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Our lifelong pal and mentor Dan Rodricks of The Baltimore Sun tells Nestor about his second run of the locally sourced “Baltimore, You Have No Idea” and his next courtroom concept coming in February at the Baltimore Museum of Art on the Maryland Crab Cake Tour.


people, baltimore, stories, thought, theater, dan, jack lemmon, writing, courtroom, bma, play, john, tickets, column, lottery numbers, ravens, talk, maryland, oyster, idea


Dan Rodricks, Nestor J. Aparicio

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:00

Welcome back and wn st Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive. It’s been a long time coming. We’re doing the Maryland crabcake tour. I’m running low on ravens tickets, and they’ve they’ve hooked me up with holiday tickets and I’m at gertrudes and we’re at the BMA. I feel like the lease cultured human here today, but it has been wonderful seeing people here who look like they’ve been all over the world. We’re gertrudes it turns out that John shields and I are related. We’re family without realizing it until we figured it out yesterday. When my son’s wife, okay, my son and his wife are in Amsterdam. I said I was coming to gertrudes. And my wife’s, excuse me, my daughter in law’s mother. What does that make her to me? Wow, my daughter in law’s mother. I don’t know just John shields is her cousin.


Dan Rodricks  00:55

We’ve gotten a lot his mother is John shields cousin. Right.

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:59

So that makes my daughter in law a cousin of John shields small tomorrow, right? It’s that’s exactly what I texted him.

Dan Rodricks  01:06

This is what happens.

Nestor J. Aparicio  01:07


Well, I’ll tell you what’s brought you by the Maryland lottery. I’m giving some tickets away. We’re doing some window nation stuff. We’re gonna do some stuff with Jiffy Lube. MultiCare as well. I even brought my gavel here. I feel like Richard sherald square off from rascal. It’s It’s a crab claw with a beer opener. So nice. I mean, this is a two for one special. Dan Rodricks is here. My friend. He has a poster on the wall. You lured me here on a wintry night last year. By the way, they have a 34th street motif going on in this joint. I went from 34th Street. I had broccoli over ekiben one of my favorite things. Oh, yeah, that’s good. So we had some broccoli, we spent 12 degrees. We went to 34th Street. I’m like, it’s really nice. Let’s go see Dan show. And then we like parked and rent any we had to pay we were late. We sat down. I think I told you last time in like your show Baltimore. You have no idea that opened here. I was here on opening night. A lot of people I knew in the crowd, a lot of Baltimore Sun alums. And we all came to you and said, This thing is so great. You need to do this again. You acted all humble. We ran out of faith. And these are your your kind of portending that maybe it wouldn’t happen. What pick up the plot because people can go and see our podcast from faith. It was December 11 of last year, so almost a year ago. Wow. Like literally right after the show. You didn’t do it as a holiday thing. You did it as well. Let’s just do a weekend of Thanksgiving course sort of that was where you

Dan Rodricks  02:27

were with it. Right? Yeah. The play does have a little bit of have a holiday touch to it. That’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:31

why I’m having my holiday party to BMA Great. Well,

Dan Rodricks  02:36

first of all, thank you for having me back. Thank you, Nestor. I appreciate all the support you’ve given me and I


Nestor J. Aparicio  02:42

I’ve known him for two years. I like you know, I mean, you’re a mentor to me, I John Eisenberg on lesbi. I love having people like you in my life, doing important work to writing books, making plays. So it’s just so important. You know, you keep me young, ya

Dan Rodricks  03:00

know? Well, I had when I got to Baltimore, mostly older men and women who nurtured me along in my newspaper career and taught me about the city taught me about

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:12

I had received yesterday. Literally yesterday. I’m sick and Ron Cassie, yesterday, Ron really wants come show. We’re sick. I text him in your show. receives in your show. He’s Oh, yes. He’s in your shot holding the earth. He is holding the dummy at Veterans Stadium. Yes, six in your show. And he’s coming with me now. So I think everybody that came last year wants to recruit somebody because your show is a is it. There’s nothing more Baltimore positive. It’s a celebration of the good bad put the realness of our

Dan Rodricks  03:44


time. Yeah, thank you for saying that. That’s how I that’s what I was hoping for. You know, we only did three shows like three performances last year, same weekend was, was the last year was the first weekend of December this year. It’s two weekends in December, a little bit later, December 8, ninth and December 14 15th 16th. But anyway, we sold out those three shows, to my surprise. So we decided to do six this year. And I was a little worried about that. How far can you go without?

