Pondering life with a new arena in downtown Baltimore

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Dennis Koulatsos and Nestor ponder possibilities for downtown life and music and theater and maybe even quality Major League Baseball in Baltimore after the new Arena opening this week.


games, play, week, thought, ravens, life, player, years, offer, lamar jackson, starting, baltimore, dennis, eagles, arena, super bowl, feels, wear, agent, opening


Dennis Koulatsos, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

What about W en st. Castle Baltimore and Baltimore positive I get a little extra pep in my step this week for lots of reasons, obviously 70 degrees out, right? And what a week like after all of this played, and all the Lamar Lamar Lamar Lamar was finally like springtime, we’re doing the Maryland crabcake Tour presented by the Maryland lottery, I’ll be giving away the old schoolers, it is the 50th anniversary, and I’m starting in my homeland. I’m going to be a Costas on Wednesday, in the afternoon. Then it’s opening day all day Thursday, and I’m not doing anything. We used to broadcast live ISDN lines, people kicking that by the way, Stacy Caitlin was our intern many years ago for live broadcast. So congratulations to her for going into WWE Hall of Fame at WrestleMania. And Dennis is going to be part of this. But Dennis, this is amazing. Because Friday on the fade Lee’s and I know you grew up in Lexington market with your family going down and the old market might be the last time I ever go into the old market. Right? I don’t really remember the last time I ever walked into the old Baltimore Civic Center now royal farms arena, first Mariner, whatever you want to call it. I didn’t walk out of there and think it I’m never going to see it the same way again. But I’m going to walk in there Friday night for Springsteen. I’m going to eagles on Saturday. And I’m going to see the building for the first time in my life in a different way. And I love the old building and Frank remise can feel how he wants about me but I always love that building. I’ve always worshipped that building. It’s going to be a I might cry. I don’t know. I mean, it may be very emotional for me, my father and all of the wild amount of events that I ever went through there and memories that I have there and celebrities. I sat in a room with Danny DeVito there for an hour and hit him out at a Eddie Murphy concert on the role tour and talk to Danny DeVito for an hour me and John Right. Like I have memories in that building. Yeah, but I just so this is a special week and the Masters is all day so I get to recuperate sit around all day and he trips out and watch the Masters so that is how are you how’s your week man?


Dennis Koulatsos  02:04

weeks been fantastic and you just took me down memory lane, Eddie Murphy’s ra I was there for one of the shows of course and there for the all the skip CAC games and

Nestor Aparicio  02:14

were you there for Shaun Cassidy. That was my first concert Shaun Cassidy

Dennis Koulatsos  02:18

them for Shaun Cassidy but I was there for the Baltimore blast games and wrestling twice a month. That was my $7 ticket. A lot of fun there. My dad and I go on there to the wrestling shows

Nestor Aparicio  02:29

a lot. It was your first wrestling match. Give me your first wrestling match was it Bruno?

Dennis Koulatsos  02:34

It was Bruno it was Prudhoe against one of the valiant brothers

Nestor Aparicio  02:37

really shows before me then my first ever match was Bruno and Stan stays yak in March of 1977. And then the next month, I was there when Bruno was pinned by Superstar Billy Graham feed on the robes, the tie dye the blood all of that right, August, April 30 1977. Remember it like Marilu Henner. And so, like when I go to that, like that’s not even the first memories. I was at Harlem Globetrotters. I was at clippers games. I met Howard mash he threw the SOA because it stood for salt. I mean, I like I went I love the arena my dad taking me there every time I ever went is a boy for the circus. It was always special. I saw the Sugar Hill gang there I almost Masterji is coming on the show soon. But I saw the Sugar Hill gang and Mr. Pete snuck me in so like I love my my memories of the place but to walk into that space and have it be different than it’s ever been in my whole life. I don’t know that there’s anything that that’s going to be quite like that because I think about Memorial Stadium and I got my Morrissey but it was either baseball or football I went to one soccer game there my dad took me I barely remember it but I mean the arena there were graduations there right like Yeah, well let’s games I went to bullets and what the capitals games, they’re, like, just so PLAs games. So so many I went to indoor lacrosse. So I mean it’s as a multi purpose facility. It is a place that we’ve paid upon for all these years and it’s not good enough. It’s old. It’s We’re never getting an NHL like all of that. This is a renaissance for the city dead.

Dennis Koulatsos  04:15

It is I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked from Lexington market to this Civic Center back one time. We did a we had a cooking demonstration out there it was us and it was failed. These build a vine stood right next to each other cooking up food and the tie in with us in savings was at FEGLI we were right we were the next stall right below. thinking he’s with Mount Olympus. My dad and I serving up Ito’s and Greek salads and spanakopita us and tilapia does not the good stuff. So we were there we were neighbors with families all over their employees used to come in and have breakfast and my place that didn’t serve breakfast of course but we did. So we have a lot of history with it with the with the thing you should


Nestor Aparicio  04:52

come down Friday and do the show with me one that you you. You should sit in that market one last time and do a segment with me.

