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What do you find when you go back to Camden Yards for the first time in a long time?


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Our financial guy Leonard Raskin went back to the ballpark and Nestor went to the Preakness. They compare notes on a busy month of local sports in Baltimore as the Orioles’ success lures folks back downtown.


preakness, people, horse, baltimore, interest rates, talk, watched, orioles, good, raskin, money, leonard, years, race, walk, spend, maryland, bob baffert, give, dh


Nestor Aparicio, Leonard Raskin

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

Looking back wn s t test the Baltimore, Baltimore positive were positively into post Preakness activities around here. Still waiting on the Orioles to get home at least I hope they don’t put another game on Apple TV where I can’t watch it from the Bronx this week. We’re gonna be at the local up in Fosston. This week during the Maryland crab cake Tour presented by the Maryland lotto have these scratch offs to give away the 50th anniversary, as well as our friends and wind donation. 866 90 nation just a reminder, this is the last week for 0% financing. At the end of the month, it goes away by to get to free five years 0% financing Act. Now this is a guy that is always acting and you know he’s got a place down at the beach. And he’s been traveling a little bit here last summer and then ended the fall. I don’t know the last time that letter Raskin made his way from our great state across the border to Delaware. Somebody said to me the other day, Delaware should just be annexed into Maryland. It’s it’s got everything. Maryland has just different taxes.


Leonard Raskin  00:58

I think that’s right, just better taxes you want you

Nestor Aparicio  01:01

have not made any time wasted and getting to the beach and wait to Memorial Day, you went to a Preakness weekend. So I’m running around with Baffert and a hat and all the celebs and the governor and all that stuff at an old hilltop. And you’re watching from afar live via satellite. Boy, what a weekend to sports It was to be on the couch.

Leonard Raskin  01:19

It was a beautiful weekend. We had, as you said the Preakness seeing the governor and the mayor handing out the Woodlawn vase. I was I was perplexed. I didn’t realize that we totally ditched Maryland, my Maryland I knew it was like happening, but it was a little

Nestor Aparicio  01:36


it was like a Christmas tree. There should be a different song anyway.

Leonard Raskin  01:41

But no but no song no song before the race, which was kind of disappointing. Now I get we changed the song. We should have had a song ready. We should have had a song ready something else at least work

Nestor Aparicio  01:51

on that. My friends in Catonsville it’s a music heritage capital. I’m going to work on a new Maryland song I think we should do. It’s got to be better than that. Oh, Christmas tree. Oh, Chris. Yeah,

Leonard Raskin  02:02

but we gotta have something. But boy, what a race and Bob Baffert back on the Preakness when I’m sure they check that horse 60 times for drugs. For those that don’t know, he was excommunicated from the racing community at Churchill Downs, even this year, wasn’t able to have a horse in the derby. By the way, Leonard,


Nestor Aparicio  02:28

I would ask you to say this. I mean, you could talk about Bernie made off because it’s your industry, and people cheat and what I had, you know, I know a guy who spent some time up in Rikers for ripping people off and made off style as well out of Florida. Almost tried to rip me off at one point. So I would say this, the end of the racing industry, people, people I’ve known for three, four decades. I’m talking Dick Gerardi Marty bikini, Okay, one last week. They really think this is out of hand with Baffert that this was not. This was literally Advil in the horse. This was not

Leonard Raskin  03:06

I’m not a guy who thinks he should go down. I you know, I think that it was a crock. I read what I read about it. I heard what I heard about it. I couldn’t believe that they suspended him like that. I can’t believe they took the win away from the horse. I thought it was ridiculous

Nestor Aparicio  03:22

that you already would say this would be the NBA going after LeBron James for peeing dirty with some ridiculous thing that didn’t even help his game marijuana.

Leonard Raskin  03:32


No spray because he had a cold.

