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Ricig Dummy
Baltimore Positive Classic, Featured, Local, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports News, WNST Classic

My lifer friend (and your favorite cartoonist) who loves the Buffalo Bills

Legendary local sports cartoonist Mike Ricigliano and Nestor have been friends since working together at The News American in 1984. Before the Ravens play in Orchard Park for a chance to move on in 2021, let them tell you about their journey with the Buffalo Bills during the K-Gun halcyon days.

Jaws and Tim Brown with Coach Billick
Celebrities, Featured, Hall of Fame, Journalism & Media, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News, Super Bowl Radio Row, WNST Classic

Hall of Famer Tim Brown shares some Raiders and Ravens moments with Coach Billick and Jaws

Sometimes our Super Bowl Radio Row set gets a little overwhelmed with spontaneity and old friends. This 2018 chat in Minneapolis began with Ron Jaworski talking about the Eagles on the verge of winning their first Super Bowl as our partner Coach Billick and then Hall of Famer Tim Brown joined this epic conversation from the Mall of America.

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