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What is the real value of mandatory camp for coaches and young players?


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With Owings Mills percolating all week with the sounds of football and a last look before summer vacation, Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the cadence, value and measurement of these Baltimore Ravens mini-camp practices.


talking, week, year, john harbaugh, hamilton, player, coaches, kyle, roster, ravens, point, rookies, drafted, part, starting, lamar, derrick henry, field, baltimore, young


Luke Jones, Nestor J. Aparicio

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home we are W n s t TAS Baltimore and Baltimore positive hoping you have a set on your radio dial if you don’t do it right now reach to the dial and pick a little preset our friends at the Maryland lottery putting us out on the road twice this week. Once next week once the week after that we’ll be doing it all summer. I am plotting a 25th anniversary oyster tour in September for the pennant race and for the beginning of football season, but for now it’s just crabcakes sometimes I do get some oysters sometimes the coconut shrimp with that delicious little raspberry jalapeno sauce will be on the menu. I will be a Coco’s on Wednesday with Microsoft Liano with Baltimore magazine editor Max Weiss. We’ll talk some movies with Alan McCallum stopping by Tom Pierce has come by to talk Father’s Day in classic five golf as well as the Philadelphia Phillies coming to town this weekend. On Friday to honor the Phillies and Fleet Week we’ll be down in Fells Point to welcome them like the Philly fanatic and fells something like that. We’ll be down at Cooper’s in the afternoon one before we talking about Fleet Week my old buddy Ron firm it’ll come bible talks and rock and roll stories. All of it brought to you by the Maryland lottery in conjunction with our friends at Liberty pure solutions. They do clean water as well as our friends at Jiffy Lube multi care and you know they do clean engines keep the car running the right way get out of Jiffy Lube multi care. We telling you more about that all summer long like Kid Rock. He is recovering baseball. He has been covering football he is awaiting the birth of his next niece nephew and someone else’s spoil and take to the ballpark 15 years now after our third parade, fourth parade. I don’t know how many we’re going to have at this point. But this week, he’s the football guy. And the ravens are back out on the field for three consecutive days and there’s many camps and there’s drama and there’s Hey, what happened to Carl Hamilton? Are they telling us the truth loop? Jones? You tell me?


Luke Jones  01:54

I think so. I mean John Harbaugh I flat out asked, Hey, we saw Kyle Hamilton on the field I’ll be at not practicing just observing with the rest of the defensive backs and the description John Harbaugh said he had some quote loose bodies removed from his elbow, bone chips, whatever however

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:13

you want to You were the one pressing John on an injury. Kudos to wn St. I appreciate that. That’s good.

Luke Jones  02:20

I’ve done that plenty of times. Yeah, but no, I mean, he was very matter of fact about it said he had a little bit of a procedure on his elbow said two to three weeks, which that means he should be fine for training can’t be and even if he’s not, as I noted to some other reporters, as we were out there on Tuesday afternoon, if it was anything serious, Kyle Hamilton wouldn’t be out there even observing right? He’d be getting treatment or rehabbing it or whatever. So it had been a little curious because we saw him the first week of OTAs. He was out there and then he wasn’t the previous two weeks. And Kyle Hamilton has veteran status now, right? He doesn’t need to necessarily be out there every day in terms of winning a job. But it it did raise a couple eyebrows. And, uh, but sounds like he’s going to be ready to go for the start of training camp doesn’t sound like there’s any concerns there. I mean, even if he’s on the P up list for the first three days of camp, I don’t think anyone’s going to be sounding the alarm. So Kyle Hamilton we know is very, very important. For my money. He’s the best player on their defense now. And I say that with no disrespect to ro Quan Smith or Justin Mata BK because they’re both tremendous Pro Bowl talents. But I think we’re seeing Kyle Hamilton. We saw him in his second year. transcendent. I mean, the kind of guy can line up at six or seven different spots. We’ve We’ve kind of joked about it. Is he really a safety because that kind of constricts what, uh, what restrictions really do? Yeah, he just Yeah, exactly. So you need him on the field. And if he’s not on the field for mandatory minicamp, who cares? So, but we did get some clarity this week. And, you know, for the most part, you know, they have a couple other guys that, you know, a couple younger guys that are banged up right now, but for the most part, this is a pretty healthy football team, as it pertains to looking ahead to the start of training camp. I mean, really only one guy, Keaton Mitchell, and we know this, you know, this isn’t anything new, keep Mitchell’s the one guy with a long term injury that’s rehabbing and we know he’s not going to be ready week one, he’s probably not going to be ready week five. I’m guessing Keaton Mitchell. At this point in time, if you want me to project it in the middle of June, anything he can give them come December in January, and maybe if it’s even just to change a pace that to Derrick Henry and to spell Justice Hill a little bit in December in January, if he can do that. Great to me. I think you view that as a bonus. I mean, Kid tore up his knee in mid December. I think it was pretty evident he wasn’t going to be ready in week one, but beyond him. There aren’t that many questions. Maybe David Jabo, who is still a little bit limited coming back from knee surgery last year but beyond that they don’t have a ton of long term injuries or guys that you’re worried about being ready for week one, at least at this point in time. Obviously that can change anytime you take the field but this is a pretty healthy football team and and that reflected in having I think it was 84 out of 90 players on their offseason roster I think it’s 90 You know, they might have an open roster spot I’d have to double check. But point is just about everyone on the 90 man roster was out on the field taking part at least on the first day of mandatory minicamp.

