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The safety and defense of senior dogs and putting “Ed” ucation and love into Reed’s Rescue

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Our final stop for “A Cup Of Soup Or Bowl Week” was at Kooper’s North in May Chapel, named after a dog, so it was appropriate that Kate Bell brought Nestor her safety story of true love for senior dogs. Reed’s Rescue, whose mission is to provide care for older dogs, often overlooked in shelters, by placing them in foster homes and finding them adoptive families, was named after a dog named “Reed,” whose name was inspired by a certain Baltimore Ravens’ Hall of Famer.

Nestor Aparicio hosts a segment on WNST discussing Reed’s Rescue, an organization dedicated to senior and hospice dogs. Kate Bell from Reed’s Rescue explains their mission to provide care for older dogs, often overlooked in shelters, by placing them in foster homes and finding them adoptive families. The organization, named after a dog named Reed, started in August 2022 and currently has about 25 dogs in foster care. They seek volunteers for dog sitting, walking, and transporting dogs. Nestor also shares personal anecdotes about his love for animals and his wife’s potential involvement with Reed’s Rescue.


senior dogs, Reed’s Rescue, Ed Reed, foster homes, dog sitters, transport help, volunteer opportunities, dog walking, senior dog care, animal rescue, Maryland lottery, food bank, community support, pet adoption, animal welfare


Speaker 1, Kate Bell, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:00

Welcome home. We are W, N, S, T. Am 1570 Towson, Baltimore. We are Baltimore, positive. We are positivity. No longer in the studio. We’re here at Coopers north. We are in beautiful Mays chapel, Timonium. It’s so lovely out that I let my hair down. I’m getting this close to a cup of Super Bowl concluding for the second annual week. We’ve had a great week here. It’s all brought to you by the Maryland lottery. I have the scratch offs for the lucky magic eight ball. I’ve been rubbing the magic eight ball. I’m hoping at some point they bring me gumbo for that here at Cooper’s north. Also our friends at wise markets and our wise conversations, very appreciative of their sponsorship as well. Big week around here. We talked about a lot of things, boy cancer, things that make me cry. Children do gooders in the community, food Maryland, food bank. Of course, our friends at for my city doing food. All of that we haven’t done animals yet. This week and I invited Kate Pico, my dear friend from from barks, my kitty cats both came from be more humane and on Nicodemus Road, Adam said, so I’ve had on feline rescue from Carroll County in Harford County with some Dundalk friends of mine last year. So I’ve done a lot of different groups, but this is one group that I have not done reads rescue, and this is why I like social media, right? Because I shouted out last week, I’m like, hello. Does anybody know of a group I have never heard of doing good things, and I don’t know who recommended you. I can go back through the timeline, through all the bile of the new guy running the country, and all the crap I have this week, and all the Justin Tucker and all of that, and find out who recommended you. But I don’t know how she got here, and we’re gonna do dogs mainly. But Katie, you know, I have a cat, right? So I’m a cat person, but you do not just dogs. I said she does dogs. You’re like, no, no, no, it’s special. You

Kate Bell  01:52

do. We do senior and hospice dogs specifically. Well, what does that mean? Sure, so dogs over the age of eight, or any dog that has a poor health prognosis from area shelters. We pull them into foster homes, hopefully get them into their adoptive homes to live out whatever time they have left, basically, so they don’t have to live out in the shelter. And they’re the most overlooked dogs, usually, to get adopted. So we, we try to showcase them as what they’re they’re capable of still in their last years of life,

Nestor Aparicio  02:22

if my wife hit the lottery, I don’t mean $8,888 but if my wife hit the big one, and she’s trying, I mean, believe me, every time he go, millions are Powerball, I tell John Martin, and we’re involved with the lottery. If she hit the big one, she would probably move to a full blue state somewhere on a hill, and just have land and invite the animals. And I don’t mean domesticated animals, right? I mean raccoons, squirrels, deer, fox, woodpeckers. She feeds the entire forest. She feeds the land. She loves animals of all kind, sure. But the senior dog thing, she’ll be volunteering for you, but by the time she hears the end of this. So perfect. Kate Bell is here. It is. Reed rescue. Why Reed’s rescue? Give me the lowdown, and I see the doggy Paul and all of that. And how long you’ve been doing all this kind of work,

