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In a week of swirling rumors and the usual anarchy and chaos of Orioles ownership and the lease fiasco, at least Mike Elias landed a stopgap closer in Craig Kimbrel. Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the promise of new Orioles ownership and why the bullpen move makes sense in the short term for a team that believes it can win the World Series.

SUMMARY KEYWORDScraig kimbrel, year, bullpen, talking, kyle gibson, holidays, baseball, kimbrel, orioles, batista, pitcher, closer, baltimore, sign, toronto, free, luke, hall, move, snowingSPEAKERSLuke Jones, Nestor J. Aparicio Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01Welcome home we are wn st Towson, Baltimore. And Baltimore positive we’re positively into the holiday season it’s a fun week around here I got holiday hosing giveaways and Maryland lottery giveaways from our friends peppermint pay out this smells like peppermint. The the OH SNAP smells more like gingerbread than the peppermint smell like peppermint and the unwrap the cash scent free which I probably the way Luke would appreciate it sent free as we get up on the holidays we’re going to be at far and daughter on Friday from two to five with Gina shock Rock and Roll Hall of Famer. We’re gonna be talking about cannabis and and bombs and all sorts of good stuff they’re also gonna be talking on Monday with our friends wise markets up at honey go about the holidays and about eggnog and about food which is one of my favorite things and shopping and points and free AMS and all that stuff that we talked about with wise rewards that’s on Monday and honey go from noon until about three all the information is up at Baltimore positive find me on social media we get all that out to our friends a window nation or putting me up to wearing the fun hat as well. So I’ll have the the fun fisherman’s capital. I feel like I want to go fishing. somewhere warm right now 866 90 nation if you want to order some windows do we did I was staring out the windows at the snow on a Monday morning. In the lush paradise. That is my my estate plan thinking Thank you winter nation and then my kitty cat thanks you as well. Also our friends at Jiffy Lube multi care put this on the road for the Maryland crabcake tour. Friday foreign daughter antimonium. Two to five Monday wise markets and honey go up in the upper Perry Hall Whitemarsh area. Honey go I love that anyway, it was like a forest when I lived in White Marsh Nottingham. You know all the way we can fight about all those different places. I know we’re Fullerton ends, though. But that that’ll happen on Monday. And then we’re going to be fadeless on the 28th after Christmas. So Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy holidays. Kwanzaa, Festivus, whatever. You’re celebrating a 10 and three with the Ravens. Look I’m bringing you in here. And I’m going to do something that I don’t know, that we’ve ever done around here. You know when the ravens are 10 and three and Harbaugh’s mismanaging the clock and Lamar looks awesome and Ro Quan Smith’s the man and everybody else is seven and six. And we’re sniffing 14 and three and byes and TV with Jacksonville and Trevor Lawrence and and then we’re gonna go play on Christmas night against the best team in the land and the 40 Niners and now that the Eagles have sunk in the Cowboys have risen and the top baseball, I feel that we’re gonna talk baseball in December, while it’s snowing outside, as I look out my window nation windows and pray for doors and Santa for doors in 2024. Craig Kimbrel $13 million. Mmm hmm. You know, I heard to talk Dennis a little bit about and I thought, I’m gonna have Luke on my show next week, and we’re gonna get to talk and I’m gonna get to wear my curio baseball gear. And you know, and baseball has been more on my brain the last six weeks since the World Series even I don’t remember who won. I tried to forget everything and abs in Dallas. But, you know, this is they’re trying they’re doing what they can do in small market. But the bigger story is this clear fight with the state, and the lease, and the ownership leak and the bed and I’m wading through what is fact and fiction on all of it. But the fact is they you know, they bought a closer in this at the top of Mike Elias is pecking order. We got to close games, man, and we don’t have to teach them we better do something. And if we’re gonna spend money on anything, let’s start with that because we don’t want that to be the thing that cost us a chance to win the World Series next year. Luke Jones  03:53No question about it. I mean, we talked about this going into the offseason from them even before the season ended in Arlington, in that game three loss to be swept by the