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Sam Sessa and Jimi Haha tell Nestor about bringing the kids together in Annapolis to see Jimmie’s Chicken Shack and recount the story of the first concert of their childhood. Who loves Styx and Black Sabbath?


jimmy, maryland, music, sam, band, record, baltimore, concert, years, ticket stub, play, kids, friends, beastie boys, started, big, judas priest, tour, wt, belt buckles


Jimi Haha, Sam Sessa, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:00

Back at W and S t test the Baltimore and Baltimore positive were positively into the crab cake and music season well we’re gonna be able to State Fair which is a music calm and Catonsville on Friday during the Maryland crab cake tour. It is all presented by our friends at the Maryland lottery, I have some holiday cash drops to give away just the 50th anniversary the Maryland lottery, they’re gonna give me the old school ones with the old wishbone on it so I’m looking forward to that. We’re gonna be able to crab cakes on Friday talk to local issues on Kingsville with my friend Evan brown we got some guests coming by as well. It’s all brought to you by our friends at window nation as well. 866 90 nation you buy to you get to free and they give you a better deal than they even gave me could you get five years 0% financing already paid my bill but I’m warm because it’s winter time. And this is gonna be a fun segment. I say that a lot. Anytime I get off a sports track especially when it’s the more Lamar Lamar when it’s all the more right now but the get used to it we have more fun. I love music. I am about to embark on my Springsteen tour. You know, in the September I mean, maybe more December for Springsteen at this point. I’ll be spending money drinking beer, having fun and having Bruce on the boat and anything music oriented always gets me going and I have a lot of music friends in my life. This is gonna be a fun segment. Sam Sesa has been in my life ever since Bruce Springsteen that that night at the Baltimore arena, I think it was royal farms then or maybe his first mayor, I’m not sure longtime music critic, and good man from the Baltimore Sun now doing his thing over WT and D. Doing first nights doing parties and bringing rockstars onto my program. The Rockstar on my program, Sam, I’m gonna let you do the honors for Jimmy but I’ll just say this my son has been beating me up my son’s 3738 for five six years and now that I’ve moved my format to Baltimore positive that I need to be friend Jimmy, I need to have him on the program from time to time because he does our he does smart things. And this is my virgin voyage with your guests and you’re doing a big event for kids Sam always doing good. Thanks How you been? Man?


Sam Sessa  02:01

It’s been great. Thanks for having me back. Mr. Really appreciate it. And yeah, I gotta say it’s this is our first time I think officially working with Jimmy haha, Jimmy’s chicken back at WT MD through the WT MD event, we hope it’s the first of many more to come. But I gotta say, I’m from Maryland. I grew up on the Eastern Shore and the very first rock show that I ever saw, which I think was 96 I stumbled into by accident at UMBC. And it was Jimmy’s Chicken Shack. And I’ve been a fan of the band ever since. And you know, they’ve gone through some iterations musically and lineup wise. But over the years, this is a band that has meant a lot to Maryland and I think meant a lot to folks all across the country. And I’m very happy to be working with Jimmy and the rest of the crew for an all ages show because I want to share that sense of excitement that I felt in see my first real rock show, as you know what 12 year old kid or whatever it was back in then. And so we’re doing the show and all ages Show with Jimmy Chicken Shack as part of our Saturday morning tunes family friendly series at Maryland Hall on Saturday, February 11 In the morning,

Nestor Aparicio  03:13

Nash town Jimmy, just like you called in the beginning of that video lo these many years ago, right.

Sam Sessa  03:21

So sorry, that was a really long winded production, I kind of CO opted to tell my own little story part of this. But Jimmy, thank you so much for being part of this program and looking forward to working with you a TMP show.

