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Raskin Wrestling Capital Centre Costas

Was it ZZ Top, Rush or Ted Nugent? Was it Hulk Hogan as a heel vs. Bob Backlund or Dusty Rhodes coming north? Was it Wayne Gretzky or Magic Johnson or Larry Bird? Nestor Aparicio and Leonard Raskin reminisce about their youth and experiences at Capital Centre and discuss the significance of keeping mementos from their past experiences.


tickets, capitol, center, capital, drove, ticket stubs, cap, absolutely, game, concert, concert tickets, years, wrestling, good, talked, day, beer, oyster, dad, tour


Leonard Raskin, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:00

Welcome home. We are W, N, S, T, TAs, Baltimore. We are. Am 1570 driving around. We hope you set a spot on your dial for us. We are participating today in the Maryland crab cake tour and the Maryland oyster tour, intersecting on behalf for friends of curio wellness of foreign daughter, as well as liberty, pure solutions powered up my water and one 800 clean water, and then the lottery gives me these tickets to give away have the Ravens scratch offs here, for better or worse, with the Raven this week, it is a baseball week around here, also our friends at Jiffy Lube, multi care and royal farms powering up Luke, getting him back and forth from Camden Yards to Camden Yards, and maybe only to Camden Yards. We might not even cover the Ravens at all. This week is practice. Because the practices might be mixing in with the games, and we might be in New York that I don’t know where we’re going to be, but Leonard Raskin is here with me, and we were at cost this in my home, away from home. I pimped out in the first segment about the fried shrimp. Thumbs up. You got acne. Oyster House. You’re all that. Leonard helps people with their money. He is Raskin global. He empowers people to choose their financial future. He also empowered me, in recent years, as one of his clients, to come to his crab feast up in northern Baltimore Academy, get together and you get your crabs, and we do it all up, and then you give out sort of party favors like you did at the Oyster recovery partnership. The other and part of that is this Crazy Crab mallet. You can see it is unstained, right? That’s a new one. This is, this is fresh. So fresh one, yep, so I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I haven’t opened a beer with it either. So it does open beers. So it to commemorate our friendship relationship, and to say, playoffs, playoffs. I’m gonna have a David Rubenstein and I’m still locked out as an Aparicio beer and a parent. Does this really work? You’re gonna find out, right? Does it work? You’re


Leonard Raskin  01:46

gonna find. You’ve done it. I’ve done it. You’re gonna find. Hold on. Let

Nestor Aparicio  01:48

me make sure, because these are, these are phillips head screws in here, Made in USA. Patent number, oh D, 706090, right. A patented item, and let’s see if it opens a natty bow. Oh,

Leonard Raskin  02:03

look at that beautiful remember I used to have the beer? Oh, yes, you’ve been listening that long here. Oh, for sure. So oh, boy, what

Nestor Aparicio  02:12


a beer. Natty bow has never given me a Nicholas sponsor. They write me about doing free stuff, dude, there you go. There’s your free plug for Natty. That’s right,

Leonard Raskin  02:19

the signs lit up. Natty bow sign is lightest.