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:37


He’s here’s Luke Jones. He is a Baltimore leuco my mic is a hot and turned on now we can actually do that too much coffee from Royal farms this morning here getting this going. You said something sort of flippant in regard to Kyle Hamilton. Who cares if he’s out there during mandatory minicamp? Listen, we’ll talk about this. Like it’s all serious this week, because it is for the coaches and they like to gather these guys and see them breathe and see them move around and see where they are in shape and all that. What do they care about? What do they care about this week? What matters this week?

Luke Jones  06:07

I mean, I think there’s some coach speak at work here. But you are trying to build the foundation of something. I mean, obviously, this is the first time you’re getting your full allotment of players together. I mean, like for example, Kyle van Noy. I don’t know if Kyle van Noy had stepped foot in the building since the season ended last January. I mean, they resigned him. And that’s not to say he didn’t come in for a brief visit to work out a contract, but a lot of times agents and general managers, they do that on the phone or on a zoom or whatever and, and it’s done and you say, hey, I’ll see you mandatory minicamp week because, you know, Kyle van Noy he came in what September 29 And then played against Cleveland that Sunday. I mean, I lb annoy is in his 30s. And last year, he kind of proved to everyone that he knows how to get himself ready for a football season. But it’s still nice to have the guys in the building. It’s nice to have them on the field. I think for the defense, there’s certainly an acclamation period for Zach or are some of the other defensive new defensive assistants. Keep in mind, there’s a lot of turnover on the coaching side. They’re not that they’re unfamiliar with Zack or I mean, the reviews for May and June for whatever that’s worth, which isn’t much but it’s all we have to go off of right now. They’ve been glowing, you know that everyone loves Accor and I think the organization showed you how much they thought of him by promoting him and not put it being in a position where they say, Oh, well, we want someone a little more experienced. They’re putting a lot of trust in Him now, doesn’t mean there won’t be some hiccups, especially when you’re starting to season in Kansas City against Patrick mahomes. But they’re trying to acclimate. I don’t think that the defensive system is not their job, at least according to John Harbaugh. And I think common sense would dictate because Zach has been here for all but one season since he transitioned from player to assistant coach, that the system’s not really changing. He’ll put his fingerprints on it. Sure. But it’s not as though they’re redoing anything or tearing it all down and rebuilding it. So there’s some acclamation there, but I think that’s minor. And, you know, on the offensive side, I think it’s just Okay, what does year to look like, you know, what is the vision for Todd Monken his offense now with a year of fundamental foundational knowledge already there, you know, you’re not other than the rookies and any veteran newcomers. They’re not learning the system. But what’s changing, you know, what are you tweaking one thing that was very evident on Tuesday, they had a lot of pre snap penalties, you know, on offense, and that was noticeable. It wasn’t that abnormal for this time of year, but it stood out. And one thing John Harbaugh said is they are working on some cadence things in terms of that the line of scrimmage and maybe we’re gonna see Lamar Jackson use some more hard counts, now that he has a greater command of Todd Monken system, you know that that’s the kind of the one of the next steps I mean, obviously, Derrick Henry, and what that’s going to do for their running game and how it might look different than it looked with Gus Edwards or JK Dobbins or Mark Ingram years ago running the football under under Greg Roman. So, yeah, so there’s, but all that being said, Is there anything that’s going to happen over the next three days that drastically alters the trajection the trajectory of their 2024 season? No, other than the worst case scenario of someone going down with a long term significant injury. So, again, coaches always want everyone there. Right. And we talked about this a couple of weeks ago when Lamar was skipping some of the OTAs and, by the way, Aaron Rodgers, skipping mandatory minicamp I mean, all right, you played four snaps last year fine, you know, I mean, it again just kind of speaks to where some of these guys are sometimes with their, you know, their career and making too much of something or not. But, you know, at the end of the day, you’re getting some light work in, there’s still no, no live contact. So, you know, the observations are fun. I’m working on a 12 ravens thoughts, you know, I’ll probably have a couple of them this week in terms of mini camp, and then the aftermath of it, I’ll do a roster, early roster look, as we get through these three days, but, you know, it’s still very much laying the groundwork, you know, these are still lower level building block days switch, yeah, they all add up, and there’s a cumulative impact, but, you know, they’re not going to decide the starting offensive line this week, you know, we get a picture of it right now. But that doesn’t mean it’s gonna, that’s what it’s going to be come September 5, or November 5, for that matter. But, you know, you want to see what this looks like. I mean, a lot of work goes into building a roster, a lot of work goes into building a coaching staff. And this is your first relatively complete look at what that’s going to look like. So is there some value? Yeah, of course, in the way that they’re, anytime you’re working, you know that, you know, the idea of you hear coaches say all the time, get 1% better every day, right? I mean, how many times have you heard that? So there’s truth to that there’s validity to that. But to sit here and say that these three days are that consequential to the big picture, I’d be lying to you and Esther. And that’s why, like I said, the observations are fun this time of year, because anyone who’s ready for football and can’t wait for September to get here. And if you’re not a big baseball person, then yeah, it’s a great week. And it’s fun, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But we also understand that there’s nothing definitive happening this week, unless it’s the bad side of heaven forbid, a notable player going down with an ACL or an Achilles or something like that, which has happened in the past as we can recall, Dennis Pitta or Tavon young, or guys, past ravens who unfortunately suffered an injury in the spring.