Kate Bell  03:17

sure. So the name is actually very Baltimore based. It is named after our dog Reed, who is named after Ed Reed. So we are re exactly my husband wanted to be able to read know about your gig. He does not know what we’ve tried. We’ve tried to get, yeah, to reach out, but Yeah, hold

Nestor Aparicio  03:36

on, hold on a second. We’re gonna take a picture here, and I’m gonna send it out right now, and I’m gonna make sure every at least gets it. If nothing else, there you go. Read rescue. I had no idea. So, yeah, so this is a recent foundation. Then, right it

Kate Bell  03:51

is. We started in August of 2022, so we’re just about two and a half years old, and so

Nestor Aparicio  03:57

you didn’t really name it after Ed Reed. Your dog was named after Ed Reed, correct. Our

Kate Bell  04:01

dog was named after Ed Reed when we got him, tell

Nestor Aparicio  04:03

me about why you didn’t name him Ed. Did you call him Ed because my

Kate Bell  04:08

husband wanted to be able to yell read to him. Is actually why he was named that. All right, 13. So, yeah, I

Nestor Aparicio  04:15

should have given your husband a copy of Purple Rain too, so you can read that. He would have loved it. Well, it’s got a happy ending, and every was a big part of it, yes, and it Yes, and it happened in New Orleans, yeah, the Gumbo is better here at Coopers than it was in New Orleans to try it. So I’m a cat person, and our second cat’s Nala, we she’s a lot of names, right? Sure. Yeah, so do our dogs, yeah, when we adopted her, she was as big as this lottery ticket, and she was just fit. She was this big when we adopted her, and she had just gotten fixed. She had a little cone on her head because she had been fixed, and they didn’t want her poking, and we put her on my lap out of Nicodemus robe. We drove downtown 45 minutes. She never moved. She’s the sweetest little thing. And we had a cat who died that We adored, and it was very sudden and very awful. And this cat’s. Slept above us, on the pillow above us. Don’t get me started. I haven’t cried all week. Don’t. Don’t make me cry on sick kids. Don’t you dare. So our cat died the week, the week that the Ravens played in Wembley. We left, and our cat died on the internet from Paris, on phone, like it was the worst thing ever. So we came home and we had to get this new cat, and we’re home. We’re home, we’re heartbroken, but we have this little cat, and she’s nothing like the other cat she is now, but as a kitten, it was like, my wife’s like a kidney, really. And I’m like, she kissed me on the nose. What do you want? She kissed me on the nose and ball to remain society. I’m like, That’s it. She chose you. So we took 100% to this day, and I’m number two, she loves my wife more than me, so we bring her home, and she was running around, and she was so little, and I’m like, Where is that little booger? You know, I started calling her that, and then we started calling her Boogs, and now she looks like Bugs Bunny a little bit. She kind of has a What’s up, Doc, like she looks like she’s gonna have carrots. So we just call her boobs or bugs or books bunny or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So we love our animal. If you love animals, I the thing that breaks my heart. And they try to do this at barks every day. And maybe because I’m an animal, softy or whatever, it shows up that miss Myrtle here in May’s Chapel has a dog right here in the behind here in the senior center, and she dies and leaves behind a 11 year old Beagle, right? I mean, this happens so often, and these dogs wind up in shelter. I mean, sometimes kill shelters, God forbid. And I know you’ll speak out about all of that, but animals are just awesome. You know, you have to, you have to be stable and have your ish together to have one. There’s commitment, commitment, commitment that, as a young man, you know was, but there’s, um, there’s something irreplaceable that I wouldn’t have known about had I not known about and I grew up with pets, but they were just pets. Then that, as you get older and your wife’s in the hospital and you got a cat home, they become like, beyond family. Oh, for sure, it’s 1000 Yeah. So you get these animals that have had a story, right? Yes, they all have a story, and a lot of them, in your case, probably aren’t abuse and things like that, right? They’re probably just bad situations for the animal in the end, right? For the most