Nestor Aparicio  02:24

I have great, great, great stories one day when we’re really bored, it’s not the playoffs, and I don’t have this capital center thing I’m about to do with you. The shtick I’m about to do, we’re going to do a thing about me going to Coors Field. And I can talk about this because Bobby pinker and Bobby foot licker have both left us, and Leslie and Randy, know I love them, and I think they’ve sold the distributorship over bond. That I was Budweiser sponsored, thank you. John Dow, George Acton, Kim Acton, you know I love you all. And Joe, I love you too. Joe moneymaker, that I was bud sponsored because the bud distributorship was at the foot of my neighbor, right, got it right. So I was bud sponsored Bud Light. Bud Light had my I had long hair. Bud Light was my bow tie, the whole deal. And natty bow was only because of scunny. So I’m holding this up because Scotties son shucked an oyster for me at mama’s on the half shell. And the next time I’m doing my next crab cake tour in November, once we get through the World Series is we’re going to win the parade’s over. The parade with me, you and Mr. Rubenstein, we’re going to do the show out there. So this is for scunny, whose son I shared some delicious oyster stew with at the Oyster recovery partnership. This is for you in in giving me and for Costas and Karen here for giving me a beer I could open. That happens to be a natty bow who’s never sponsored this show in 33 years. But in 1998 was it eight? The All Star game? Yes, it was 98 the all star game was in Coors Field, okay? And I just gotten W NST. It was a summer. I mean, we weren’t even on the air as NST we were in between almost being NSD was for NSD started so July middle, July 98 and I spent three days on the field. On my phone. It wasn’t a cell phone, no. It was a flip phone that had a base right, 900 megahertz base that talked. It was a it was a big phone. It was a cordless phone. Is what it was. Had a landline that we call back on. Maybe we had cell one, then maybe we had the brick phones. We did have a brick phone. I had the picture of the phone, so I spent three days on the field there on my radio station calling it pissy Waterfield. So when I came back, Steve Hennessy had a meeting with Mr. Footlock and Mr. Blue, who I adored. I adore their daughters, all of that, but I sat in their office and always smelled like cigars because they smoked cigars. Ours, and I came in and and I want to do to a great Bob footlet, because I just loved him. I want to my my imitating him, Son, can’t have you on the air calling it pissy water. Feel. Oh, I loved you guys. Thank you. And I hope Matt Crow, you get a laugh out of that. So you asked me last time I had a taste of Naty bow, right? All of the pictures of my mother in our in my childhood, the little ones, where you had the big square in the little wind, sure, you know, in the instant, not instant, Polaroids. Oh, no, Polaroid were the instamatics, right? These are Kodak. These were we sent them off to two guys and developed and picking up pictures from 72 34567, all have my mom drinking a little Fat Boys, the little, little fat man. So


there you go.


Nestor Aparicio  06:02

I want to say it tastes like every beer I drank before I was 21 you know, that’s what, that’s all. I’m gonna say it tastes like every beer I know, which is a good memory, hey, until you had the third or fourth one.


That’s right, it’s all good. It’s all Oh natty bow, oh

Nestor Aparicio  06:18

boy. What a beer sponsor the show. So anyway, there we go. I want to tell you about this, this piece here, because, yeah, if Leonard and I were together, there’s been a guy I’ve been trying to invite on for months, and he’s coming over. He’s driving from DC. I already apologize. I’m driving up here anything to promote the book. You know how that is. You’re an author, that’s right. So this guy’s coming by, and I’m looking forward to it, but I want to ask you what the capital center means to you. So I whipped this out. This is my press pass that I had on my body 39 years ago when the greatest hockey player that anyone ever saw right. Like, literally, yes, I was at his locker, just me and him. Couple of Edmonton guys were, you know, but like, then Jeff Rimmer knew him, you know, back in the day, whatever, the retired Jeff Rimmer, you know, this stupid little piece of paper means the friggin world to me. And if you screwed with the thread that’s on it, I would smack you. And I’m telling you, if you reach to touch it, I’m gonna bow you, know what I mean, some territorial like, you wouldn’t believe. But what you’re gonna see in this box, and I’ve compared it to Pulp Fiction, you know, I’ve compared it to Pulp Fiction. What’s in this box? Gold

Leonard Raskin  07:30


is Nestor soul, okay? It is there. It is all

Nestor Aparicio  07:36

right, so, so what is the cap? But when’s the first time you went to the Capitol center, the first ever, first thing you I gotta look at my box. I’m gonna, I’m gonna peer in. The first time I remember

Leonard Raskin  07:46

going to the cap center, had to be, all right, you ready? I got my it was, it was, go ahead. I’m trying to think of who the first it was a three act show. It was three bands, three bands. Okay, what years we’re talking? We’re talking 70s, 80s. Okay, so

Nestor Aparicio  08:06

was it Def Leppard,


Leonard Raskin  08:08

no, okay, for that, let’s, let’s go. Let’s go this way. You’re older than me. I’ll be 60. Oh, you’re older than a week, so

Nestor Aparicio  08:15

you got a couple of, okay, go ahead. Okay, but, but

Leonard Raskin  08:17

here’s who I’ll tell you, the headliner, it’s easy. Okay, so, it

Nestor Aparicio  08:20


was a concert. It

Leonard Raskin  08:21

was a concert, okay? Mine was not a concert, general admission, okay, I was on the floor, okay, Ted Nugent with hair, with the long hair going with the cowboy hat. You know, Ted, it was crazy. Okay? Molly Hatchet and UFO 38 special.

