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In our continuing education about ways that cannabis is helping folks with aches, pains and soreness, Wendy Bronfein of Curio Wellness tells Nestor how to now Move even more without the balm or gel he’s used successfully for back relief and inflammation.


people, gummy, sleep, cbd, cannabis, thc, baltimore, curio, week, product, yankees, topicals, orange, years, gel, works, talking, bomb, maryland, strain


Wendy Bronfein, Nestor J. Aparicio

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home we are wn st am 1570, Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive in the course. So we had our Baltimore positive vibes I got my curio wellness and foreign daughter Baltimore orange on because it’s Yankees weekend and then after that we’re gonna have an all star game and we’re all with gunner on Monday night. We’re all with the American League with the Yankees actually on Tuesday night. It is a big week around here. We’re sort of wrapping up the crabcake tour for the summer, getting back after it maybe into August and then the oyster tour is going to be hardcore in September. So I brought to my friends at the Maryland lottery, I have the gold rush, sevens doublers and fade these we are putting together something that cost us a little later on in the month also Woodberry Kitchen was spike Gerta. So I’m looking forward to that doodle Gucci crabcakes. That’d be fun. Our friends at Jiffy Lube, multi care also putting us out on the road and liberty pure solutions. The water is so crystal clear. I’ve drank most of it and they can take care of your plumbing take care of your well water. Doug and his crew do a phenomenal job on that. Lots of things going on this week. And you know, we’ve talked a lot of cannabis education. We’ve talked about our 25th anniversary in the documentary, which I’m going to be rebirthing I gotta make my cupcake at 26 as of like August when you probably find is here. She’s our chief cannabis officer and is the Chief Brand Officer. All things curio wellness. That’s what the O’s over here, the big Oh, you got the purple shirts in football season, the orange shirts and Oriole season. And I figure this Yankee thing bad mojo against the Cubs for a couple of days. The Yankees were the worst team in baseball for three weeks beginning middle of June, early July looks at that three times this week. And I love that about it. But you know, when it comes to you guys and having the spirit and having you, you got a real spirit all the time you went to the game on Tuesday, right?

Wendy Bronfein  01:52

I did. It was very, very mucky. But it was and we lost. So that was not great either. But it was probably the hottest ekeus run of the year. For me,

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:03

the ekeus game was Saturday when they gave up like 17 runs, you know, before they came back home. That was kind of an ugly day in Oakland last week. But just in general, it’s the all star break. And you know, Luke said something this week that he has never said in 16 years of being my baseball guy. I’ve owned the station 30 to 33rd summer now of doing sports radio here all these years into this. And Luke said this week about the trading deadline. He said, we’re making the playoffs like we’re you know, like, we’re gonna make the playoffs. And I’m like, we’ve never been able to say that at the All Star break. Because of the way not everybody made the playoffs and like all that. This is like your kids don’t know how good they have it. That’s all I’m gonna say. Now.

Wendy Bronfein  02:44

I think a lot of people of a certain age don’t know how good it is right now. You have to be a certain age to know that like, This feels like the old days. Yeah, I mean, we’re out

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:55

there Tuesday night. I mean, how many times in the last 20 years? Have you gone out there and just been like, Oh, I got a towel. Nice. You know that. But this is different. And I think even the all star break and like just sort of all that the fact that you weren’t even talking about it. If we were doing the second five years ago, we would not be talking about the Orioles making the playoffs. So the all star break. So there really is a lot of fun. I’m in their spirit around the store, right? People come in with Oriole gear all the time now, right?

Wendy Bronfein  03:18

Yeah, and your shirt is back out in the mix. We have them available again. And we’re gonna have them around all around the all star so follow the stores, you know, communications, social, and if you’re signed up for their emails or texts, because you know, it’s going to be a gift with purchase. So more people can get them comes in Orange Line comes in black.

