would cost you $600 A lot more money. A lot more money. But that’s the way it went. And now they play what is it? Friday, Sunday? At the whatever the heck it is arena these days down to DC. I think it’s Capital One

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:33

Capital One. I saw that I saw the dates and you know, can I reach the kid? Yeah. Good story.

Leonard Raskin  03:39

So good to see. You know, center ice 50 yard line for those not knowledgeable. Red Line center ice. Five 600 bucks downstairs for the one playoff game. It’s a little rich for hockey playoff game. Yeah. Obviously, it’s a four and a quarter is where I was. Yeah. So I’ll give it a few days and like you’re playing

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:59

the Rangers, which is money. There’s money in Right, right. Right. And the Rangers

Leonard Raskin  04:03

that’s it but they know better. They can watch them in New York. They know the Carolina. That’s all right. We’ll see what comes down as the week moves on. And maybe I’ll get out to a game. The other part of my American dream this week is little Jewish holiday happening. We got Passover going on. So nice. Little family this week, do a little family thing. And yeah, thinking about all that’s going on in our crazy world right now with Columbia and Yale students protesting and all kinds of wacky crazy going on out there and hostages being held in Gaza. It’s another another nutty time and so you know, that’s a good time to get family together and sit around and think about things and reflect on how fortunate we are to be here at this time in the world. You know, we talked about the boy and he he’s a scholar of medieval European history. And I say to him, dude, you could live over there for five minutes without air conditioning. We have chocolate, we have indoor plumbing, he like loves that period. I’m like, No, this is this is the greatest time to be alive in the history of the world on the greatest in the greatest country in the history of the world. And we got your you got to give thanks every now and then you got to just sit back and say, hey, you know even even the American dream can be a little dented for a moment, but we’ll get through it. Life will life will be good. We move on, even

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:31

with all that he was with wealth and doing well and this and that you can have a boat, you can have yachts and all that stuff. There really is something about sports and I think about entertainment in general. You and I were talking about how wildly entertained my wife and I were for $15 for going to see PIP noted on PrEP a couple of weeks ago it makes me want to look around and see what other things that like that and people would say that about PrEP sports going to see a high school team play going and catch right a minor league game or go you know, something that’s more inexpensive to do. But there is a point where like, you have the ability to do whatever you want to do, and sports at all even you quacked out and said to rich for my blood. I can watch it on TV right? needed. So going to a game and look last week full disclosure I’ll I’ll get off the sports bet because I haven’t told the story this week. I’ve talked a lot I want so Springsteen last week, did you even know where he’s going? I didn’t know you were going but I saw you I saw you were there. Yeah, so I wanted to Syracuse and Syracuse right I only there is my buddy Marty was going and he offered me a ride back because I couldn’t get a flight back there were no flights at any price and I got up there cheap and had room cheap. Should have gotten a better room. I don’t know what I did. I told my wife I’m like you wouldn’t have liked me very much. I mean I slept okay but it was rustic to say the least in East Syracuse apparently after carrier left their business side that hotels around that area got a little dodge so I go see Bruce in this awful dome like it’s it’s concrete and cement and it’s got the bleachers they ripped out of Memorial Stadium and aluminum aluminum and there’s no room for anything and it’s was awful sound I love Bruce was good time at it. I finally got my value out about it. You know, I’m not a foreigner dollar Bruce guy in the same way. You’re not a 650 right cap guy, right? So I spent my 50 bucks or whatever and shook my ass had a good time and and laughed and spent his time. Oh, he vibrant back to life. Yeah, he

Leonard Raskin  07:35

was back because he was out. He got

Nestor J. Aparicio  07:39

he wasn’t doing well last year and and it kind of showed and I think I had even I don’t wanna say disparaged it but said it wasn’t as fun as he said it wasn’t a good show. Right? Yeah. And this he’s he’s back. He’s back and vibrant and interacting with kids and fans and giving kids harmonicas and taking requests, and just playing wild stuff and confusing the band. Nils Lofgren and I went back and forth last week. He’s like, I can’t come. I can’t see you. Before the show. Bruce keeps giving us homework. They’re gearing up for the European tour. They by the way, they did the last night in Columbus last night. They were Columbus. And you know, when he opened with you ready? He picks a song on sloopy? No, no, that would have been something he did Youngstown, Youngstown, in Columbus, Ohio, so so you know how much like I’m willing to spend a certain amount on concerts to save a little bit in that I’ve spent a billion dollars on sports and a billion ways and bought Super Bowl tickets at face value for 15 years. Yeah, Smith three great, you know, like all of that, that I look at all that money if we can if I would have given that the lender, but I wouldn’t have the experience of having been trying Purple Rain and the rain or whatever. Hey,