Rangers. We were talking about this because we knew that Felix Batista was not going to be on the field in 2024. So you’re going to need a bridge at the very least and short of going out and signing Josh hater to whatever he ultimately is going to get. Which is clearly going to be multiple years probably going to approach if not eclipse $100 million. You knew they weren’t going to make a move like that whether they should whether they could or any of that Nestor J. Aparicio  04:32is just the point where I say 707 Under Luke Jones  04:37My goodness, we’re talking about a different galaxy as it pertains to Shohei Otani and what the Dodgers are giving him but Nestor J. Aparicio  04:44Brian James was impressed you know, sure, Luke Jones  04:47sure, but we knew they were just gonna need a bread chair right so Nestor J. Aparicio  04:51it is grievous. I gotta seven even Terrell Rivas thinks $700 million a lot. Luke Jones  04:58But but if they weren’t going to do the Josh hater kind of move. And, you know, even Josh hater the last couple years hasn’t necessarily looked as dominant as he was three or four years ago. He’s local. Yeah, sure, sure. But again, you know, we can keep talking about that if we want to talk about dreams and sugar plums and all that holiday season but reality. Craig Kimbrel is probably the kind of move that you would have anticipated. And let’s I, as I pointed out, as I wrote a Baltimore Recently, you look at the timing of the last couple off seasons, early December, has been the time when Mike Elias has pulled the trigger on a one year deal for a pitcher. Now, two years ago, it was $7 million to Jordan Lyles, and that worked out is better than you probably would have thought at least as well, as you reasonably would have expected. But you’re also buying for 100 loss team that that Sure, sure. No, no doubt, and I was gonna get to that. So you have that last offseason expectations higher than they were the year before, of course, after the surprising 22 that they had, but still, expectations were tempered in the sense of going into 2023. Okay, the Orioles might have a chance to make the playoffs. They could be playing some October baseball, they could be one of the three wildcards but certainly no one anticipated 101 wins and the $10 million contract they gave the cow Gibbs Again, still more on the side of raising the floor of your rotation. giving you some guys giving you another guy that can eat innings. Craig Kimbrel. Obviously we’re talking about a reliever here one year deal. $13 million. You know, the old adage is there’s no such thing as a one a bad one year contract. But the stakes are higher for this. The risk is higher here and anyone who saw Craig Kimbrel struggle in the NLCS against the Arizona Diamondbacks. Yeah, you’re gonna take a little bit of pause. And that’s why, you know, there’s been some critiquing and some criticism and, frankly, some disdain for this deal that I think is has been a little over the top in some circles. But the reality is, if you’re Mike Elias, you were looking for someone with experience closing games. Craig Kimbrel certainly gives you that as a nine time All Star 417 career saves, misses bats, guys like me, we’re talking a lot post Batista. In the Orioles bullpen down the stretch last year. They did not have a lot of swing and miss. They did not have a lot of strikeout ability. Craig Kimbrel, has a career strikeout rate of 14.2 per nine innings. Even last year, as he’s now in his mid 30s. He’s still struck out 12.3 per nine innings which was better than anyone in the Orioles bullpen not named Felix Batista last season. So this is a move that look is is Craig Kimbrel, the elite Hall of Fame kind of closer that he was with Atlanta. And then when he transitioned pitching for the Boston Red Sox, now he’s not that guy, but he is still someone who can be of great value to them. He gives them more experience. It gives them another high leverage arm and the back end of the bullpen. And for me, and this is where I’ll tie it in with what we saw with Jordan Lyles. Two years ago, I’ll be it for a team that was still not anywhere close perception wise to be in a contender, and even last offseason with Kyle Gibson, where, for me I’m really judging this move, not just on how Craig Kimbrel will pitch this year. But also what else do they do between now and the start of the season? Because part of this for me is Michael is fulfilling the other half of what his two big goals were going into this offseason, which for what a closer or an established late inning reliever of Kimbrel ilk. And obviously adding another starting pitcher, presumably, hopefully, for at least the top half of the rotation. Because if you do that, what does that mean for your bullpen? That