Dennis Koulatsos  04:59

I’m getting to hooked up just thinking about it. I spent six years of my life and my youth in that market, working six to six, six days a

Nestor Aparicio  05:06

week. Last Chance, let it last. I didn’t get that chance at the arena. And I would also say for me, I want to give a shout out the fate of these. I’m gonna go there beat for crabcake before the game Thursday, so it’s my first beer. I’m going to park my car there. I’m going to walk a couple of blocks down, but I almost went to see Louis black the other night down at the Hippodrome. I mean, there are things about downtown and this arena, whether it’s Anita Baker and Janet Jackson, if that’s your flavor, and I love them both. And I’ve seen them both multiple times, or whether it’s Joan Jett and Bryan Adams, or whether it’s John Mayer, or whether it’s Adam Sandler later this month, the Eagles this weekend, blink 182. You know, like for my kid, so like, having that down there is the anchor for good things to happen and for people and for jobs and for opportunities and for dining and for for making it what it’s been most of our life. So I see this as as a cornerstone of that renaissance of Yeah, I was excited to Camden Yards opening. I was excited when the stadium opened in harbor play. This is a new arena and this is a place I’ve been going my whole life and feeling like it was somehow a subpar experience. Although I never felt that way. I love the french fries. I love the events. I was there for the last time the eagles were there. I was the last their last two times for Springsteen came in. So I’m I’m a fan, but what they’ve done to it and what it’s going to be for the next 20 or 30 years. I’ve been waiting my whole life for this, Dan. It’s a big deal. It’s a big

Dennis Koulatsos  06:30

it is a big deal. A lot of things are happening. I mean, I miss the Chris Rock being down at the Hippodrome. I don’t know how I missed that when I saw the special on Netflix that was streamed live. And that was a that was a really good show, too.

Nestor Aparicio  06:41

You know, when I said to my wife, we watched the first 20 minutes of it. She and I were in a like a move where we needed to laugh right? Yeah, and this was like last week and she’s got all that Netflix and Hulu and all that stuff. I’m apparently got cable right? So she hooked it all up. And we went about 15 minutes into it. I didn’t laugh. And I you know, it’s not that I I like blue humor. I’m a Dice Clay guy. I’m a Louis black. I’m I you know, I’m from Dundalk. I like it turned up. I like that. I prefer that to Cosby, quite frankly. And I had Mickey could shell on the last time well, two times ago it was a cost this Mickey came and did an hour with me right? And you’re laughing just I say Mickey and you laugh. Why do you laugh when I say

Dennis Koulatsos  07:23

hey, you know who doesn’t laugh but if you don’t laugh when you hear that name Mickey Keller, then there’s something wrong with you. Right? So

Nestor Aparicio  07:28

Mickey has been my friend for 35 years. We’re in the hammer. I got to I got to make a joke about him and the hammer Jacks movie. So I was so pleased. I said Mickey was backstage with me and amortizes before he was funny. I got that into the movie. So Mickey is telling me that it’s different for him in a in a place in Parkville telling jokes that may be off color, F bomb, whatever it would be that people look at each other now at a theater and wonder if it’s okay to laugh. And I thought this was my wife watching just she and I TV. We’re allowed to laugh make a joke, make an off color joke amongst each other. That nobody’s listening. Nobody’s watching as to whether I laugh that that Will Smith joke or whether I’m on Jada side or whether that’s too black to white to street. Not funny about the Polish people don’t mess with my Venezuelans. I don’t want the Latin jokes, you know. So the no Greek joke’s on you. You know. So like, I like all of that. It becomes harder, I think to laugh and I think post plague. I need a day with Oriole baseball, I need to wear orange. I need a knight with Springsteen. I need a knight in a new arena and feel like something new is happening. I need to go to the old Lexington market to see the new Lexington market and I think there’s a lot of transition and light I had to transition to seeing your vehicles like they’re made 1977 And my wife’s like, I want one of those heritage vehicles, you know,


Dennis Koulatsos  08:55

hey, guess what? Guess who’s going to opening day this year? Yeah. I got I got birthday tickets.

Nestor Aparicio  09:03

Are you going to see the Yankees this is something about the Yankees or

Dennis Koulatsos  09:05

not the Yankees. I was just treated to opening day. And I can’t tell you the last time because of my business commitments and family obligations. The last time that I went to opening day, but guess what? Opening Day, the weather seems kind of funky, but 77 degrees 63% chance of rain, but I’ll be there.