Leonard Raskin  08:47

man, the American Dream is is so so big and vast, and you’re right on target. I tell people all the time. Speaking of which, fiduciary who the new book is out, we talked about that. And it’s what a real fiduciary will tell you about protecting, growing, enjoying, and passing on your wealth and that enjoy part man, you make the point. Look, you’ve, you’ve spent a lot of money on those things. But that’s been a blessing. It’s been a joy for you. It’s been a joy for you and your wife like you. You go to these concerts, you go to these sporting events, you do all these things. And then one day, you find out your wife has cancer. And you say, Man, I might lose her but you know what, we did all that stuff. We did this stuff we wanted to do. So what’s it what’s all the money for? I know people have a lot of money they’re not happy. I know people that have a lot of money. It didn’t do all the any of the things they wanted to do. I think that’s ridiculous. So man, do it stuff you want to do along the way is a great, great thing. You know, the only the only time we measure the lost opportunity in the wealth that you spend is when you’re not getting enjoyment out of it. That’s when you measure

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:57

right when you go see a rock star in the band. is no good. I want to see Guns and Roses that I spent a lot of money. I just didn’t think it was good. And I didn’t think it was where I want it to be at that moment any more than sometimes I find myself at a sporting event or here or there. And I’m like, Why did I do this? Why did I sign up? Why am I in line? Why did I pay $400? To see Bruce it’s a college last year, I really didn’t want to, but I wound up having a nice night with a friend and visiting and, and you know, right. And that’s always the value, you know, a couple of weeks ago, and you know, man, I manage my money on Don’s time, right? Yeah, you have to you have to manage your money, right? Oh, man. I’m a living breathing embodiment of having a lot having a little having a lot having a little having a little having at it. All right, I’m in various points. But it’s never stopped me from enjoying Springsteen in Europe this year, I’ll find a cheap trip in Canada and maybe spend 1000 bucks instead of $5,000. And still go see Bruce right. So I’ve done a you know, a lot of that kind of stuff. And I guess, with concerts and finding the right fit for things like that and saying, Do I want to spend money on this? Or do I not want to spend money on that I felt that way about Springsteen, it was not going to Columbus was going to be a $225 Get in, in Columbus has played an arena and I paid 50 bucks in Syracuse. So right off the bat, the whole trip was financed from not being foolish about it’s crazy when Sting was playing with the Philadelphia Orchestra that night and the tickets were off and they were honored at but we’re like, we’re on. We’re going yeah, we’re gonna go all in. And you have to pick your spots you want to hear crazy words. Part of this is like having a bleacher seat and going to have its appears versus having a box seat and have its appears versus going to dinner before or after. And like how much is the night out? And I think I budget myself like crazy on all of those things. Because, um, you know, there’s only so much money to go around for all of us to summits, right. Well,

Leonard Raskin  11:55

I have a guy. I have a guy I have advice for a long time. Great guy makes a good living single. Had a great life. He’s gambler. Okay, I mean, like, like, not a sports gambler, like a casino gambler. And when we started working together a number of years ago, he said to me as part of his planning. I gamble. I said, okay, so So what does that mean? He said, It means I take trips. And I sometimes just stay local, but sometimes I don’t Well, back when he when I first worked with him, there wasn’t no local. There wasn’t gambling, local. It was he had to go at least to Atlantic City, and then to Vegas and wherever he would go Monte Carlo or

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:37

and then you say $5,000 budget for the weekend. It’s just a $500. That’s right. That’s right.