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:43

Oh, purple too, but not yet. It’s like a little bird. That bird has a raven sort of feel to it because it’s black. It doesn’t look nice. So it’s a little bit of a mix. But we are the best. I’ve often said that if I really had thought this through, I wouldn’t have named the station like nasty 15 seven year Baltimore sports. I just want to call that the nest. But I didn’t I mean have terrible branding that I did. Speaking of branding with you, I gotta have a little bit of fun because I’m off to the website. And everybody knows that I use this, this product, this move product here. And this has helped my back and I haven’t used it much less couple weeks. I’ve told my wife like I took a little break from yoga, a little break from Planet Fitness when she broke her ankle. And my body’s kind of like coming back to life a little bit but I was on your website playing the 710 oil game that I’m going to have you explain to me even though it’s over with I try to explain it to my wife. Let’s 711 And she was trying to get a Slurpee but that’s another story altogether. I saw you at choose. There is a move orange in I did not we’ve never discussed this before, but you have discussed with me how when I take this product and it’s transdermal like if I put it in there vascular kind of areas, it will assimilate more than, like, normal. Like, yeah, exactly. You don’t

Wendy Bronfein  05:08

have to put it where it hurts. You can put it there and then move it around. It’ll move it around.

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:12

I took horticulture I was not pre med. So you have to explain this stuff to me your family was in the farmer, Farmer logical place in, like, explain how it works and explain this shoe. And is it new? Or am I just a really bad spokesperson for you?

Wendy Bronfein  05:24

Know, I mean, it’s relatively new it was we in July? Was it late, late May maybe?

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:32

All right, so this is the first time we’ve talked about it. Yeah. All right. For my ad,

Wendy Bronfein  05:39

right, well, so obviously, like when you talk about the move topicals, right, it’s aches and pain, pain, inflammation. So that too, is a ratio of THC and CBD. And you know, from a sort of like gummies died guide to like using cannabis THC most often is addressing the needs of pain management, and CBD is addressing inflammation. So you’ve got a higher amount of THC in that for pain for for any sort of pain you’re dealing with, with some level of CBD to manage the inflammation. So whereas like, inflammation

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:16

is the source of the pain, right, literally, right? So the CBD, you’re teaching me stuff. This is why I like having you on because I mean, it’s educational for me. Because listen before Denver before Colorado, any of that stuff, you would see the CBD sort of designation in drugstores, and at the front counter at Royal fun. It was a product that was being made and I never like trusted in that way or really understood it. So explain these two products because I’ve used the gel I’ve used the bomb but how the gummy would be different and I should say this about all of your products. And this isn’t just me, you know, smooching up to my curio party, your stuff tastes good. Like whatever the flavor profile of stuff is I have never had a gummy of yours of any kind and one of them that I you know I love this product here so I want to pull this one out too. And these are all like I call them non weight bearing because you know they’re they’re not the traditional like sits down on the couch kind of they’re the exact opposite quite frankly of that. I’ve used this product here this is this is a thc v gummy and I’ll just say it’s a citrus honey flavor. It’s delicious. But but your flavors there’s a blood orange I saw and it sort of drew me to it because I’m like I liked the product. Obviously never thought about it in a gummy have thought about in your way in the science of using it as as a gummy and saying instead of rubbing it on my back and replaces that urge, this would probably be an interesting product for me to try. Yeah, so

Wendy Bronfein  07:51

you can you can get the move to that that is blood orange flavor. And as both an adult use consumer or a medical patient, the difference is the potency so medical patients can always get higher potency. So on that side you’re you have a 20 milligrams of THC to four milligrams of CBD. And then you have half the potency for adult use. So an adult use no product can have more than 10 milligrams of THC. So that’s the amount of THC in the product. And then you’ve got two milligrams of CBD. The difference between choosing to take the gummy versus using the topical, one of the primary differences is going to be the potential psychoactive effects. You don’t have any psychoactive effects when you use the topicals right, they’re just the way I describe him as like they’re really good Ben gay, so to speak, right? So there’s no there’s no

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:46

smell icky, right? And they’re not You’re not I mean, that’s the thing I love about this product is that like I put it on, and maybe I’ll feel it if I sweat a little bit like if I was having a shoulder I feel it up here a little bit and I feel it and I just rub it back in it but it because because it’s not I don’t feel it on my keyboard when I type It’s not greasy. It’s not like that at all. So that’s one of the really cool and it works I’ll tell you all the rest

Wendy Bronfein  09:13

no that and that was part of it was like how do you have like non greasy no smell that no, no transfer on the clothing or anything like that. But the two that you were holding up the difference between them. They’re both transdermal products, which gives a deeper penetration but but the gel is a pump top so you’re gonna pump it get a gel, place it wherever you want that needs treatment. And then the the bomb is like a roller or kind of more like a deodorant and it allows us to look at you