means you have a much a much better path to just say with DL haul. You know what? You’re going to be a reliever. We love your you know, we love your potential. Do we think you could be a starter? Sure, but you’ve also missed a lot of development time the last couple years. You haven’t shown the improved command that you would need to go through a lineup two or three times as a starting pitcher would but you know what? Dr. Hall we think you could be the next Josh Hader maybe if everything goes really, really well over the next couple years, but you can add him to your bullpen. If you add that starting pitcher that you covered, you can then put Tyler wells in the back end of that bullpen. So now it’s not just Craig Kimbrel it’s not just Jr Cano. It’s not just Danny coulomb and CNL Perez. But now you have DL Hall in that mix. You have Tyler wells in that mix because you’re not meeting those two to be starters. And you can imagine them as bullpen arms from probably not to start a spring training. I’m guessing they’ll stretch those guys out as they tend to do with those guys that are kind of in between, but then as they get to the end of spring training If If you have a healthy Bradish and a healthy Grayson Rodriguez and a healthy John means and hopefully pitcher A whether that’s by the free agency or the or a trade and then you have Dean Kramer then well, you can put Tyler wells in a relief roll you can put Dr. Horner relief roll and now it’s not putting everything on a 36 year old Craig Kimbrel. It’s now you have Kimbrel. And yeah, he’s going to be the primary closer at least early in the season. But you’ve got Tyler Wells, who I think is intriguing in a late inning role you have to haul who I think can be dominant in a late inning roll you still have your Cano those are options Nestor and even if they had a Felix Bautista healthy for 2024 You still want other high leverage arms that you can count on. And we talked about that even before he went down with an injury last year. That’s why I was screaming about them getting another reliever that was more established than Shintaro Fujinami, which didn’t work out Nestor J. Aparicio  10:58I was about to bring his name up. So I’m glad you brought him up. Because when you think about where what they were doing this year, and look, man, I’ll hear all day long that they weren’t a real contender and they became they became a real contender. When Batista became a real closer, they became a real contender when Brad has stepped up and was better than anybody thought he could be or even like they you know, that’s when they become a contender. And all of this happened very quickly very ahead of schedule in a lot of ways. I had a budget and John a Mr. Angelo’s whatever we’re calling him at this point, but you know, a lot of that happen. And now you’re thinking like, Alright, how did they do it before? Well, they did it with you know, rubber bands and paper clips and bubblegum I mean, like, honestly, Batista wasn’t on anybody’s list to be that kind of a closer canal even know what they had in him in March in April, and that he was going to be what he was in May. And when he continued to be to some degree, which was not what he was in May, but I mean, but still good. Yeah, so good, right. Yeah. And something you believe in little Bret Michaels for the holiday there, give me something to believe in. I would just say for them to make a move like this, knowing Batista is gone. Knowing Cano could flame out knowing whatever CNL Perez and whatever you think of DL hall or whatever, we’re gonna get a grown up in there. And I talked to you last week about not spending the money on Kyle Gibson and saying, we’re going to do better than that as a pitcher, and I’ll hear that all day when they do when they get when they make the deal and cease or this or that whatever they do. I’ll believe it. New ownership will change that dramatically. Right? Like yeah, like literally and quickly because new ownership would probably say, buy a pitcher sign the sign that shortstop figure out the catcher. Let’s go all in let’s sell this is something new. That can happen between now and April. Oh, Santa, all I want. Yeah, I don’t. I don’t need cannabis. I don’t need coffee from Royal farms. I don’t. I don’t need a mint condition. Louis Aparicio. 