Nestor Aparicio  03:34

Yeah, whatever. But like, listen, treating him like he’s Barry Bonds. And he was out literally, Barry Bonds was trying to cheat Lance Armstrong was trying to choose I think there’s Now that being said with Baffert, I got it backwards story. You know, I’ve known Bob a long, long, long time, right. And my hair’s kind of long and crazy. And not everybody recognizes me anymore when I get up on them. So my wife and I went to Preakness on Saturday. We got there at one 115 Because we knew Bruno wasn’t playing we know was a long, long day, right? Usually we go out there at 11 and maybe leave at four or five Come on, watch the race, or get out there. Watch the race and get right out of there. You know what I mean? Like but we we love the Preakness so we went out for the day and we planned it. And we came in where the horses are where the Derby winner mage is where I famously met Ferdinand back in 1986 and fell in love with with racing and we walk past the stables very quiet back there letter. There’s nobody back there. You know, there’s police and this and that and it’s very, very immediate, Big Al’s doing its thing Pete Gilbert, Jennifer Francie. Yachty and a hat. It’s nice. So we walk through and it’s just us. And we’re walking through literally 50 feet from where I saw Howard Cosell in 1984 in the back where all the trucks are, and here comes Bob Baffert. Okay, so he’s coming with a contingent of people Well, no media, no fans, no hangers. These are official looking. No, these are official. These are people that look like they’re with a trowel. And they’re walking at me from the track. And there’s nobody around. It’s no fanfare. There’s nobody in a hat. Right? It’s just literally could have been six in the morning could have to be Preakness day. They’re walking at me and my wife and I see Bob, and we’re like, didn’t look like a photo op, but it looked like a hello, how are you? Bob’s walking at me looking through me? And I’m like, Bob Nestor from Baltimore. How are you? He fist bump me. He looked up. He said, How you doing? And I said, Good to have you in Baltimore. He kept he never

Leonard Raskin  05:40

broke was that when the when the horse euthanize that horse? We didn’t

Nestor Aparicio  05:44

know. Yeah, we didn’t know at the moment. I set the channel. I’m like, I was worried. I was worried about national treasure. I was worried with him walking back. Yeah, maybe maybe it was four hours, five hours for the race. But I had no idea. I swear it later, we went into the track. We went twice because but we forgot sunscreen. We went back out came back in again. And never brought up up after all day we did our thing. There’s Republicans, Democrats, people are smear fans, people that have people everywhere. And then around for 430. My wife and I were in a tent and we were reading the form to bet the big race. And I looked down at my phone and I’m like, Hey, Bob Baffert lost a horse today. Like, yep, that’s what happened. Like, I ran into him as his horse fell. Like I can’t like it was. It was, yeah, yeah. So so for you watching all of this. What did you make of the TV and you’re watching hockey and everything. I


Leonard Raskin  06:46

love it. Look, I loved it. We watched the day, you know, I like watching the races. And we watched the day on NBC, peacock and NBC. And they could not have painted a better picture of Baltimore. I mean, the NBC crew, the whole everything was Baltimore, Baltimore, Baltimore, it was positive.

Nestor Aparicio  07:11

In the Bob always says how much he loves the bobbin at the Superbowl and other places. He talks to me about crabcakes Baltimore.

Leonard Raskin  07:22

For the whole crew. The whole crew was talking about Pimlico and how great it was. And of course, they tell every year they tell the story of the founding of Pimlico and the founding of the Preakness. They talk about the big dinner, where they have had the dinner where they came up with the idea of having this race and that the winner of the race was Preakness and you know the whole thing they tell the whole story of Baltimore and old hilltop, it’s magnificent. And, and the guys that talk horses, you know, they know Baltimore, so they they roll it up and I think we couldn’t have had a better display of talking about the city. It was a What did they say? A postcard picture postcard. What do they call it a

Nestor Aparicio  08:12


perfect day. Yeah, it was beautiful. I can’t

Leonard Raskin  08:14

I can’t think of the word. It’s like missing my brain here.

Nestor Aparicio  08:18

I wouldn’t say this. I have I don’t say never watched Preakness coverage. I watched the one year we’re only Rob Roblin and Jane Miller were out there. Like the year when they took the bands away and Tom chukkas came in and they decided they weren’t going to have urinals anymore.