Nestor Aparicio  08:40

38 special. 38 special opened

Leonard Raskin  08:45

right Ali hatchet Ted


Nestor Aparicio  08:49

Man Flirting with Disaster. That

Leonard Raskin  08:50

was a stranglehold, absolutely Cat Scratch Fever.

Nestor Aparicio  08:55

I spent time with Ted Nugent like real time with Ted Nugent. You

Leonard Raskin  08:58


know what I mean, like backstage and hammer jacks like the whole How about now to the farm and shoot fully automated. I

Nestor Aparicio  09:03

got full on TED. I wouldn’t have much to talk about. Ted’s

Leonard Raskin  09:07

quite the conservative out there, but he, he’s out there. You’re one of the most concerned. What you know, what are the last conservative guys I talked to on the edge of right? I think even you would have a hard time hanging with Ted. You went TED is a bow. He’s amazing. He’s amazing. But anyway, so you saw headliner 79 then, right, was it was late 70s. Yeah, it was probably 79 okay, I saw Ted. I saw Judas Priest a number of times. All right, I’ve seen the who. I’ve seen foreigner. I’ve seen Aerosmith. I had to beg. I had to beg my aunt, because we were too poor. We didn’t have a car. We were poor, but my aunt had a car, and I drove her car, and I had to beg her. I took four friends. Think about this, right? How old are you? 1917? No. 717. Okay. So had to beggar to drive to the cap Center at midnight, one in the morning, whatever, to get in line to camp Jones tickets. Oh, and he came out. Oh, because, yeah, yeah. Because, you know, you can only go to the cap center or the heck company and wait in line. And we had people at every entrance, because they sold the tickets at all the record theater your side of town.

Nestor Aparicio  10:21

Absolutely so your side of town. I camped out. All my camp outs were not a golden ring because it was too crowded. We went to Reisterstown Road Plaza, yeah, so all of my friends of the Jewish faith were all made in a parking lot. Yes. Like, because, I mean, I’m from East ball, the heck company, baby. This is 8180 I graduated. Lou on the eminence front at the Reisterstown Road Plaza. Yes, and I put a picture up of me hugging my friend Ron. Ron West, who’s been on the show at drug city. Last week, his band played at culminated. Ron was my camp out buddy.


Leonard Raskin  10:55

Let me tell you that in the winter, parents were thinking letting us go over to town road Plaza and camp out. Next time we’re on I’m gonna have to remember journey. There you go. Six sticks was my first concert ever at the caps, at the cap center, at the Civic Center, okay, I almost got in a fight. Almost got beat up. I was 15 years old. I was there with my girlfriend. Intermission. I don’t remember who opened intermission. We went out to get a Coke, and we came back and there was these big guys. They were in my seats. I was like, dude. I was like, Excuse me, that’s my seat. He pulls out his ticket, and I was in the wrong section.

Nestor Aparicio  11:28

Oh, you must get beat up in his seat.

Leonard Raskin  11:32

That’s worse, enough. When I was 15, I was a little nothing, all right. So anyway, listen to me. Listen to me. Last thing I next time we’re on. I will have on the air. I’ll have a I have the okay the farewell concert tour for the who, for the who, yeah, of course. 8181 for the who. Farewell Tour, and I saw him last year in DC. I was at the EM in its front show when they shot the video Capital One arena. Well, the farewell show is in Montreal. Well, I’m just at the farewell tour, and that was it was on MTV last ever. Who last show in DC? Was there, September 18. And I have the booklet. And last year I saw him at the Capital One arena,

Nestor Aparicio  12:22


my first three years later event at the Capitol center was a wrestling match.

Leonard Raskin  12:30

Oh, my goodness. All right, okay, so, and this

Nestor Aparicio  12:34

is sort of weirdly monumental in the wrestling space, not knowing what you know about wrestling, yeah, Hulk Hogan sure wrestled as a bad guy, okay, against Bob Backlund when he came in from the AWA with Nick bachwinkle and Vern Ganya. And this was one of the first jobs he ever did for Vince McMahon. Like, if I ever sat with Hulk Hogan, even normal and not whatever, right, the persona. Well, whatever I mean, even you talk about he’s right, of Ted Nugent on certain days too out of his mind, him and teal and all that stuff. But that, it was so weird because we used to watch channel 45 and then channel 20, yep. And I’ve had Gary Michael cappetto on, talking about all those days he was the announcer and all that. But the channel 20, they were like, you know, Vince was doing the, you know, the stand up thing he did 20 minutes after Ivan Putski and chief Jay Strongbow and Hogan was wrestling Bob Backlund. And I’m like, we gotta go see Hall CO this is before thunder lips, before rocky too, right, right, right, before any of that, right? And he was a bad guy, but thunder lips, he was a bad guy, right? He was the he was a heel, right? So we went down and he and I looked this up. You can look it up. It’s real. March the eighth, 1980 Look at how beautiful that ticket is as capital center right here. March the eighth, 1980