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:13

We’re gonna come back and do it again, like me? Well,

Dan Rodricks  04:15

we’ve sold out so far. As of this recording, we’ve sold out five of the six shows. And the six show looks like it’s headed constantly down as ticket sales. So

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:25

so how many people just little theater hold here 360


Dan Rodricks  04:28

Well, we sell at 350 because that’s according to the fire code,

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:34

because some jackwagon like me, might call you next friday and say, God, you know, take a Yeah,

Dan Rodricks  04:38

yeah, we’re supposed to leave like a space of 10 seats for people who have disabilities and need to short a certain place. But by the way, you keep mentioning the BMA, the Baltimore Museum of Art is really a duel in the city. And having gertrudes restaurant here is just another great aspect of it. It’s just packed. Yeah, it almost always The food’s always good, it’s consistent. And the theater a lot of people don’t even know that the BMA has a theater. I don’t know if you’ve ever been here for that. It’s very comfortable theater at 350 seats. And we liked the venue very much the theater itself.

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:17


Springsteen on new Springsteen decides to go, you know, after all this rock and roll, he’s gonna do a one man show real dissimilar to your thing, but his was his life story. Yours is your Baltimore story. And it shows him right. He’s just it’s just him and a guitar, singing some songs, whatever. But like he had to pick a theater, you know, like, what size where? Yeah. How did you pick this place? The Walter Kerr theatre, I think the first time and then he went back and did a bigger theater. Because he he was very successful with it. You maybe you could have done one show at a big theater. Right. You know, be sure relationship. It’s just the way you are.

Dan Rodricks  05:50

I thought it was a little more intimate, right. 350 seats is a more intimate theater than say, kraushaar auditorium and vouchers. I didn’t want 1000 seat seat seat theater. So I didn’t I wasn’t sure I could sell it. And yeah, so I wanted a smaller place. And I was familiar with this place. Because back when I had my TV show in the 90s Rodricks for breakfast, we recorded a couple of shows in here. And I also did a theatrical performance of wealth. They’re all fat trickle performances of Death of a Salesman. It was a radio version of it. And Mark Willie. Yeah, Willy Loman. I was his friend Charlie. Marc Steiner played Willy Loman. We recorded that on the stage in here. So I’ve been I’m familiar with this space. And I just think it needs to be used more. Also. They call it the Meyerhoff auditorium. It’s really a theater. I wish they would have suggested to the BMA that they recall it in the theater at Microsoft theater, because it really is nice.

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:55

Well, I’d say Well, we’re here to BMA we’re at gertrudes. I’ve not had the crabcake. So Ted Ramos is going to come by a little later on counseling. She’s vegan, and had recommended the vegan crab cake or zucchini sort of thing. It’s good. I’ve got to know John a little bit. He does crab cakes three different ways here. I don’t know what I’m doing. But I had the fried oysters. They were ridiculous. A berry I was really good. I’m doing you know, good tonight.

Dan Rodricks  07:16

You said it before we started. This could be the beginning of the oyster


Nestor J. Aparicio  07:21

oyster tour. 25th anniversary party on that. I was gonna do it this summer. But just issues with the ravens and the season and the crabcake tour and things I wanted to do. I just didn’t do it. And I’m gonna do it this year. It’s really inspired by damy at fade Lee’s you were there a year ago with me? Yeah, she I had never really had fried wish I had been a lot of bull an oyster roast and hallway. Lena was the shoe. And I put a never order oysters. Yeah, there’s always something else on the menu. I’ll get the rock fish rounded shrimp. She brought me these fried oysters. And I ate a couple of them like, good. So now like, I it’s just and this has changed my world today. Here. I mean, I’m two for two on the oyster tour here. Dan Rodgers is here to show us Baltimore. You have no right. So I I set this up two months ago thinking? Poor Dan, he’s gonna have trouble selling tickets. Let’s put yours. And then you you lay this on me that you’re doing this courtroom thing. And you’re actually here putting that together as well. You’re already your white band, you’re on to your next project.

