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We’re the only ones in town talking about why the Orioles don’t have a lease at Camden Yards. Dennis Koulatsos asked Nestor Aparicio his thoughts on why there’s no deal between the Angelos family and the new regime in Annapolis.


talk, franchise, steinbrenner, tampa, winning, baltimore, owner, championships, stadium, baseball, baseball team, yankees, legacy, team, rick, good, city, money, vaughn, john


Nestor Aparicio, Dennis Koulatsos

Dennis Koulatsos  00:02

Welcome back. My next guest is Nestor J. Aparicio doing all great things on WNYC Baltimore positive. Nestor welcome in.


Nestor Aparicio  00:10

I don’t know if it’s great. It’s better than I did pretty good this week, though, if you put the radio on this week, and you know what I’m doing great segments is when they go along, like Joe Cole and I went over an hour on the stage. Our man like Rosenfeld, and I started this, he started, he wound me up last week, you know, we did it. He’s our Chief Digital Officer here. And he was going to Chicago to Wrigley Field to see what they built out there. Casino wise. He’s my chief digital officer, he runs WebConnect. She’s like you, he’s an executive,

Dennis Koulatsos  00:38

pack them before talking on the phone trying to do

Nestor Aparicio  00:41

intelligent conversation here, you know, and, and by the time I got to Bill Cole, and I got into the conversation, Bill, who supports me, and and supports what we do here, because I’m the only guy willing to talk about stuff that other people aren’t willing to talk about. I mean, Pillsbury, politically, like sort of independent, you know, doesn’t believe anybody and wants to get facts on everything. And the stadium thinks fascinating, because John said, this will be sorted by the all star break, which is two weeks from now, the team’s irrelevant, but still not drawing any, you know, it isn’t drawing the enthusiasm that maybe they expected. Maybe they have to work, they definitely have to work harder. You have to work harder, I have to work harder. We all have to work harder. But we were talking about this, but there’s no thought in the public. No one’s talking about the fact that they don’t have a lease. And what is Wes Morgan to give them what they want. Wes Moore sent me a political text. And I like Wes, and he westlakes me, you know, at least for now, but and I told Wes, I’d be critical. We sat down at cost this is and I’m not here to kiss your ass. Like I said that to him literally out loud as the firt. Last thing I said, before I hit plays, I’m not going to be the one kissing your ass. You’re about to become governor. You know, tough questions are part of this deal. And I love the red line. And I want to have him on to talk about that. But the stadium thing he sent me a text wanting money. It was a it was a donation thing. His people sent it. He’s wearing an Oriole jersey and saying with the passion that I had at the Orioles game. And I’m thinking to myself very visible. Yeah, I’ve

Dennis Koulatsos  02:16


seen him at the Royal game. I’ve been there when he’d been there.

Nestor Aparicio  02:19

I like, Hey, hold on. Tell me about the lease. Tell me what we’re giving John Angelo’s after 30 years of mismanagement. Now we’re going to give them to make more money. For a billionaire. Like, tell me what we’re going to be doing and how it’s going to work. I look, you put the red line together, and I sell me it on it. And if I’m a citizen, and I either buy it or don’t buy it, but at least give me a chance to buy give me some facts. Give me a chance to say, All right, this is a good idea for some people and not other people, or this is a good idea for most people, but not everybody. There’s no There’s very few things other than clean water and you know, that are good for everybody. But and even that’s not good for everybody. Right?

Dennis Koulatsos  03:00

So not in Flint, Michigan, anyway, no, but what I’m saying is if you’re

Nestor Aparicio  03:03

the guy coming into Flint to sell it, you don’t want them to have clean water, you want your water. So So I guess my point is, there are civic issues for all of us public safety, all these things that I sit here and that I’ve changed my life to talk about. So much. So the chat still threw me out. And now it’s all I talk about, but it is all I talked about and the lease and then not having a lease and then playing good baseball and a new governor who’s gonna run for president at some point. And who and I that’s great. But tell me how this fixes the place. Tell me how giving John Angelo’s money. After giving Peter Angelos the farm for 30 years, and Bashaud he just shot he was so grateful for the 600 million that they gave me didn’t even show up and say thank you. He said Sashi and Chad down for $600 million. Imagine you and Mr. Coons are me, my partners getting together and going to the state and saying, our business is so significant. We need $600 million. And then we’re gonna ban media members and we’re never we don’t even live here anymore. Like it. This thing’s really gone a long way. And I think the thing that inspired it was that I had Rick Vaughn on this week. You’re familiar with Rick