Jimi Haha  03:32


Wow, man, we’re really excited about doing it. You know, we’re huge fans of WT MD and yeah, we’ve wanted to kind of hook up for quite a while you know, but we, I guess now we have a really good reason to because we have a new record out. And it’s our 30th anniversary. So you know it’s really fun. Maryland Hall is in Annapolis is is a big part of the Annapolis Arts District it’s kind of like the the staple of the arts district and the outside border of it and so you know going there and doing the show it’s gonna be a lot of fun to you know, typically we’re playing in clubs at night so to be able to play an early show and have have people bring out their kids I think it’s going to be cool so we’ll make sure to edit our whatever songs appropriately

Nestor Aparicio  04:18

part of my staying at Baltimore positive is trying to get to the root of this thing. So I saw Sam promote and I thought all right, I love having Sam on I love talking music. I’ve always wanted to have Jimmy on I think I threw you a flyer at some point on Facebook, you know a couple years ago and you agreed to come on and on the jerk that never followed up because I don’t have a particular producer right now during the break. But this the inspiration for doing this Sam, I mean I know you I’ve had you on talking about your Eastern Shore roots and by Hey man, last few years I’ve been having crab cakes over in your part of the world. I could send you to some places on the eastern shore for sure you sent me to some places as well. But kids and this place and time my kids not have the age that you’re looking for my kid might be having Kids to bring to your show at some point. But where does the inspiration come this come out of a whiteboard meeting over TMD. Sanford, I have an idea for Jimmy or was it due to over a large orange juice some way.

Sam Sessa  05:12

So this was I got to see the idea for this. You know, I’ve been doing shows for family friend family friendly shows for a while. And they started out as like kind of more twee singer songwriter stuff, which was fine. That’s great. There’s a lot of that out right now. But after a while, I got kind of tired of that. I was like, well, let’s do Beatles for kids. Let’s do Grateful Dead for kids. Let’s do you know, and have just the bands that I would go see like at huff and Chris Jacobs, and yellow dead marine and these like kind of bigger Maryland bands just playing in the morning when I could bring my kids to see them. And after a while I was like, I feel like the next natural step is to just do shows with bands that I want to see at night, during the day. So I can bring my kids to them and share it with them. And I don’t have to pay $100 for a sitter. Because you know, my boys are eight and nine. And so I thought, well, what’s the band? What’s the first band and I thought, Well, I think it’s got to be Jimmy’s Chicken Shack because I wanted to do something with Jimmy and his band for a while. And you know, like you say it’s been three years. And this is you know, but listen, I gotta say this two things. This is a band that that, you know, is still very well regarded 30 years later here in in Maryland. And also, Jim, you’re probably not going to like hearing this. But it pains me to say this too. This is a style of music that is once again popular and sounds very relevant and sounds very fresh. And now in the same way that it kills me to go to an h&m and see the floppy hats, the jinko jeans and the flannel shirts that I remember from 94 It’s terrible.

Nestor Aparicio  06:39

You know, it’s a terrible, ugly, then it looks ugly now.


Sam Sessa  06:44

But the is the all of that aesthetic is back and very relevant right now. And so for all those reasons. That’s why I wanted to do this one with Jimmy and Admiral Hall.

Nestor Aparicio  06:57

Jimmy, we’re to show you’ve ever done I mean, like, just planning it out and thinking about who the audience is going to be. Well, like you said, you’re used to doing your thing the way you do your thing. Just has to be rethought a little bit, right?

Jimi Haha  07:09

Yeah, I mean, I wouldn’t say it’s the weirdest show we’ve ever done. But definitely I put a little thought into okay, maybe we don’t play this song. Or if we do play this song. I’ve got to replace the word here. But But I want to you know, I mean, I was when I first saw my first concert, I was 12 it was Black Sabbath

Nestor Aparicio  07:27


shirt on your website. Dude, I love that shirt. Black Sabbath was awesome.

Jimi Haha  07:33

It was do Black Sabbath, but then my second concert was Ozzy. So yeah, I made up for it. But

Nestor Aparicio  07:39

those are the arena on on the Blizzard tour and when do played,

Jimi Haha  07:43

so it was mob rules Black Sabbath.