Leonard Raskin  12:41

What’s the what’s the nut and he said, about 10 grand 15 grand a year. And I said okay, so you expect you hope to win. But you expect that over the course of the year, year in year out, you’re gonna drop 10 to 15 grand

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:56

to five, $3,000 whatever, we can get away, whatever,

Leonard Raskin  13:00

whatever it is, whatever it is, and he said, Yeah, that’s right. I said, I

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:04

don’t want a boat. Leonard, I don’t need a boat. Well,

Leonard Raskin  13:06

you know what? He said, I don’t have kids. I don’t have a fancy house. I have a fancy car. I like sports, but I don’t spend money going to go into sports. I do a lot of concerts since my thing. I said, Well, you know, I can’t say a thing because I dropped a healthy someone ravens tickets. That’s one of my things. So we all have that. What is the American dream? And where do I value my time? And he goes with brands, they have a great time they do their thing. And if at the end of a week or 10 days or two days, or whatever it is. He wasn’t great. He lost. Great, fine. But that’s his entertainment for the year. So no worries. And the good news is,

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:50

well, that’s why I ask if you’re going to the Cavs game, because all right, consider if tickets were 50 bucks tonight, you’d pick me up we’d go and I would hang out, but all of a sudden, if it’s 250 for me and 250 for you and 75 to park and traffic and you gotta leave your wife and your dog and that that that.

Leonard Raskin  14:10

You know and all of a sudden it’s easy. Now here’s, here’s the thing.

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:14

like me that much. Meet me up at Pappus tonight at the bar, watch it. Okay, cool. Watch the game and we’ll get out for 40 bucks. You know, here’s the thing, and I’ll do that with you on Friday or Sunday or

Leonard Raskin  14:25

the weekend over the weekend. We’ll get to that Friday. Over the weekend coming over the weekend coming. I will be in DC for a business conference Saturday to Tuesday. I see you’re gonna go to the game. You’re going to go Sunday night, Sunday night is looking looking very possible keep that

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:42

up. It depends on which one let’s start with

Leonard Raskin  14:48

three. Oh, I may not show up. Right 22122

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:52

This is the kind of thing there’s no value at all in it for when you’re in DC

Leonard Raskin  14:58

right I might not even I might not even go there down three. Oh but I think they got a shot I think they got a shot but boy there’s some good hockey this past weekend there was some good hockey on some wild game some low type some crazy high score and seven six I don’t know what’s going on out there Western Conference has got some wild teams happening it’s a wide open tournament the caps have as good a shot as anybody well

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:26

you know if if I would have known you were busting out your caps gear Yeah, I have all of my predators jerseys right? I still have them all the one day gave me the one

Leonard Raskin  15:40

worst the worst trade in Washington Capitals history and not quite the worst in sports history there’s been others really bad but getting rid of young Forsberg to the to the the breads yeah it was just it was a rough breads they they the worst trade in capitals history they should have been flogged for that he’s he’s become a superstar he was going to be a superstar Yeah, they got a rental you got a rental nobody they got a rental of nobody for three weeks or something it was the worst trade ever and to watch him now play in for the breads and be in their superstar and all star and in the playoffs consistent 30 Plus goal score you never know who what he might have added to this team but there goes I’m not the general manager that either.

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:37

At some point they would have had to afford him in Vatican two. Yeah, you’re right it was that Well, I

Leonard Raskin  16:45

found a way to afford a lot of players over the

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:47

year. Hey, let’s talk about the Oreos right now. Let’s do it. Let’s Raskin is here. Rascon global you could find them out of the front of Baltimore positive on file on the American dream as well. I mean, the embarrassment of riches. I mean, you’ve been a fan for a long, long time, as you mentioned one prospect that got away with the caps and we could talk about the Orioles and I don’t know that you know any of the Manny Alexander’s or the Jeffrey Hammonds. The Eric mudguards haven’t

Leonard Raskin  17:13

lost the best of the best a couple of them. They’ve lost a couple of them. Well,

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:17

Rodriguez in the deal that that brought the picture Miller

Leonard Raskin  17:21

we always seen a getaway which was one of my Yeah, that’s the thing. I know. I know. But they could have found a way and then I wasn’t really upset about Manny because they were rebuild completely rebuild when it was time for him to go they got a good haul back there. This week so right you know, I didn’t like see it go away. I didn’t like oh my god, it just lost his name pitcher helped me with the Indians for a long time was Dennis Martinez. Well, no Dennis was when it was more recent recent past he’s still pitching. Long Haired duty eriacta

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:04

eriacta was the worst that they couldn’t figure him out. Yeah.