Leonard Raskin  13:56

was it six bucks? What’s the price? $5


Nestor Aparicio  13:58

$5 the adult ticket,

Leonard Raskin  14:01

$5 for the wrestling I said six bucks. So these are the first what does it cost today?

Nestor Aparicio  14:06

Don’t touch his ticket. And by the way, you gotta. I could have given this ticket up for a free 12 ounce ticket. Roy Rogers,

Leonard Raskin  14:11


here’s my question for you taste the best of this is 1980 good for 30 days, though. This was 19 8080. March of 80. Okay, how old were you 11? All right, here’s what I want to know, because I’ve never asked you this. I absolutely want to know this, what in God’s green earth, possessed you to keep all this stuff? Because you have tickets from everything you’ve ever done, just about it’s funny you’d ask that you may have, I mean, you may have all of them. I don’t know. Okay, so I always see you coming up with stuff, and I’m thinking, in this box resides in the world

Nestor Aparicio  14:43

this would be interesting for Katie Griggs, who’s banning me from attending games this week as a media credential person, and certainly for Chad Steele, or for Dick Cass or Sashi Brown, who banned me from an event that you tried to buy me tickets because I was a former media member, right? I. I could wallpaper the walls of Costas, the way that Mr. Costas has all the beautiful horses, absolutely he’s the old horse racing in here that all, if you go to the bathroom back here, Romeo and Juliet, one of his big horses that won a lot of races. This box here is one small little piece of eight tubs, tubs. I


get it. Of

Nestor Aparicio  15:24

press credentials, mementos, yeah, and all of it, all of it is small. I don’t I don’t have a lot of programs. I don’t get it. I got rid of all my baseball cards a million years ago. I have my Aparicio collection you’re seeing, right? And I still add to that, I buy the belt buckles. Yeah, today, by the way, you’re gonna like today, all right, you’re gonna like today. You got any Blue Oyster Cult? Yeah,


Leonard Raskin  15:52

where were you when I had Blue Oyster coat? This

Nestor Aparicio  15:54

is my Blue Oyster Colt, and I want it be a it’s, we’re in the oyster tour, so I have to have the Blue Oyster Cult. But I love that that I get accused of being in the cult of non media members. So I we’re together. So oyster call. I like these because they’re beautiful and I get to wear them. Obviously they’re fun. You can’t wear press passes or ticket stubs or, I guess you could wear the tour shirts, if they still fit right, all these years later. And I did find the picture of me wearing the sticks Paradise Theater tour shirt. So I’m gonna, I’m gonna put that up in my kitchen when I was a 12 So this answer, this is a special box, all right. This is a different kind of box. And the only reason I brought the whole box, I went through about three of my boxes yesterday when Kevin Leonard from this capital center book, Yep, he’s coming over. We’re gonna talk about the Capitol center. And this is sort of prequel that because prequel that, because I know how much you love the cats, absolutely. How many caps games

Leonard Raskin  16:46

you see at the Capitol center? Hundreds, hundreds. There were 40 games talking about Ted, Nugent, Judas Priest, but like, I didn’t go to CAPS games till they weren’t there. Kareem play, or Michael Jordan. Did you guys all Jordan play? Yeah. I never saw Korea. Dr James No. Larry Bird, yeah, yeah. Magic. Basketball games only. I only went to basketball games to see the stars, to see the stars. That’s what everybody I never went but, but hockey, I was a CAPS fan as soon as they came. And the first expense, the first investment, you tell everybody all the time, was capsies. When you had money, I bought a big screen TV when I first got a little bit was it 1991