Nestor Aparicio  07:46

I was at that show, dude. Yeah, that was

Jimi Haha  07:49

avidly and 10 years after opened up and then the tickets. Osborne was the first tour. But it was right after Randy Rhoads died. So we didn’t get to see Randy Rhoads. It was Brad Gillis, who was playing guitar. He was from Knight Ranger. And he did a great job. But I wanted to see Randy Rhoads. But, you know, I was 12 years old. And I mean, I will never forget that concert. So, you know, over the years, I’ve had a lot of people say, Hey, you were my first concert. That’s such a cool thing. Like there’s nothing cooler than being able to have you somebody tell you that, you know, typically, it’s best not to go where are we good. We just leave it that way. You were my first, sir. But you know, you don’t necessarily if they didn’t like it, but typically they’re not saying if they didn’t like it, but you know, I think that’s such a it’s a shaping thing. So it’s kind of cool to be able to do that now. And things are cyclical, you know, it’s like 10 years ago, the 80s were, they’re all the rage and the dayglo colors and you know, electronics kind of that can’t be keyboard sound started to permeate music again, maybe 15 years ago. But you know, I guess rock is in a way coming back. And it’s interesting. I was just reading a report and the the the biggest way that rock fans get their music and listen to the music. It’s not streaming it’s radio, which everybody says radio is dead, but radio was not dead.

Nestor Aparicio  09:14

I own a radio station. I’m not saying radio said Jimmy.

Jimi Haha  09:17


Well, it’s the same thing. I mean, I print I do a print public I do a magazine and it’s a physical magazine. People are like, Oh, well you know print print media is dead. I’m like, No, it’s not it’s just been left to the wayside because of technology. But But there’s an aesthetic to it. That’s that’s you know, you always want to hold a book Well the same thing with listening to the radio I I like listening to the radio but it’s interesting that rock fans that’s the biggest way they get their music net today is they listen to it on radio, they don’t stream it’s it’s straight. It’s not through YouTube. It’s straight up the radio, which is kind of cool. So yeah, well luckily we get to play for a few more years.

Nestor Aparicio  09:54

Sam says is here and Jimmy haha from Jimmy’s Chicken Shack, they are collaborating and Such a music term isn’t a collaborating on an event. They’re doing it that American Hall is for kids. And if you’re a big kid or an old kid, you can still come down to February 11. It is in the morning, you can grab your where they do miracles like little radio stations like wn St. We’re all in this together the little guys. By the way, first concert for me and I was showing on my Pacific a belt buckles off sticks at the Baltimore Civic Center. February 5 1980. Was my first Cornerstone tour. This is the cornerstone belt buckle. I collect these crazy Pacific belt buckles. And Jimmy My wife thinks it’s the strangest thing to be married 20 years she’s like, Yeah, had some autographs and some posters, it but I don’t look at that stuff. Collect that stuff. I’ve been the 28 Super Bowls at trinkets and like all of that. But I started collecting these things, because I’m just getting the static about, like that thing in my life. And part of that thing in my life is when I look at this belt buckle I see me and my mother walking onto the floor sitting in the back of the floor. The first time I’ve seen like bombs on stage go off and Pyros and Tommy Shaw shaking his ass and you never forget your first concert. Right? So we’ve all talked about our first concert, it’s it’s in color, it’s in the front of our minds with a ticket stub look like, you know what the concessions all of that stand for you to put together this concept years ago, a couple years ago to bring your children out and that Jimmy has a lot of pressure on you want to elaborate because you are going to be somebody’s first in that room. Right? Demacia would say right there. Somebody’s seeing me play for the first time today. Right? Sam this idea to expose children in this way. I don’t know the first time I probably was at a ballrooms with my parents when I was five. And there was a band right to see live music when you’re a child. Kids are exposed to music in so many different ways. What this thing you’re trying to do here, I want to get at the heart and the soul and the root of exposing kids to music because we were all kids and look at us. We’re big kids now collecting belt buckles and doing art and one radio gigs. Because we love music, and it’s in our soul.

