They didn’t look like mafia to us? After Mark Andrews dropped the ball, many fans lowered the floor with insults and threats toward the Baltimore Ravens tight end on social media. These two Canisius students saw it from their Buffalo campus on Monday morning and started a Go Fund Me page on their Instagram fan page to support Andews’ charity work for Breakthrough TD1, which has now collected well over $100,000 in donations. Meet Ryan Patota and Nick Howard, two of the good ones who make us wanna “shout” for the Bills – and give to the cause.
Nestor Aparicio discusses the GoFundMe campaign started by Nick Howard and Ryan Patota, students at Canisius University, to support Mark Andrews’ charity, Breakthrough T1D, after Andrews’ dropped pass in the AFC Championship game. The campaign, which initially aimed for $5,000, surpassed $100,000 within days. The students, both Bills fans, were inspired by the negative social media reactions to Andrews’ mistake. They emphasize the importance of supporting diabetes research and combating online bullying. Aparicio praises their initiative and promotes the campaign, highlighting the strong Bills fan community and the potential impact of a Super Bowl win on Buffalo.
Bills Mafia, Mark Andrews, Go Fund Me, Breakthrough T1D, Canisius University, social media backlash, Super Bowl, Bills fans, charity campaign, diabetes support, Ravens loss, internet sensation, Buffalo community, sportsmanship, fundraising success
Nestor Aparicio, Nicholas Howard, Ryan Patota
Nestor Aparicio 00:01
Welcome home. We are W, N, S, T, am 1570 Towson, Baltimore. We are Baltimore positive. Find us out on the internet, anywhere at Baltimore positive, anywhere social media travels and of course, Luke will be following all things Orioles and ravens as we get into this next week is our cup of soup or bowl. That is our week. We’re gonna be stocking local pantries beginning on Monday at Costas and Dundalk. All of it brought to you by our friends at the Maryland lottery. I have my final Raven scratch off, and I will not be giving these away. I’ll have the monopolies to give away for cup of Super Bowl. We thought we were going to the Super Bowl, the real stuff, the big game. And I picked up my Derrick Henry aller Jersey, and I’ve been wearing this. And apparently it was bad luck to the kids on the internet. I didn’t drop the ball. I wasn’t even there to ask questions, although I was there a long, long time ago in Orchard Park, rich stadium back during the K gun. We’re going up to Buffalo right now and talk to a couple young folks that I am I’m excited to meet for a lot of reasons. Um, they’ve become an internet sensation in Baltimore. Whether they realize that or not, I don’t know if it’s a sensation in Buffalo when the team is going to the Super Bowl. So there’s they got that going on, right? But these are two young folks at Canisius University. I’m blessed that, uh, Audrey from the university that wrote me a note in the middle of the week. So these two young people that everybody’s talking about in Buffalo that have crowd funded this mark Andrews thing. And I wrote a skating column about Mark Andrews not being accountable after the game. But certainly I like Mark Andrews, and as I wrote in my column, a columnist you can read that at Baltimore positive as well. I’m not anti Mark Andrews. I’m pro medium, pro accountability, and there’ll be time for all of that. But what’s going on right now is raising a lot of money. I mean, I don’t know the number. I feel like Ed McMahon back in the Jerry Lewis days, he said, Give me a tippity, because every time I look up, there’s more money and there’s more money. And these are Bills fans, Die Hard. Bills fans. Nick Howard and Ryan patota saw an opportunity to change the narrative I’m reading right from the press release, because it’s good this way. I never do this. Audrey, just, you know, I’m doing this for you, and for Canisius, when social media turned hostile, and it did get hostile, I my column is professional and not hostile. People are just awful when it comes to dropping a ball and gambling, just all sorts of things. And we all know what happened the game, but these kids started to Go Fund Me campaign to raise money. And this is where I may the room make it a little dusty. It’s for breakthrough, T, 1d, it’s a charity close to Mark’s heart. Mark is a diabetic. My wife has been a diabetic since she’s 18. My wife’s 52 but looks 25 ask her. Ask anybody. And this campaign’s here, and these two young folks are here. They’ve joined me from their very, very busy educational schedule here during a week where I’m sure, like, I wouldn’t even go into class this week, my team’s going to Super Bowl. Ryan patois here and Nick is here. Hi guys, welcome in. I love your town. I’m rooting for you. If that matters. I don’t care who you’re playing. Lord knows if you’re playing the former Landover, Largo, Jack Kent Cooke, burgundy and golds, not to mention Philly. We don’t like Philly, right? We eat their cheese steaks. They’re but we don’t like them. So we’re all about you. And this is before you guys did something really, really kind. So Ryan Nick, who’s the spokesman here, who started this real thing for real. So,
Nicholas Howard 03:18
so I started it. I had the idea started.