Nestor Aparicio  09:25


Something magic happens every time you go. Theory sells cars. I’m wearing my coons here. So I’m gonna have a little fun wearing my red shirt today. And you know, I’ve been doing show and tell and you know, since Chatfield took my tickets away, and it’s $3,500 and I have to give the Ravens last year I wanted up $70 in my account because like, there’s this and that and yeah, so I started collecting these belt buckles and then I started with the Euler thing, right you know this you saw my warm and I’m cheap. You know this right? I’m

Dennis Koulatsos  09:57

you’re you’re frugal.

Nestor Aparicio  09:59

Well I mean letter Raskin appreciates that and I’m saving my money more wisely in my 50s. And I didn’t my 40s when I gave it all to my employees, so And by the way, I’m going to use this crab mallet overcast. So I got the Warren Moon Jersey, and now Houston Oilers is in my search, along with vintage rock belt buckles, right. So, and some of this stuff is way cheaper than I thought that Dennis I’m old school. This isn’t what an old fart I am. I want to see Springsteen in Houston last month and I went to Austin and I stayed right near the camp, the college campus near all the old vintage places and I’ve been to Houston many times. And the vintage areas where all the good coffee stores are in a good brunch places. On Westheimer in Houston, and I went down there thinking I was going to find old Houston Euler vintage stuff. I only saw one Euler piece anywhere. It was an overpriced, ugly thing that was in the window that you might have bought as a novelty. It was like in late 80s. There was an ugly piece. And I didn’t buy it and what my size I didn’t see I saw rock and roll stuff. I saw more belt buckles and I saw what he was stuff, but you go on the internet and you can get anything. So I got the Warren Moon white. It’s legitimate from like the 90s it’s, it’s a little stained. It fits me I paid 35 bucks for DuPont at 60 I waited you would have bought it for 60 You told me to buy I Dicker. So the next thing I saw I saw the Earl Campbell Jersey and I thought you know what, I’m gonna get this one day. I’m gonna bust it out on Dennis I’m gonna wear and it was 60 bucks and offered the guy 30 or 40. He said No, whatever. But then I looked further down and I wanted a blue oiler jersey, right. Gotta have a baby blue.

Dennis Koulatsos  11:40

That’s what I have. I have a baby blue Earl Campbell jersey.


Nestor Aparicio  11:43

So this thing pops up. And it turns out, it’s a small, which I felt like would be my socks. It’s a Mitchell and Ness throwback with the tag on it. So I thought is this thing made in some Chinese sweatshop? Is it going to come in the wrong blue? Is it going to come in some funky Lansdowne blue? It’s not going to look like real oil or blue. And I looked on the back of it. And it said it was a number seven jersey. And it said pa s t o r i n i All right, Dante. So there’s no girl like your first you know this, right? Like Dante was there before? Before? Or Campbell was there, right? He was. So this jerseys up and it was like 60 bucks or 50 bucks. And it looked like it might have been worn, but I didn’t know. And I clicked on it. And I offered like 30 And the next thing you know, I’m out to dinner with my wife. We were to Beaumont last week and I looked down on my phone and it said order confirmed and I’m like, dude took 30 bucks for the best 3d jersey. So like, I don’t even care if it stinks. It came. It’s brand new. It’s legitimate. Like, look at this thing. Look at this thing. Look at this thing, right. That’s me. It’s brand new in the bag. It’s it’s Mitchell Innes. It’s legitimate. It’s not sweatshop, he, it’s probably been sitting in a closet for 15 years since they made them. And this one just didn’t sell because it’s small. But it is. It’s patched in letter. This is legitimate. Right? It’s it’s raised letters. I paid 30. You can’t get a Ray Lewis when I say paid one way.

Dennis Koulatsos  13:21

That’s fantastic.

Nestor Aparicio  13:22

So I’m having right now. There you go. So I’m gonna wear this to beer, barbecue bourbon, I’m gonna wear this this day or something. I’m just gonna have fun with it. And it nostalgia and your heritage line of cars and things we used to have. And probably the reason I almost made you cry in this segment is because you’re thinking about that fadeless crab cake and you could still eat it. And you can still go on the market. I can’t go to the Astrodome. But I did watch women’s college basketball. And I watched the men’s this weekend, and I saw the Astrodome. And like, it’s like, it looks like an eggshell next to Reliance stadium and stuff. This has been a great week for basketball. And I know you have someone special in your life to play softball, women’s softball, I watched the women’s basketball this weekend. And fantastic. It was great. This girlfriend Randallstown which I wouldn’t advise the face thing. I thought that was a bad look for her. I really did

Dennis Koulatsos  14:16


in the moment, but I’m not going to criticize her. I mean, Kate and Clark are the same thing. Not as much but she was caught up in the moment she was she was hyped. And you know, hey, this is a it was just great for women’s basketball. Just the whole storyline.

Nestor Aparicio  14:30

I wish I wish the game had come down. Yeah, yeah.

Dennis Koulatsos  14:34

I mean, this was this was had some bird magic overtones to it for a lot of different reasons. So it was very compelling. It was I’m sure the viewership went through the roof nationwide.

