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Maryland Lottery Fast Play
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When you think you might have won $2.9 million on a winning Fast Play ticket in Randallstown

There’s a great story behind every big win but as John Martin of Maryland Lottery tells Nestor, they don’t always have the progressive fun that a lucky Randallstown man found recently on his way back to the liquor store holding a $30 VIP Club Game ticket.

Maryland Lottery holiday scratchoff
Arts and Entertainment, Business, C-Suite, Featured, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, Maryland Lottery, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Sports, Sports News

Holidays. Celebrate. Win!

While Nestor wanted to lean in on Maryland Lottery Executive Director John Martin just a tad during Cleveland Week (Guardians exit and Browns fall), this one also included a mutual Fernando Valenzuela tribute and a chance to roll out the big holiday scratch-offs and promotions that have skipped right past the pumpkin pie and into the peppermint season. And someone sitting on a $1 million ticket that is unclaimed.

Maryland Lottery holiday scratchoff

John Martin of Maryland Lottery joins Nestor to introduce holiday promotions and talk some postseason baseball

While Nestor wanted to lean in on Maryland Lottery Executive Director John Martin just a tad during Cleveland Week (Guardians exit and Browns fall), this one also included a mutual Fernando Valenzuela tribute and a chance to roll out the big holiday scratch-offs and promotions that have skipped right past the pumpkin pie and into the peppermint season. And someone sitting on a $1 million ticket that is unclaimed.

Arts and Entertainment, Business, C-Suite, Community, Crab Cake Tour, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, Maryland Lottery, Nestor Aparicio, News

Holiday winners and the scents of the season

With the Maryland Crab Cake Tour doing a tasty holiday stop at Weis Markets at Honeygo, it was a great chance to visit with Maryland Lottery Executive Director John Martin to discuss all of the games of the season and stocking stuffer do’s and dont’s as Santa is bringing winnings and the scent of gingerbread to the season.

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