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It was a beautiful regular season and a terrible thud of an ouster for the 2023 Baltimore Orioles. In the aftermath of Arlington and a sweep at the hands of the Texas Rangers, Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the offseason of Mike Elias and the money of the Angelos family to support the next steps.


game, team, year, talking, offseason, baseball, gunnar, alcs, season, arlington, fun, people, nestor, young, win, postseason, october, rangers, pitcher, city


Luke Jones, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

Welcome back wn S T, Towson Baltimore and Baltimore positive we are a positively coming at you still from Arlington, Texas even though it looks like I’m at Camden Yards. Lucas here. He will be there of in Owings Mills beginning next week. We’re gonna get some ravens into this segment but certainly continuing on on our Oriole theme on Friday we’re gonna be doing the Maryland crab cake tour at drugged city. My beautiful homeland of Dundalk. It’s my 55th birthday on Saturday, celebrating on Friday drug City at the tasting room up above the fountain. Come on by There’s a rumor that Luke Jones has never been to drug city so we’re going to try to drag him out maybe some other folks as well. Well, that’s the Maryland lottery scratch offs giveaway so Raven scratch offs to give away as well as our friends at wind donation supporting us at 866 90 nation and Jiffy Lube. MultiCare right around the corner from the Jiffy Lube. I’ve been going through all my life on merit Boulevard merit and Sherman Hill Road. So that’s my Jiffy Lube. You have one, please get your car in and support our friends and local sponsors to keep us going and take us down to Arlington, Texas, including Hollywood casino on Sunday, we’ll be up in Perry Ville for the Ravens game bright and early. I think ravens season officially kicked in right around 1015 on on a Tuesday night look for for you with what transpired and the sudden halt. And I think that’s the first thing you and I were talking about when we were walking out of the stadium in Arlington walking past Jerry’s world walking past a perfectly functional baseball ballpark that used to be called the ballpark. That’s now some thing else. I don’t know what they’re doing. But we’re here in Arlington, but the one thing walking through the parking lot we submitted this is this is sort of sudden Isn’t it right? And it’s suddenly in football, but much more. So when there’s this grind every night every night. There’s this build. There’s this build. And dude, in the end, we bought playoff tickets. We went down there we set our dials. We gave them money for the ALCS next week. This wasn’t a lot of fun. This was really, I mean, the Kansas City in 14 we had our Delmon young, we had our fun in 16, there was that Zach Britton moment where it could have should have would have been or whatever, almost beat the Yankees and 12 I mean, sure beat the Yankees. I don’t know, do this. This was for all the fun we had. This was very sudden, very shocking. And they didn’t show up. I mean, they didn’t show up for the fight. They really did.


Luke Jones  02:30

Yeah, I mean, it’s, it’s tough to argue against that point. Nestor. I mean, it’s, it was wildly disappointing. You’re talking about a team that won 101 games, I mean, so many great regular season memories and come from behind wins, and how many times this team why so many of us still weren’t ready to write them off, even after falling down falling behind Oh, too, because we’d seen this team come back from the brink how many different times this year, you know, whether, you know, Fourth of July, they lost six or seven and they reel off an eight game winning streak that season high. And you know what they did in September at a couple of different points where things started to go sideways. So you know, there was part of you that was hoping to see one last come come back from the dead kind of a moment for this Orioles club, and they just didn’t have it in them. And it’s tough to add a couple different points to game

Nestor Aparicio  03:22

force the game for right well, yeah, you know, right. Yeah. Right.