Nestor Aparicio  14:46

Yeah. And it feels like they’ve made the women matter. And when I said this to my wife and I, and my wife thought I was being disrespectful. And I’m like, hold on. Like, don’t I you know, I said don’t play that issue with me. I got in the car and drove in Our five nights a week to cover girls basketball in 1987 8889 90. It’s what I did. Amy Malin was player of the year she got a scholarship to Richmond. Dave Greenberg time met Bobby Nick. I met Bobby Nick walking into wild Lake High School to write about his women’s basketball team in 1987. He played a four corners that he talked about Dean Smith. This is before he was crazy Bobby Nick DJ guy on my show, the great late great Bobby Nick sent my section for 25 years in Section 513 was never the same when we lost him never has been the same. Never will be the same for me. But college basketball in high school like I remember talking to breezy Bishop Mike Farrell ball sent me down there Ken Fisher sent me when I like a cub reporter to see it grown up 35 years later, and to see the crazy LSU lady Ron, who I remember was a player at Louisiana Tech, like running around like Ric Flair. Like it was like, like the honky tonk. Oh, funky like cheap Jimmy was the the guy with a tennis racket. Jim Cornette. It was a


Dennis Koulatsos  16:00

wrestler Yes. Yeah, like literally love her outfits. But I mean, we need stuff like that. It’s what makes it entertaining.

Nestor Aparicio  16:06

My wife thought it was like my wife got foul with me when I’m like, this is like pro bowling. I said she looks like Pete Weber my buddy, Danny Wiseman. She’s like, you’re insulting him. I said, No, I’m not insulting them. I said there. I said these girls hate each other. And the girl the hairs are all done up and the girls got their lashes going. And they’re doing face taunts and punching each other in the handshake like players Yeah, like and I’m like, this is going to sell like women. This is a good game and it’s a style of basketball. That no offense to all white guys like you and me but the Bob Cousy below the basket shooting the ball three point it’s the things we love about Steph Curry are the things we love about women’s basketball. So I want to give a shout out to women’s basketball.

Dennis Koulatsos  16:51

Women’s Basketball women’s softball they’re a lot of fun to watch they really are a lot of times are faster paced and a men’s games and a very skilled as we saw it in the in the Final Four with a women’s those girls can play. I mean, they’re no joke.

Nestor Aparicio  17:03


I can’t believe I’ve done 20 minutes we’ve done damn Passerini we’ve done women’s sport. Hold on. I’m not done. We’ve done Reno’s we’ve made you cry. We’ve done all of this stuff. And you said faster paced, faster pace. watch baseball over the weekend. faster paced.

Dennis Koulatsos  17:21

I did. I watched a couple of games. I liked the faster pace. Yeah, I think it’s great. So you

Nestor Aparicio  17:26

it’s even luring you back to the stadium that the gate drinking starts at 10am. The game starts at 305. And by 545, we might be stuck in traffic getting the hell out of there thinking about Springsteen.

Dennis Koulatsos  17:38

We might be and again, a lot of things a lot of great things have quit his life these days Nestor and me a lot, a lot of good things. I mean, I know there’s some negativity out there. It’s always there. But a lot of great things happening particularly in in the world of sports.


Nestor Aparicio  17:52

Well, when you’re sitting at the stadium eating an overpriced hot dog drinking an overpriced beer beverage of your choice wherever it is getting all that food they bragged about last week when all the television John’s out in front of this by the way, Little John Angelos is he speaking now he’s meeting if you’ve seen this, I mean, it’s not good that he’s speaking. And all that yummy. He talks about. He needs a PR Director more than than the Ravens do like seriously at this point to get out in front of what their message could be. It should be to every Dennis Colossus and every Nestor Aparicio about Adley rutschman and Gunnar Henderson and I’ve heard more from him in four days. And I’ve heard from his old man in three decades,

Dennis Koulatsos  18:34

Angelo’s need to publish this Lamar needs an agent, you know, I guess everybody needs something in this world that they’re not aware of, that they should have in their lives, right?

Nestor Aparicio  18:43

Well, I mean, you and I should have a baseball game in our lives or a crab cake at some point this week. It is springtime, it’s coming out part of what’s going on at coons Baltimore for because I my friends at window nation, they had done the five years 0% And then in March, they cut it back to two. And now in April, it’s it’s 5%, five years 0% Again, that I think a lot of businesses are are seeing where we are with inflation and things like that. And I think the car industry, along with mortgages, the next thing that goes car industry to say inflation and percentage rates really affects things and how you can get somebody into a vehicle of their choice.

Dennis Koulatsos  19:20


Yeah, they really do Nestor, the cost of borrowing money has skyrocketed. So Ford Motor Credit, they stepped up we’ve got some 0% some 2.9% on most of our model lines, and we have inventory we have about 250 brand new cars, trucks and SUVs in stock. We have close to 200 pre loved vehicles and we’re cutting deals. It’s a very competitive environment. It continues to be and our customers a lot of our repeat referral business. Everyone is benefiting as a result of it.