Nestor Aparicio 03:23
You’re Nick, yes, Nick, give me so obviously, were you both at the game? Let’s start with that game. Yeah. Nick was at the game. Ryan was not at the game. Alright, you’re watching at home, like everybody else is watching at home. The ball hits the turf. Bad things happen. I’m watching the press conferences. We’re all up all night. It’s I’ve been a a therapist here, without realizing it for about 30 years. I did sports radio with phone calls here all of my life. So after every bad loss, and you’re young people, but you maybe remember the Billy Cundiff missing a field goal we had our only Norwood, you’re too young to remember, nor would thank God you were born when you were born, because you missed out on some stuff that you it was fun. We had a good time at Buffalo back then. But this is, you know, a first go round for young people in your community. And Nick, I mean, you’re at the game. Give me the vibe about just how freaking cold it was, how, you know, the game was really in the balance. It was a great, great football game. Oh yeah,
Nicholas Howard 04:22
it was a wonderful game. A the first half, he had the Buffalo Bills, who had pretty much control of the whole thing. And then the second half, the Raven started to come back. And it was really, it was down to the wire. Last minute, two point conversion dropped, and that’s what ended the game, really.
Nestor Aparicio 04:36
Now, Ryan, how do you guys know each other? Give me a little background on this, because you’re home. He had the tickets to the game. I don’t know. Man, you felt, it felt like you were left out. I tried to talk my wife and Luke into going to Buffalo. We had reporter issues. We go to Kansas City, and then on the New Orleans I had to cancel my flights, which, you know, your fault, but we were going to come up to Buffalo and the weather and the cold and all of that. I. I mean, I’m Hardy and all, and I’ve sat and cold. I’ve sat and colder than that game lots when I was young and, you know, beautiful in college, like you guys, but, but you were home watching on TV. Um, give me the background on your relationship and on how this whole thing started, because you’re obviously good hearted kids.
Ryan Patota 05:17
Yeah. Thank you so much. Um, where do we start? So we started this Instagram page back when the bills played their Fauci game back in August, one of their first pre engagement, the bears. And that’s
when we started this Hey,
Ryan Patota 05:41
post content and I’m having
Nestor Aparicio 05:44
some audio problems with you. Nick, pick the story up. For me, I’m really having a trouble getting Ryan’s audio to work on his end. Oh,
Nicholas Howard 05:53
sorry. So basically, I’m our second year at Canisius. I’m a sophomore, both sophomores and I met him through a friend of a friend, and I first when I came here, there was a lot of Bills fans that I knew. My roommates a bagless fan, and my other roommates were Broncos and colts fans. So I wanted a Bills fan to watch game. And so as that I found Ryan. I found out he was Bills fan, so I invited him for some games.
Nestor Aparicio 06:18
How hard can it be to find Bills fans in Buffalo.
Ryan Patota 06:22
I know, right. Well, I guess when you’re in college, can you hear me, buddy?
Nestor Aparicio 06:26
Yes, I hear you now. Yes, go ahead. Bucha. Okay, good,
Ryan Patota 06:29
yeah. So, I mean, there is a lot of villages, but I guess when you’re in college, a lot of out of towners want to come to Buffalo, and they’re you not going to find any village fans. I guess coming, having people coming from out of town.
Nestor Aparicio 06:42
Well, it’s a good time to be a Bills fan, I mean, to be young, and to be into this with Josh Allen and what it would mean for the community. And when I talk to young people, even here, we’ve won a couple of Super Bowls here, you know, they’ve been a decade apart, 1212, years apart, and now it’s been about that long for us, and we’ve experienced these disappointments with Lamar, and you see this disappointment now, Nick, you’re at the game, the place is going crazy. Ryan, you’re home, you’re watching this, and you’re part of this fan club, correct? I mean, you’re like a little group of folks at your university that watches the bills. Yeah,
Nicholas Howard 07:18
yeah, that was, I was I was at the game. It was, it was super electric. I mean, I had my reaction on my social media out there, our social media, and I was, I was screaming the whole game, and when we finally won, it out that last needle for Josh Allen, I was just screaming for it felt like an hour.