Luke Jones  03:27

I mean, it’s just, it’s really tough in that way. I mean, you and I were talking about this last week with the ALCS and 14, I mean, that was a sweep. You know, you never want to be swept you never feel good about that. Each of those four games were a one run or a two run loss. I mean, there was so much you could point to and say, well, if if they kind of hit here or Kansas City didn’t Bloop, this ball in I mean, my goodness, I’ve never remember how many hits they had that not as though they crushed the baseball, they just found grass. And you know, but there was just there. There wasn’t that moment in this series. You know, there, there was nothing other than just the crowd leading into game one. And and having been there experiencing that. The rain delay. You know, I mean, the park was full for a while before that game started. But in terms of the in game action, just nothing you can point to that. That you’ll remember it all I mean, what Aaron Hicks with a two run single at the bottom of the first game, too. I mean, it will be printing T shirts for that one. Yeah, exactly. We’re not going to be remembering that like like the Delmon young double is remembered so so it’s rough. I mean, it’s rough that they have an eight game post postseason losing streak. And of course, that goes back way before any of these guys that are currently on the team, but it’s just it’s really disappointing not to get any kind of a fun moment in this three games sweep, you know, I mean, it wouldn’t be fun anyway. But yeah, If Gunnar Henderson hits a tying homerun in game two, and they lose in 11 innings, at least you’re pointing to wow, that was, that was some kind of moment right there. But you never got that. I mean, game one they just didn’t hit. You know, maybe if they execute the hitting run, maybe if Aaron Hicks doesn’t miss the sign there and they tie the game, and then Texas scores in the 10th. Maybe you’re pointing to that, but it’s the end game moments were just few and far between for the Orioles. And I mean, they were blown out the last two games, you know, and I know they made the score look semi respectable in game two, but that was a blowout. We know that. So I mean, that’s where it’s just, yeah, you had so much excitement, and rightfully so they were 101 and 61. I mean, they were phenomenal this year.

Nestor Aparicio  05:52

But the highlight of the alts was Billy Joel, not even Billy Joel is more Stevie Nicks. I thought, yeah,

Luke Jones  05:58

yeah. I mean, it’s tough to say, like I said, or just the crowds energy before game one. I mean, it was it was loud if it wasn’t Delmon, young, loud. But it was loud. I mean, it really was game two, that it was a little more nervousness mixed into that energy. And then I mean, game three, again, fans, we’re trying to hold out hope you and I talked about this, when we were talking about this Monday morning that don’t count this team out entirely. Yeah. It’s an uphill battle. No, no question about that. But don’t count them out. And they just say, What

Nestor Aparicio  06:31

a special team dude. I mean, they were like, we’ll talk about this the rest of our lives, and then they never got swept until they did, right. They did all this with all these young players who had never done it before. I mean, it was a glorious, glorious season. But now we have to pick up the pieces and say, and I told you this, when we got on the plane to Arlington, I said, the minute the season’s over, it’s the lease, the lease, the lease, and free agency and the offseason and money money. It’s money. Now time for play. Now it’s time for pay, and not necessarily for Gunnar Anderson or for Adley rutschman. Or for whatever Nathan ivaldi. There, they’re not going to sign in the offseason to think there’s going to be an ideological switch with these clowns. I mean, you saw how our press credentials were handled Tuesday night, right. Like, there’s not going to be any ideological switch that because they didn’t sign Nathan ivaldi Last year, they’ll do that this year, that there will be a two year $35 million pitcher that they’re going to sign and they’re going to go out and do things the way normal businesses what they don’t operate like a normal business. And I know that’s really hard for everybody to understand, but it’s not for anybody that’s done business with them. So I would just say that the minute this ends, we go back into that art, how are you going to do it again? And even if you do it again, it’s like Lamar, you’re not really anything your October, they get off to a 21 and eight start next year and blaze on and at the all star bright they got a six game lead. We’d all say okay, who’s your game? One starter?

Luke Jones  08:06

I don’t think we need to be that dismissive of it. But your points well taken? Sure. I mean, let’s let’s just say for to make this lazy argument because I don’t actually believed that the Orioles were just happy to be there. But they they played like it. If we’re gonna call a spade a spade. I mean, they weren’t ready for it. Their performance suggested they weren’t ready for it. So I’m not going to go as far as say they won’t sign it two years, a pitcher to a two year $34 million contract because they’ve signed pictures. Now they signed a Balto Jimenez way back when.