Nestor Aparicio  17:26


I bought a big screen TV to watch the Super Bowl. There you go to watch the Leon let Super Bowl my house. What’s the ball? There you go. Touch. So I went through a couple of tubs of my press passes, yeah, and tickets, right? So I have bags of hockey stuff, yep. So my hockey bag has press passes, tickets, some invitations to this. I’ve been to the Stanley Cup Finals. I’ve been to the NHL All Star game. Yeah, I have invitations to that. I have the invitation from the night I met Kenny Albert, which is special to me, cool, right? It was an invitation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We met that night. We were the same age. We looked kind of the same, right? I mean, but he was Marv Albert’s kid, absolutely. And he was about to become a guy who’s gonna change my life, yeah. So I keep that beautiful invitation the Pennsylvanian hotel. It’s black and white. Looks like a Christmas card, right? So I went through my first thoughts at the Capitol center were, wow, concerts, rush, this that and I went back, and the first two events I ever attended was this wrestling match. And my my dad was from Dundalk. My dad never drove. My dad drank here at Costas, right? Literally, would bring a shrimp home, and I don’t think he knew about the fried shrimp eater, beer and any onions, right? That we we should get for the next segment, my dad took the bus home, or Mr. Joe Thomas would drive him home, because he lived in an adjoining neighborhood. So like my dad never drove. My dad was epileptic. I learned that after his death, but he never drove because he was afraid of having an attack. Right? Lights, sure, right. So the capital center wasn’t on the bus line. Yeah. Dad hated Abe Poland for moving that team because my dad could take the bus down to see the bull and the boys the bullets. My dad loved the bullets. My dad was from Scranton, Pennsylvania. My dad was a baseball, boxing and basketball guy. Got it like Scranton, Pennsylvania, not horse racing, gambling. My dad never gambled on it. My dad starved during the Depression, as we talked about during couple Super Bowl week, right? So once my brother, who drove, my step brother, who’s had, he has some challenges, Spectrum challenges, but drives, drove them, certainly, he had the car. He had the 76 Malibu that we got out at Plaza fort, right? So it was a blue Malibu that we went to all the concerts in. And in 1980 he loved wrestling so and you know, to call him a little narcissistic, you know, he’s my step brother, whatever, but his 1980 and I’m a kid, sure, he the wrestling matches. It wasn’t too far to drive to the Capitol. Just once, he drove to the cab. I’m sorry for the wrestling matches. I angled in and said, Let’s go. Let’s go see the caps, right? So my dad, about two weeks after that, maybe it was, it was this month. It was the month of March of 80. Yep, the obviously, the New York Islanders were it it, right? So I dragged my brother down and we sat at in section 204, row Q, because they were too cheap, they were to write $6.50 cent tickets because it was 11 bucks to sit on the glass right in 1980 Sure. So my dad took me with my stepbrother down the capital center, and we were up in that section. And Leonard, do you remember the first time you walked in the Memorial Stadium? What was the first was the first thing you remember as a boy? God,

Leonard Raskin  20:45

I can’t even, I can’t even bring the grasses. Yeah, sure. How beautiful you ready to walk up the ramp at Memorial stage? Beautiful. It’s

Nestor Aparicio  20:52

just beautiful, right? Yep, I went. I had attended 100 hockey games in my life with my dad, clippers, skip jacks, AIDS, right? Skip jacks with ECHL, HL, all that the ice at the Baltimore Civic Center was like, after you got in the fight with the guy at sticks, the blood stains were still in the ice, and there was beer and soda and popcorn in the ice. And the ice was gorgeous. No, was white, white with white crap, right? Like in it,

Leonard Raskin  21:25

you’re talking about it, the capital center, civic center, right? Yeah.


Nestor Aparicio  21:28

What down the capital center? Yeah. This is right after the Bob Backlund, Hulk Hogan wrestling match. By the way, that card wasn’t very good. Larry’s Abisko, think George animal steel, now he wasn’t. It was best. School was in session, was in March. So I walk into the Capitol center, and first thing you notice you walk in there, it’s really cold.