Kate Bell  07:13

part, we do get a lock to your point, of owners that either have to be put into hospice or pass away or get into assisted living, and unfortunately, can’t take their dogs with them. So there’s a handful of those that we take in. And I will say, though, to your point, though, dogs are resilient. I mean, some of the ones we do take in, some strays, we found some with their teeth completely filed down, with chains around their neck that are 1112, years old, that are running around the streets of Baltimore. So we’ll take them in too. But they’re resilient. I mean, how many dogs you have at a time? About 25 in foster homes. Wow.

Nestor Aparicio  07:44

So you have families that care for the dogs. We do and give love, basically that sets the job, jobs, eat, feed, love, hang, and all of these dogs, for the most part, are

Kate Bell  07:58

perfect dogs, I would say. And the thing about seniors that I love, they’re pretty chill. You’re not getting a puppy. Getting a puppy, you’re not getting a kitten, for the most part. They’re potty trained. You know, the personality? They’re pretty lazy. You figure them out pretty quickly. Oh, for sure. Yeah, they settle right in with senior dogs. But yeah, they all go into foster homes, especially when they’re getting what they need, yeah? For sure. Yeah. All they want is

Nestor Aparicio  08:16

love, yeah, if they get the space, the love, the food hang then you make a new friend. Yeah? They figure out who feeds them real quick. So how does this work? I mean, I know what you do, but tell me what you really do in that we’re trying to get people out here to maybe help you, Foster, adopt the pet, like, Sure, along the lines of a pathway to, I don’t call it ownership, a pathway to family member. How about that? Yeah, that’s

Kate Bell  08:41

a great way to put it, I will say. And a lot of people, you know, with working full time and having families and kids in sports, which we don’t have kids, but I get we have friends with kids, a lot of people say they don’t have the time to foster, adopt. One thing that we desperately need is dog sitters. So if anyone wants to take a dog in just for a weekend, to give the foster a break or they’re going out of town, take a dog for like, two or three days. You kind of get your dog fixed. They go back to their foster you have an end, you know, an end date in mind that you’re not kind of stuck with on long term. One thing that we’re always looking for and transport help. So people just to drive dogs from point A to point B. So then you kind of, again, get your dog fixed. Yeah, you can walk

Nestor Aparicio  09:20

them walking. I mean, that’s that my wife loves doing that. Her and her sister did this kind of work in New Hampshire during Christmas, she came home, she’s like, I walk dogs. My sister around, like, up the street, somebody like you, New Hampshire called as hell. I ain’t walking. No, I walk dogs. In Florida, I walk into dogs and Timonium in January, the mall, something like that. But Kate Bell is here. She is with Reed’s rescue. If you just joined us, Reed was a dog named after every so sort of the 20 rescue foundation. I can’t believe every know about you. Yeah,

Kate Bell  09:59

we’ve done a couple. Shout outs, but I don’t know if it’s reached him yet, so we’re working on it. If you can help? Yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  10:04

I know, I read, so I probably can help. I think I can help. I know, I know his agent, Eunice, you better reach out to these people. Dog. I mean, I’m gonna find you, Glenn. We have

Kate Bell  10:14

lots of great pictures of reed in his Ed. Reed Jersey too. So happy to share them. Well, Glenn, Eunice

