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Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, C-Suite, Community, Crab Cake Row, Crab Cake Tour, Education, Featured, Health, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, Nestor Aparicio, News, Remember That Time, Wellness

Crab Cake Row: Allyson Yospe and Kim Schmulowitz educate on modern Susan G. Komen Foundation progress

Allyson Yospe and Kim Schmulowitz educate Nestor on modern Susan G. Komen Foundation progress at State Fare in Catonsville on “A Cup Of Soup Or Bowl Week” for the Maryland Food Bank.

Community, Crab Cake Tour, Education, Featured, Health, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Nestor Aparicio, News, Remember That Time, Wellness

Exploring the vision of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

As the Maryland Crab Cake continues to tell the good work being done locally, Nestor gets better educated on the modern efforts, fundraising and research that The Leukemia & Lymphona Society continues to do to keep folks like his wife alive after cancer strikes. Let Katie Stegman, her beautiful 4-month old baby and Dominick Iaquinto tell you about their vision to make Nestor the “Visionary Of The Year” in 2024.

Nestor gets educated on the modern Leukemia and Lymphona Society efforts to help cancer patients

As the Maryland Crab Cake continues to tell the good work being done locally, Nestor gets better educated on the modern efforts, fundraising and research that The Leukemia & Lymphona Society continues to do to keep folks like his wife alive after cancer strikes. Let Katie Stegman, her beautiful 4-month old baby and Dominick Iaquinto tell you about their vision to make Nestor the “Visionary Of The Year” in 2024.

Business, C-Suite, Cannabis, Community, Education, Featured, Health, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Local, Marketing, Nestor Aparicio, News, Politics, Technology, Wellness

Getting educated on cannabis begins with trust

With the legalization of cannabis in Maryland, no one has more experience with the plant and all of the aspects of the potential wellness provided than Wendy Bronfein of Curio Wellness. We begin an educational series with our partners in Timonium at Far & Dotter that will continue through the year.

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Community, Crab Cake Tour, Education, Featured, Health, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, Nestor Aparicio, News, Technology, Wellness

Let’s learn about the modern Enoch Pratt Free Library in Highlandtown

The Maryland Crab Cake Tour seeks knowledge. Along with Councilman Zeke Cohen, Nestor is joined by Heidi Daniel of Baltimore’s library system to discuss Frank Zappa, kids and their parents getting online and why you need to come back to the library. And maybe even pay that fine from the 1980s…

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