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Let Luke Jones get you ready for wet TV weekend of Orioles baseball and Colts return to Baltimore

Fresh off the field in Owings Mills, our Baltimore Positive sports insider Luke Jones gets you ready for a wet TV weekend of Orioles baseball and the Colts return to Baltimore on The Dennis Koulatsos Show, heard on WNST-AM 1570 on Thursday (3-to-5 p.m.) and again on Sunday morning before the Ravens game.

Business, C-Suite, ColumnNes, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, Technology

Watching from the outside but the story from the inside is coming…

Nestor Aparicio discusses watching the start of Ravens season on television instead of being able to ask questions of the franchise like he’s done for 26 years as a Baltimore sports journalist at NFL games. The truth is coming. Watch this space…

Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, C-Suite, Community, Crab Cake Tour, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, Nestor Aparicio, News, Remember That Time, Travel

When it’s all Greek on your 25th Anniversary

The WNST 25th Anniversary celebration is just getting underway but we began our fun at Costas Inn with Dennis Koulatsos and the only member of the Triantafilos family who isn’t too shy to tell the amazing Dundalk family story of coming to America with a dream.

What are we hearing about Lamar Jacksom and free agency Luke March 13 tamper into...
Business, C-Suite, Community, Featured, Leadership, Local, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

Two hundred and sixty million reasons for Lamar and Ravens to play nice again

Over the past six months, Dennis Koulatsos and Nestor Aparicio had deep conversations about the employment status of Lamar Jackson and whether the Ravens really wanted him. With the season on the line and no other options, Steve Bisciotti signed on to give his former MVP quarterback more than $185 million guaranteed. Who won the negotiation?

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