Nestor Aparicio  08:40

But not John. John has never done this.

Luke Jones  08:43

I understand that Nestor

Nestor Aparicio  08:46

at some point down the hallway and asked for money. I just don’t think that’s gonna go. That’s the thing to watch.

Luke Jones  08:52

And right. I agree with that. I’m not I’m not gonna sit here and say it won’t happen. But until it does happen, skepticism is 1,000% warranted. I’m not I’m not disagreeing with you. On that point. I’m just going to say,

Nestor Aparicio  09:05

I’m not of the mindset that John Angelos is going to operate this well. Because he sat in front of Dan Connolly and said I’m going to open my books. Every time he opens his mouth. He’s lying. Like, you know, you were in the clubhouse. I wasn’t they fought with Major League Baseball for five hours before the game about the fact that I was in the building. Like that happened. I witnessed this that happened while they were down to Oh in Texas. This is the stuff this is how it’s a microcosm. It’s my experience. It’s my walk in life, but it’s the way they behave not just towards me towards life and they need to sell tickets they they’re gonna caravan they’re all this is my this is my season Luke not who they’re gonna play that the offseason is is the business side and it’s the How are you going to run your place you’ve had all the success that you’ve had. What are you doing with the money that you’ve you served from people from ALCS? Are you giving it back to them? Are you paying it forward to season tickets? Are people happy? Are the fans happy with the business experience of this? Is Dennis gonna buy 13 game plan next year as Leonard? You know, you know, I mean, the people we know that have gone to games, because that’s really what they need, they need you to buy in. So John Angelo’s, and I’ll speak for him right now. Hey, you know, Dennis letter, you you want Gunnar Henderson sign? I need the money. I really need the money in order to make that happen. And I understand that part of it. And that’s where we’re going into the offseason with all this messy stuff where he can’t get at least on and that’s why I’m saying to you to you, Mister baseball nerd Fan Guy. Well, it’s just two years and 35 million. We’ve done that before. To John Angelo sits, do you know how much money $35 million is? Do you know how much I owe the Nationals? You know, like, his mind doesn’t work the way our minds work? And it’s his it’s his offseason. It’s his team.

Luke Jones  11:06

Sure, sure. Yeah. Look, I’m skeptical. I absolutely am. But at the same time, I would say your revenue was up this year, because you did draw more people to the ballpark, maybe not as many as you want it to. But it was still a sizable bump.

Nestor Aparicio  11:20

You’ll say I’ll show you my books, and then we’ll show you the books. Well, but I’m

Luke Jones  11:23

just saying, we know that it’s bull when you say you can’t afford a two year $34 million contract. Now, if you want to say you’re not in the space to offer $120 million contract, then okay, that, while I still wouldn’t believe that, that at least is, let’s say more believable than two years 34 The point is skepticism warranted, we understand that we’ll continue to talk about that Nestor, that’s not going to be that’s not an early or mid October conversation. That’s up anytime conversation. So you know what, we’ll see how that’s gonna play out. But there should be lots of momentum for this organization from a business side, not talking in terms of just baseball ops and what you can do to improve your club, you know, with no external signings or trades or what have you. But, you know, from a business side, you should be able to capitalize, even with this three game suite, you know, people who, who I follow in my life on social media, even some people that I would view as negative, you know, when it comes to their sports teams, because we all know, we all have people in our lives that are like that, that just tend to be on the more pessimistic side. Even before I went to bed in the wee hours of the morning after Tuesday’s loss. I saw people posting. Yeah, this stinks right now. But gosh, the season was fun. And, you know, my kids were excited about it.

Nestor Aparicio  12:44

A lot less than 112 losses. I’ll tell you that. No doubt. I’m a Dallas right now for crying out loud. I like it doesn’t stink. It’s October, we played playoff baseball. We were we were in a stadium. They lost Yeah. And we have to figure out how they’re gonna get better.