1958 Topps yellow card. I don’t even need a UFO Pacific a belt buckle or Blues Brother one. I just I just need the oil I need I need the birds to be fried. And part of this is if the birds were free, what would their budget be? Would it look like Milwaukee? Would it look like Kansas City? Would it look like Pittsburgh? What What would new ownership when the Angelo squeeze every nickel all $2 billion out of this that they haven’t earned to deserve that they run away and there’s a debt service and a business to run 20 1000 there on clinch night and $5 Night and $20 scored everybody night. They gotta sell stand up make some money, they got to figure out how to get this brand fixed, really. While the Ravens were given away $3 tickets, and there were 20,000 seats there. So I’m going to continue to point that out that fixed is what Kansas City and buffalo look like in football. Fixed is what Philadelphia and Atlanta look like in baseball where it’s full all the time. And it’s a daily going concern. And Craig Kimbrel makes the morning newspaper ahead of maybe even the Ravens being tenants three, when you win 101 games that there will be a lot of concern for the baseball team. And I’m dreaming of all of that. I’m dreaming of the sugar plums because it’s the holidays. I’m full of gratitude. I told Bill Cole all about that at State Fair. But I’ll say this on the pitching and on their budget and on where they are. I’m not a reactive guy. You know this when they these things happen on Twitter. I’m doing I’ve been doing this too long. I’m 40 years into this. I’m a grown up, I’m a professional, I don’t run out and judge the deal or judge the money because I do want to see the full complement. But in the way that Batista was on earth in the way that Kino was discovered under a rock in the way that CNL Perez finds the fountain of left handedness and the fountain of Kevin Hickey and you You know, all of these pieces happen. I like the fact that they have grown up I like they have a fact that guy that just failed, right to come in and do something to prove and he’s as, or we would say going to the effing Hall of Fame if he does this the right way he’s on that, you know, on a pathway to prove something in the way that maybe Lee Smith when he came in at the end are trying to compare it to something from a million years ago. I mean, I think of Jose mesas success after he, you know, Google him show table, but I mean, he was unstoppable at the end in the way that Batista felt like Eckersley last year at various points and had an end for them to lose Kyle Gibson and maybe sign on for a young kid. But it doesn’t have that and they don’t have that Sutcliffe, Ian thing to have a grandpa hanging around, who I hope is level headed, you know, I mean, and certainly he’s been through a lot of such I hope they’re given him the money like Odell Beckham thinking he’s going to make, he’s going to make the room smell better, and be a part of that and be a part of coming in here. And really being excited to have 101 One team, he signed here, because they can win, not just for the money, you know, so we haven’t anybody do that. So I thought that last week, like oh, you know, thank you. Thanks, James for the Ravens. When Siracusa was happy to be here when McCrary signed up to be here when Sam Adams wanted to be here with his buddy McCrary when they thought they could win when rod Woodson walked through the door when Shannon Sharpe walked in the door. Hey Henderson you’re good kid rutschman I Like You I like that rah rah ish you guy like that? I’m a semi washed up kind of ballplayer it’s less something left. I want to pitch to you kid because you’re going to the Hall of Fame and like i I’m sure it’s around Verlander at the end of the end of the end with a real owner here and I want to import something like that in August something something that would smell like the David Wells deal or the Jimmy key or start importing some some dude some getting some Mike Mussina is the lead the place they are to want to come here because they can win. That’s what you want to be building. And I think Kimball’s up a beginning block have resigned the pitcher for real money in the semi prime of his career. That’s not how gifts it’s not a fifth starter guy we gave real money to a guy we think in at 42 saves next year a guy that can make no better make our guys better help our pitching coach a little bit because he’s seen situations and and he’s gonna be an all in guy. The way Beckham has been right the way I talked about ro Quan Smith the way you want a little heart transplant with when you make that sort of a splash and he’s making more money than anybody else. You know what I mean? He he’s the one that’s going to be buying on the road because he’s got the money more than any of the rest of them. I know how that works, that if you can be that kind of leader that we talked about what Kyle Gibson does a great signing. I mean, it’s it’s a step in a step that I’ll check off on if this is a failure. They tried hard. They made an investment they made they made a decision to sigma Dell said they they read the room and played played their hand and I’m okay with this. I really am i i think they made the best of the I’m