Oh, absolutely, really cold, really

Nestor Aparicio  21:47

cold. I loved it. So walk into the portal, and it’s the second time I’ve ever been to capital center. We walk in. We got there really early because we were afraid of traffic, like driving Orlando, right? Dundalk, like you had to go through the tunnel. Yep. This is before the vocabulary tunnels, absolutely. This is literally, is literally the harbor tunnel, right? There’s no the bridge is there, but we wouldn’t use the blue right. Get down to cap center, and we walked in, and I looked down from the portal and it was completely empty, just like it is in the eminence front video, yep, the red, the blue, but you look down on the ice and it looked like baby blue cotton candy. They put a blue dye into the ice at the Capitol centers, one other ice rink. They did it to make the puck stand off on television. There was a theory that you could follow the puck better if the screen saw a light shade of blue, it would set off the puck better, yeah, as the puck, this is pre HD, everything. So the capital center for hockey was, like it absolutely, and I dragged my brother down there, and the caps probably lost to the island of 73 that, of course, right? I mean, but this was bossy trachea, right? All that absolutely capitals had Gardner maruk was still there, right? No, Steven jet, I don’t think he wasn’t there. No. Carpenter was like as he always was. Wasn’t any good till he got to Boston, right? So I know a lot about hockey dog. She’s crazy, right? So, um, we got back that summer passes, summer 80. My girlfriend at that time was Diana bar at a good time that summer saws Amy villehar went later on that summer tickets and concerts started happening, right? And I talked my stepbrother on a show night to take me down to the Capitol center on a hot summer night to see ZZ Top. Oh my goodness, on the de guelo tour, there you go. And my brother liked country music, so when he saw the cowboy hats and the beard, he thought it was it. That was it? Oh, yeah, you know. So we went down there. We went into the box office and band put backs happened, and I bought two tickets for me and my step brother. We sat in the third row dead center. We got and I’m 11 years old, the first time I ever heard the song Highway to Hell was in the capital Center parking lot that night at ZZ Top. And then a momentous thing happened that summer, Kevin Eck and I had become best friends, and my parents were taking me to Highland town to a lowness to get some pizza, and I walked into a little shop on the corner and I bought a cassette from this band called rush. Oh, that’s a cassette with a beautiful woman and a wave on it. Could it be better? And I took that tape home, and I put it into my York’s tape deck, and I heard the first strange spirit of radio. And I said, I got to listen to some 98 rock. And Sarah Fleischer was doing a concert update. 467, 98 rock. 467625, and there. Oh, thank you very much. And my capital center guys are here. I’m pre quilling. You guys get, get the Oysters Rockefeller. That’s what I would do if I were you get anything you want. It’s delicious. I’m buying so this rush concert happens, and I talked my brother into a. Fourth time in the year of driving us down to the Capitol center. Excellent to see rush and Saxon on September the 26th 1980 Oh, my God. And I want to tell you right now that concert ticket, the concert tickets from the Jovan presents the Rolling Stones on the tattoo. Tattoo you tour where they open with, you know, under my thumb, right? And Mick shook his ass. It was great all of those ticket stubs from all the concerts of my childhood, just my childhood, yeah,

Leonard Raskin  25:31


are in here. It’s crazy. Don’t even answer me. What the hell possessed you to keep all this stuff

Nestor Aparicio  25:37

I just you were a kid. I relished it in a way that I have all of my life in the way that you would keep your 1979 Oriole baseball ticket stub. I just had a box that always grew into like a room, right? So these are just the ones that I pulled out of my basketball and hockey, unreal. And wrestling. I went to several wrestling matches. So I have a wrestling thing, a hockey thing, a basketball thing, and I pull that so this is the night that I met Ed frankovic. This is October 13, Sammy hagar’s birthday, 1985 day after your birthday, day before mine. There you go. This was about three weeks before Pelly Lindbergh died in the in that tragic accident on Cherry Hill. And he was in the in the pipes that night, played that night for the Philadelphia Flyers. Brian, prop your brain shell. Samuelson, I don’t like any of you. Tim Kerr, any of you?

Leonard Raskin  26:27

Tim Kerr, used to stand in front of the net and piss me off because he would score all the damn time against I have parking passes here. Crazy.

Nestor Aparicio  26:34

I have that. I have ticket stubs. I probably I have wrestling here, Bruno San Martino. I have the Quebec Nordiques. Yeah, you know, there you go from 1987 so. And I also have, this is a very interesting press credential, because you are a capsule story. Absolutely go ahead the greatest game you’ve ever seen in your life? Ah, hockey. Were you at the Pat LaFontaine game? I



was time.

Nestor Aparicio  27:09

Did you get home? Oh,

Leonard Raskin  27:10

so let me what was Easter? So let’s start with this second date. I took a girl second time. We went out Saturday night. Saturday night. I said, I got some tickets to the hockey April. She said, absolutely great. You said, it’s a big game. It’s big game. Big game. We went to the game. Game. Third period’s over. Yep. She says, Are we leaving? No, are you crazy? No, we’re not leaving. Overtime.