Nestor Aparicio  10:18

runs his foundation, so I don’t think there’d be any problem finding it perfect. Why? Oh, perfect. Y, o, u, N, E, S, I think that’s it. Yes. Cool. Two ends. Yes. Good man, yeah. Eunice, Hi, Glenn. Help these people do something I want to picture with everybody’s dogs or something like that. We have plenty. He can

Kate Bell  10:32

get pictures. Your Raven, family. We are, yes. Are you Raven? I am, technically you’re not. What are you eagles? You

Nestor Aparicio  10:40

should be celebrating what

Kate Bell  10:41

I am. I’m very excited for Sunday. Your eyeshadow green. No, I went just full reads rescue today. But don’t worry, Sunday, I’ll be decked out. What is where are you from? Allentown area?

Nestor Aparicio  10:53

So you’re not one of them. You’re really not. You’re for the nice people are from exactly? Yeah, I’m a nice Philly fan. I fell in love with a girl in Allentown one night bar in Ocean City in early 90s. No, you know, living here in Allentown?

Kate Bell  11:08

Yeah? Billy Joel, so, yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  11:10

I went to Bethlehem, right, sure, I’ve been to Allentown. I don’t want to tell you why, because it I just can’t tell you in the air, I’ve been to reading too. I can tell you I know why I was there. They have an arena there. And I saw Def Leppard there. I saw the Eagles. I saw the Eagles in reading, right in that reading Royals arena, you know, talking about there. So Allentown I went to once my buddy Kevin Eck, but I went to Bethlehem last year to see the black crows. Okay? And they have built an entire entertainment thing into what used to be the steel plant, right?

Kate Bell  11:46

I actually had a girlfriend that had her reception there. Nobody

Nestor Aparicio  11:51

told me about this. And I said to my wife, black crows, I went to New York to see him. I’m like, we’ll just do as a Friday night. I’m like, it’s just I go to the outlets up there by these nice Robert Graham shirts. What’s the name of the town where they make the beer? Now? What they have pots that? Pottstown? Potsdam. Yes. Now, so not Pottsville, Pottstown, so pottstown’s like near there. And I went up, and I swear to you, I didn’t Google it other than the venue and the ticket or whatever. And we pulled into Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. My dad worked at Bethlehem Steel for Bethlehem Steel for 27 years, right? And spare us point, right? We’re Baltimore people, right? And so I didn’t put Alan tan I think, well, we’re living here, and Bethlehem is all little town up Jesus. Didn’t think Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and Bethlehem Steel, even though every paycheck my dad ever came home with, every pension that my mother never got was from Beth. So all of that, but you pull up and it’s it. It’s like an engineering it’s a crazy thing. It still

Kate Bell  12:50

looks like the steel stags, but there’s like a casino and a venue and, yeah, it’s kind of crazy. It’s like a thing. Yeah, we made a whole thing out of it. I

Nestor Aparicio  12:59

it’s something everybody

Speaker 1  13:01

should see what you’re saying. It’s cool, what they did with it. I definitely know you’re

Nestor Aparicio  13:05

from that part of the world in and that part of the world is All fillied Up and all that. But you all are, like, nice people, you know? I mean, it’s like, it’s,

Kate Bell  13:15

we’re not all mean,

Nestor Aparicio  13:17

yeah, it doesn’t have that Philadelphia thing. Oh, yeah. But, but it is a Phil it’s all, I mean, Taylor Swift from your part of the

Kate Bell  13:23

world, right? Like Freddie area. Why? Yeah, right, yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  13:27

you say, I don’t know how to pronounce it. Why you’re missing? Why

Kate Bell  13:29

missing? Yeah, okay, you can work on it.

Nestor Aparicio  13:33

Just, I’m working on it, so trying to get down with it. So your dogs, they call you, they email you, you give everybody action items for what happens if they have a senior dog? No senior dog. Want to walk a dog, want a duck dog, anything they want to do with you? How do they find you? And what does that pathway look like?