Sam Sessa  12:13

I also think there’s a difference between going somewhere and there’s music playing and then going to your first concert. And I think that they hold different places in your memory and you attach different weight to them. And you know for but I think it speaks a lot to how imprinted those memories are in our minds that Nestor you and Jimmy, you can both so clearly recall the first concerts that you went to. And I can remember the day that I saw Jimmy’s Chicken Shack and it it, it will be probably with me my whole life. And that’s also I’m a big music nerd. Right. But, you know, plenty of kids have been somewhere and there has been music but like Nestor said, there will be families who bring their kids who are 910 11 years old, who have never really been to a concert before and to go to a place like Maryland Hall, which is not a small club. You know, it’s a hall that holds 600 or so people you know, it’s more of a formal presentation of live music, and that’s going to mean something for them later in life.

Nestor Aparicio  13:14

Jimmy Jimmy Shika Jack’s here, Sam Sasse is here for WT MT they’re throwing a Hootenanny data Naptown Jimmy, I want to bring you to fully into this thing and like bring people up to speed on what you’re doing. Because my kids watching, you know, you know, and he’s always wanted me to have you on and talk to you about all sorts of things and your art and your work and your influence in politics. And just all of the recent experience. And I’m unfamiliar with your band, I’ve seen out I actually was texting Johnny Allen, who’s my childhood friend. So with that, that Ozzy concert, because we went together, back in 8080 81, right after Ozzie put their head off the bat, our parents were a little like, you’re going where you want. But rock and roll and your life and you’re my age. I thought you were younger than me because you appeal to my kid, but we’re the same. We’re the same age. And we have the same experience of all of this of music and radio and 98 Rock and Annapolis and HFS and like all of that, but you’re you’re you know, Theodore Roosevelt, man, you’re in the arena, and you’ve been in the arena a long, long time and staying relevant for any of my music friends, and the hammer Jacks movies coming out next week and I was a part of that being the old music critic, but staying relevant and still doing what you love right in the way you love to do it. That’s important when you’re 15 like we are


Jimi Haha  14:35

right I like to say I always kind of like to Muse of what am I going to do when I grow up and yeah 54 I haven’t grown up yet so I guess I’ll stick with this.

Nestor Aparicio  14:48

You’re making me feel younger as being 54 I’m looking at you I’m like I need to tattoo I need to I need to figure this out man. What have you been doing but preparing me up to speed on the new our new album. I got all this happening. The pandemic has moved a lot of artists in different ways. I think it gave everybody a little time and space. It made me through this,

Jimi Haha  15:07

right? Yes. So I mean, we’ve been working on, you know, putting together ideas for years now, honestly, but we hadn’t put out a record and over 12 years just just never kind of got together with it. And once once the COVID kind of shutdown hit, everything was shut down. I mean, I, I do a magazine called upstart Annapolis. It’s a culture magazine that basically, it’s a really nice high quality coffee table book. And that got shut down, you know, my gigs got shut down, the only thing I could really do is do the couch concerts, stream them and, you know, do paintings for people. And it was, it was just like, once, everything kind of cleared up, we started getting together every week and I had a different energy, I started riding my bike, and I lost a bunch of weight and gotten kind of gotten better shape. And I think, you know, you’re you’re, you change your body and your mind will follow the same thing with change your mind, your body will follow. So I just had an energy that felt like I, you know, I feel like we should do something. And so the idea was, we started working on really putting this record together, and it ended up being like, well, let’s do like, one of those kinds of concept records or 70s Records, the kinds of records, we loved listening, when we were growing up where you’d go home, you’d open the album cover, you read the liner notes, while you’re listening to it with your blacklight posters show you no belt buckle 50 years later, or my wall of mirrors that had all the silkscreen band logos that you want in Ocean City Boardwalk, my bar just starts, you know,

Nestor Aparicio  16:43


the same guy who would have been on my show, you know?