Nestor Aparicio  19:45

Well, I’ll tell you what, we’ll get that as back in here on Thursday. He’s magically going to be on the radio and at the baseball game. We can’t give away our secrets. Imagine radio is what we do around here else if you’re on Sunday mornings, as he always is from eight until noon during the Sunday Sports voice and and driving you home on Thursday afternoon and any like, I saved it to the end. You see how I did this? It’s like sort of like, like Zeppelin saving Stairway to Heaven or Bruce Davidson Born to Run in glory days for the encores he’ll do. The Eagles are gonna save life in the fast lane. That actually they’re not they’re gonna play them later, but Desperado plenty. So give me the Lamar thing and where, like are used to you and I have been the most that he’s going to play somewhere else. As we get closer up on this draft thing I start to think is Miami or Tampa really in play after the draft is that? You know, I haven’t done all the cap ology and all that. But are the Ravens have the mindset that he really can come back and play? Does John really want were now? Do they want him back? And would they welcome him back? And does it just have to end? I don’t know any of that. But we’re about to find out. Because this is really sweet. It’s way uglier than you and I probably even could have predicted it would have gotten in October, there was gonna be a press conference like the one last week,

Dennis Koulatsos  20:59

you’re gonna like this when that’s true. I don’t know if you’ve seen it or not. But Cam Newton. Now the rumor is they’re going to bring in Cam Newton to compete with Lamar Jackson for the starting job. You can’t script this any better than the recent WWE WrestleMania that we just watched over the weekend, right? Can you imagine Cam Newton in training camp, I can’t. But at this point, I’m thinking the organization’s praying a team like the coach will after the draft off from two first 24 and 25. And maybe a player to do to lower Lamar Jackson away from Baltimore, which I think they would welcome at this point, as well.

Nestor Aparicio  21:34

So you know, it’s fascinating. We get together twice a week and once a week on your show once and the winds change a little bit, right. And the thing that’s really occurred to me over the last week, week and a half now is how the whole thing’s gotten off the rails for the offseason for everything that that they would want to do in Jupiter in any normal year to say, we have this much money we have this many draft picks, we’re how are we going to use our capital, we’re going to lose a lineman, you know, we’re going to resign somebody. But sitting here in the middle of April is opening days coming and the drafts up in the Masters and here we are. The draft situation is bleak for what they have. They have pissed off quarterback who won’t come to work. They they have no real good options. It’s not like they’re fighting a month any option at this point, the first offer will be the only offer or the best on and it’s not pitting offers anymore. Like all of the things that may have played out in the minds of us or Twitter or even them in January to say where might we be well, we might be with Nelson Aguilar. Campbell’s gone Peters is next out the door. How are we gonna get players around here who we are going to draft? We’re trying to deal out of the first round because we need more pics like we don’t know money. It’s this is not they like to be well designed. And Steve would like to say we run our business to be competitive every year. And Luke brought this up and he quoted the great Bo Schembechler which is really getting better you get worse they got worse this offseason, I don’t know how they’re gonna sit up in September and I know Ozzy but honestly, we don’t have to play till September. I’m never gonna put a better team on the field in September. And they weren’t great last year. They were fine. They’re okay on their best day. But you know, we’ve talked my deal and Patrick clean a couple of weeks ago. You know, he might be their fourth or fifth fifth fifth best player at this point. And they better keep some good football players here because they gotta go play this year.


Dennis Koulatsos  23:31

You know what I found fascinating Nestor is the cost is just like Ozzy they’d like to get into the draft heading to the draft without having to fill holes they like to that’s why they like to draft the best player available

Nestor Aparicio  23:43

that we can go play right now if we had to right that’s right. So what I found

Dennis Koulatsos  23:47

fascinating was having a huge hole a cornerback and wide receiver that they offer Darius slay a three year $42 million contract with 23 have a guaranteed they Their plan was to you know, haven’t played opposite of Marlon Humphrey. Obviously didn’t happen. Slay stayed. The Eagles match the deal. I mean, we met with the Eagles but it’s how did they come up with that money? That’s my that’s my question. I know they always can. But it was fascinating to come up with 42 million bucks for a cornerback and they can’t dress the the wide receiver position.

Nestor Aparicio  24:22


Well, the other side of that would be for them. Baker Mayfield said he turned them down. Darius lace turn them down. I wrote a headline that you know the bleeding hearts. Hold on dude. Hey nurse asked out. Orlando Brown asked out Hollywood brown all the Browns at James Brown. You know doodoo brown they all ask out right. Lamar Jackson has now publicly issued them a middle finger and ask out right? Like, I know I forgot Oh Chuck Clark asked out

Dennis Koulatsos  24:56

right. So they’ve always been that way. They’ve always been that way there they They’re not for everyone. They’ve had players in the past ask out and accommodate them. They just haven’t gone public with it But could they? They can’t keep everybody and all these players you just mentioned they’ve asked that for different reasons. Ted Hain hearse wouldn’t more targets he was tired of Lemoore locking in on

Nestor Aparicio  25:17

this used to be a party. I thought you could come and win a championship and you felt that way. Coleus Campbell.