surprised by it. Because they made it they don’t say $30 million. Like I’m a little surprised by when you’re like you said they need to get a relief pitcher, and a starter and I thought well, maybe they’ll give up Westberg and give give up a couple of players and go get cease because of the money part of it. The money part of it changes dramatically. Luke if the team’s going to be owned by somebody else in March, like it really die. Like I haven’t written about it, but like it would change dramatically the philosophy of what they’re trying to do the next three to five years in fresh air, Henderson and Richmond for life. NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW everything except hide and alias and like all of that. I mean, I’m wearing orange and black dude almost smell it. They want 101 games, they spent $30 million on a league pitcher and I’m smelling the John boy might be moving on or getting kicked on. You know, because somebody can put a put out all the misery a mass and make it go away. I don’t know. But whatever it is, it feels like it might be happening. Luke Jones  19:19We’ll see. We’ll see. I mean that part I’m not and look, I I share in that sentiment. Let’s be very clear, but I’m also not holding my breath. Right because as Nestor J. Aparicio  19:28weird for me, dude, I’m in a hotel room in Toronto. snowing outside. Okay, I plan for this. I swear to God a plan for Toronto. My wife. I checked the weather it was gonna be in the 20s there. I didn’t have a ski cap. Okay, so like I’m looking for this is the only how to have the wind donation hat. So I’m looking for a ski cap and the only one I could find said free the birds on it. And I had worn that hat to go get coffee in the Morning because it was cold in Toronto because like, that’s what makes Geddy Lee’s soI gets cold, cold cold. And I put my free the birds hat on, and four hours later, I’m getting a text from you telling me the team’s gonna get sold. And I’m thinking to myself, karma, man, you know, I don’t know if some, you know, the ghost of Greg’s on Oh, I don’t know if something Luke Jones  20:23let me be cleared. texts me did not say they were going to be sold but hey, it’s out there, David Rubenstein. But I don’t need to tell you you know, as well as anyone text actually came from Pat Schroeder. My times in the Nestor J. Aparicio  20:38past was the roadie for my band and my 513 compatriot and yes, and I literally got a taxi with the link to the Bloomberg thing at two in the afternoon. Like, I’m like, I gotta free the birds out. I was out with Brad Gan yo and getting lit up in Toronto on red wine and sliders at the keg. And next time. You know when the oils get fixed, Luke, you got a passport, right? We discussed this before? Yeah, yeah. When your house get fixed, you and I are gonna go to Toronto. And we’re gonna rip it up. We’re gonna go to the keg and we’re going to do what Canadians do. And I’m gonna go to every Blue Jays game until Geddy Lee shows up. That’s what I’m gonna do. So there I got dreams, man. I love baseball. You know, I like I’m with Brad. All we want to do is talk baseball. He’s got his blue J shirt on Geddy Lee was on stage. And if you go and watch the piece people said to me, oh my god getting an Alex and it was like, I mean, it was a religious experience. Luke, I mean, it was like a high only. I mean, Christmas and New Year’s and Festivus. You know, I saw Getty and Alex talk about their lives from 40 feet away. I was a pretty good night, but in the middle of it. Getty openly stopped everything and campaign for Shohei Otani like literally literally stopped in the middle and got everybody chanting show Hey show, like literally that happened in Toronto. Well, I had a free the birds hat in my pocket in my jacket, keep me warm. So they’re free birds, as Luke Jones  22:10well. And you just you just bury the lede as far as the best development of the last week is that Shohei Otani did not go to the Blue Jays or the Yankees or the Red Sox right. He’s in the National League so the Orioles don’t have to worry about him until the World Series potentially as it pertains to October so how Nestor J. Aparicio  22:24much it costs to run a baseball team? Luke, do you have any? It’s pretty expensive. Luke Jones  22:28It’s pretty expensive, but Nestor J. Aparicio  22:28100 million dollars. Yeah. Gemini wild Luke Jones  22:31right, especially when he’s not gonna pitch next year. Right. How many recovering from elbow surgery but you know, just to finish up on Kimbrel. Look, 23 States last year he was not the Phillies exclusive closer, they had Jose Alvarado. They had some other guys they’d go to in some different spots. Rob Thompson didn’t mix and match play matchups exclusively by any means. But it was very clear