Would you help me run for Mayor of Baltimore?

togetherNESS final
togetherNESS final
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Most of my friends know that for the past two years I have been privately discussing and preparing to act on my desire for public service with a potential Independent run to be the Mayor of Baltimore this summer. The outcome is clearly going to take much more time to be decided with a close race and recount imminent.

In the event that Sheila Dixon would win, I am prepared to give voters another choice in November.

So to borrow a Biden phrase, here’s the deal: I would need 3,917 Baltimore City registered voters to sign an online petition before August 3 to qualify and then we’d have a legitimate voice for 90 days leading up to the general election. I have designed a full platform that focuses on the five big C’s of my 10-year vision: crime, corruption, children, competence and community.

Would you support me and help me get signatures if I put together an inclusive local leadership plan designed to bring our city together to fulfill its incredible potential over the next decade as we heal from this national mess? I love Baltimore with all of my soul. And I want to be a part of lifting our community and making us an American success story.

I know you do, too…

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