Luke Jones  13:01

Right. So but but in the meantime, I think there’s still a thirst and enthusiasm and excitement about where this team is right now and where it’s headed, and understanding that there are still a lot of good young players on the way the guy who might be the best. There’s a guy that you know, in Jackson Holliday, who might be better than Gunnar Henderson and that sounds crazy because Gunnar is going to be the Rookie of the Year and and I’ve said on our on our airwaves that I could see Gunnar Henderson being an MVP or someone who’s in the realm of Corey Seager and a couple years, you know, and I say that as a compliment. Jackson Holliday might be better than Gunnar. I’m not saying he definitely is. And he has done it. Sure, sure. Well, of course. But the point is, they have a lot going for them. But yes, and we talked about this at the trade deadline. We talked about this last offseason when you know when I was saying that how underwhelmed I was by what they did, you know, with with their offseason last year. They are at an inflection point. I thought they were at this. They were at this point to me, maybe not so much last last offseason because you’re still projecting they still won at three games. It’s not as though they were guaranteed to be a juggernaut this year. But now when you’re talking about a team that won a division was the number one seat in the AFL, as all these young players, but very clearly still has some areas on the roster that can be upgraded. This is absolutely the inflection point. Now. This is where Mike Elias and John Angelo’s giving Mike Elias the wherewithal and the resources to go make a move or two. It doesn’t have to be something crazy. Like I said, Nathan have already two years 34 million with a vesting option, you know, that that to me is should and I emphasize should be completely doable and reasonable and something that’s not going to put you in peril Finance, Financial I mean get out of here. I mean, look Look at how little they spent on baseball players this past year. And all the success they still had, you know, because it is such a young team. But I’ve said, other people have said this, you’ve said it at different times, they were going to reach an inflection point where you start to say, all right, you’ve done all this phenomenal building from within, you have such a great core of young players who have either arrived in the major leagues already, or are on the way, at some point in time, you’re going to have to go out and augment. And all right, you know, Kyle Gibson, what gave them exactly what I thought he would give them, which was a high floor, solid back into the rotation kind of performance. Great. You know, I never liked the Adam Frazier signing but hey, he had a bunch of homeruns in the first half of the season. And he had some good moments for this team. Fine. I’m okay with that. James can upgrade over Robinson Marino’s as their backup catcher. Fine. But we’re still not talking about moves that really move the needle. Nestor. I mean, we understand that. So to me, they’re at the point now where what can you do to go out via trade, be a sign free agent signing to augment what you have, because this young core deserves that we talked about this at the trade deadline that they deserved to have some some reinforcements brought in to help their cause. And it didn’t work out. Fujinami just wasn’t good. was way more bad than good. And Jack Flaherty was it was a complete flop. I mean, it just was let’s call it what it was. It happens. It happens. Go take a look at some of the other pitchers that were acquired at the trade deadline by various teams. There weren’t a ton that will do

Nestor Aparicio  16:39

they were not one pitcher away from winning this series, right? They weren’t one Nathan evolved having. Of course, I don’t want to say that at this point, right? I mean, they they were the yips for young guys who went out and didn’t perform well in front of big crowds in the moment, in the same way that they think of all didn’t perform well, the first time out, or Aaron X or some other guys who had some seasoning. So they’re really as I get older and get a little bit more wisdom about baseball in this way. I’ve learned things this week, and certainly this 20 two’s 22 Man, you know what I mean? When when you get to be 55, like me, you look back at 22 and say, Well, you know, I mean, and Henderson is not the guy. I mean, he played well, which, you know, Ben’s in the direction of paying him right or, or that he’s, he’s a dude, he’s a pile diver. In the end, he will be a part of the next parade we have here. You have to believe that right. But to some of the other guys, you know, I didn’t love what I saw from Grayson Rodriguez and I know he’s made of the type of metal that everybody believes he’ll bounce back and he’ll have 15 More postseason starts in his career, and you’ll pitch well, and I agree with that. But I do think that there is that seasoning. That has to happen. Even for Brandon Hyde as a manager, where I thought Bruce Bochy just, I mean, I was in the room with Bruce twice, I was in the postgame interview room. You know, over the week in Arlington, and he’s just and I’ve known Bruce 30 years. I mean, there’s there’s a reason he’s still playing baseball next week. Really? I mean, and managing didn’t matter. They wouldn’t hired him. Right.