Dan Rodricks  08:24

The next play after the play last year, I thought, Oh, well, I’ve got more stories in me. A lot of people said, you know, they found this unique a newspaper guy, dramatizing. dramatizing his stories. He’s tweeting a newspaper guy, right. Yeah. So I thought, well, I’ve spent a lot of time in courtrooms and trials over the years, a lot of time. And there’s so many stories that are drawn from courtroom and a courtroom scene. The courtroom scene is itself theatrical, in nature, you know, with adversarial actors and a judge. And so I thought, use the same format, a series of stories within an hour and a half play performance, where I narrate and others act out or reenact these trials. And I use the exact words and language that I recorded in my column over the years. And that’s going to be our February play called Baltimore docket. It’s seven scenes, seven different stories all set in the court, same courtroom

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:23

are the these are all the seven stories you’re going to tell if I work with you at the evening sun and the 90 is

Dan Rodricks  09:30


in late 80s summer from back then.

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:32

These are the seven stories you want to tell in full color. And in Baltimore, you have no idea and I don’t want to retell the story, quite frankly, because I’m gonna see you again next Friday. I’m bringing everyone I know to the show. And we’re gonna do a little entertaining here to PMA as well. And I don’t want to reenact it but I remember seeing some Lord Baltimore hotel I remember little things about it, but you’re in writing this as a writer and Allah A bit of a thespian in a self proclaimed ham proclaimed here, in in making these stories come to life. What about Baltimore? You have no idea and the seed for that led you because I have a feeling you probably got three or four more of these wines because you’re having fun with this. Do you look young, you have vibrant? You look like you’ve been fishing, looking relaxed, you

Dan Rodricks  10:21

know, thank you. Well, it does give me you know, having your supportive words. And last year’s response to the play does give me you know, more confidence to move on. I feel like I can do it do another plan. I think the Baltimore docket is going to be a good play. So, so I thought, Okay, I’ve got so many stories to tell, there’s only one story that I can turn into a play. But I got seven or eight stories, I could turn it into many plays within a play, and originally love American style. Kiss like that, just like that. So anyway, I thought, well, I could stand on stage and tell stories. Because I’ve, I’ve done a lot of speaking engagements, probably you have to, but then I kind of chickened out on that. And I thought, why not bring other actors on the stage to act out to play the roles of people that I’m talking about in the in telling these stories. So then, then I said, well, they need to segue to move from scene to scene set the mood as we move along to something to match the emotional pace of the play. So I came up with music, a live piano. So we have a live piano on stage, which is unusual for a play. But it helps make those transitions I remember from seeing the scene. And then someone came backstage after the first performance and said this is a person who’s whose opinion I respect to is, this is this is unique. This is a newspaper guy acting out stories that he already wrote. Seven stories, eight stories within a hour and a half dramatization

Nestor J. Aparicio  11:55

a comedic zation yay. Right. Right. Right, because some


Dan Rodricks  11:59

of the some of the stories are funny. And using music to make the transition. Multimedia, show me that big video on the screen at the back of the stage.

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:08

Maybe you couldn’t have dreamed up 2030 years ago. Right. Like I used your head. Yeah, well, television shows every week. Yeah, I did. And you acted. I mean, you

Dan Rodricks  12:18

did some acting. Yeah. But I also thought this would be the best sort of distillation of my skills. I mean, I get an ear for dialogue. I get it. I imitate people. I’m a mimic. So I listened. I eavesdrop a lot. I hear how people talk and I’ve listened in courtrooms listened to testimony for, you know, hours and hours and hours. So I thought, yeah, and I liked the stage. I love theater. I said, this probably is what I should do is bring everything together, you know, stories from newspaper work. And my my interest in theater and you know, here we are for this

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:55


show this year from and some folks may not see it, Are you videoing it? Okay. I asked you that before because I’m like, somewhere. I mean, I have a video I was in Oliver in 1982. I was our photographer, you know, no kid, yourself. At home.