Leonard Raskin  08:34

And sophisticated like the Derby, Leonard they,


Nestor Aparicio  08:38

in my lifetime. They’ve done a wonderful job at turnt. Look, I was that guy in the 80s I have pictures of boobies and horses and beerbongs and like nobody knew the race happened. Listen, I was a massive part of that all of my youth. We ran buses out there in the 90s where we have photographic evidence of all of that 96 to probably oh five when I got married. We ran. We ran buses out there for 15 years. Bob Leffler all that. So I’ve seen this devolve, right evolved, evolved the scaffolding the rain, swale, horses breaking down, all of the infrastructure on the electricity broke down in the late 80s. If you’re you can bet on the race, like I’ve seen the slots, we’re going to save it in the slots weren’t going to save it. They’re going to move it to Laurel, they’re going to move to golf do it’s still here. They’re going to build that glass thing out there that I haven’t heard a thing about in three years, hopefully and now. Differences for me, let me give you my day we get out there. The first thing I see pulling in protestors of dead animals, lots of everywhere. There were there were trucks going by with videos of horses falling on the track jockey and see Bob Baffert long face a horse fell on the track jockeys in the hospital the whole day. All right, the

Leonard Raskin  10:01

people for eating tasty animals protesters.

Nestor Aparicio  10:05

I don’t know. I don’t know who it was. But I’m telling

Leonard Raskin  10:09


you, you should give them another steak. That’s what they need. They need another steak on the barbie. That’s what they need.

Nestor Aparicio  10:14

There’s a lot less people at the race like that. That’s just the right. And the people that are there are the people they want there. I don’t see fights. I don’t see violence. I see lots of pretty dressed up people. And Leonard, I’m gonna say something here. That’s very, very, and only a guy that’s been to 40 practices can say this. African Americans are coming to the Preakness now, and that was it was a white event in the 80s and 90s, especially in the infield was a 90.

Leonard Raskin  10:46

Think about it. Think about it from where it’s located. You wouldn’t think that right? Well,

Nestor Aparicio  10:51

I would just say this and I’m and I mean, this in the grandest sense of the word. My I went out on Friday afternoon, I’m gonna I’m gonna pat myself on the back. My wife is a serious worker, you know that she’s an engineer. Yes, for a living. She didn’t have time to pick a dress out or any of that. The Preakness people the Pimlico people. Thank you, David. Joseph, they got back to me. They got me a pass. They got me in they didn’t throw me out. We didn’t walk up to the press box. The elevators broken. It’s seven floors straight up. I walked up there to get a press pass on Wednesday. I’m not doing it again. I would say this. We went out there and I got my wife. I bought my wife eight dresses on Friday. She took five of them back kept three. She took the one she wanted. They were all under 40 bucks. We’re I just muted my mic. We’re value shoppers letter. So I’ll say this. We went out there. She had a hat. She had a dress. I looked nice because I have nice clothes and it was a nice day. We went out there. 90% of the people who go now are there to look nice. Yeah, nice. Go with their girlfriends, go with their buddies and pick up chicks have a stogie. They want to look nice. They want to feel nice. They want to dress nice. There’s weed everywhere blowing in the air. Welcome to cannabis. Right? There’s There’s beer. There’s, I didn’t see any trouble. I didn’t see any hints of trouble. I saw. I saw groups of African American women in their 50s and their 20s. I saw groups of couples in their 20s and their 50s. I saw the old men that like racing. I saw football players. I saw dignitaries, I saw Gayle King. I mean, I saw people out there in jeans and in wifebeaters, too, for for no cars, but they have turned it into something you shouldn’t go to Delaware for on the weekend. It’s something you should go to next year. How about that? Can I say that?


Leonard Raskin  12:45

I’m in I’m in and what I was thinking and it just came to me a chamber of commerce kind of day. Okay. Okay. That’s what it was beautiful. And what you’re talking about is exactly what they want the image of the place to be. And that’s fantastic. And then you

Nestor Aparicio  13:01

should go to the Preakness. Leonard, your wife should go, Matthew, you should you should come you should sit in that. If for 3345 or whatever it is pay for it, get the food all day, the drinks, do it all down on the ground, so it’s a little warm in there. So you know, dress dress appropriately. But it is a lovely, lovely day. It’s a better day out than any raving game. It’s a better day out day out than any Oreo game. And I have said on these airwaves since the day I went to the Kentucky Derby in 1996 that they should figure out a way to make this thing good. And it was great. And

Leonard Raskin  13:43

they have There you go. And they’ve done it. So I’m with you. I mean, I’m there. And then this past week, last Monday, took the family paid face price, sat in some clubs seats, watch Shohei Otani pitch and hit against the Orioles. You got your money’s worth, right. The only game the great right. The only game they lost I would have hoped we would have won but my goodness, I haven’t seen a homerun hit that hard in Camden Yards and a long, long time when he crushed that ball. And I didn’t get this at first. I knew it was possible but he pitched seven and a third. He gave up five hits three home runs but he only gave up five hits that Jim Palmer are showing Otani. What was that? Yeah, right, right. And then here’s the thing, because of the way this league is now he’s the DH right. He’s the DH.