Leonard Raskin  18:08

And there’s one other one who’s the starter. Great starter. I can’t think of his DIY candidate. I don’t know it’s Gasman. Gasman. Okay, fair enough. Kevin Gasman. Thank you, Kevin Gasman. I thought they could they didn’t have pitching coaches that could figure these kids out? Who

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:25

certainly was yeah, that’s the one like if there’s a couple to make this a conversation with Luke this week about the guys who got away because it certainly feels like this particular class now that Westberg is sort of filled out young counselors here. We’re going to talk about holiday slump and one for 30. And the kid hit that when a kid goes to the Hall of Fame they’ll look back and laugh. Right That being said, he’s got to bake some context. He’s got to start who

Leonard Raskin  18:56

who but just laid out a bunch or two. That’s no such thing.

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:00

They don’t do that anymore.

Leonard Raskin  19:02

I mean, my goodness get on base. He does he doesn’t walk either.

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:06

Well, a lot of striking walking as a team right now.

Leonard Raskin  19:09

There’s a lot of striking out going on at his bats.

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:12

Well there’s also a lot of home runs and you know, I got home run riches. I got my Pac Man tickets here. I keep telling John Martin you’re gonna run out of money with these home runs and he’s great because they’re gonna Maryland lottery.

Leonard Raskin  19:23

They are hitting him out of the park, that that hydration station. How about having a water bomb in the

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:33

veteran leadership with a backup that is great that every every great team has a great backup catcher. You know, I want to get my press credential back and I can actually go and talk to these guys about

Leonard Raskin  19:45

how great is that to see rutschman crank a grand slam and four of them at a time drinking. Chugging a little water blast. That’s that’s just good fun.

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:54

Well, this team is fun. So to your pool, they gotta keep talking to you guys. are no caps game. Yeah. And this is where I would even bring the baseball conference like Microsoft fell this week our chief digital officer is going out to Detroit for the draft, right? He’s gonna be your son’s out there. Obviously holiday. He’s out there doing the draft thing in Detroit. We’re like, when’s the draft coming here? Like, all right. And I think next year, baseball, and if I were meeting with Mr. Rubenstein this week, and sitting with him for a couple of hours of airtime and talking about things, one of the things I would say to him is, because I will say, I don’t think he grew up rich. I mean, he’s a billionaire. He grew up rich, right? You grew up with any means at all my documentaries coming out in the next couple of days is very obvious of where I lived, and where I came from, what my parents background, and my mother never worked. My dad worked at the point. So like that, you know, for 35 years. So baseball was a way in my neighborhood when my father was a lower middle class working man with a union and a pension at the point in the 70s. That and he always fudge being a senior citizen, he always got a senior citizen discount, or whatever. I think he was on to that when he’s 56, maybe 58. But he would get the senior citizen to all my ticket stubs that I have are senior citizen and child because I was right. 70s And he’s 60 years old, right? That’s born in 1919. So he was 60 years old. 1979. So if that qualifies for senior my Dad,

Leonard Raskin  21:24

what’s your hurry to pull it? Yeah, you can be 55 and get all that stuff. Right? Exactly. AR