Nestor Aparicio 07:36
Okay, so the game ends, you young folks are out on the socials, and you start to see some things about bullying and threats and just crazy stuff. And look, we all would like to think where the champion is going to catch the ball and win the championship. And as I wrote, I mean, Mark Andrews is the kind of guy you would think will be catching the Super Bowl winning catch. He’s that. He’s been that kind of player in the history here for all of it, and he still might be that guy. And I guess that was my point. Is sort of like, you know, dust off, you come back. He’s got a lot of football left in him. But you guys took this thing to heart at some point. Monday morning. Nick, is it, do you tell me?
Nicholas Howard 08:16
Yeah, yeah. Monday morning is approximately inside everyone up. Ryan, give
Nestor Aparicio 08:21
me the background on this and and your maybe research on what Mark Andrews is charity would be about, and why you earmarked this for breakthrough. Yeah,
Ryan Patota 08:30
so we saw that Mark Andrews is really close with break one a breakthrough. Excuse me, type one diabetes. You know, Hill Yates cut out story and Schecter put out a story of Mark Andrews, really close with this organization, and we wanted to, and we saw Mark Andrews, especially on Twitter. On my end, he was getting a lot of threats, death threats, and there is a whole trend that was going on, actually, very, a lot of very nasty COVID him. I mean, he’s very despicable, in my opinion. But anyways, we want to start this, you know, go fund me, you know, bring we saw his what, or his fiance, you know, basically shut down her social media because she was getting all this threat from Mark Andrews. And we want to make a difference in that, we want to say, Hey, this is more than a game. Than just a game, really, in all honestly, this is a lot more than a game. I mean, we got to do better than this as a society and us building fans. We wanted to make a difference. So we started this goal funding, trying to see had a really small goal to begin with, and we never would have thought this would take off like this, honestly. I mean, you were trying to do $5,000
Nestor Aparicio 09:49
right? When did you hit 5000 like? When did you? When did you hit, start, send, go, publish, and then, then what I said. Young guys. Don’t know about Ed McMahon, but Ed McMahon, every Labor Day would look at the timpani for the money for for Muscular Dystrophy, and the number would jump. I mean, that’s really kind of been the fun part of this, and watching this, and then the Ravens fans obviously got involved on Monday. You got a lot of media coverage on Tuesday and Wednesday, you’re now visiting with me, and I’m grateful. What can folks do? Nick
Nicholas Howard 10:23
so folks can, they can go to our bio and Instagram on at the buffalo brief, and there’s a link in the bio. They can donate that anything helps, $1 it doesn’t matter, even if they just share the link with other friends. That helps tremendously. As we can get exposure that we’ve gotten plenty of exposure with it. That’s what helped it reached its initial goal. And backing on to your question, I think we reached that goal. Well, let’s say it started. We started the post at, I’d say around 11 o’clock in the morning on Monday, and then I’d say it by night, by like afternoon, we hit the 5000 mark just from the small bits of help from local bills pages and stuff. And then I’d say Tuesday is when it really blew up and you started seeing all the big names like Adam Schefter and NFL CBS start posting it and everything.