Nestor Aparicio  14:40


He didn’t he? Yes, yes. No, no, no, my point is

Leonard Raskin  14:43

they take them out after seven and a third and he’s batting in the ninth. I’m thinking wait a minute. They took him out of the game. Does he have to come out? I think I could double switch. Oh no, because he’s the DH. So he hit the ninth I didn’t get on it got a little single to left and then If he was going through the cycle, he was going for the cycle in the ninth and he poked a ball to left for a single but

Nestor Aparicio  15:06

you last week you were all worked up about going you’re all Mr. Angelo sure credit card, and then you come out there and you got your money’s worth.

Leonard Raskin  15:13

Absolutely for exactly what I wanted to see, which was greatness on the field. The O’s played a tough game. They fought hard. Pitcher tough and I think it was Grayson Rodriguez tonight. A tough night for him in the fourth. He gave up a few but a great baseball game, a great atmosphere what I couldn’t believe and I shouldn’t say this because I’m guilty as anybody. The place wasn’t half full. That’s there. There wasn’t half a stadium on a Monday night. Second best record in the league to face show. Hey, Otani place wasn’t happy. So


Nestor Aparicio  15:47

I would say to you, if you and I, I mean, and maybe we should play this game every week, because I mean, at some point, you know, the John Angelos and the TJ Brightman types and whatever, are gonna have to speak to somebody. But let’s pretend that you and I bought the team, right? We buy the team tomorrow. Mr. Angeles dies, you got a rich uncle, or two uncles, we put the money together, we buy the team. And you say, Well, where are we starting? From? Right? And Luke said something to me that I thought when Luke says a lot of prescient things here, which is why we keep them around. But he said to me, you know, it’s not going to happen overnight. And it’s not. And I’ll say this to you. And I said this to Luke the other day, Monday, you went down there, and a week later, you’re like, Oh, it was only half empty, whatever. I was against that night with John Waite. And there were only 400 People at Guinness that night. It was Preakness pre drawl and all that stuff. Right, right. Tom, wait was the only celebrity there Bob Baffert? None of the horse trainers. Were there anything like that? It was just was what it was. So you did your thing. I had friends that left at seven o’clock in the second inning and went down to the game, because there was no time to do that. Thursday. Was the alibi breakfast in the morning. I attended an event with Ryan Ripken and man he was grabbed crawl Did you do the crab crawl did the crap college today. That was Wednesday. Thursday morning, I did the connects event like tissues event? Oh, sure. Factory up in,

Leonard Raskin  17:15

got it up at the valley mansion next was invited couldn’t make it. Okay. So I went

Nestor Aparicio  17:20

there Thursday morning instead of the alibi breakfast. And then Thursday night, my friend Steve Trevino had a happy hour down at the senator club. In the Oriole bird room. I’m going to put a picture up in the bird nest room. It took it took an hour to navigate downtown traffic to get to the center club because the Oriole game lead out. It was Preakness Thursday, so I guess there’s some people downtown and then there’s like work people work for a living and get off of work at five o’clock. Right was the I live downtown for 19 years. And when I first moved down there the Orioles were a thing. And if the Orioles were playing an afternoon game, don’t get stuck in little literally with the car. Walk. Right? You can walk home quicker than you can drive down Lombard Street at 415. If an Oreo game Lex out. Leonard Leonard, I had people pitching everyone that I ran into was like, oh my god, I

Leonard Raskin  18:15


traffic. And I’m like you have such problems.

Nestor Aparicio  18:20

That’s what I said. I said, now it’s a Baltimore positive problem. There

Leonard Raskin  18:24

we go. That’s a good thing.

Nestor Aparicio  18:26

So when you mentioned that the stadiums happen? Hey, come see me in July or August. Let’s see they do marketing. That what are you? What are you? I’m asking you again.


