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Nestor Aparicio

Michael Steele
Baltimore Positive Classic, C-Suite, Community, Covid, Don Mohler, Featured, Leadership, Local, Local, Local, Marketing, National, National, News

What does it mean to be a “real” Republican in America?

Michael Steele is no stranger to any of us who follow politics and media in Maryland. We had a wide-ranging chat with him about his party, the future of Donald Trump in America and how the country can navigate its way out of this pandemic and economic disaster.

Jayne Miller
Baltimore Positive Classic, Community, Covid, Crime, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, News

Jayne Miller recaps four decades of journalism, covering and uncovering crime and how to better serve Baltimore

Nestor has wanted to chat on the radio with Jayne Miller for at least 20 years. But, as Don Mohler pointed out in serving in his two decades of government, it’s when Jayne Miller wants to chat with you that there is usually deep concern at a place that answers to the public trust.

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