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:09

Well, Far be it for me for my 26 years of covering football professionally, and seeing this, but I would interject that it’s really important. And I covered it as though it was really important, I think you do, too, in regard to gathering a team and the coach big part would be, let’s see what the young guys are capable of. And this would be going back to Marvin Lewis teaching me that. It’s not coaching, it’s teaching. And it’s more than that, it’s it’s really classroom, me, it’s really trying to figure out who knows the left from right. Who can make changes, and that’s above and beyond, in the weight room, your strength, your jaw, those physical things. This is the time of the year where the mental acuity, and when you have a new player, and they’re in love with this right tackle him, you know, whatever way they’re in love with them. They’re promoting him. I put his picture up on the front of Baltimore positive this week. And then they bring in this sort of legendary running back who says, Hey, man, I’m just happy somebody else to be the center of attention around here, because I’ve been in offense where, you know, the quarterback really hasn’t been the weapon. He’s been the weapon. So I hear all of these observations this time of year, but I really think coaches want to look at Derrick Henry and say, not 2017 anymore, right? It’s, you know, where, what is he capable of? Where are we? What does he know coming in from another system? How quickly do outsiders pick the system up? But more than that, I mean, they’ve had kids they’ve drafted that they found out later were dyslexic that didn’t know left from right and weren’t great that that sort of were good and classroom in March and April, but they got them here and they couldn’t pick up the playbook. They couldn’t learn the new system. They couldn’t adjust to a different kinds of position. Where To your point, Kyle Hamilton, anything they throw at him. It’s like Gunnar Henderson. And then you throw at him. These Fein arms are phenom for a reason. They’re not all phenotypes. They knew Ray Lewis was a phenom early on. I don’t know what they know of these guys. But this is where the lights go on between coaches and players in communication, that a coach will come out of this week saying, thumbs up or thumbs down or thumbs sideways, right? Like literally, the coaches will get together at the end of the week and say, oh, man, this kid’s gonna get it not to mention this kid’s fat or out of shape or is winded or isn’t tougher, or whatever, those John Harbaugh things that he would say off the record about, I don’t know the lineman from the UK, you know that he doesn’t like a player or likes a player based on something. This is when they figure that out. They don’t figure this out watching tape and March and April and playing games and talking to them and seeing them in the cafeteria. They figure this out when they get out there and start blowing the whistle and saying can you do what you’ve been studying to do for six or eight weeks in some sort of real time some sort of real Time. And there are guys that move forward this week and that they will be the ones on Thursday, that hardball out. If he starts talking about Isaiah likely, like two years ago, you start to say, hey, guys likes on coaches like him, because the only way you make it in league is have coach like you. Your coach doesn’t like you then believe in you that like the way you practice that like where you are alignment, assignment, technique. All of that is available this week for these guys. It is it is my lecture because I know football. There you go. Take that. Chad, there you go. There’s your week for you. And