Leonard Raskin  18:37

But I don’t know. But here’s the question. You couldn’t do much better than two out of three against the angels. Go take two out of three from Tampa. Sweep Toronto, what a series that was. I mean, they’re playing amazing ball. Great, good pitching over the weekend. Three, three games, six, six and eight runs. They got to go in on and I think Tampa last week. But to back two and a half back. We’re actually actually watching the standings, actually watching the standings in June. In May in May. I mean, this is this is good stuff. I like it. Look, I love baseball, you know that we’ve talked about it. Last thing in our lives, right? Yeah. And to see them playing good ball. And, you know, I turn on a turn on SportsCenter just to see where they fall in there. They’re still not top story work. They’re still not a block, if you will. They’re still coming in. Later in the show. It’s still the NBA, and then a little hockey. And then the PGA is coming in.

Nestor Aparicio  19:52

Well, the PGA was great on Sunday, too. I mean, as a remedy as a hangover from the Preakness. We sat and watched the Orioles play the Blue Jays Sunday. The Golf was on hockey was on. I mean, you saw the Vegas scores with two minutes left the score and OT boom Dallas. Good night. They’re down three. So I even watched a little hockey over the weekend the NPAs comes along unless if you hate Boston, you love it.

Leonard Raskin  20:15

Yeah, I’m not an NBA fan, but Boston is down three and LA’s down three. So what the heck? Yeah, I don’t think he could do better than that.

Nestor Aparicio  20:25


Here he is Raskin globe. Give me a little spring cleaning here. As we get up Memorial Day, people get an extra day next week. Um, give me a little advice on all of this. Because I I have people that are talking about the real estate market and and what’s incredible interest rates. I say, my friends, when they’re naked five years 0% financing

Leonard Raskin  20:44

was good. Hey, seven. Yeah, where

Nestor Aparicio  20:48

are we with money? Right? If you and I had to talk, we are so into the Orioles and all that. But I haven’t talked money with you. What are you telling people about this crazy market and what they should be getting for their money, and what they should be thinking about doing with their money, when 7% is the number that when my wife wants to buy car they’re given her.

Leonard Raskin  21:08

It’s unbelievable. It’s unbelievable. We’ve seen 10 rate increases from the Fed in the last year, because the only tool the Fed has to try to combat inflation, is raising interest rates to stunt the economy. And they’re trying to do it at the same time, not throw the country in a recession. I don’t know how they’re going to do that. They’re working on it hard, what they’re not getting help from the federal government to stop spending. Biden and the Democrats spend spend, spend, spend, that’s what they want to do. They want to spend, they want everybody to get free money for some things. So they can become dependent on the government. So the more they can spend, the more power they get. That’s their gig, it’s the way it goes. The Republicans spend too, they just don’t give it to people. They buy arms. And you know, they they do crazy stuff, too. But the fact is that since COVID, we have spent as a country, way too much money. And what we don’t recognize, of course, is that’s our money. So at the same time that the government’s giving you freebies, your salary is not going up as fast as inflation, and you’re falling behind financially, that’s not a good thing. The average person is seeing their wages go up, but less than the cost of living is going up. And so when when you’re lower, lower middle middle class, these things hit you hard. The price of gas, you want to get a car, the interest rate you’re paying on that car loan, your credit cards, your home equity line, money


Nestor Aparicio  22:41

expensive right now, just in general. And that

Leonard Raskin  22:45

relation, that’s what interest rate is the price you

Nestor Aparicio  22:47

want to build, if you had an idea a year and a half ago to do X, and you’re like, Okay, X, money’s 3%, worst case four or five, like when you start spreadsheet eating out, I’m gonna build a barn a thing, whatever it is, it’s gonna cost 100 grand 1,000,010 million, whatever the scale is, and you’re like, where am I getting that money? Well, I’m gonna get it from myself, I’m gonna get it from my uncle Leonard, I’m gonna borrow from the bank, wherever you’re gonna get it, whatever your spreadsheet looked like six months ago, a year ago. Prospecting is right, if you had to borrow money.