Nestor Aparicio 11:16
Ryan patona patota is here as well as Nick Howard. They’re two different voices. You’ll hear them here. You’ll see them out on our on our social media and their Instagram pages, and so you started this back in the summer as just an online chat, right? I mean, just, there’s no website, there’s no gatherings, there’s not a podcast, there’s none of that, just friends gathering, correct? Yeah, absolutely. Well, I hope you get a couple more weeks of gathering here, and I know one of you guys is a journalism guy. Is that you? Ryan? That’s me, absolutely. So what are you going to be when you grow up? I I’ve done this for four decades. What do you want to know about not getting into this
Ryan Patota 12:00
industry? Um, well, I mean, obviously the things have changed, you know, with podcasting world nowadays. I mean, we’re obviously sitting here doing the podcast and show with you. I mean, thank you so much for your taking your time and everything. I mean, this is just surreal, because growing up, I’ve always found, you know, big podcast pages, or sports radio talk and everything, talk about the bills. I mean, I mean, I found out of town sports. I always was intrigued them. Oh, what, what? What is the ratings? Radio Station got to say about the bills this upcoming Sunday? What is, let’s say the bills play the Eagles. What is Philadelphia? We use station. Got to see about the bill. You’re the
Nestor Aparicio 12:43
guy we make content for here. You’re the guy that we previewed the game all last week, I came to your community last week. I had Vic Carucci on, you know? I had Sal capaccio on. I mean, you know? I mean, so I, I’ve been doing this a long time. Steve Tasker, tell him, I’m looking for him tell Tasker, I’m looking for but, but in all sincerity. I mean, I love your community, and I love the spirit, and it’s not shocking to me that anybody young in your community would would be smitten by the bills or the sabers. And I know they’re in a little in a down. And one of my long time executive producers is from the Syracuse area, one of my dear friends, Marty Conway’s from that area. I mean, everyone from there, West adopts the the Buffalo Bills and has, and this has been a period where it’s tough sledding for 17 years. You know, I’ve had a lot of journalists on this week talking about the years where there were now and now, you know, stadiums coming up in the parking lot, you’re having all this success. Maybe a Super Bowl, maybe a Super Bowl victory. By the time people are hearing this and finding this on the other side, Nick for you, with Bill’s fandom and coming to Canisius, because I want someone to talk about Canisius a little bit, because they’ve been nice enough to set this up. And I told I got a Canisius story. I’ll save that to the end, because it involves a girl. But on your campus, it’s not bill centric at this point. The whole place is in red and blue, and I was too bad as when it comes to Bill’s fans. Just me being a smart ass.
Nicholas Howard 14:03
Yeah, yeah. I mean, first off, shout out to Canisius presented to the setting this up. They’re amazing. Um, they’re my first choice. And I’m actually also from out of state. I’m from Florida,
Nestor Aparicio 14:13
and so you’ve adopted the bills they’re not your team.
Nicholas Howard 14:17
No, they’ve been my team my whole life. I’d say, um, where
Ryan Patota 14:20
are you from? I’m from a suburb in Buffalo in Lancaster, New York.
Nestor Aparicio 14:25
Oh, you’re a buffalonian. You’re okay. Got it? Okay? Alright, I’m trying to figure out how you commit this on. So you’re kind of showing the Florida kid the road Florida kid in Buffalo. No wonder you’re wearing a hat, dude.
Nicholas Howard 14:39
Yeah, yeah. So I’m from Florida, but I’ve been a Bills fan my whole life, because my my parents are originally from Buffalo, and I have all kinds of family up here, so I’ve gone to the Jim Kelly football camps when I was younger, and everything. I’ve been Bills fan through and through,
Nestor Aparicio 14:52
right? And that’s why you went to college in Buffalo, because you’re a Bills fan. Yes, correct. I grew up in Houston all. Euler fan, even though from Baltimore, I had cold stuff, and we lost our team, obviously, when I was 16 years old. But if I could have done anything in life, I would have lived at the Astrodome, I mean, and I had John McLean on this week. Is a long time. He’s the Hall of Fame voter from Houston who presents and votes and does all that stuff. And I wore this for him. And of course, it’s sacrilege, because of the whole Houston, Nashville thing and all of that. But, um, yeah, I mean, I love the Oilers that much as a young person that I would have driven the buffalo to watch them blow the biggest lead. I would have done all I would, you know, it’s been, I fell in love in Buffalo. So my canisha story, it’s, it’s not a happy ending story, but it’s, it needs to be told. With two Canisius kids, Ryan patodi is here, Nick Howard’s here. These are, these are the two young people who saw this opportunity to change the narrative with Mark Andrews and that you’ve been reading about him, hearing about their you look like mafia. I don’t know to me, but I even put in the chat, bills mafia. So the headlines gonna say bills mafia. We’ll get to all of that, because you don’t even look like Junior mafia to me. So long story. 35 years ago, I had my cousin was getting married in it was like Huntsville, Alabama. It’s like in the middle of some plate. And that was Montgomery. It was Montgomery. I apologize because it’s down south. Jimmy Buffett land, Montgomery, and I had to fly through Nashville. This is like a long time ago, and I’m in the airport, and I met a pretty girl. And so this is 1989 I’m 20 years old, 20. This girl’s 20. How old are you guys? Ryan, how old are you?