Do part of the furniture. You do anything? Are you? Sorry. Anyway,

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:18

so I did that. And I found the old video cassette. You were the art soldier. Yeah. And it was a piano or previously COVID Elementary. I mean, the guy who was the the principal at the time, he looked at me like Johnny Bravo when I went through, and he’s like, Dodger, your dodger. I’m like, I can’t sing. I can’t dance. You’re in my show. And the next thing, it was in elementary school, but we got a videotape. It’s online. So I have it’s online. This is what I’m saying. Even in 1982, they had a stand up little camcorder video. Did it. Did somebody do that for you last year, or somebody’s doing that?

Dan Rodricks  13:55

Well? Go ahead. We have a plan to do it. Right. Like three cameras to shoot two shows.


Nestor J. Aparicio  14:03

Is Scorsese coming in?

Dan Rodricks  14:06

He’s been invited. No. Okay. I don’t know. So the idea is to get it recorded, get it edited. And then I’m not sure what we’re going to do with it. And we have a couple ideas about about that. But you know, most theater productions are not videotaped. They’re not streamed out for that. Yeah. Yeah. Because they want people to come to the theater, but we’re just doing this. I don’t have I have an LLC now, but I don’t have a theatre company. So we’re not a permanent fixture here like Everyman Theatre send the stage. I understand why they wouldn’t do it because they want people to come to the theater.

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:38

But you’re trying to get this as many people as you can get it to, I would think right at this point. Oh, yeah.

Dan Rodricks  14:44


I have to think about streaming it in some way. Or broadcasting it. So we are we are thinking about

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:50

299 make the investment click here. Dan Rodricks is here longtime columnist, my friend, author, writer, and now CSP and you’ll laugh you’ll cry I you’ll sigh I probably did all of that. The stories of Baltimore, you have no idea. And again, I don’t want to give it all away. But you had a lot of things to call from that you pick this comedic thing about a mobsters wife telling a reporter things she clearly shouldn’t be telling him. And, and then all of the sort of Malla property, you know, it’s not the heat. It’s the humility, and these things that I’m familiar with with your which is so funny. You still laugh at that. I know. Right? Yeah. So you put the sword which is a cutting room floor stuff. Oh, my God wouldn’t make Oh, Baltimore, you have no idea. Part two, like it may be better than smoking abandoned or jobs to work?

Dan Rodricks  15:43

Do you have any columns I’ve written? I know. You know how many columns you think 4000 Keep going really? Well. Nestor. I started writing a column in January of 79. At three days a week, it’ll be 40. How many years is that? It’ll be 45 years this January, right?

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:04

But as long as I’ve had my kiss belt buckle that I’m wearing today,


Dan Rodricks  16:08

because I’ve written more than pretty close to 6400 columns. Now they don’t all lend themselves to dramatization. Right. There’s a lot of good stories in there that some of which I’ve forgotten about. Well, I think the one

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:20

thing about your play is you absolutely have this soul about people who came into your life in some sort of crisis way. Because you have you being a reporter against some sort of crisis and you intervene with a notebook and a lot the jacket you wear, because it’s very Joe Friday, like you, you almost are part detective, part reporter, which is what a reporter report is, right? Yeah. Right. Exactly. And trying to cut through who’s Yes. And you whatnot. Yeah. So I would just say from from the dramatization to that, and what really happened, you know what I mean, the reality and the traumatization is pretty close, actually. Yeah, you look out, right?

Dan Rodricks  17:03

Like you’re No, listen, I went back to these old columns that I wrote, including the first very first column I ever wrote, January 8 1979. And I pulled quotes out of it, and use that in the dialogue in the play, there’s so there’s one scene with a character tour, who’s not really a character, but a guy who portrays a political boss. He is a composite of many different people. I’ve met in politics over the years. He’s not a real character, but that’s the only time I veer from reality. The reality of Yeah, he’s the actual names of people. So not only

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:40


is it what are you? It’s it’s completely nonfiction. I mean, it’s yes, I like it as a as it is,

Dan Rodricks  17:47

except for that one scene with a caricature rather than a real one about your courtroom thing is that all real real, they’re all cases that I wrote about. And again, I went back into the sun archives and looked at how I described the scenes and the quotes that I use from people, pull them out, and actually

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:05

journalists in you, you can’t be creative when you’re being creative. Because the truth is stranger and fix. You know,

Dan Rodricks  18:11

what? Well, one of the themes of this one. It’s true in Baltimore, it was probably true everywhere. But one of the things I say in the second play the docket is the title of that play could very well have been Baltimore, you don’t have to make it up. Because the story is there’s so many good stories.