with Kimbrel that he went through some periods of time when he wasn’t as good and if they if that was the case, they from him and they went to someone else that that goes back to my point about wanting to see DL haul in the bullpen wanting to see Tyler wells in the bullpen. More late inning options you have the better. And you are talking about someone who’s 36 who probably isn’t best suited to be throwing. He’s certainly not gonna be throwing 70 Plus innings like Felix Batista was on track to do last season. So it’s a $13 million deal. It’s a one year contract. That doesn’t work out to your point. You know, it was an attempt to add some experience some swing and miss Kimbrel is 23 saves last year nearly equaled their career career total their entire bullpen last October which had 25 So just shows you how desperately they needed some experience with Batista out this year. So as it pertains to the connection with what you mentioned with ownership and what’s happening there again, look, I think, I think just about every Oreo fan is on the same page there. Nestor J. Aparicio  23:55There is not enough beer in this town. We don’t make I’m gonna have to get on the phone, the union over there. I’m gonna have to get on the phone to all my brewery friends and say, Man or Hill, I’m coming for you. All of you. Key I’m coming to Dundalk. I’m coming to all the Brewmasters I know you. I’m over there. Get us. Your last in line. You’re mad, you’re done. But the locals they will not be your better go into extra production. If seriously if if this team is going to be sold dirt and extra eggnog and I know it’s uneven mix. I’ll have beer and eggnog at the bar down at Coco’s and we’ll walk over to 33rd Street and kiss the ground where you met Brooks Robinson is what we’ll do. Luke Jones  24:45Sounds good. Nestor J. Aparicio  24:45Sounds cool day naked. Almost like I Luke Jones  24:50was gonna say that that’s a step too far, but I’ll do it naked the Nestor J. Aparicio  24:54first two degree day. How about that? Luke Jones  24:56That sounds good. We’ll see. I mean, we’re gonna see how this plans the span It plays out. I think it’s been it’s well documented in terms of the best interest and timing of a sale, as it pertains to the Angelo’s family and Peter and all that. So, we’ll see, but it’s, it’s certainly compelling. And I mean, obviously, in the meantime, is there a lease? Is there not at least what a politician saying about this one? What’s going on in Annapolis? I mean, all all that and until, as I as I quipped to you on I guess it was Friday evening when we were talking about this. Until there’s a lease that we were you could see the ink from the signatures. Yeah, there’s skepticism at this point based on conflicting reports, even on Friday, but Nestor J. Aparicio  25:40I know one guy you can trust Luke Jones  25:44you. Yeah, yeah. Nestor J. Aparicio  25:46Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I mean, you Luke Jones  25:48knew you’re gonna say that. Yeah, yeah, Nestor J. Aparicio  25:50I know one guy that if there’s report and there’s things written this week, it will be truth. It will come from I and me and us and we because the walls are talking least over the weekend, they were so you know, well here think things are up but down in Annapolis, they’re up, up up in New York, they’re up and my radar was up on all of this 13 million for a reliever and who’s going to be running things and man I love the fairy tale that in the end this all gets happy with the parade right? I mean, we feel closed we were sitting you’re talking about this in real terms with the football team attendance three with the FBI and with the Helfand number eight and all the reality of that. i You don’t want to man I gotta get cold back next week, maybe the wise markets and rethink the whole gratitude thing for the holidays. Maybe I should talk a little more more openly about that. So hey, man, I think we can break it. Are you done with the Oreos? Are we okay, at least for now take a take a timeout with Oreos to get back to send you out to Owings Mills. Just Luke Jones  26:55I’ll say what I said a few minutes ago still need to get that starting pitcher via trade or free agency however it gets done. Add that starter to the top half of the rotation. To me that gives you an opportunity to make that bullpen even better makes the Kimbrel signing look even better. I’ll leave it at that anything Nestor J. Aparicio  27:11baseball outside the Orioles that you were happy or pleased with in regard to dealings. The last week, week and a half. There’s a couple of trades, signings other guys not being so I mean, who gets signed when and where to your point and where their budget is and how much they’re going to fight. I’m a little shocked that