Nicholas Howard 16:37
I’m 20 years old, and Nick, you are I’m 19. Alright,
Nestor Aparicio 16:40
this will come perfect for you. Don’t make this mistake. Alright, don’t do this. But I was in the Nashville airport. I met a pretty girl, and we were kind of hitting it off. And we’re Bs, and I’m like, where are you going? She’s like, Montgomery, Alabama. I’m like, that’s where I’m going. She’s like, No, no way. And this is in the days when the little planes had 20 seats when you flew out of Nashville, you know, little, tiny planes, right? And we both were sitting there, and we were like, talking and talking, and where do you go to school? She said, Canisius. And I’m like, so I did the I was a newspaper agate guy when I was a kid. So I saw every division, 321, basket teams names, and I’d seen it, but I didn’t know where it was just before the internet. She’s like, Yeah, it’s in Buffalo. And I’m like, Ah, cool. So we’re hitting it off. We’re hitting it off. And we talk so long. We both missed our flight. So we’re now there’s not another flight Montgomery, you know what I mean, like, the next one’s like, so I miss my cousin’s wedding, and this girl and I were at the counter. We’re like we missed our flight, both of us. I never spoke to her again. So they’re so that was 36 years ago, 35 so that’s my only canisha story. But I have been on your campus. It’s lovely, Buffalo. I hear it’s it’s beautiful this time of year. It certainly looked good, good last week. So goals on this, give me the you’re not shutting this down, right? Like this thing, what, Ryan, what happens here? Because I’m going to go to the website. I didn’t want to begin the segment and get the number, because by time it ends, it’d be different. I just want to give the number when I sign off. So when anybody finds us on the internet, they can go up and see that it’s more, because it’s growing, like, literally every hour, right? Yeah,
Ryan Patota 18:19
it’s almost got 100,000 when I checked before we came on. Alright.
Nestor Aparicio 18:23
Well, tell everybody where they can go and how they can get involved in doing this, because everybody in Baltimore wants to be involved, because we’ve seen you nice folks in western New York rally behind our tight end, and we appreciate that, even though you’re still playing football and we’re not. But how can they help? Nick Give it
Nicholas Howard 18:39
to me. Yes, yeah. So you can go either to our Instagram bio at the buffalo brief, there’ll be a link there, or you could just look at directly up on the GoFundMe website. It’s one of the top fundraisers there, too.
Nestor Aparicio 18:51
Oh, so that’s easy, just like, man, success breeds success. I would say, alright, so I’m going to leave this part for the end. And if anybody’s listening, after the game on Sunday, and these two kids can’t come out of their rooms for a couple of weeks. Hey, man, I’m here, right? We thought we were going to the Super Bowl too, right? So this whole thing started with Mark Andrews right in my my column of professionalism and all that stuff. It’s how it all started. And by the way, the campaign is for breakthrough. This is a diabetes group, and I’m going to promote that. I’m going to invite them on do all of that, probably invite my wife. My wife’s really under the weather. My wife wanted to say thank you to both of you. She’s sick as hell, and I was going to bring her, I’m like, But when she gets better, we’re going to bring the breakthrough people on and try to do because my wife has a Dexcom, same as Mark. So when I was in the locker room for years, when Mark was a rookie in his early days, that Dexcom was a brand new device, like nobody had ever worn it. My wife had it, and he had it like first six months, eight months it was on the market. It’s a testing device that allows. Calls my wife on her iPhone to know her number 24 hours a day. So it’s so from a diabetic standpoint, diabetes has affected my life from the minute I met my wife 22 years ago, next week to now. So I mean, this is a serious, insidious disease. It takes lives. It is from a management standpoint, and I wrote this, what Mark Andrews goes through as a professional athlete is inspiring. And I told Jason Johnson that before that, it was a picture for the Orioles years ago, and this is when it was needles and kits and lots and lots of different things. I’ve seen how far the industry has gone in my my marriage to my wife in needles and kits and orange juice and passing out sugar tablets, and to where my wife sugar is after two leukemia bone marrow transplants. Very, very manageable, even when she’s ill. So thank you. I just want to say that to you kids. So alright, to the game, to the game, to the games. What would it mean? And this isn’t for you, Nick you transplant. Would you do have family there so but Ryan kid from Lancaster near Depew in chicktawaga, just south of North Tonawanda, around the corner from Amherst, where I once fell in love in Buffalo. What does it mean to your community? And give me a little lowdown on your family, because, like, you win a Super Bowl two weeks from now, like you’re going to cry, I promise you. I cried in one I cried in 13. I I’ve cried when they’ve won, and I’ve cried when they law lose. I didn’t cry this time when we I’m a little bit I’m further removed, but I cried when the Oilers lost up in Buffalo, I promise you that, when I was your age. But winning, what does it mean to your community. Ryan, oh, my
Ryan Patota 21:41
