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Understanding the ESPN and MLB break up and what Orioles need for local media

Our resident and forever media examiner Jim Williams returns to discuss the murky ESPN and MLB media breakup and how David Rubenstein will utilize MASN to better serve Orioles and Nationals fans while everyone figures out the future of streaming.

Justin Tucker Nestor Aparicio Super Bowl Radio Row
Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Celebrities, Community, Journalism & Media, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, Super Bowl Radio Row, WNST Classic

The happy times with Justin Tucker

At the Super Bowl in January 2015, Nestor sat down to discuss with then-young Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker a potentially glorious Hall of Fame career in the Charm City eating Royal Farms chicken and drinking real fresh, real fast coffee and going to Canton. Tucker also sings some Texas fight song music in this one…

Arts and Entertainment, Celebrities, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, Music, Music Classic, Nestor Aparicio, News, Remember That Time

Rumbling back to the beach and Dewey after all these years

The ’80s are coming back! Philadelphia rock legend Tommy Conwell only puts the Young Rumblers back on the road for special occasions. On Sunday, July 23rd, the original members will all reunite for a special show at the Bottle & Cork in Dewey Beach. For the love of DJ Batman, Ocean City and all of those Hammerjacks memories, we still believe in Conwell.

Andrew Zimmern and Gary Vaynerchuk collide on Baltimore Positive at Miami Super Bowl
Arts and Entertainment, Authors and Books, Business, C-Suite, Celebrities, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Marketing, Nestor Aparicio, News, Super Bowl Radio Row, Technology, Travel, WNST Classic

Feeding on energy and great food with Vaynerchuk and Zimmern

Over 28 years of Super Bowl Radio Row dominance, the best segments are the ones where folks from different worlds collide on the WNST set. World-renowned chef and foodie Andrew Zimmern bumped into wine wizard and serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk at Miami Super Bowl LIV.

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Arts and Entertainment, Celebrities, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Luke Jones, Nestor Aparicio, News, Super Bowl Radio Row, WNST Classic

Is it true that Nestor has never seen the original Top Gun movie?

Now that “Top Gun: Maverick” is a huge success, here’s the two stars of the film Glen Powell and Monica Barbaro back in February 2020 at the Miami Super Bowl on Radio Row telling Nestor and Luke all about the legacy of the film and why you need to see the original.

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