Nestor Aparicio  27:35


The only food they had in the whole arena was popcorn. Nothing. They had popcorn. They brewed pop.

Leonard Raskin  27:38

Overtime. Second overtime. She’s got her head on my shoulder, sleeping, drooling, sleeping, drooling. Third over

Nestor Aparicio  27:46

a good date. No, you slept with her. She slept with you. Slept on me.

Leonard Raskin  27:51

She slept on me. Second date, she slept with you, she slept with me. We go through and then that son of a scores, yeah, I know. And I’m like, Oh,


Nestor Aparicio  28:00

I was in locker room after that game, dude. I like, I don’t, I mean, I, I remember that locker room, like, I remember the Billy Conde locker room. I’ve been in some bad she

Leonard Raskin  28:11

lived in Essex, by the way, did. She was an Essex Girl. I took her home. That’s a long way. I took her home from the cap center, 420 in the morning. Middle, yeah, early morning and I we get to her house, she she opened the door, got out of the car and slammed the door shut. He never saw I guess, guess we’re not going out again. I made her stay to the middle of the night on Easter Sunday morning

Nestor Aparicio  28:37

to invite her to Pizza John’s two weeks. Think of her name. We have to get right.

Leonard Raskin  28:43


If she’s listening, maybe she can show up and say it was me. Well, this is my press credential

Nestor Aparicio  28:48

from that night Kevin Leonard’s here and some real nice folks that have put together this book. I don’t even want to open a book. I’m not going to look at the book. I’ve already prequeled all of my stuff here. This is my press pass from the night that Dr J played his last game at the Capitol center blast regular season. Game has Jack Gibbons name on it, but I wore the press pass. Actually wrote the story. It was, it was a cover story color picture of Dr J delivering over top of who was that 100 year. Charles Johnson. Oh, dude. Charles Johnson look older than a veteran. I mean, like he really looked old back in the day. Poor guy had the things on his knees and all that. I have all of my concert tickets in here. And I just say this, before the cap center people come here and I look at their beautiful book, by the way, they’ve the Laurel history, boys, this is the capital. Says i Dude, I’ve had natty bow. We got a big football game. Our baseball teams in the playoffs. I’ve had fried shrimp. I’m having I’m with you. I’ve already opened the beer with your opener. Beautiful. I can have all the crabs I want. Absolutely


life good. So what’s really good, man?

Nestor Aparicio  29:50

What’s in this box? I just want to show it before we roll in. This box is a through z of my the ticket style. Is before 1999 let’s see, right? I mean, like last century, let’s just call it that. And many things are missing. There’s a Springsteen folder, okay? There’s a YouTube folder. There’s a Buffett. I mean, there’s stuff that wouldn’t fit me, right? These are just sort for sort of the bands I’ve only seen a handful you have all this blows me. So this is, um, this is a Pearl Jam, like a whole Pearl Jam thing. So anyway, it’s a through z so like, as an example. And you know, like, well, this is, this is Billy Joel. This is Jay, you said, Judas Priest. Hold on here. I want to find something from the Capitol center that would turn you on. Here’s a little problem that I had as a kid. I went to the mall, and I wanted to keep these forever, yeah, so I put wallpaper, clear wallpaper, like a limited and it has faded, yeah? Some of them to the point where, like, it’s not that you can’t read them. You can read them. I’ll pull this at because this is a AC DC will be in here, right? Yeah, absolutely. I’ve seen them a number of times there. My parents loved me so much that in 1981 when for those about the rock was about to happen, they camped out for concert tickets at the heck company downtown, and they stood in line. And they were in their 60s at the time, they were the only old people there, and they wound up coming home with eight tickets for for the show. That’s Aerosmith. Hold on, let me, let me, let me find the that’s Aerosmith. Hold on, that’s Aerosmith. I’m in the eighth. There it is, right here. December 21 1981 at the Capitol there. This concert is completely, definitely this. Well, the Capitol center was unique, and this is a great for these gentlemen who know everything about the capital center. I capacitor, they were the only place that had video, and all the videos spectrum got it later. They were the only place with pro video, and all of it got booted. And the ACDC concert from this night for you Mari Brown is available, and you can watch it, you know the whole day, right? They open with Hell’s Bells, right? Angus came right down, absolutely, this is my ticket, absolutely. And my my parents camped out and got us eight tickets. And if they weren’t great seats, section 105, W, not bad. I mean, they were decent, right? I