goodness, it means so much in this community. Because if you go down the street and you, you’ve probably seen it for yourself. Nestor, you’re gonna, I mean, there’s bills flags everywhere. And, I mean, it’s the if you go down the street, you’re gonna say, oh, there’s a village flag. I mean, this, this neighborhood split up in red and blue. I mean, that is just the dedication of this fan base to the bills. I mean, I’m sure the sabers were a lot better than what they are right now they I’m sure it’d be the same thing, but, I mean it would just be, means it would mean so much for this community. I mean, there’s no really major sports championship. I mean, we have national clause, we have the bandits name one back to back NLL championships, and it’s even, even that means so much to this community, because even it’s a small team, they’re winning something for the city. I mean, it’s just incredible. So what are the Super Bowl for the City of Buffalo would mean a ton. I don’t even know. I can’t imagine what that would be. Feel like. Here’s what
Nestor Aparicio 22:48
we’re gonna do. You guys win the Super Bowl. I’m in for crab cakes for you kids. I’m gonna send you so I don’t know, like, what I’m gonna I might send you faith least cost this Coco to ship them all to you all of our sponsors to say, have one of each. Because, in fact, if I came up Nick, if I come up there, and I know you’re a transplant, if I come up for wings, you probably got two or three places to take me, right? There’s not just one wing place, right?
Nicholas Howard 23:12
Oh, no, I know tons. I know tons of food places. I might know more than Ryan there. I mean, I’ve been to Buffalo plenty times in my life.
Nestor Aparicio 23:19
So what would it mean to your family? Give me your background, because, and what’s what part of Florida you’re from, hopefully the cold part. Oh,
Nicholas Howard 23:25
no, I’m from South Florida. I’m in a little town called Weston. I
Nestor Aparicio 23:30
know Weston. I’ve spent many nights in Weston. I have dear friends in Weston. You got, you got three things in Weston, freeway, alligators and swamp and mosquitoes. Four thing, a lot of
Nicholas Howard 23:41
mosquitoes. There’s alligators in my backyard all the time. You know
Nestor Aparicio 23:46
what’s weird is that my buddy from Weston that lives in Weston his whole life, his daughter, I’ve had her on the show a couple months ago. She’s a very accomplished musician. She’s beautiful that he is from Rochester, and has been it was a Bills fan all of his life, but slanted in Miami, 30 years ago, and just as adopted the dolphins, adopted the MAR you know what? I mean, he’s a South Florida guy, but he’s really at heart all of his childhood memories are OJ Simpson and, you know, and Jim Kelly and the bills and all that so but I mean, I for your community so special, it’s so different. And I’ll just give you a little little I want to give a shout out, not just the Canisius and everybody in Buffalo, but one of my dear friends, Mike Sprott, who’s a lifer, friend of mine. If you get any chance, you young folks, Ryan, you’re a journalist. Go check out my piece last week from Baltimore, positive when Mike Balani and Mike was Leon, oh, Mike. We’re sigliano, legendary sports cartoonist at the buffalo courier Express. Met his wife at Buff State a buffalonian. He’s got the whole like Bob water buffalo hat thing going on in the secret handshake. Balani ran the bisons when when the original baseball stadium opened in the late. 80s, when I fell in love in Buffalo and when the K gun was going on. So there’s a deep, rich history I have with your town and with coming into your town. And I love Toronto, and I love all you Canadians, especially since Monday, I’m very available. Peace Bridge. Peace Bridge. So I would say to you, I come up all the time, and when I land at the airport, first thing, get my rental car and a little shack there, and I drive out, I make a red light. It’s always cold as hell, even in July, and I’m always headed to Toronto to drink beer with Getty Lee. And I make a right hand turn, and there’s freaking buffaloes out on the freeway, these giant buffaloes from this promotion from 20 years ago. And then I make the right turn, and I go up toward Williamsville, and there’s a there’s a breakfast joint up in Williamsville, right on the main square up there that I it’s right next to a great record store. And I wind up going there and having eggs and breakfast every morning. And on my way, there’s a sub shop. And a lot of times, I’m kidding about summer, a lot of times I come in football season, like I went up to a Getty Lee thing at Russ there’s always October, November, December. And the sub shop that I drive by, and I I, I want to look it up and plug it, but I’m like, Bs in with you, and I don’t want to Google map you while I’m doing it, but the sub shop always has a sign that some big fu to whoever they played last week or whoever they’re going to beat this week. And every time I come through, I know it’s in Williamsville. It’s between the airport and Williamsville. So wherever it is, it’s on one of the little roads neighborhood Italian cold cut sub shop wings, the pizza, the deal. And I just it’s got a pro bills fu to the Jets kind of message. And I just love everything about your community in that way, and including the spirit that you both have brought to this campaign. So thank you. Ryan petoda is here. Nick is here. Nick Howard is here. They put this thing together. Last parting shot, Ryan, are you going to win the Super Bowl?