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:29

peas come in to stone. You talk. So I would just say from the baseball perspective, from my father’s perspective of not having much and to honor him and my family in this documentary does that very early. Yeah. And our level of oral baseball one thing about oral baseball was Mr. Rubenstein, it was incredibly affordable for my family. Yeah, Dad to sit in the bleachers to be bleacher bums, which is we sat in Section 11 And every game until my dad didn’t go and then I hoodwinked my mother and to get me tears box seats. She didn’t know any better, and had an extra $3 That day to be able to do that. But we would my dad would take a $10 bill and we would go out to the game and cash he had a bus card, so it was free. Yeah, bus was free transportation free. I’m a kid I think I got on with him because he was dad right away. Sure. When he five cents to go right. We stopped the G and a Coney Island hot dog and island town. I’ve told the story a million times. And we would get the hot dogs there that were 50 cents, maybe 65 If you want a chili and I never got any of that because a group did Obama ketchup and relish guy you could let Ryan Rifkind know that because he’s been asking around, and and we would go out and my dad, we would buy nothing there we would buy our way in, we wouldn’t buy programs or any of that kind of stuff. And my dad could afford to do that. 41 times in the summer 1979, which we did. I was 10 years old, 11 years old, he could afford to take me every night and he could afford to take other kids like Ryan would say little Marquis Elliot, you want to come get your dad to give you $3 Just so we can get you a bus and get out there. We’re gonna get you a hot dog in Highland town, you’re not going to bother me for food at the game or drinks, because you’re not going to have any money. But but but if you want to go, we’ll take the whole neighborhood my dad would take everybody out. And it was a part of our culture. It was a part of it. Yeah. That’s got to come back for and it’s not that way. My guess my Springsteen story was I had a $14 beer at Springsteen. Nice. And like I had a $14 beer and I wanted another one. I wasn’t driving. I was whooping. I could have had 10 of them. If I were to at $14 How many beers Am I having? And I’m not a cheapskate. I’m just You’re my money manager. That’s dumb. You know what I mean? It gets to the point where it’s a decision to say that I’m just not doing another 14 bucks tonight on a beer. Yeah, not with you. So but that’s what it’s going to take to keep these baseball players

Leonard Raskin  23:52

that yeah, it’s that’s what it is. Well, it’s that and TV. It’s TV. It’s media. And it’s expensive food and jerseys and licensing agreements and the gate but they got to get people to come in. They got to get him to come in. They had what 30 I guess they had 30 Some 1000 last week. That wasn’t bad for it. Was it a Milwaukee game? Yeah, the 30,000 it was it was

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:21

an alarmingly large. Yeah, that was nice. Weather. Hey, the weather’s gonna be nice this weekend. Sunday’s gonna be real

Leonard Raskin  24:28

nice here. Well, there’s no gate. Is there a game here? Yeah, they’re

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:32

home this weekend. Oakland. Monday, the Oakland

Leonard Raskin  24:35

we don’t know what they’re going to be called. days after that. Right? Yeah, this is

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:39

this is sort of a telling week. I mean, you don’t even know they’re home. Right. So like, they’re away. Yeah, I’m doing the I’m doing the show on Friday have faded because they’re home, raise the age. And then on Monday, the Yankees comes down next week.

Leonard Raskin  24:52

Got it? Yeah. So I mean, it could be a big series to

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:58

do. I want to pull the wool other up and this is early going because Leonard and I are taping this earlier in the week. But Sunday 78 Monday 82. Tuesday 75 Wednesday 76 That’s when a Yankees are in town. So you’re gonna have a nice fans. You might see 35 or 40,000 people in the ballpark on based on weather and price. You Angelo’s family was $23 to get in and it’s an $100 night on a Monday night because he hankies play. That’s a decision $100 Nights a decision $1 ticket and a couple of $5 beers have that’s not I don’t know, they did this game I’m in. I’m in I don’t know

Leonard Raskin  25:41

when they did this last year, but didn’t they do like the rest of the year come as often as you want. Sit in a certain area for

Nestor J. Aparicio  25:50

model Leonard right, the new model and Marty Conway and I’ve been back and forth. Yeah, this. The new model really is, what is the new model, which is the package where you get all the games on TV. And if you buy that package for X dollar, you get the 10% off thing for the template to join the Club. And if you join the Club and buy the season ticket, that’s their subscription, right? Like you have at the Hippodrome, you buy subscription, you can you’re getting 20% off of this and that you get to get the you get a pat on the back and your kid runs the basis and you get this thing

Leonard Raskin  26:24

I saw this year that I hadn’t seen before. Maybe it was here before but I hadn’t paid attention. You know, you can buy the whole season. You can buy the 13th game, you can buy the Sunday only package. But this year, I was told they have this new deal where you can put money on deposit. Have you heard of this? No. It’s just like a layaway, Kmart. Yeah, hey, you can put 500 bucks, or 1000 bucks or 2000 bucks. Let’s say you put 500 bucks. You got a card. So when you come to the game, you go to the window, you buy your ticket, you give them your card, they take it out of your 500 bucks. And then you go in and you buy it.