Nestor J. Aparicio  18:31

Well, I mean, you can work on this book. I’m working on the Baltimore positive thing here. Yeah, but you can work off of this. And I think this, this may sustain you for a while because I think the newspaper writing column thing after you’ve done 6400 of them, and Dan, I speak to you now as a 55 year old guy, you met me I’m 17 years old. 40 years, right. Yeah, the notion that I we could take phone calls on a Monday morning after the Ravens lose. After doing it for 22 years pretty seriously. Yeah, that the fact that now it’d be 32 years I’ve been on the air on December 13. Wow, the fact that is very good. The thought that I could go back and do that again. Yeah. Or be a baseball beat writer and yeah, which they have aI doing that now for Sports Illustrated. Writing,

Dan Rodricks  19:15

what do you say anything? You you wouldn’t go back to them? No, because

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:18

I want to be on to something I’m here talking to you in an art museum in the middle of gertrudes over crabcake and oysters about food travel courtrooms

Dan Rodricks  19:26


and like Baltimore, let’s mortar there’s a big world out here and it’s not just because it’s by week,

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:31

you know, are the ratings are nine and three, as I talked about them all morning on Monday, and I’ve just created more space in my life. It’s good other things in the way they have to you not writing a column with Jack Lemmon in the corner, as though it’s 1986 forever and there’s no internet and you’re that guy. You were that guy? I talked to John Eisenberg about this, you know, people,

Dan Rodricks  19:51

Jack Lemmon Who you talking about? He said Jack Lemmon they think of the actor, the lead actor,

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:56

he looked more like like lucquin Grant. Yeah, he was really good as he


Dan Rodricks  19:59

was the Managing Editor of the old evening son he was. Yeah, can I give a lot

Nestor J. Aparicio  20:03

of replug? Here? I don’t know if I told him. No, no, I’m gonna get a lottery book. These are the lottery scratch offs. Okay, so in 1986 and I was employed January 6 1986. through January 15 of 1992. I was there six years and nine days at the evening so seemed longer. But the sports section I reacted the agate you know, the music. I was a music critic. On Earth. My Paul Stanley. Paul Stanley had me in his hotel suite at one o’clock in the morning for dinner, talk for an hour in his suite after a concert 1990 I found the tape Towson transfers on earth that this week we instead of me asking, it slowed down the tape and it sounds good and erratic this week. So the period of the song was this beautiful thing, but I did everything from sitting with David Bowie and Robert plan and to doing the lottery numbers, okay, so every night my primary job that allowed me to cover high school sports, go to hammer Jacks sit in the press box and eat the little crab cakes. I had to do the Ag page was my job you packed a lot in and six years I did it. So every night I put the lottery numbers in and I would get it off the Maryland wire and I would type them in. We didn’t have cut and paste. Okay, so I’m gonna type them in and type them in and I put it in there, pop Hieronymus His thing was there was all this stuff was going on. And I screwed up the lottery numbers. This is what it was. Right? Right. Right. So it was a nice man in the corner that I met when I got my job and you’re you’re the young whippersnapper from the news American knausgaard says you’re Marlo they’re gonna they’re gonna take you under your wing. You’re gonna be you’re gonna be John Steadman one day you’re given to me right?

Dan Rodricks  21:44

So but you screwed up the lottery number. So dude,

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:47


this is the I tell this to John Martin all the time as I give away a lot of responses your show thank you to the Maryland lottery, but I would mess up the numbers and Jack got exasperated Jack Gibbons was my boss and Jack love me. But I just wore him out, you know? Yeah. And I screwed up the number and someone called the paper thinking they want a million dollars or or portended to and that’s scare tactics like a Cardinals when an 18 or 19 year old kid. Yeah. And I script like, it was fireable. But I was sort of an unfixable kid because they liked me. I was into you, I was into guilt. But nonetheless, I screwed up that lottery number so Jack called me into the corner. And like just said like, he was like, son, he just you just can’t do this again. We all love you don’t screw up the law. I was you remember?