Jimi Haha  16:47

So, you know, that was, that was something that shaped me. And so we that’s what we ended up doing the first I was like, Oh, how rust never sleeps by Neil Young as an acoustic and electric side, that’s kind of what our new record seconds is like. And, and it’s kind of a little bit of a journey. And, you know, the main theme is that, the, that every second that we have is precious, and we’ve dedicated to a bunch of friends we’ve lost over the years, you know, to cancer and, and so, you know, just being something that, that that time made us really kind of come together. And it’s really collaborative. I think it’s my favorite record we’ve ever done. It’s go stylistically everywhere. And everyone in the band sings on the record, so it has a tonal depth that other records, were I always saying the backups, you know, might lack. So it’s cool.

Nestor Aparicio  17:37

I would ask you this on the art side of what you do, because you say you haven’t done something 12 years. And you know, when I talked to John, John Elena real close, and it just, he has a studio in his place, he can make music when he wants to kind of like, you know, Lenny Kravitz used to have 20 years ago and a layer in Miami was that, you know, Nick would show up and they lay down some tracks or whatever, right? But you, you can be anybody now Right? Like with GarageBand. And with, with tools for artists for music, musicians, that the pandemic you could lock yourself in a room and be a symphony, if you want it to be I you know, I have friends that write music and do things. There was a time and a place that 25 years ago, you had to have studio had to go to New York, you had to get a good sign. Yeah, you had to have all of that right access to make the burn tapes or burn CDs in your era, or Napster, which my kid discovered right around the time you came around. But the part of making art and making music it’s more accessible and easy for kids as well. Some kids gonna come get inspired want to pick up a guitar and

Jimi Haha  18:42

bu right. Well, I won’t I can’t say that we haven’t been making music. I mean, I’ve been still we’ve still been playing I put out a solo record under the name Mendel hollow a few years ago, so I was still doing stuff. But I I actually don’t have a studio. My the way I do songs is like the old school way. I have an acoustic guitar. I sit on my couch, and instead of a pen and a paper but a lot of times pen and paper writing down lyrics. So I’ll type them out on a notepad on my computer. But our drummer has a studio in Baltimore. So that’s where we demoed stuff, and we recorded it with a guy who did our second major label record Jim work who produced the first Incubus record he produced my solo record he produced a bunch he’s done tons and tons of records so we went up to Cleveland for two weeks and record it so we did get we went about it the old school way because yeah, I’m not very new school. That’s what you know, right? Yeah. Yeah. And it was great. It was a fun experience and it was really it was time to i at the point I felt like I had had something to say that was worth sharing some I feel like sometimes it’s best to not say anything if you don’t have anything good to say. So I


Nestor Aparicio  19:51

say that too. But I got a radio station got to fill time so I’m doing that now with Sam says and Jimmy haha from Jimmy’s Chicken Shack. They are clever. reading on a Saturday morning tunes. All ages show it’s February 11. at Maryland Hall, you can find out all the information at a TMDS website All right, Sam, peel back the curtain on on all the three years of plaguing you’ve been doing and getting people out. I mean, you guys, your events downtown in the summer. Unbelievable. And what and you joining the organization and being a part of it and mergers and all of that. Bring me up to speed on, you know, Maryland’s favorite radio station.

Sam Sessa  20:30

Sure, well, I can tell you WT MD is turns 20 years old this year. So what we’re talking about back in the day, it’s not that far back in the day, but you know, so we’re planning and wy PR that NPR news station bought us about a year and a half ago. And so we’re actually going to do a combination 20th anniversary bash for both stations that’s coming up this summer. And we’re going to be bringing back first Thursday festivals for Baltimore. Which you know, that’s gets about 10,000 people a month in the summer months to keep waterfront park and got a bunch of other

Nestor Aparicio  21:02

weather I look on Mondays when I live downtown. I’m like, oh my god, it’s gonna rain. You

Sam Sessa  21:07


and me both heartbreaking. But we’ve got a lot of great stuff in store for the music scene, not only in Baltimore, but hopefully all across the state this year. Well, you guys