Luke Jones  18:21

Right. And managers can. Bruce Bochy would be the first to tell you he’s a way better manager now than he was 20 years ago, you know, are 25 years in the

Nestor Aparicio  18:29

dugout, and in the World Series in 98. They got swept. Yeah, I was in his postgame press conference that night in San Diego, where they just got overwhelmed by the Yankees and you say how and why? Well, the Yankees had six all famers, we had to win.

Luke Jones  18:47

And sometimes, and that’s not the best example necessarily, because the Yankees were clearly the better team in that series and look how many games they won that year, but,

Nestor Aparicio  18:55

but Bruce Bochy learned things that he used this week. Sure. Yeah.

Luke Jones  18:59

And you know what, everything you just said is true in terms of experience, and, you know, getting better and going through some adversity and losing early on. But you know, what? Sometimes you just lose to it’s baseball, you know, you know, I keep using the Clayton Kurt, I’m not trying to pick on Kershaw. But I mean, I keep using that example of someone who is absolutely a first ballot Hall of Famer, one of the best pitchers of the last quarter century. And, you know, his postseason record isn’t anything to write home about, you know, it’s, it’s hard. It’s tough to do this. Everyone’s vying for the same thing. There’s one team that’s going to be happy at the end of this and every other team that’s still playing right now is going to have their moment like the Oreos experience to Tuesday night. So that’s

Nestor Aparicio  19:47

Dennis Eckersley was the best pitcher on Earth and Kirk gets washed up and and Roy Hobbs and couldn’t walk and there was just no way that was going to happen, but it happened.

Luke Jones  19:57

And there’s a perfect example the Oakley The A’s were, they were a superior team to the Dodgers that year, almost in every way you can imagine. But for that for that series, they weren’t. And that’s

Nestor Aparicio  20:11

going to the F and Hall of Fame and Kirk Gibson is going to the hall a pretty good you know, that’s a lead

Luke Jones  20:16

a legend, you know, a legend in different ways. But yeah, not a Hall of Fame player in the same way. So I mean, it’s it’s October. Yeah, I said this before this season, or before the series even started. Quite often the best team does not win the Orioles. They won 11 more games than the Rangers did over the course of the season. Now the Rangers, I’ll point out this at a better run differential. And sometimes you that’s why us baseball nerds look at things like that. Because sometimes that’s how you project what’s going to happen in the future. Not that I picked the Orioles to win in five, you know, so I’m not saying I expected the rangers to win the series. But, you know, it’s it doesn’t always go to plan. You know, buckshaw Walter used to always say that, you know, he would say this was always about getting the October and then what? Roll the dice because you really don’t know what’s going to happen. Who gets hot at the right time? Who’s healthy at the right time? Who’s more banged up? Who isn’t playing their best? I mean, the five day layoff you know, the thing I would say about that as far as it impacting the bats. I mean, the Orioles didn’t swing the bats very well. The last two two and a half weeks of the regular season. It was a very spotty and consistent September for them. When it came to scoring runs. Did the five day layoff help that Oh, clearly not. Yep. But they were already maybe going to phrase

Nestor Aparicio  21:36

your stunk Mullen stung mountcastle Got hurt watchmen stunk. rutschman. Stock I mean, we go down the line, right?