Dan Rodricks  22:34

How did you screw it up? Because you get a wire service send you the numbers Ah

Nestor J. Aparicio  22:39

617 2337 And I hit 38 or 30.

Dan Rodricks  22:45

This is back. So this is before we had we had computers. It was VDT I just know it was it really cut and pasted DDT. It’s not like you would have today it was green tight. It was a video display terminal.


Nestor J. Aparicio  23:00

So when I say Jack Lemmon to you, you know what I’m saying? Yeah, but I guess the point was back in 1986, you’re doing that you knew the world was going to change. You didn’t know how it’s going to change. Whether it’s online, all of the stuff that you wouldn’t be writing. I mean, I thought in 1986 that if I ever got a job as John Steadman, I would write for 43 years as the columnist, my dad was so pissed at me when I left the paper because he thought I was gonna get a gold watch, right? I mean, this is 1992 Right? When I left, like what you’re doing with your career where John Eisenberg is having that the Son and Oh, seven are long, long time ago, right.

Dan Rodricks  23:35

He left the sun, you know, I’m still I know we’ve had so many people from the downsizing that took place over the last 30 years have had gone off to some have stayed in journalism, many have gone into public relations or other fields altogether, you know, restaurants but

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:51

you were always doing TV you did it variety show you did new stuff you did man on the street, like the fact that you’re doing this at this point in your life. And this Eric, but Gaussian moment happened to you and struck you down. Yeah, it feels like you feel like you’re swimming in the right direction as a person, you know, for anybody who’s been in your audience, and you’ve been recognized by a dozen people in the first 20 minutes sitting here. Somebody thought it was your podcast and not mine. And people smack Campbell by the way, this is for you at the convention. This is another one of your fans, so people know who you are what you do. This is what you’re doing now. And I think that that’s just that’s a beautiful thing. To me.

Dan Rodricks  24:30


Yeah. And yeah, I feel like it’s an another extension of my creative spirit. You know, what I want to accomplish? stories I want to tell, and this is a great audience out there. I mean, I still get really good feedback from readers of the sun. People still do read the newspaper, there’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:48

a loyalty factor to your integrity, and you’re trying to be honest with people. Like I piss people off all the time. You stadium segment and Couple minutes, and we’ll see how it goes. But, but like I there is a point where your candor will offend people and your your politics will offend people.

Dan Rodricks  25:11

I’ve done that, too. Yeah. I’ve been there to some of my email. But

Nestor J. Aparicio  25:15

there’s also a point where you chase people away. And I know this is an entrepreneur there. See? What’s your audience? How many clicks did you get? Well, 20 30% of my 20 30% of my crowd, we chased away, because the, you know, the basic part of what we do is sometimes not for everyone, right, you know, giving, giving your when you have no right


Dan Rodricks  25:37

to politics, when you write about politics and different ideologies, what’s going on in the country today. You can quickly alienate people. They, they seem far more vulnerable to alienation than ever before hyper partisanship. You know, I remember when I first got started, if someone didn’t like what I wrote, they would write me a letter, or they call me on the phone, we’d have a discussion about it, but they wouldn’t cancel their subscription. No, and they wouldn’t say the kinds of things I hear now, of course, you become so nasty.

Nestor J. Aparicio  26:09

Well, I wasn’t really. I used to bring everybody’s mail. Yeah. So you know, when Eisenberg and I, the guys who got the hate mail, were always the column. Yes, that must be love to see was me God as much hate me. You know, me being on the radio. I thought, I thought it when I met you, I thought, I’m gonna do a show. And I’m gonna be like, Chuck Thompson. They’re just all gonna love me. And then I watched the Angelo’s thing for 30 years. Yeah, I mean, it is.

Dan Rodricks  26:34

So that’s a different thing. You have an opinionated guy. You have thoughts? I am. I’m an opinionated guy, too. I don’t know if that works. You know, people who do broadcasting and work and work for teams, basically. Right? Sure. They they need to be well liked. They can’t just be liked. They gotta be well liked. And they gotta they can’t alienate people. What about respect a different thing? That’s a different thing.