Nestor Aparicio  21:19

are awesome. Sam, we’ve been friends a long time. I love having you on the program. We got to get together and take a deeper dive into all my belt buckles and all the stuff going on. Once we get back from Springsteen, Depeche Mode is going out this year too. So I got that in my soul as well. Jimmy, I’d love to have you out for crabcake come up to the city and hang out and sit down and let’s just talk about ish, you know, and music and all that, you know, I’ll bring my Sabbath tickets though from the Ronnie James Dio nightmare

Jimi Haha  21:45

that you have down. I have my wife has saved I had stacks of them as ticket stubs and she’s like, do you really want these? I’m like, yeah, and she got me little folders that hold business cards and slotted them all in. I’m like, that was nice. So yeah, so have your

Nestor Aparicio  21:59

bands and we were the same age man like so like I was at the two shows you mentioned for sure. You did the Judas Priest Iron Maiden.


Jimi Haha  22:09

The one for heavy metal parking lot. Yeah, I was at that show. That heavy metal parking lot. You know what I’m talking about? That

Nestor Aparicio  22:15

was crocus Yeah.

Jimi Haha  22:17

Judas Priest the campus and I was at that show for sure. And I feel like some of those people that were in that video talking about you know, party on bro, I think I was probably right next to them parked next to them

Nestor Aparicio  22:29


for years for years and years back in the 90s Pat Finizio the late great, Pathan is young. I was a music critic at the paper before Sam Rashad all those back in the day. The days of JD Considine the guys in this Smithereens were like family to me. I was they were they were. They were my Almost Famous right. They were like the band backstage pass on their buses. We were all goofy sci fi movie fans. They knew about heavy metal parking. I had no idea. You would say Esther, you’re in it. I’m telling you. You’re in the first scene in the capitol center. I did you have a Live Aid shirt did you go to I said I want to live a gnat alive a shirt. I’m telling you you’re in the movie. So all these years later I get the VHS I put it on. First scene first 40 seconds as they’re going through the cat. There’s a dude in the light my hair everything. I looked at it I’m like, That’s not me. I wasn’t that concert. I was not me. I did not go to that priest concert. I went to the

Jimi Haha  23:29

one Baltimore so funny by one of the best gigs from my old band 10 times big back in the start in the 80s went from 87 to 9091. We opened up for Smithereens on their fourth tour at University of Maryland and Ritchie Coliseum. It was a it was our biggest first biggest show we ended up playing with Smithereens Psychedelic Furs Flock of Seagulls violent femmes we played with all those bands. I saw

Nestor Aparicio  23:54

that show I was backstage that show I have a poster from that night. They actually flew in from that or trained in for that show. Because they had done the the MTV Unplugged that, like

Jimi Haha  24:06

that day that week. I was totally memorable. But But growing up I mean anywhere from you know, I saw Stevie Ray Vaughan play at Constitution Hall. I used to go to Grateful Dead shows and Jerry Garcia band shows I went and saw you know, Jeff Beck play or Allan Holdsworth or, you know, eventually like King Crimson you know, and so, I mean, that was anywhere I was always guitar rock driven stuff, you know, from prog rock to, you know, yes, and Pink Floyd and all that. I mean, all that stuff that you would listen to on the radio stations growing up, you know what I mean? It’s like, you back then we thought crack the sky was as big as Pink Floyd everywhere in the world. And we didn’t know that it was just our local stations that were playing cool music, you know, but, but so that was kind of what I grew up listening to and being into is all that kind of guitar driven. You know, rock stuff


Nestor Aparicio  24:59

we want. I want to see same room with the same time will pull ticket stubs together, we get together awesome stories from the Old shows because I mean, just having a capital center ticket stop. Oh, yeah, like the gray and the red and the blue. There’s something about that when I see it. It glows to me

Jimi Haha  25:15

a 50 cover charge.