Luke Jones  15:38

you really hit on it. Because I mean, it’s really for the young guys. I mean, as we said, I mean even someone like Kyle Hamilton who, okay, Kyle Hamilton still learning in the sense that we all never truly never stop learning right? In whatever our career field or walk of life is. But he knows what’s going on him not being out there this week is not a big deal. You know, it’s just the thought of okay, well, uh, Darius Washington’s lining up at safety right now. And and we’re trying to find out if he can be our number three safety. And, you know, so how does he look with Marcus Williams on the back end, knowing that Hamilton is going to move around and all that so


Nestor J. Aparicio  16:11

makes it easier for Lamar to operate the offense this week to be disruptive.

Luke Jones  16:16

fairpoint. Well, then, on the flip side, what we were talking about Lamar not being there for OTAs. Maybe that was easier for the defense at that point in time, right? I mean, so so you can always kind of look at it back and forth. But it really is for the young guys. And you think about specifically the draft picks the rookie free agents, you know, there’s priority undrafted guys that, you know, you have the 15 to 20 that you sign any given late April and early May, you might have three or four guys that you think, okay. Out of those four, you know, there’s a chance that one or two of them might be able to stick, right. I mean, we know there are levels and layers to this. I mean, it’s a 90 man roster. But you’re right. I mean, there’s a natural progression that goes on from draft a guy, bring them in for rookie camp. All the rookies, right? No one else. Yeah, there was a couple like Andrew Vorhees took place took part in rookie camp because he missed all of last year, like, technically second year, players who miss all of their rookie year they’re allowed to take part. The point is, it’s all rookie. So the learning curve is, you know, it’s a slower pace. They’re teaching these guys how to practice, then football school starts where you bring in some of these veterans. Yeah, these guys are doing a little bit of on field work here and there. But it’s more of the mental side, they’re still lifting weights, they’re still doing agility, they’re doing all that, then phase three OTA start, more and more veterans are starting to come on to come into the picture, they’re getting on the field, first time, they can do 11 on 11. Again, it’s still much more of a learning environment. And it’s really changed. And you and I’ve talked about this. And, you know, we’ve even talked about this to the point where, you know, it’s ruffled some feathers within the building in terms of talking about them getting in trouble during OTAs, with contact and things like that, and losing, losing an OTA getting fined, things like that. But it’s really you can you can even tell with how the practices are run, how much less competition there is, in terms of a defensive back going up to try to defend the past. It’s still much more of a learning environment, it’s still much more of a slower pace. But you add those veteran players in, and it does pick up it for the rookies, and they’re trying to process to your point, know what they’re doing, going up against some tougher competition. But then the final piece for the spring anyway, is mandatory minicamp where all the veterans are in there, they’re running the closest thing they’re going to run to real practice until the last week of July.