Dennis Koulatsos  25:23

Class Campbell signed with the Falcons. What does that tell us? The Falcons gonna win the Super Bowl now. He got paid


Nestor Aparicio  25:31

me for me right now in April that the Ravens can win a Super Bowl next February.

Dennis Koulatsos  25:37

There well coached they have the good offensive line. They have a good running game. They have a good defense. They have good special teams. If they can get some solid quarterback play. Yeah, they can get there. Okay,

Nestor Aparicio  25:49

all right. I mean, I mean, from a an agent standpoint of steering a player to someplace as opposed to away from someplace and having players asked out of your it’s just smelling different these days. It really smells different colors.

Dennis Koulatsos  26:03


Campbell’s this case, gone to the Falcons with Desmond Ritter at quarterback, versus staying with Baltimore with a possibility of Lamar Jackson being your quarterback for possible playoff run. I think if he if the money was equal, he’d stay in Baltimore, but I’m sure the Falcons gave him a much better deal. Ravens have a lot of a lot of young guys on that defensive line that can plug and play and they’ll miss the player in the locker room but you know, bright player right price They’ve never gotten away from that model. And that’s,

Nestor Aparicio  26:31

that’s a heavy price, by the way. I mean, for Cholesky. I mean, yeah. And he’s a player’s Association guy, right. He’s a leader. So taking top of line money. I he wouldn’t a Super Bowl in Atlanta, which kind of that’s kind of shocked me at that point.

Dennis Koulatsos  26:46

Yeah, I figured maybe you go to the chiefs in the AFC right the way he talked about the bills, the bills, the Bengals, I mean, if that’s if I were him, and I really wanted to play for less money, so it just goes to show you that. At the end of the day, at 37 years old. Money still matters to him, he has to take care of his family. And if he can get two or 3 million more out of the Falcons, he could have any idea from any of the aforementioned teams. Of course, that’s that’s what he did.

Nestor Aparicio  27:10

Dennis, Dennis, if that was testimony, I would convict you because you just said gonna play for the Chiefs could apply for the band goals. I said the bills, they’re all places that are perceived as being a better place than here right now. Right? So like, well, there you go. So that would be my point is that nobody would ever outbid the Ravens in their day have you could come here and win Eric Weddle, you can come here when Steve Smith you can come here and when Kevin Zeitler. You can come here with whoever it is right? That they’re not they couldn’t get Darius Leigh right. But they


Dennis Koulatsos  27:44

had a Super Bowl winning quarterback and Joe Flacco went and Lamar Jackson follow his gifts. He’s one and three in the playoffs and you can’t get around that it’s a fact. Not the same. You can’t turn it around. At some point though with the right pieces around him. It’s fascinating what’s going to happen. Even if they don’t get a proper credit offer from the cultural someone else. He could be a starting quarterback in September or he could set out to season this this situation. This is still a to z.

Nestor Aparicio  28:08

If he had an agent, and I don’t every conversation always begins with if he had an agent. If he had an agent, the minute he got hurt November, the agent would have been on the front end of letting people know where his injury is. Knowing his marketability, had he not been in Cincinnati, his agent would have said you’re getting on that plane, and you’re gonna wave a towel, you’re gonna be the best towel waiver. There’s been in the in the state of Ohio that day. And when all this is over with, we’re going to take you out and have multiple bidders. We’re gonna show him your knee. We’re going to run you around. You’re going to keep your mouth shut. You’re going to do the right thing in case the ravens are the highest bidder and they love you long time. We already know they love you long time they offered you 150 million last year wasn’t enough, fine, but don’t piss with them. Now instead. If an agent grabbed him right now, they would say, Dude, you haven’t played football in two years. Forget your dreams. Forget the statue in Louisville that 130 3 million the Ravens offered you crawl back to Owings Mills. And you never said any of this awful issue been saying and doing because I never would have let you do that beginning in November the minute you got hurt. And you wouldn’t have to crawl over bracket book. But crawl back there take their guaranteed 48 million a year over the next three years. Get yourself back to the street. You think you’re gonna win a Super Bowl you’re cocky go win one go win want to come back here and then we’ll hold that on their asses. And we’ll make them pay you 65 million and by the end of the fifth year you’ll have 274 million in the bank because we’ll negotiate it that way. So go play but you right now you’re worth what you’re worth because you haven’t played in two years kid.

Dennis Koulatsos  29:40

You think that offer still there Nestor?