Kate Bell  13:49

Yeah, for sure, our website’s pretty easy. It’s reads,, it’s like Ed read, not like Andy Reid, I was gonna say for those not from Baltimore, it is R, E, E, D, S, it is Ed Reed, so our website has all of our volunteer opportunities, all of our applications to dog sit, dog walk, foster we have a bunch of really fun events coming up in the spring. We have a bingo at the end of March. We have a big pickleball event that we do the end of May. That’s

Nestor Aparicio  14:16

my new thing. I’m not you’re not getting into it all during the 90s. Everybody was like, you would be my fantasy team. Now that I’m old, I look kind of athletic and sexy. I have a bad back. I was a great tennis player, but I ain’t playing. No, I ain’t playing. I coached tennis at garrison. I’m not doing tennis either. Anything that’s gonna involve me doing this, whether it’s baseball, because I did this my whole life, yeah, then I did tennis, and then I learned golf, and I hated it, and anything that involves this for my l3 and l4 I don’t do so I pickleball involved. Thank you Planet Fitness. Thank you to Brian balding, I do I’m a hot yoga guy. Oh, I do a lot of hot yoga. That’s my thing, but, but that does not involve that, right? That’s Christine. Yeah, yes. Can. Do it, and I don’t want to get hurt again, because then I then

Kate Bell  15:02

you can’t do this. Everything, yeah, everything you’re out for.

Nestor Aparicio  15:05

Well, two year period, we’re sitting hurt, yeah, and standing hurt, right? And laying hurt. So what are you doing? Hurt, sitting hurt. You did yoga now, nothing hurt right? Now, I’m ready to help you with your dog.

Kate Bell  15:15

So now you’re good. Now you get dog walk. That’s not too much twisting,

Nestor Aparicio  15:19

maybe on a spring day. I don’t spring day cat. And I have a business and, yeah, I’ll give you perfect this is what she does. She’s We’ll take her. She could be a reads rescue person, all right, so I’m gonna pretend that people that are listening aren’t listening. We’re gonna do the so by the time this airs on the radio. You’re either gonna be greasy from the front, from climbing poles up there in Philadelphia, right? And drunk from Schmitz, or whatever you people drink up there. Now, I don’t know. Keep going you people like you’re from Philly, because you’re really not. You’re one of the nice ones. I love Philly. I go up all time. I you know, I’m Philly guy. I was an eagle season ticket holder from 1986 to 19 Well, we had our team stolen here.

Kate Bell  16:04

You’re aware of that, right? Oh, I’m very my husband still doesn’t like Mayflower truck. Got

Nestor Aparicio  16:07

it. So we have that in common as well. So the Philadelphia thing, like, I hate the flyers. Always Phillies. I’ve been a Phillies fan at various points. And, um, and y’all have won, yeah, and Schwartz won. I was at the Eagles. I was up all night with the Eagles. Last time they won a Super Bowl, I was at the team party up all I pissed with Jason Kelsey, the whole team. So, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, like I did that because a lot of friends in that organization and Joe Douglas was wrong. I mean, I have pictures with your trophy, your party. It’s four degrees at its Minnesota, but I’m gonna celebrate. I almost missed the flight home. We had to take the family bus. Family bus out. We had a 6am flight. Pika was waiting outside the courtyard in Bloomington with our luggage. Like, get out of here. You’re gonna miss your flight. But we party with the Eagles the world. I got pretzels. They gave me pretzels to go in bags. I don’t sounds about, right? They can win. I mean, you already won. Well, you know it’s not, you know, you Phillies fan too. I am. They won. Yeah, never gonna win. That’s say they’re never flyers. I hope they never win. They’re

Kate Bell  17:07

probably never gonna win. Good, good. Relevant, I feel like, since the 80s, it’s,

Nestor Aparicio  17:13

what’s that grumpy character they have there? What’s his name? Gritty.

