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Throwing the red flag on poor decisions by John Harbaugh

After another pair of bizarre moments with clock management, time outs and throwing the red challenge flag without any evidence of a penalty, Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the in-game coaching strategies and many mistakes of John Harbaugh and other NFL head coaches after the Ravens OT win over the Los Angeles Rams.

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ColumnNes, Community, Featured, Leadership, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

Purple Reign 2: Chapter 20 “Sup-Harb Bowl – A Crescent City Crowning for Ravens”

This is Chapter 20 of “Purple Reign 2: Faith, Family & Football – A Baltimore Love Story.” Author and radio host and entrepreneur Nestor Aparicio is releasing the 2013 book chapter by chapter daily to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Ravens Super Bowl win in New Orleans.

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