Nestor Aparicio  29:42


I probably is not. Yeah,

Dennis Koulatsos  29:44

I think

Nestor Aparicio  29:45

that I think after last Tuesday the offer is John Harbaugh gets behind the doors, dude. Yeah. Did for you. You did that for me. What? You know they threw me out for doing nothing. I can’t imagine what John Harbaugh like how he feels about Lamar at this point for having baked that thing up last week and John John always says that lie we’re all guys we all yeah tell tell that that he will safety 10 years later still he you know, like making friendships and really John Harbaugh is gonna forgive me I tell you what John Harbaugh will never speak to me after the text after the Pittsburgh game when I told him Mike Tomlin beat him in the integrity department. I had a feeling John’s never gonna speak. And that’s okay. I knew that when I said it’s okay. It is okay. Because Mike does have more integrity than him. I talked to Mike last week, by the way. And so for people

Dennis Koulatsos  30:33

who they are believing like Maya Angelou said, when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time it’s It’s believing.


Nestor Aparicio  30:39

I have it all in my phone. And one day it will be public or it won’t be but I won’t die with it not being public. So what happened to me, but I can only imagine how upset John is at what happened to him at that press conference last week. I was thinking on a personal level that privacy

Dennis Koulatsos  30:54

I can see Mr. Calling and nobody picking up. Did you tell him? It’s me? Yeah. Told me. They’re busy. Tell him I want the deal. They’re still busy. Tomorrow, the next day, the next day, they’re busy.

Nestor Aparicio  31:07

I talked to you about it on Thursday, and I was 72 hours removed. I’m a week removed now. There’s code silence. There’s going to be liars lunch and John. Eric. They’re all gonna say the right things. I just saw that thing. And I have sat next to John for 18 years. I have been in that room. I know how John feels about the media and all the trick questions. I’ve seen the amp. It’s ambush right like he was ambushed. He Well, that’s the thing that they that Chad steel and all of them. They threw me out because I had real questions in real time. Like you ran the ball 21 times today? Is that a good idea? They hate John hates those questions. All of them hates the media in general, and to be put in that situation in front of all them. If I were a prick agent, and I was telling him what he could do to make sure that the Ravens never had him back. I would put that high up on the list. I really would and and especially for John and knowing how John is forgiven forget never i

Dennis Koulatsos  32:09


which is why things are floating the bringing in Cam Newton and he’s probably not gonna be the last thing we hear Connected to the starting position that quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens before this thing is over and done with I

Nestor Aparicio  32:20

just hate to think that he could get uglier right here. I think it can well it gets uglier when the stories come out where Lamar says they didn’t even give me the 133 they made an offer then they pulled it back.

Dennis Koulatsos  32:32

The other thing is the story is not getting pushed down. Right we just had March Madness we you know WrestleMania opening season baseball life goes on and this story is starting to get pushed down. And the only way it’s going to get resurfaced if if he tweets out again, right if he something inflammatory or whatever, or, or if the Ravens make a move of some type but the story has been, it’s getting pushed down. Finally,

Nestor Aparicio  32:56

last thing for you. You just said Wrestlemania. And I think I alluded to this earlier. I don’t know if you know this, I mean you and I have been friends for two decades. You’ve supported my right. Did you know that Stacy Keibler was an intern here for good two years. Did you know that?


Dennis Koulatsos  33:08

No, I knew I did not know that. I knew she was a Ravens cheerleader because she stood out she was very tall. Back in the day at the stadium and and then when you she was an intern at WNS T

Nestor Aparicio  33:17

her boyfriend at the time was a listener She interned here play bubble hockey here. You can go see it on YouTube. I’m going to share it this week her stories she did the show with me in oh nine when she was like in the George Clooney was like that era. Life. She’s been very quiet for years. I haven’t heard from her scene or anything. And now this WWE WrestleMania thing happened. And I know you Luke are all into one. I just I love that they put her in on me. I just I have all these old pictures of her and event she is wearing a get nasty shirt selling get nasty shirts at Whiskey shows with Bobby Nick. I pitched to me her and Bobby Nikka whisky Joe’s together. I have pictures of her on opening day at Camden pub in 1999 me her Keith Mills, Mark Messina, Dave Johnson doing live radio Allah McCallum. Bobby Nick was there. Yeah, she was she was our WNYC intern for years and she’s a Hall of Famer. nother algo number back around here Dennis

Dennis Koulatsos  34:15

bond from W S T. How about that? I’ve

Nestor Aparicio  34:18


never had a Hall of Famer in the WWE or anything

Dennis Koulatsos  34:22

we’ve never created we have some that look like look the part but never played the part.

Nestor Aparicio  34:25

Well, you’d have that on the wall. You’d have a plaque on the wall if they’re right. That is colosso says lots of plaques on the wall, including, you know, I never do this for you. But you’ve been some bird you up around professionally and you started putting your professional toys behind you.