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:47

know, Hold these. They look a little crazy phallic on screen Hold on a second here and so what happened was I ran out of this one remember this? So this is more like if I go to the beach or something I stick it in the gym. bag like what was going on? And then I have like a real one. This is my, the one I’m using right now. And then this is the pump. Yeah, I, it feels like the bomb goes further than the gel for me the gel, I feel like it comes out and it gets it does get on my hands, I feel like a waste more of it. I feel like the bomb is a little bit more. And the stuffs not inexpensive, very effective. But I like wasting it. And obviously the bomb. I think the bomb lasted four or five months. I mean, I’ve had this. And it’s still like, heavy, and then the other ones light and it’s still sort of works. So yeah. Next week, I promise you that I will have a packet of the choose because I do want to try the move to Yeah, and I want to try the blood orange and I was just sort of up on the website. That’s the one thing about you, we get together every week, every two weeks or whatever. I haven’t been in the store, really the person thinks to sort of like, for 20 Because you make things inexpensive, and you start rolling out and the every time I come in, there’s something different you guys are doing up in the laboratory. Right? Yeah,

Wendy Bronfein  11:01

yeah, I mean, those those, I guess the shoe is new, the topicals have been around. But to your point about the the pump and stuff, it’s like, I tend to lean towards the roller as well only because, you know, if you’re dealing with things like arms, legs back, like you want you kind of get to massage, you’re getting like that benefit of like self massage and application. Whenever you

Nestor J. Aparicio  11:26

feel my back, it’s like my get a little adjustment out. But

Wendy Bronfein  11:29

if you get like a weird location, like if your ankle hurt, that roller isn’t as good like squirting some stuff out and kind of working in that area kind of works better with the gel or if you just prefer gel, I guess. But I love I love that you can kind of self massage with it too.

Nestor J. Aparicio  11:44

I tried to find stuff. And here’s one of the other things that I want to just, you know, have some fun with you this week a little bit. I was up in looking at strain names again. And it’s not because I want to strain named nasty Nestor or I want to be happy it was a great guest on the program last week, by the way. So if you heard abbiati around here of Pikesville, Maryland, you could check that out as well as his highly rated television show in the real lives of housewives. And he’s not even a housewife. He’s more like a house husband. He explained all this in the segment. All right. She turpis don’t let your right see you makes you laugh. I my wife. I said you want some cheat a piss? And she laughed and I said who names these nasty nesters a better name for a strain to cheat a piss. I promise you that.

Wendy Bronfein  12:30

Well, I mean I hate to even share this but like the lineage back coming from where that comes from is like you know, there was cat piss before there was cheetah pet. I’ll

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:39

take the cow Jake. Give me leopard. Appleby, Snow Leopard leopard. We’ll just run through all of the all the cats, right? There

Wendy Bronfein  12:48

are some there are some really, you know, crazy there was years ago, we had a strain, it was strawberry something. And this was back in medical and at that time, it was really important to like express the lineage like so Oh, that strain is a cross of this. And this because the the audience was like, highly attuned to these pieces of paper and really high times. Yeah, right. And so the cross the strains was strawberry something and then the other one was a more awful way to say dog poop. Okay, and I was like, No, we’re not selling. We’re not publishing on like marketing materials that this is a cross between this and and that other terms. I was like,

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:30

showing up in smoke reference from the scene. You know what a scene I’m talking about, right?

Wendy Bronfein  13:34

I don’t know if I do the work for that. That poof stream.

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:39

Yeah, go go back and watch the scene with Cheech and Chong and the original up in smoke in the car about 20 minutes in. I said the doggy ran around and ate my stat. You don’t know that line. All right. I’m gonna say homework. I’m giving you a little work. You

Wendy Bronfein  13:53

know what that did remind me though. I was. I was. I got this award at a cannabis business times event a couple years ago. And the the like, honorary guest was Tommy Chong. And so for those of us who were also included in this event, he gave each of us a gift, which was his special custom Bong. I’ll have to I’ll have to bring that to show you because it’s, it’s just a it’s a very much like your traditional looking blown glass bog, except when you turn it around. There’s this sort of like, blown glass circle that’s on the back. And if you pick it up, and you look at it, his face is inside of

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:33

his Is it his face from the era in the 70s? Or is it more modern? You know,

Wendy Bronfein  14:38

I think no, I think it’s like more modern.