Nestor Aparicio  25:18

Oh, 998 80 and 770s what they charge for ZZ Top? Absolutely.

Jimi Haha  25:23


It was under 10 bucks.

Nestor Aparicio  25:25

Whenever I put those tickets up, people always check the price. They’re like, Yeah, you know what, I just paid for Springsteen, you know, like, so. Hey, man,

Jimi Haha  25:33

I hope I’m just amazed that our parents would like literally driving the cab center just drop us off at 12 years old be like, Okay, go have fun with all these black Black Sabbath fans.

Nestor Aparicio  25:45

I actually was the music critic. When the capital center open for the very first time in the old club area. They opened the quiet room. And Sam, you’ll love this because it plays right into the theme of the whole thing here. The idea was just what you pointed out, you know, Jimmy’s 13 And it’s okay that he goes to see Judas Priest and maybe he has a flask or something or discovers girls or discovers you know, some plants are things like that at the shows. But the issue of picking my child up and ingress and egress and when I have to be there, and what the hell do I do for four hours on Central Avenue right like all of that played in and especially played in? If it wasn’t Jimmy if it was Jacqueline or Jennifer and you had a daughter that you wanted to drop off? So they opened the quiet room when the Beastie Boys and Run DMC, were doing licensed to ill. I’m not kidding, right. Like the Beastie Boys had a giant window kids penis on stage, like a giant phallic thing on stage. And parents were expected to drop their their daughters off for this rap. And these Beastie Boys, you know. So I was the reporter at the Capitol center that night, doing the story on this new concept of allowing parents and then your little brother sister would come along and they weren’t going into the show, but they could sit and have free popcorn, watch Jeopardy, and the eight o’clock, seven o’clock news or whatever. And I’m in there with my reporter’s notebook. And it’s all it’s packed. Right? And of course, the Beastie Boys come up the stairs. hats on backwards meeting the parents and the kids that love the Beastie Boys were in the show. Nobody had a camera, right? I actually had them jot down some autographs on the back of a ticket stub and all that but the quiet room and what to do with the kids at the concert. Sam, you broken through you’re now you’re bringing the kids to the concert right? That’s the whole idea, right?


Jimi Haha  27:47

Well, I’ll say this, I There will not be like Ozzy hyung a short person at that one concert that he like strung some short person up or small how to say grants used his guitar during the Purple Rain toward the Capitol center to jack off and spray the audience which was awesome. So he actually had a bed on stage. Before that, none of that stuff will be happening. You won’t need the quiet room and

Nestor Aparicio  28:20

I remember seeing the crew back at the turn of the century and they just brought the stripper poles on to the steak cages it was that will not be happening at Merrill this will this was even PG 13 Right this is like even this is like gee, this is like Benji or like a Disney flick right Sam?

Sam Sessa  28:37

Yes it’s PG Yes, yes, absolutely it because we’re broadcasting it live on air so we can’t we can’t go there. All right. I’m

Nestor Aparicio  28:45


sorry. I was bad today. I’m sorry. I broke the rules. Jimmy haha. From Jimmy’s Chicken Shack here, Sam Sesa for WTF day, I’ll take your kids down to February 11. It’s Valentine’s week. Show them some love as well. It is a morning thing and I love how you guys have on the website. You’ll be home in time for a nap.

Sam Sessa  29:04

I’ll need one.

Nestor Aparicio  29:06

Jimmy, thanks for making the first appearance. Thanks for getting out of bed doing this. Sam Always a pleasure and knocking down on February 11 and Maryland. I’ll have a great time.

Jimi Haha  29:14

Right on Thanks for Thanks for having me.


Nestor Aparicio  29:16

And Jimmy I don’t know how it makes you feel but my kid loves you. loves your music.

Jimi Haha  29:21

Clearly he has impeccable taste and questionable judgment. Well Who

Nestor Aparicio  29:25

do you think apple doesn’t fall far? I am Nestor. We are wn st am 1570, Towson Baltimore. And we never stop talking. Baltimore positive

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