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:40

And yeah, it’s really show me how much you know, show me how much you’ve learned, right?

Luke Jones  18:44


How much have you learned from coming in here the first week, first weekend in May, and you didn’t even know how to line up in the huddle the way the Ravens like to line up properly. And now it’s a matter of, do you know, your assignment? Do you know where you’re supposed to line up?

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:56


Luke Jones  18:58

are you competing, you know, whether you’re a defensive back running with a wide receiver, whether you’re gonna and you know, there’s, there’s always a little bit of contact, obviously, between the O line and D line, I mean, inherently there. That’s the one spot where yeah, they’re

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:11

asking these guys to do physical stuff right now. I don’t think I mean, judging them based on strength or whether the new right tackle is gonna get beaten. You just want to make sure he’s not stepping on the noodle, less than left guard or right guard Excuse me. Well, there’s that.


Luke Jones  19:27

But you want to see the hand placement. You want to see the footwork you want to see. Sure. Yeah, exactly. So so yeah. So there’s a progression to this and is it complete? No, of course not. It’s not going to be complete until they start going live, what day five or four or five of training camp and even then they don’t do a whole lot of fully live work. It’s more fun and you kind of play and keep the ball ball carrier up. You know, you don’t want these guys go into the ground too often, at the very least so but It’s this is kind of, you know, this is the graduation of the first semester for these rookies, you know, for these for the second year guys that quite frankly need to step up, you know, guys that, you know, like big solid, we were talking about him a lot last year at this time. And that was the one example I thought of when you mentioned John Harbaugh talking about any of these young guys at the end of this week. Yep, they talked about big Sala but you know what they found out, and it’s why I don’t put too much stock into this from a competitive standpoint, is once the pads came on, in late July and early August, guess what, and I’m picking on him, but he’s, he’s one of many over the years. And it’s really hard. It’s the NFL. But they found out big Salah wasn’t ready to be a starting caliber offensive lineman last year. But he’s practiced. And he’s worked. And he’s going to be in the mix at the guard spots this summer. And we’ll see what he’s learned since last year. But you know, that’s why this time of year, I can give you so many different young guys who flashed during OTAs. Then they disappeared during mini camp, they flashed during mini camp. They’re nowhere to be found come the first week of training camp, or they look really good. The first couple of weeks of training camp, they get to the preseason, and just the spotlight of the preseason game, let alone talking about the regular season. They don’t show up there. Or you have guys who flashed in the preseason, you think Hey, he might, he might be able to be my nickel, he might be able to be my third tight end, and I’m just throwing out random positions. And then the regular season comes and you say, okay, that’s, that wasn’t real. So this

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:32

is also a way for Eric to constantly look and say we’d help it nickel, we better get some more help on the offensive line. This isn’t gonna, this isn’t going to be good. And we liked we liked this kid we drafted. But this isn’t going to be where we need to be on opening day, or we’d like to be better. And there’s definitely places we’ve talked about all winter long, that they they feel like they have some deficiency or they need some more depth above and beyond. Like talking about the bullpen with the Orioles and whatever, above and beyond what they have right now and what they drafted because they drafted guys they like to.