Kate Bell  17:17

I don’t even know what he is. It’s

Nestor Aparicio  17:19

the greatest mascot in the history of sports. Oh, I do agree with that. And then 100% Yeah, that’s it. No one can ever San Diego chicken on my show, and I would tell him that the fanatic still,

Kate Bell  17:29

yeah, you can’t beat him, and he’s been around forever. So it’s one of those staple things too. There’s

Nestor Aparicio  17:33

a point, and I haven’t admitted this. You’re the first, your first Eagles fan I had on all week. I haven’t had Cheryl lat Laird on, or John Collingsworth, or any of my other Eagle people. And they’re not even from Philadelphia. They’re from like Dundalk, if you’re from Philly again, I wanna let me see if I can take a drink and say what I want to say here. I’m not pulling for you. I mean, I I was gonna say I hope. I don’t. I really hope Kansas City wins, right? I hope buffalo. Can buffalo still win? No,

Kate Bell  18:05

no, yeah. Well, they are not gonna. They’re not gonna. That’s not a possibility. Hard

Nestor Aparicio  18:09

enough time. Best cheese steaks in town are over pizza, John’s. I’m gonna tell you that right now. So get on over there. Check that out. Philadelphia girl, Allentown, the pride Allentown doing a year in Maryland, reads rescue for dogs, senior dogs. And I don’t think I need to tell you, you know dogs, you know senior dogs. Take good care of them. Take good care of these folks here. And I’ll try to get you to Glen Eunice, so reads, rescue, cool, can I mean, you deserve a picture with that? Read, I feel like just one. He should visit the dogs. I think he loves dogs. I think so too. Yeah, he

Kate Bell  18:39

was on this like, show your soft side pictures, it was on that, yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  18:43

well, Johnny Rollo was one of my dog bunkers. Oh, yeah, they don’t invite me to do that because I don’t have a soft side. You can do the cats. They don’t. Oh, I’ve offered. They still say no, yeah, you know, I promote, I had them on last year. Yeah, they were, they were, I had like four animal organizations last year, okay, there’s a group, I don’t want to get names wrong. There’s a group, a feline group, in Carroll County, or, excuse me, in Cecil County. And then there was a great group in Essex, doing a lot of the work you’re doing single dogs, and trying to adopt them, yeah, trying to get them adopted out. So it’s very important we love animals. Everybody knows that I love my cat. All right. It’s all brought to you by our friends at Maryland lottery, the magic eight ball. I’m rubbing it for good luck. You get number 40. There you go. I feel like I should give you number 20, but I already gave that one out for every Oh, it’s 20 times two is four. There we go. That works twice. We only won one Super Bowl. I wish you would have won two. Yeah,

Kate Bell  19:42

I was, I was I was banking on an Eagles, Raven Super Bowl. That’s what I was banking. How is that gonna go in your house? It’s gonna be interesting for the loser or for the winner. Think for either one. But what you both have won

Nestor Aparicio  19:54

Super Bowls. Now. Cooper said. It’s all brought to you by our friends at the Maryland lottery. In conjunction with wise markets. We’re doing this for the Maryland Food Bank. I’ve got bags of food over I’m gonna start getting the bags and hold them all up for everybody. It’s all for the Maryland Food Bank. Big thanks to them. Also our friends at Catonsville emergency assistance. Yesterday I had Caitlin on they’re doing great work over there, doing this kind of work in the community to feed people. I have Sheila Colson, here she is with Stan stock. Stan stock. Stan Gibson is one of my oldest friends in the entire world, and Stan stock is a legendary music event that happens each September on the east side of town. I’ve been involved with it for many, many years. Stan is physically unable to join a Stan you know, I love he’s down at the beach. Stan has been incapacitated for a number of years in different ways. We always take care of Stan and give him love Stan forever. So when I get Sheila on here, we’re going to talk about Stan. I’m going to try and not to cry for the 45th segment this week. Back for more from Coopers. It’s a cup of Super Bowl. We’re Baltimore positive. Stay with us.

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