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:40

I you know, I’ve been to radio 33 years, I’ve always wanted to have a guest on the show that got a bomb from Tommy Chong. So Wendy brown font is here. She’s chief cannabis Officer here at Baltimore positive for education and fun and a little baseball and cool orange and black shirts never to be associated with the Orange black baseball team of though it does look good, and the Yankees have been in town and it is all star game we last thing for for you with it that’s just important, but that I bring it up is sleep and sleep aids, I went out to the front of curio wellness and foreign daughter out to the website to do a little shopping on my own. And obviously just seeing some of these new products that you had, um, the sleep part of things as I see it on the front of the website, even the way that you mark now the medicine and getting people to sleep better. Speak to that a little bit because I would still think maybe people come in and buy flour. And maybe it’s recreational in some cases and people want to have a good time or take a gummy in a party or whatever. But I would think that the sleep part of your business is probably the most recurring and helpful, useful. And for older folks and people that have sleeping problems, and I’ve known many insomniacs in my day. I don’t consider myself one I just consider myself somebody that sleeps less than most people. But and I don’t sleep walk like that. But for people that have problems sleeping and they’ve got it my wife got it, the alarm goes off at six. She’s got to make it she’s got to be engineers doing serious stuff. Sleeping well is so so important. postmenopausal all of that, I would think when I’m on your website, what do you want to accomplish? Sleep is probably the number one thing people come to you for? Yeah,

Wendy Bronfein  16:26

well, so in, in the adult use world, like in terms of why people are using cannabis relaxation, mood, some anything related to mood, and or mood correction, and sleep are the top three reasons for you. So yeah, we see that a lot. And a lot of people do start from sort of the forms that are the most known a flat smoking flower using vape pens, or eating a gummy. And so we can address all those areas where we take that up a notch is with the tablet that we develop because they’re there, we were rooted in conversations with patients at the time because it was during medical when we created it, that was like, you know, people go through the issues of falling and staying asleep, right, that’s kind of what we saw. And so that the the tablet that we created, has pulses in it. So the first one hits about 30 minutes after you take it helping you fall asleep. The second one hits 33 hours later helping you stay asleep. And even if you have what we found when we did the research was even if people have like waking events like say you get up to go to the bathroom, like that typically would be a disrupter where a person doesn’t sleep out would then be like I went to the bathroom then that’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:46

generally me at 230 in the morning I gotta go to bed I just get up and start sending emails out and making people in my life crazy honestly.

Wendy Bronfein  17:53

But But what we found in the reporting of our of our test patients was that was it was a non event like you you’re like Oh, I forgot I went to bed I went to the bathroom last night or and there was less napping. There was no grog like so the other thing we get we heard from people who had the sleep issues where if you were taking something that we’ll think of as like over the counter prescription, it was always kind of like well, you Yes, I quote slept but then I have the next day hangover are grogginess. So how can I get the sleep and and essentially, you know, it’s like more like your cell phone, how can I plug it in and reboot and be ready to go the next day without any kind of After Effects? And so I think we were we’ve been able to achieve that with that tablet.

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:34

I knew people doing the Ambien thing and it wasn’t good. There’s no doubt about that. We talk a lot about opioids and all that stuff that’s going on our friends over curio wellness and foreign daughter got you covered go out to the website when he’s on the front of our website as well. She’s our chief cannabis Officer, Chief Brand Officer at curio these are the little tablets there’s still a lot in here my wife’s taking one or two it’s work I just don’t need sleep but what I got this product for her and also to show it off and I just think it’s it’s one of the genius parts of what you guys have been managing to do here in the state of Maryland since recreations come on and and medicinal has been here a number of years Wendy brown find can be found out in front of Baltimore positive her fantastic orange spirited Baltimore shirts can be found at a foreign daughter as well as a farm camp and you can find out all that you need to know is a whole wellness and educational part to their brand at Acurio Wendy I’ll see you next weekend. Take your time. Sure appreciate you. I am Nestor we are wn st am 1570, Towson, Baltimore. We never stop talking Baltimore. Positive

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