Leonard Raskin  23:26


And the thing is, this lags this lags in the economy at the high end. So let’s say you’re doing that thing you just talked about, and you are a commercial builder, or you’re a home builder, when you contract to build that deal, that’s when you pay for the money, you get the money when you do the deal. So you were going to build that home, you were going to build that shopping center, you’re going to build that movie theater, and you borrowed it, three 4%, whatever it is, and you build that thing. And that thing takes two years to build. Okay, that’s all fine and good. And the economy looks like it’s rolling right along until that build is complete. Because when that build is complete, you’re going to do the next one, and the next ones at seven or 8%. And suddenly, we’re going to see a stunting and a stopping of some of that. And when that happens, that’s when we’re going to see the hard hit, I think in the economy when those rates affect the high end. Now, if you’re an individual and your upper middle class wealthy or, you know, you don’t feel it as much, you say, Okay, I gotta pay a little more for gas. I’m gonna pay a little more for eggs, but so what just pay a little more for things. So those that they wanted to want to protect or say they want to protect the most, which is the poor and the middle are the ones that get hit the hardest. And, and the ones that have the money, there’ll be fine. Yeah, they’ll spend a little more for stuff, but ultimately there’ll be fine. Why? Because they can invest in In bonds, what is a bond, it’s you lending money to someone saying, pay me interest in a promise to pay me back my principal in the future. And if I can invest in bonds and get a 567 percent interest rate on money that I lend, instead of a hopeful 789 percent in the stock market with a ton of risk, I’m gonna be more inclined to lend money and get an interest rate on it. And the wealthy are gonna keep doing that the investing class is going to be fine. You know, nobody that was owning a horse at the Preakness is going to be suffering because interest rates went up. But a lot of people attending whoever they may be 20 year olds, 50 year olds,

Nestor Aparicio  25:47

if they’re going to buy something next week, or next month, May

Leonard Raskin  25:51

are going to see that cost of money and say what, I bought my last car at 2% 1.9 for five years, you’re telling me now I’m buying in at 6.9? Are you out of your mind? And so what happens, they keep their car longer. So what happens to new car sales they dropped? What does that mean? Manufacturing drops? What does that mean? People lose jobs. What does that mean? We stunted the economy. And that’s what the Feds tried to do is block that down, so that the economy will slow so that interest rates will come, then inflation will come down. And then they can release interest rates. But it’s a cycle. And it’s created by the government. Nobody creates inflation, except the federal government. The only way you create inflation is to print more money and spend more money and the feds are doing it at an alarming rate. And they just want to spend more, more more. And it’s, it’s tragic for us, because there’s only three places, there’s only three places in the world in our world that money is the consumer has it, a business has it, or the government has it. And the more the government spends, the worse the other two are, and the better the government is, and we don’t we don’t need great government. We need great companies, we need wealthy people. And we need people to rise up from wherever they are in their stair stage in life and create more personal wealth. And that doesn’t happen with wages not growing as fast as costs and costs, outstripping your ability to go do the things you want to do. So you got to be careful. You got to, it may be time to look at a bank account, although you got to make sure you look at the right ones because bank account money rates are coming up because that’s the short term of the world. So you want to get in there. You want to get your money in a place that’s going to pay you a good interest rate. And you can get that today without a whole lot of risk. That’s the way to do it.

Nestor Aparicio  27:35

I remember the interest passbooks we’re paying like 0.6% You know, it’s crazy.


Leonard Raskin  27:40

Remember when they were 18% Liberty, Liberty what was owed court savings and loan. Remember that?

Nestor Aparicio  27:46

I do remember the Levites Yeah, I remember them going out of the courtroom. Yeah, well, maybe we’ll do a history of that. It’s only been four decades. Let her ask it’s been around long enough to remember all the savings and loan and all the Dewey Cheatham is in house and trying to rebuild the up and up Hey, Raskin Global’s out there Rascon If you need good advice Leonard’s around to talk about money, your money, how to save it, and how to protect yourself from the government as well as you know, bad things from happening to you let it I appreciate you good things.

Leonard Raskin  28:19

Football and golf and hockey and whatever else you want to call football. We

Nestor Aparicio  28:23


didn’t talk anything.

Leonard Raskin  28:24

We’re not gonna

Nestor Aparicio  28:27

Alright, well, that’s how good thing went when the ravens are at the bottom of the totem pole in May, you know, things are good around here. Later, he found a Rascon Club was also at the front of Baltimore positive. We are doing the Maryland crab cake tour up in fallston. This week at the local on Tuesday. We’re gonna be doing it for the Maryland lottery conjunction with our friends and when donation speaking of our percentage is still 0% financing for a few more days to the end of the month. Then it’s over five years 0% financing. You buy two you get two free it’s winter nation. All right. I am Nestor we are WSD It is a beautiful spring almost summer around your baseball activity and fun things were Baltimore Stay with us.

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Baltimore needs only a win to secure a first-round home playoff game and a second straight AFC North title.

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