Nestor J. Aparicio  26:57


What about respected though? Respect to you, Dan. I mean, I’m not like I’m just saying like, what the people who are still there every day. Yeah, there’s an you’re like, there’s a loyalty and there are people who still stay with, I feel it’s been 32 years. I mean, yeah, that is the blessed day you do get honest with people do the good and the bad. They’ll come they’ll stay with you. You get you get

Dan Rodricks  27:19

points for just being around for a long time to people respect you. Because if you’re still doing it, you still in this game. He’s still talking commentary. He’s still involved in the life of the city, the life of his community, the state, you know, people, people respect you because you still care and you’re still interested in it.

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:36

Yeah. Well, Mac asked me when you’re going to do a podcast again. That’s what Matt Campbell from the convention center. I told my chat. Oh, yeah. So he went your podcast, you know, oh, you

Dan Rodricks  27:45

know, I felt like Forrest Gump when he goes running. And then he had to stop. And he decided he’d run enough. I did 426 episodes of the roughly speaking podcast for the Baltimore Sun. I felt like I’d had enough.


Nestor J. Aparicio  28:02

My point with columns, that’s my point with at any point, taking phone calls from sports radio, that was just sort of like, I’ve done 22,000 hours of that or something. I’ve done every fire the coach bench the quarterback, I’ve taken all the race bank, I’ve done all that. I want to do something different and more and I think that that’s what you’re doing here and I I just have

Dan Rodricks  28:24

a buddy that does that. That’s how I feel about it, too. Yeah. Those

Nestor J. Aparicio  28:26

who play rock and roll and then go to jazz. God bless him. Dance here. Baltimore, you have no idea is the current play the next place? Baltimore docket? Correct. Okay, February? Absolutely. No, there’s still like five tickets left for the last show. Jump on how do people get the tickets and all that.

Dan Rodricks  28:43


So it’s called the players called Baltimore, you have no idea. Our website is you have no which is now the name of my form the LLC. Nice. It’s called you have no idea LLC. So the website your first LLC shirt, I’m not really a businessman, right? So anyway, yeah. So as you have no The tickets are $27, which is the inflation fighter price, because it’s the same price as last year. Yeah,

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:15

I’m sorry. Why are you? Well, they’re scented and I just want to make sure that they actually smell like what they said they were gonna smell like so go ahead.

Dan Rodricks  29:25

You’re looking at me fine. We’re selling tickets to Baltimore docket already if you know any attorneys, anyone who’s been involved in criminal justice they’re gonna like the play but anyone I think anyone would like these stories. I’m gonna come courtroom. When is it? What’s the dates? Oh, I think it’s like February 15 16th.

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:43

Well, sorry, Valentine’s week. It’s a love story. Yeah.


Dan Rodricks  29:45

I think one of the nights is Valentine’s Day. Yeah. Well, it’s all Christmas

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:49

themed to Baltimore. You have no idea. I’m bringing a bunch of my friends out for the show next week. I have Dan by where it gertrudes where the BMA? I’m being too loud for being in a museum, which I knew was going to happen

Dan Rodricks  29:59

to someone Say that Did someone tell you

Nestor J. Aparicio  30:03


as a patron you know, i That’s why I turned my mic up. Peppermint pay out. These don’t smell these really smell smell that that’s that’s that that is very it’s cinnamony

Dan Rodricks  30:14

it’s a Cinnamon Yeah, it’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  30:16 a ginger. Anyway, we’re giving these out. We’re at gertrudes we’re going to be at the Hollywood casino on Friday with Tom Kelso, which is the topic of our next segment. Dan and I are gonna have a little stadium debate here. We’re gonna talk about the city as well. I’m gonna pull out columnist Dan Rodricks All right. I’m gonna play Jack Lemmon. Okay. Roger, what do you think of this? Why do you think that so anyway, we’ll do all the job Friday stuff. We’re here in Korea to the BMH brought to you by the Maryland lottery conjunction with our friends and window Nation. I’m not going to wear this in the art museum. I’m going to try to be a little cultured. I’m gonna let my hair down 866 90 nation you buy to get to free big holiday offer coming your way our friends at Rascon global as well as Jiffy Lube multi care. He’s dan on Nesta. We’re gonna come back and we’re going to talk downtown Inner Harbor. Okay Westmore John Angelo’s Steve Bisciotti in the Ravens parking lots future of the city. Next we’re at the BMA stay with its Baltimore Positive.

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