Luke Jones  22:05

Yeah, and look, I mean, with the salary cap, the reality is you can always improve your roster. I mean, you’re always looking for ways to get better. You don’t find answers this time of year. But I will say, I think this time of year, especially when you get to mandatory minicamp week, you might get to a point where mentally you’re starting to cross some guys off the list, and I don’t mean necessarily that you’re going to cut them. But it might be that guy’s a backup. And he’s, he’s not a serious contender for that starting left guard spot or that starting right guard spot or that starting right tackle spot because they have three openings on the offensive line alone, let alone talking about other deaths, spots and all that. So, you know, again, you’re not making any definitive assessment right now. 100%. Because why would you? It’s mid June. But yeah, Eric Decosta is looking at this and saying, Okay, what’s it looking like it right tackle when obviously he’s talking a horrible he’s talking to Joe Dallas Andrus? You know, he’s talking to any of the other lower level assistants. And, you know, you, you’re just scanning what’s out there, you know, post June 1 Now, so that different ramifications for the salary cap all that. So it’s a, it’s a very active fluid process. I mean, it just is. And to the point we made a couple of minutes ago, you’re one injury away from a position of strength, suddenly not looking that way anymore at any all kinds of spots on either side of the ball. So and also the other wrinkle that you and I haven’t talked about too much. But we will I think especially when we get into some of these preseason games, the new kickoff rule, how does that change how you evaluate your special teams contributors? You know, is there a different makeup of what a kickoff team looks like right now, which I’m not saying drastically alters your roster, but it changes Connors 50. It might be the 51st 52nd and 53rd spots on the roster. If you feel that, hey, maybe maybe linebackers, you know, maybe we want an extra linebacker or two on the kickoff team now because they’re not running 60 yards downfield or 70 yards downfield the way they used to. So, you know, that’s part of

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:13


Billy Davis is that I’ve known and, you know, Anthony Levine’s, like really, really good players that those positions that were speed players that you know, they were a third or fourth this or that in the secondary in the walk, but that position is going to change right.

Luke Jones  24:30

I’d be remiss if you just reminded me of something that I’m I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention because you would appreciate this certainly, even though it can’t be out there unfortunately. No, I got that. You keep going eight, but ravens alums this week, Billy, by the way. Yeah,

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:48

thank you because that picture showed up. I saw Kim herring in there. I was trying to figure out who I recognized who I knew. I saw Anthony Mitchell, who else was here and like what, what was that? Is that a News? they, again,

Luke Jones  25:01

I mean, they’ve done alumni events at the facility before but like this felt like a little bit bigger. And it sounds like it’s actually over the course of a few days. I mean, they had a big tent. They practiced on the far field furthest away from the building on Tuesday. Now, you know, I’m only talking about the first day of mini camp, but they had a big tent set up picnic tables, food for all the ravens, alums and their family, you know, kids coming out and think about it. Some of these guys that played for the Ravens 25 years ago. It might not mean that much if they have a young kid to say, Oh, I played for the ravens, but if you say to them, I played for the ravens and they say, Wait, the team that Lamar Jackson’s on and Lamar was meeting some of the former players, their young kids and everything I mean, it was cool but just a collection of former players and you know, I saw Jacoby Jones Ray Rice was there I saw you know Kumar you can actually came up to some of us media guys who covered him a decade ago, Mr. Akena well, you’re


Nestor J. Aparicio  25:58

going now where you have relationships with these guys the way I saw Spencer fill out you know, like I saw the picture somebody on in my friendship Duan Edwards was here. Just a lot of people that I’m friends with was Cornell Brown in that picture.

Luke Jones  26:15

You know what I did not see Cornell Brown, I’ll be full disclosure here Nestor as much as I know recognize Ravens? Yeah, for those, you know, training camp 2009 was my first training camp. So pre 2009. Let’s face it when you’re a football fan, and you only watch the team on Sundays. They’re wearing the helmets most the time. Right. So, so there is and obviously, as we all are, we’re all getting older and we all get a little more gray and a few more wrinkles that I know

Nestor J. Aparicio  26:45

that when I see Tony Vinson I definitely see Dwayne Starks I see Harry Swain. I’m like going through faces here. Some of them I’m like, I think I know who that guy is. But I’m not sure who that guy

Luke Jones  26:57


Dale is. Thomas was there. Edwin Mola Tala was there, Corey Graham from the Super Bowl 40. I’ll talk about one of the heroes of the Super Bowl 47 Team signed as a special teams guy was a starting corner Trevor price was there. Anthony Mitchell, Kim herring, Lamar

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:13

nofima Haley in the front row. Oh, no. Okay. I see Torrey Smith. Torrey

Luke Jones  27:17

Smith was there. Yeah. Tory’s around a lot. I mean, obviously he’s local. But yeah, it was.