Dennis Koulatsos  34:41

Somebody made a comment about the store that I didn’t take kindly and I said, You know what, let me just put some puffs up on the wall.


Nestor Aparicio  34:46

That’s all what was the President’s Award? What is the President’s Award

Dennis Koulatsos  34:50

being for Thompson in service, Body Shop parts and sales and then we have two triple crowns, which is like the Super Bowl. So we have seven president’s awards and to to book fan awards. So it’s a premier club I’ve seen that over your shoulder which that’s being number that’s top 10 store and finance at a 3200 Finance contracts in the nation so yeah I put up the awards just to speak for the store and somebody made a in my circle extended circle put it through that we just to say let you know to sit down and shut up right and look, nobody cares about the awards only care that we care about the customer. We’re not what we do around here, but you know, these things we earned and that’s why they’re up there. That’s Super Bowls.

Nestor Aparicio  35:31

I earned the stamp Passerini jersey on the internet for 30 bucks and it feels like a trophy to me. But I’ll say this I took Brian Billick a Lombardi trophy that I bought by China through Denver. The year we won the Super Bowl 10 years ago, and I put it in a paper bag and I told him I had a gift for him for three months. And this is when he lived on Eastern Shore. And I told him I had a gift for him and he was doing the NFL network thing from his library and other people Gruden is on ESPN. He would have his trophy behind him and like all that and Brian didn’t have a trophy. And you know I have a ring Brian has the ring he would wear the ring and make Eagles fans look at and Redskins fans and whatnot. So he didn’t have a trophy and i i bought this thing for a couple 100 bucks. I had one of the I gave one to Kenny ball game his mother has the Super Bowl 35 One this or those 47 won the 30 because I couldn’t take it out it’s not licensed. If Kevin Brown ever saw me at the barn where that he would freak out. So and if it was in the radio, so either way, I put in a paper bag my cat actually cut her face on it at one point because that is sharp bottom. But beauty looks real. You know how real it looks. I took it to Brian was that Ocean City, took it to his house put a paper bag his daughter and Kim were in the big house there. They came out in their pajamas. He held the trophy up. I swear to God it was like a scene and Christmas story. When the leg lamp came. He took it he ran and he wasn’t showing off for me because he didn’t eat has never been like that. But he’s not performative in the lease Brian Billick not with me. He was so excited. He almost cried. He took it into the study and had to have a place for it. So now when you see Brian on NFL Network trophy it’s just a thing. That’s great. Hey, he can’t say I got pelts on the wall. You know he does have pelts

Dennis Koulatsos  37:18


on the wall right? Like somebody’s coming to Brian so you know what have you done and he just he just puts up holds up Silla Betty right over Betty and say here this this. Yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  37:29

I just wanted to tell you that. Like when you see that, you know that there’s a

Dennis Koulatsos  37:34

body of work. Your body of work speaks for itself. You don’t have to do anything to anymore. You don’t have to beat your chest. You know, when like Michael Jordan is seven, you’re good. You tell people when you’re great people

Nestor Aparicio  37:43

tell you. And when you’re really great at women’s basketball, you do this? I think, right? You look

Dennis Koulatsos  37:48

you earn it in a moment. And if you’re good with it, I’m good with it.

Nestor Aparicio  37:54

I think she’ll regret that later in life, but maybe not.

Dennis Koulatsos  37:57

You know, you’re 27 year old caught up in a moment. Right? So it’s to me, it’s the national champions and that’s what indoors

Nestor Aparicio  38:04


you want to backstory find that as he transferred out of Maryland, and I know I

Dennis Koulatsos  38:09

have a contact there. I know a couple of things about that. Yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  38:13

I bet you do. I bet it involves money. And we used to say that it would be like now we’re like, they had a pizza.

Dennis Koulatsos  38:19

And I oh man that name that that name image likeness. It’s a big deal with these young people. And it should be it’s slick. They’re getting paid.

Nestor Aparicio  38:27

Alright, well we have by you Barbie now we’ll have corn fed Caitlin or something. I don’t know. We’re making stock. That’s what I said to my wife. They’re making stars out of these women. And the woman wearing the Ric Flair outfit that that’s good for what they need is because the game is good. The games good payment. The games are good. Better than the NBA as a game if you sit it really is

Dennis Koulatsos  38:47

it’s watchable with the NBA unless you get into the deep into the playoffs. It’s unwatchable. I agree with

Nestor Aparicio  38:52

you there. Well don’t Stanley you’ll get a you know she’ll get a some sort of something to wear that Escalade so she has a car you can drive for you over Koons Baltimore Ford. He will be here on Thursday even though you’ll be an opening day for three to five as always. Lamar masters opening day we’re opening up we’re opening a Rena in this city for the first time since 1961. I am Esther we are wn st am 1570, Towson Baltimore. And we never stop talking Baltimore positive and it’s a good week for that.

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