Luke Jones  21:43

Yeah. Right. I mean, it’s it but it happens. You know, we mentioned that the Eddie Murray example, Eddie in 1979. Compared to Eddie, hitting two home runs in the clincher in 83. I mean, it’s, yep. It’s a game of failure. At the end of the day, at the end of the day, it’s why guys like me love baseball before any other sport, there is so much failure involved. And I mean, it’s it’s tough, especially when it’s magnified. And you go through those kinds of struggles. I had a moment, you know, just not to get off track of the point I was making here. But, you know, I chatted with Cedric Mullins for an extra minute after he did his did his Media Session. And, you know, he was asked about the injuries. I mean, this is a guy who had the groin injury on Memorial Day. If you ask me who my MBO my most valuable Oreo was in late May, it might have been Cedric Mullins, go back and look at how well he played over the first two months of the season. He never got back on track. I mean, yes, he got back and played and got off the is reason that Aaron Hicks got here, right, literally. Yeah, exactly. And I mean, I I asked him that after he was done, I said, you know, do you have to get a surgery or anything like that? He said, No, I mean, I don’t think so. But it was a grind for him. I mean, he was playing, even though his he did appear to run a little bit better as he got further removed from the the last il stent. But there’s a lot of maintenance that went into that he was spending a lot of time in the trainer’s room.

Nestor Aparicio  23:13

And in the next 90 days, he doesn’t have to go and play baseball. He just right. And he just

Luke Jones  23:17

said he had so many start stop moments where he felt like he would he was getting back to being the guy he wanted to be. I mean, think about coming out of the all star break, go look at what he did the first two games that Marlin series, he was like 4455 or six with like three extra base hits. I mean, it was looking like Hey, okay, this looks like Cedric Mullins, you know, from two years ago, and then he gets hurt again, you know, so it was a grind for him. And he’s not making an excuse. He said, I didn’t play well. I didn’t play well down the stretch. But at the same time, we know that guys are banged up and guys are dealing with injuries or even if they’re not injuries, they’re all hurt this time of year. I mean, go ask Brian evil how busy the trainer’s room is before and after every game this time of year. And that’s not an Orioles only thing that’s every team around baseball. But the point is, it’s the team that might be the healthiest at that moment in time. The team that gets hot, the team that does something really well, you know, one specific area of the game that’s really underrated that that kind of shows up in October. Yeah. Or you have the rangers who you know, have already and Jordan Montgomery, they they’ve got some postseason experience. My goodness, they might get max Scherzer back for the ALCS. I mean, I don’t care whether you how much you like Max yours or not the idea that he could be added to that rotation with the way they’ve played in October so far. Look out Houston or Minnesota.

Nestor Aparicio  24:43

I’ll say this just from being down here in Arlington, and I have you know, this is the worst place on earth other than the friends that we hung out with on Tuesday and had a good time but like the Dallas Houston baseball thing next week, that’s a wildfire right like that ain’t never been done before. or it’s kind of one of the reasons they sort of set this thing up and move the Astros over, not really believing the Astros would be the stronger bigger brother of the relationship. But you talk about Yankees Red Sox or Padres Dodgers or giants Dodgers or, you know, think cubs Cardinals things that fire the sport off, you know, Houston versus Texas in a really nasty seven game series. You know, four city cities hate each other, they hate each other.

Luke Jones  25:31

Be a lot of fun and Major League Baseball probably won’t love it as much trouble as far as the geographic footprint there and ratings for the rest of the country. But as a baseball fan, bully disappointed that that we’re not going to tell

Nestor Aparicio  25:45

you this it’ll fire up the latin community because the Rangers in the Astros have a huge, huge ashore

Luke Jones  25:50

shortly. But but just in general. I mean, that’s a matchup I’ll be glued in front of the TV to watch. I mean, that’s hate on both. Yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  25:58

it’s great. That’ll be fun. I’m a Phillies fan or National League fan also. Sure.

Luke Jones  26:02

There you go. So I mean, you know it but the Astros 15. They were in the playoffs as a wildcard. They got eliminated. And two years later, they’re world champions and they want to win multiple times and trash can scandal aside.