Ryan Patota 26:59
I hope so. I mean, if there’s any team that I would love to play, I love to see a bill’s Eagle Super Bowl, because I have family. I mean, my dad’s from Philadelphia area, so that would mean so much from my family if it’s bills Eagle Super Bowl. But Washington, I would be happy with that too, in the year, you guys, why was Washington too as the beltway area too?
Nestor Aparicio 27:26
Well, we’re, we’re not fans of them, just so, you know, yeah, I mean, we don’t know. No. I mean, this is unthinkable for us, that that could happen. I was at that Super Bowl. When Thurman Thomas left his helmet, I was right on the 50 yard line for that one at the Metrodome. I don’t I’ve been calling the Maryland commanders this week just to be fresh, because they play in our state. But I mean, a kid can play, and I’m worried, but that kid can play Nick parting shot. Are you, Mike, going to be shipping you crab cakes on February 10, 11th, 12th. There. You going to be hungry. Knock
Nicholas Howard 28:05
on wood. I hope we do. I hope we do get them. I’ll
Nestor Aparicio 28:08
probably ship you crab cakes either way. And if you do win the Super Bowl, promise you’ll come back on and we’ll recap all the stuff that you did for Mark Andrews. And I can at least off my cap to you guys, and maybe I’ll buy you eggs. And I gotta give a shout out to that place. Man, hold on, I I gotta find breakfast. I’m just gonna Google it. Breakfast in Williams. It’s Williamsville, right? Williamsville, New York. I’ll find the place. It had a really creative, fun name,
Ryan Patota 28:32
um, business. Well, no, no, no, this
Nestor Aparicio 28:35
place has got to be there. It was too good. It’s always it’s always packed, alright? I’ll plug that on the next one. I’ll send them crab cakes too, because they made me beautiful omelet last beautiful omelet last time. My thanks to Ryan Pato, you guys gotta go back to class. I have no class. Fake it till you make it here through Sunday and call in sick on Monday. If you win on Sunday, it’s okay to celebrate a Super Bowl in Buffalo. Alright, fellas, yup. Thank you so much. Thanks for doing great work. And you don’t want to be a journalist, Ryan, that’s my party shot to you. What began as a tough loss for the Ravens on Sundays turned into an inspiring story of sportsmanship and generosity thanks to these two nice guys from Kinesis University, their students were also Die Hard, Bills fans. They started an Instagram page. This thing went crazy. They started to go fund me page on Monday after Andrews dropped the ball. It is breakthrough, T, 1d, it’s a charity close to Andrew’s heart. I’ve read about it. I’ve talked about it, the Dexcom, my wife and all that, almost 100 grand. Get it over 100 grand for all of you out there, go find these kids out on the internet. And my thanks to Audrey up at Canisius for setting this up. Canisius, what? What is your fighting team’s nickname? Tell everybody what they are. Is it? Is that the banner behind it? What is that? Ryan, the golden griffins. The Golden Griffin is that? Is that a sabers behind you? Or what is that thing behind I always saw the bottom of it, and when I see the sabers logo, I still think of the blue and gold dude. And. And you know, them playing at the odd, oh my god, I saw them beat the hell out of the flyers on New Year’s Eve at the odd one night. It was nothing like hockey, all time. Hockey. You know what I’m saying, Nick and Ryan, my appreciation. You guys are real good sports fans, too. And you know, Audrey was worried if we were going to promote Canisius. And every time Nick pops up, he’s got the big Canisius. So, you know, I hope you guys make the tournament. I’m pulling for you now. I mean, you got bad weather and fingers crossed the Super Bowl coming to Buffalo back for more. I am Nestor. We are W, N, S T. Am 1570 Towson, Baltimore. These kids got to go back to class. I got to go back to chicken wings and shipping them crab cakes. I.