the Otani thing happened as quickly as it did to me to some degree. Yeah, Luke Jones  27:32I mean, maybe I’ll say this much. It’s gonna be fascinating to see how many other players begin to move now. How many how many other moves go down now? Because I mean, obviously, it wasn’t just the Dodgers. I mean, the Blue Jays other high, you know, big market teams were looking at that. And your mid to high market teams. Were monitoring that to see okay, where does Ohtani land? What does that mean for us? If the Dodgers sign him, can we go sign someone else that the Dodgers aren’t going to get? I mean, there’s all those dominoes. I mean, we know how it works in baseball, unlike the NFL, and like the NBA free agency moves much more slowly. So for this, the not just the big fish. I mean, the biggest fish we’ve seen in in major professional sports history here in America. That’s Nestor J. Aparicio  28:15a whale. Luke Jones  28:16I mean, that is that it’s amazing. So what that means for other players now, as the Otani dust settles, we’ll see how it plays out. But certainly it was it was fascinating to see how that played out and so much of the hand wringing about media coverage and reports incorrect reports and where he ultimately announced it on Instagram because hey, it’s 2023 Of course you’re gonna announce your own move on social media, so it’s gonna be be interesting and, Hey, Lee Shohei Otani doesn’t have to move too far right to Anaheim to to Dodger Stadium, you know, not not that long of a drive I guess. depending on traffic depending on the kind of time of day. Anything Nestor J. Aparicio  28:57disappoints Geddy Lee hurts me at this point in my life, but but it was it was fun to be in a town where it’s snowing outside and everybody in the place is buzzing about baseball and we’re in Blue Jays stuff and it was good. It was good man Don good little getaway for me but I am back through the holidays and doing the Maryland crab cake tour where my curio Orioles baseball gear here. We’re gonna be at Farr and daughter. Yes, it’s cannabis dispensary. Yes. They have all sorts of holistic things. Yes, there’s a spa. There’s all sorts of stuff going on there. As well as gift giving ideas for the holidays. Jean Jacques is going to be joining us from the gogos. We’re going to talk about House shock. I talk about her book, we’re going to talk about Dundalk. She’s probably going to curse. I’m probably going to encourage it and allow her all of it’s gonna be brought to you by our friends at the Maryland lottery. Oh Snap giveaways you smell like gingerbread. Peppermint payout smells like peppermint, but overwhelmed by the gingerbread as well as our friends at the unwrap the cash had a couple of these winners the other day as well. So we’re going to be at foreign daughter On Friday from two to five we’re going to be wise markets and on ego with Derek Fraser, former professional wrestler and other unmentioned guests from parts unknown, and that’s going to be on Monday from noon until three we’ll be doing that by the way dude I found that interview I did with Jerry The King Lawler many years ago that I on Earth and I found in my archives I got to at least throw that your way because I was going through crop because that’s what I do this time of the year to maybe bring the best crop back to life here before the holidays our friends and window nation they don’t have crap 8669 The Nation loved my Windows my cat loves my Windows my heating bill especially this time loves my windows and I’m sure I’m gonna love doors. Please Santa bring me doors and 2024 866 90 nation you buy two you get two free 0% financing. Gotta find out what they do for doors. Jiffy Lube, multi care also putting this on the road as his lender Raskin I my little orange light goes off and I think it’s Oriole season but it really tells me my oil needs to be changed so I gotta get over to Mara Boulevard get that done as well for the holidays. I mean cookies, and waiting on pie and waiting on Santa to bring me a new baseball owner. I’m waiting on Santa to bring me a football parade and a press pass back and I don’t know red Ryder BB gun. Luka will be out in Owings Mills shooting it straight. I will be here trying not to shoot my eyes out while I wait through the holidays. I am Nestor. He’s Luke. Luke Jones  31:30We’re doing sports. We’re Nestor J. Aparicio  31:30doing fun. We’re doing crabcake tours. We’ve had a lot of fun around here a conversation about Baltimore and how I’m related to John shields and how great Dan Broderick show is so make sure you’re checking all that stuff out. Up at the mothership. We are wn SDA and 1570 Towson, Baltimore welcoming Craig Kimbrel the town we’re Baltimore Stay with us.

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