Leonard Raskin  32:20

was, I was on the, not on the floor, but I was in the first row of the center ice. First row center ice, looking at the stage, where there was an aisle, and he came around. He was, he was strumming on, what’s his name, shoulders. He was, oh, that Brian show. Yeah. He was on his shoulders, jamming out, and he came right by us. It was just frickin unbelievable. I had a

Nestor Aparicio  32:44

photos of that night. As good as it gets, I

Leonard Raskin  32:45

should have photos. I know who. Terrible you don’t see. I know who I went to that concert with.

Nestor Aparicio  32:51


So this is a ticket stub of my youth, and I have a lot of pictures from this night. This was, this is may 25 1980 82 Aerosmith had broken up. And we’re doing a lot of drugs. I mean, a whole lot of drugs. And this is after Steven Tyler put his head on my shoulder. That’s before that. This is a year before that, right? So this is 82 kicks. Open this kicks. Kick. Steve Whiteman had a lift, and he sung for shame with an umbrella. Guys, it’s a good seat section one road. D, what do you think was that a good seat on the floor? That’s pretty that’s pretty good. So my pictures of that night are of a strung out Steven Tyler with a goat to me. He his eyes are lit back. Joe Perry’s not in the band. Brad wiffer’s Not in the band. It had a Rick Dufay and whoever the other guy was in the band. So anyway, crazy. These are just, you got it all, dude, every one of these, I have a 20 minute story about who I was with, where I was with, and then they went to these goofy tickets that this says capital center, but that’s not a real capital center ticket, right? That’s right, right? The red, white and blue. Heck company.

Leonard Raskin  33:58

And now they’re on your phone, and it’s digital, and you got to show your phone, and you can’t do any of

Nestor Aparicio  34:02

that anymore. You asked me why these things. This is my money talks, dollar bill, my Angus dollar bill that felt flew out of the ceiling. I caught this in the air at the Capitol, just like when, when, remember when a stone shot the confetti off that night. Satisfaction. Memories, man, stuff, right?


You like that stuff. This


Nestor Aparicio  34:19

is just the a the guys are the capital center book. People are here. I’m buying them crab cakes they can have what’s left of my natty bow, appreciate you. Leonard, tell everybody what you pleasure man. Nobody

Leonard Raskin  34:29

what you do. We empower people to choose their financial future. It’s all about your money so that you can go to these shows, take your kids to these shows. Life is about they’re no longer 998, 8770, no. But life is about the things you do with the money you have. The fact that we have to use money to to as a mechanism of exchange, is what I’m about. It’s about helping people make money, protect money, enjoy their money, mostly enjoy their money. And you got to understand how to have it, how to protect it, how to use it. We help people do that so that they can do. Yes, so they can have the joy of their lives, whatever that is for them, that’s what I want for my clients, that’s what we do to help people get

Nestor Aparicio  35:06

I touched my Van Halen concert ticket from the diver down tour yesterday. I’m trying to get my hands on that. You know, there’s Stevie wandering around, August, isn’t he? He’s coming back, right? Yeah. August 10, 1986 Stevie wandering around.



He’s coming back in, Dolly, oh my god. I

Nestor Aparicio  35:23

mean, I saw them sing Islands in the Stream capital centered around, oh my god, it’s


gonna be great.

Nestor Aparicio  35:29

All right, I’m trying to listen. I’m trying to do whatever I can do to not worry about the Orioles, right, whatever’s going on. And did we do a good job of voice? Fantastic. All right. Leonard raskins, here, Raskin global, our friends at the Maryland lottery. Everybody’s here getting free lottery tickets. I feel like Oprah, you get a ticket, you get a ticket, you get a ticket. Did anybody win? Anybody win? You won? Would you win? $7 bucks?



Righteous bucks.

Nestor Aparicio  35:58

Hey dude, $7 you could have sat upstairs and watched heart and cheat trick back in 81 at the Capitol center. 667, 7880, I remember those days ago. I’m back for more Acosta. I got to get these guys on here. They’ve driven a long way to be here, and they’re young like me. Stay with us. Thank you.

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