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:22

I see Brad Jackson. I’m trying to see Chris McAllister is that Gary Baxter?


Luke Jones  27:29

Gary Baxter was there he was Gary Baxter. There you go. So it’s fun. It was fun. I mean, and again, to the point we were just making 10 minutes ago, yeah, mandatory minicamp. I mean, it’s not week 16 Trying to clinch a playoff spot. So it is a little bit more relaxed. John Harbaugh spent, I don’t know is probably 35 to 40 minutes after practice, as we were talking to Ronnie Stanley ro Quan Smith and Derrick Henry at the podium, which, you know, you’ll be able to hear all those on our airwaves at Baltimore But yeah, he was just catching up with those guys. And, you know, I would think for any head coach, I mean, not just John, but any head coach who’s been in one place for a long time. You know, Mike Tomlin who just got an extension in Pittsburgh. And another great example of this. It has

Nestor J. Aparicio  28:16

to be for me to point that out, by the way.

Luke Jones  28:20

It has to be more meaningful when you’ve been in one place 1015 20 years. And these guys come back, you know, talking about some of these guys. And some of the guys we talked about were obviously pretty horrible. But I mean, think about someone like a BART Scott, you know, someone like that, who spent one year with John Harbaugh, and goes away and then comes back into it. And I didn’t see Bart Scott, yes, Tuesday. But any of those guys that were around in eight 910, who then parted ways, because that’s just the nature of the NFL. Trevor price is one of those guys. 15 years later, they come back and you know, everyone’s older and grayer and more wrinkles and the knees creak a little bit more and all that. But you know, it’s cool to see that I do have to say this, and I did have to laugh with this kind of goes back to what I was saying a few minutes ago talking about the nature of these practices. Jacoby Jones, amongst some others, all noted that if our mandatory Biddy cap was as easy as this, I’m going to play it another five years in the league. So it does speak to how the hand cream puff. Yeah, it speaks to the nature of the league and how it changes and heck, couple years from now, we might not even be talking about mandatory minicamp anymore. If the NFLPA gets what what it’s envisioning at least in certain circles of their camp, so,

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:37


but we will get football in August and in March, we will

Luke Jones  29:41

Yeah, I don’t know about March but Presidents Day weekend that’s certainly common with the Super Bowl so but yeah, it was fun to see some of these former ravens in town it was pretty light and I you know, didn’t see any I didn’t see Ed Reed or Ray Lewis make an appearance, but did see some notable Super Bowl three 35 and Super Bowl 47 champions back in the building back on the grounds and bench

Nestor J. Aparicio  30:08

would have been fun so I obviously have great affinity for those guys and the fact that my name has been poisoned with them is you know, disgraceful, despicable. I’ll just leave it at that. Enjoy yourself. Hot weathers coming. We have baseball. We have the Braves. We have the Phillies. We have Fleet Week. We have the Maryland crab cake tour. I’m gonna have the the sevens coming your way. But I have some PAC man’s I’m going to be at Coco’s on Wednesday. Friday we’re going to be down a Fleet Week at the Cooperstown and it Fells Point on the cobblestone we’re really looking forward to having Ron Furman from Max’s on Broadway. I’ll never say Max’s Taphouse it’s so new century to me. I like to rock and roll next week. We’re Costas on Thursday before the Yankees game come on by for that. And then we’re going to be a Pappas in Parkville on the 25th so Maryland crab cakes represented by the Maryland lottery in conjunction with our friends at Liberty pure solutions, clean water for all as well as Jiffy Lube. Multi care Luke can be found at Baltimore, Luke anywhere the internet travels, make sure you’re checking out our 25th anniversary celebration as well. We’re putting an oyster tour together in September. Do a lot of cool stuff this summer crabcake tours Luke’s been doing some hard work on the oils in the the Ravens this week and I am often the cosmos interviewing rockstars like Thomas Dolby and Mark Bryan from hooting the blowfish amongst others. Thanks to Ray Bachman, I am Nestor we are wn st am 1570, Towson Baltimore. And we never stop talking Baltimore positive

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