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:03

Get you the discounts and stuff. Correct Okay,

Leonard Raskin  27:07

you go to the you go to the concession and you want to buy a dog and a pair and instead of 22 bucks, it’s 15 you get 20% off. Chris

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:14

pica told me about this because he was bragging about how reasonably priced His food was on opening day. Yeah, yes. Listen, I will tell you you don’t end up like his money. He’s the cheapest sob I know. I

Leonard Raskin  27:28

was gonna say Is he is he Jack Luskin. He cheapest guy in town, right? Luskin if

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:35

I ever put it one day you implacable do a segment together because you’re referring friends and people I love and are in my world, you’ll intersect. And when you do, you’ll see he’s cheapest guy I know. And even he is buying things from the Orioles and buying concessions and bragging to me about that. It’s not as bad as you think when you’re a member

Leonard Raskin  27:55

of the club, right? Well, this is the thing it’s like 20 or 25% off. And what you do is you use that. And apparently you can call ahead. You can you can go online, you can buy the ticket

Nestor J. Aparicio  28:06

seats is available. People over Mr. Rubenstein should add people as long as

Leonard Raskin  28:10

the game is available. You You can you can use it for that night you buy as many tickets as you want. So instead of buying tickets, you can’t go to the game. You got to trade them in whatever. You just throw some money at them. And when you want to go you use up your stash. And when you go to the concessions, it’s cheaper than you know. So you get 20 25% off at the concessions. And it seems like a fair deal. And when

Nestor J. Aparicio  28:38

you get gift cards at Christmas, by $100 in gift cards you get a $25 card free.

Leonard Raskin  28:44

That’s right. That’s exactly right. That’s a beautiful thing. And the only thing you have to worry about with that gift card is that the company stays in business till you use it. Ah, I’ve had that happen. I bought a gift card for a restaurant. By the time I went to use it. They were no longer in business

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:01

get hungry tonight when you get it stay hungry is Twisted Sister wants to stay hungry.

Leonard Raskin  29:05

Let her ask her sister there’s a band

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:08

I’ve been trying to get to Schneider on this. Schneider right making the shed if anybody knows D I can get the on the show with the hair. What happened here. Let me give you a little history because we’re doing a 25th anniversary documentary. When I did free the birds there’s a guy named Greg Abel, that you may know through April communications or locally it was on the show two weeks ago, three weeks ago. Opening Day week I had him on because he was the guy who made the internet video of free the birds that the day afterward it was on this thing called YouTube that nobody heard of it. Nobody heard of. Right. I watched his video and he used illicitly the song we’re not going to take it right. And it’s so over the 18 years of the video being up on YouTube. There have been times when it’s been completely muted. And the times when it’s back, it’s back now so you can go and go free the birds Oreos Nesta whatever Angelo’s this video pops up and it just begins with the drunk the cowbell when are gone, right? So so triggered me a month ago to the fact that John Allen came into the crabcake towards me it cost this last month and they’re opening for D Schneider D Snyder’s playing tennis two weeks from now. So I’m like, I want to get interview D Basie playing and three Merriweather. Okay, festival. Got it, got it. Got it got. So and that’s, you know, heavy metal, regional festivals, right deal. So, and I go almost every year, I mean, almost every year, I go to one of the two days. There used to be three days. But so I said, I want to get to Schneider on he’s got a break. You know, so but I’m struggling to get him on. So, you know, and I want to rock you know, right. Yeah, it makes me think Animal House two, right.