Nestor Aparicio  26:22

Nevermind, I cheated. Yeah, I’ll just remind you, but also

Luke Jones  26:25

an extraordinarily talented team because I they’re not banging on trash cans anymore. And they’ve won titles since then. And they are what they are right now. And that doesn’t mean anyone has to like, I’m not an Astros fan. But the point is, and I’ll continue to come back to that, you look at all these teams that are still playing, you know, the Rangers maybe being the exception, but the Rangers, they went and got hired guns, right? They spent a ton of money, even guys that aren’t playing for them right now when you look at the Grom. But, you know, a lot of these teams did not win the first time they didn’t win the second time. Some of them didn’t win the third time look at the nationals how many times they had failures until they finally broke through in 19. So the Orioles gonna be back. They need to figure out how to get better how to augment this roster, but boy, a lot of that improvements is going to come with Gunnar Henderson being 23 rather than 22 and Adley rutschman Being a year older and Grayson Rodriguez and Kyle Bradish. Being a year older, I mean that it’s a lot to be excited about even with the questions about ownership and payroll and all that there’s there’s so much to be excited about in terms of this baseball team, these these players, this coaching staff, this general manager, if he can, you know, get the financial commitment from ownership. That’s adequate, at least. I mean, that’s there’s a lot to be excited about when you look at those variables. So disappointing. Yes, absolutely disappointing. But Orioles fans have a lot to feel great about and nothing will take away how fun this season was. i It came to me 1989 on steroids you know and maybe that’s not the best way to describe it given its baseball in the history of the sport but I mean, such a surprising season such a fun season. disappointing ending but it’s a lot to be excited about moving forward.

Nestor Aparicio  28:10

We are in Arlington, Texas but headed back to Baltimore, Maryland. We’ll be doing the Maryland crab cake tour on Friday at drug city and Dundalk. We’re going to be at the fountain upstairs in the tasting room having a craft practice and all these they have gourmet potato chips Luke I know that may be hard for you to because I haven’t up sold drugs city enough to you Shrewsbury folks to come on down but I mean we’re talking about Scratch soda. They have soda jerks. They’re the guys aren’t jerks. They’re just they’re so two jerks. So come on by we’ll have a good time on Friday. Celebrate my 55th birthday. It’s all brought to you by the Maryland lottery when donation 866 90 nation as well and they buy to get to free this month and win donation. Also a great financing plans as well. Love my windows and the weather’s changing. And Jiffy Lube Jiffy multi care, right around the corner from you and me and our location to truck city. I go to the miracle of our location over at the German Hill Road. Jiffy Lube. Now with us as part of our Maryland crab cake tours Sunday morning. We are at Hollywood casino in Perry Ville bright and early. Luke Now we’ll get back to the business of John Harbaugh and Lamar Jackson and offense at Todd Monken and injuries and all of that stuff. The ravens are in London Sunday morning. We have a $30 Brunch deal. You don’t have to buy it you can buy it if you do you get involved to be able to win some money as well. Coming up to Hollywood casino no better place to watch the games beautiful TVs. Great, great food. It’ll be early in the morning. Come on by watch the games all day with us. I am Nestor he is Luke we are wn St. am 1570, Towson Baltimore. And we never stop talking Baltimore positive

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Birds bring the boom bats and big flys to Skydome on Opening Day

Birds bring the boom bats and big flys to Skydome on Opening Day

The Baltimore Orioles certainly appear posed to hit the ball this summer. As Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the big Opening Day win and big bats from Toronto, we wonder about Anthony Santander's move to the Blue Jays and how…
Twelve Orioles Thoughts following Opening Day win in Toronto

Twelve Orioles Thoughts following Opening Day win in Toronto

Luke Jones offers his orange thoughts on the 12-2 blowout final at Rogers Centre on Thursday.
Assessing the Kevin Willard debacle for Terps in College Park

Assessing the Kevin Willard debacle for Terps in College Park

The Maryland Terps season ended with a thud in a Sweet 16 loss to Florida but the madness of March was much more about the dangling head coach and the swirling rumors of his imminent departure for greener pastures at…

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