Leonard Raskin  30:55

That’s good. That’s good. Yeah, you know, three, what is that three next weekend. That’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  31:01

the weekend next weekend. That’s the weekend our new website is going to launch next week, that’s the weekend I’ll

Leonard Raskin  31:06

be at graduation, you’re still gonna look really handsome

Nestor J. Aparicio  31:09

on the front of the new Baltimore What you do, Lana Raskin, you manage money, but it’s more than manage money, we

Leonard Raskin  31:15

help people protect it, make sure that can’t be taken. We help you grow it, invest it, manage it, we help you enjoy it. As we said, we’ve been talking about all all show, and then how to transfer it, how to get it to those who you love and care about. We are in people’s lives to show them how money works. And understand that there are a lot of things they’ve been taught and told about how money works that just aren’t true. And that they have to understand how money works. Because we live in a society where if you don’t, you get taken advantage taken advantage of beat up, and you lose a lot of money because of ignorance. It’s no fault of your own. It’s not taught in schools. It’s not taught in college. It takes a professional to teach it. You have to understand that these things exist, and what the world is out there to try to snap you up and knock you down and not make the mistakes that too many people make and understand how businesses operate with money, understand how wealthy people operate with money and make decisions like that for yourself and your future, your family, those you care about. And most importantly, how to enjoy it and make sure you have enough of it. Money society

Nestor J. Aparicio  32:35

if I still had an executive producer like Ray Bachman, who was kind enough to read on our 25th anniversary documentary along with Gina shock and keep her from the ravens and Mike Bernhard and John Allen and so everybody’s pitched in Bill cold pitched in. But if I had an executive producer, one of the quality of re Bachman it would be on the glass right now we’d say Leonard Raskin, owner Raskin, global author of fiduciary hoops, I gotta make sure that I put that in there.

Leonard Raskin  33:07

In a way, the best selling author,

Nestor J. Aparicio  33:10

you know, when I had Sheila Jackson on two weeks ago, literally right before she came on Kiefer Mitchell walked in. He was gonna he ran for mayor when she was mayor came in, he greeted her he was coming to the show he was coming to get a crabcake literally Yeah, just walking in off the street and a suit. Like cafe. I was about to do the show with her. He called her Madam Mayor. Hi, Madam Mayor. And it just rolled off a song because that’s what. So what I want to do is have fiduciary who off my tongue when I mentioned it,

Leonard Raskin  33:36

what is the tissue? Fiduciary who just it’s a book about all the things we do for money. And it’s it’s the fact that a lot of people out there claim to be fiduciaries and give you information and advice. It’s in your best interest. And I find it appalling that they often don’t. They often give you information that is ignorant that they were taught it’s not correct, that they tell you what to do with your money that can cause you harm. And so it’s a book about how not to do that and how to have generational wealth, and do the best with your money that you can and where much is given much as expected. So we want people to understand how their money is and not and what to expect. And what it is to work with a financial professional. That is a fiduciary. That’s what we are.

Nestor J. Aparicio  34:25

All right. Take good care of people for a long, long time. Rather, I’ve got the shirt on. At some point we’ll get together and lament the end of the capital season. I just don’t know when that’s going to be so you

Leonard Raskin  34:37

know, hopefully after they voiced a cup for the second time.

Nestor J. Aparicio  34:40

You believe you still you believe you think they’re gonna run in them? Do you know? No, I mean, yeah.

Leonard Raskin  34:46

I mean, it’s gotta hope. You gotta have hope

Nestor J. Aparicio  34:49

that you’re not blowing six and a quarter on center ice tickets. It’s got it. It’s like tug McGraw you don’t believe you don’t believe. I appreciate everybody who’s given me In love this week in anticipation of the 25th anniversary documentary, cluding led Raskin putting all of our sponsors. I meant to get Dennis on this week, he was a little bit under the weather. Before the dress, I just want to give shout out to everybody from wise markets and royal farms and the Toyota folks and the Piwik folks and everybody that’s ever supported us. We have to make you proud with the documentary coming out on Thursday to make you laugh a little bit, make you think a little bit and at least sort of bring you up to speed on where we are. And how we got here. I think that was sort of my thesis in the beginning is you found me somewhere at a parade and a road trip and a game at the bar and Little League somewhere along life’s highway. You listened to me on the radio or found me somewhere? This is how kind of it all happened. So I hope to at least answer those questions. 5:08pm There is a significance to that number for the free to birds folks out there. That’ll be on Thursday night before the draft will hope to have the movie out. I hope I’m not late delivering it but Greg Landry and I are working hard on all the finishing touches at Towson transfers and Blue Rock productions. I am Nestor. We are WNS TA and 5070, Towson Baltimore. We never stop talking Baltimore. On behalf of Pac Man positive

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