Dennis Koulatsos  04:09

Nadeau thinks about it. I heard the name from he was

Nestor Aparicio  04:12

the longtime PR Director of the Orioles. Okay, he came to the Orioles in the 80s. He was there with Cal Ripken and Alan Wiggins and the OH and 21 He was there for why not? He was the ark, the actual architect. Everyone gives him credit. Were you at the last game of Stadium? No, not not the Field of Dreams. And they did all that. That was his orchestration of the Field of Dreams. When my cousin came out in the 66 jersey and they all had the era pieces. So Rick went on the run the Tampa rays, PR for 20 years through both ownerships through the World Series. He was the one that brought my wife on the field and 15 to throw the first pitch out. Don’t give a spin. So Rick came on this week. Rick works for Joe Maddon now. Rick works for Rick spec 90, which is Joe Madden’s foundation at Hazleton, Pennsylvania. Rick runs a lot of baseball charities and things like that. So he lives in Tampa, we played the race, I called him and all I could think about with Rick Vaughn, other than Him not giving me a parking lot a pass back in 1992. And how angry I was at him and 30 years later, we had to laugh about it this week was just how hard it was to build the Orioles how hard it is to build Koons Baltimore Ford how hard it is to build one dealership, let alone what Mr. Coons has done, how hard it is to have a radio station and am radio station still supported by people like you and all the good people that support us after 25 years that you have to do things the right way. And every day, my career is at risk my words and risk, my reputation, my integrity, and that the stadium situation sits here and we all go down and know. And it’s like this guy is about to get hundreds of millions of dollars to allegedly help economic development. Okay, I mean, that’s fine. Now, No, give me the plan. And I guess that’s as the guy who sits here I’m the only one asking for it. I haven’t heard anybody else say so. We’re without Elise. Oh, John told Nestor at some thing that he got hijacked. I had to go hijack a tourism press conference to ask him a question. And he gave the rockets red glare speech five years ago, four years ago, whenever that was then we had a plague. And no one came. Now he’s got a good baseball team. You can’t watch the games. I mean, people that do a massive one mass into like you’re trying to find the game everywhere. You have to pay to you have to give email addresses on a Friday night to Apple. You have to give money to peacock on a Sunday. Like they start the game like fine. I’ll follow along. I mean, I got getting real my chest I’m a I’m a baseball guy. Right. But my last name is Aparicio. I can’t I can’t run from it unless I change my name, right. But the stadium thing and what we’re about to give the Angelo’s family and what we’re about to give Major League Baseball, and what Westmore and the politicians in the city, and Brandon and everybody, what are we expecting out of this that we haven’t already seen over the last 30 years that hasn’t deteriorated from the race cars going through the city to whatever, like at some point and I’m his biggest sports guy Britain books. All of my preludes are about how important sports is. I’ve made my living in sports, Luke and I talked about why we feed our families, despite the fact that Jack still doesn’t believe that. And I’m trying to put the value on it just from a conversational standpoint to say, what does John want? What should John get? Why did Steve do his deal with Larry why Steve on a yacht down in Florida doesn’t. And there’ll be no controversy with Steve moving the franchise or any of that. And John’s about to step into it or not. And this is just a fascinating thing that nobody’s talked about that.

Dennis Koulatsos  07:50

Well, for me, I like successful like successful teams, organizations, etc. That’s why marvel at the Yankees when George Steinbrenner was the the owner, he would invest so much money in a team, he would buy championships and it was great for their fan base. It was great for the city in New York. And to me, that’s really been a gold standard. When I look at baseball and franchises and organizations, that’s amazing,

Nestor Aparicio  08:11


because most people would would you know, Steinbrenner was reviled, right, like in for a lot of reasons and a lot of ways and like, and I you know, I was there at the end of his life, but it is amazing, his want to win. And if you go back and read the Peter principles, Angeles chased him in the first six chapters, and very, very unsuccessfully, to the point where he was given money to Jeff cotinine, and David Sankey, and didn’t know what the hell I mean, literally, by the time you get to bed chapter seven or eight and a Peter principles and haven’t released it yet, Peter was writing huge, huge checks of his own money chasing things that didn’t exist within the franchise, the revenue, you know what I mean, he was losing a lot of money. And that’s well documented. And that’s something that I talked about respectfully on the air to some degree, like, Hey, man, he wants to win. He just doesn’t know what he’s doing. And we gave him all this money. And then people stopped giving him money. There was that period between like O One and o six, after the Ravens won the Super Bowl, were all of the suites came up for renewal, and otoo. And no one bought them. And, and like, and he didn’t have a good team, they didn’t have a good reputation and like, and then put the mass and money saved him. Right. Like that’s really, and that was two decades ago now. And they have worked with basic immunity, right, like literally civic immunity. There’s been no criticism of Peter of his legacy. If he dies tomorrow, everybody will talk about what a great guy he was and his names on the building and all that. But the baseball team and the franchise and the city and the future, it is what it is right now. And this is where they have to start to build. And I guess when I talked to Rick Vaughn about was you found a different Baltimore with the Colts leaving. Everybody thought the baseball team was headed to DC they did. They really did hit a DC owner. All of that and it didn’t happen this way. miracle happened here, you know, like, literally Camden Yards was our Gateway Arch. You know, it was our big civic idea along with after harborplace To make our city grand, you know, and the baseball team and Cal Ripken and Bruce Bartlett was going to be grand. And I, it wasn’t I lived through and I lost a quarter million dollars in a condo down. I live through it not being grand. And now there, there should be a grand plan den. I guess that’s my point. Where’s the grand plan?

Dennis Koulatsos  10:30

You talk about grand plan, but I think it goes, Step and Step locks up with legacy. And, again, I’m gonna go back to George Steinbrenner. He was spending because expenditures were 250 million a year back then. But he was netting 250 after expenses. And that’s his legacy. Whereas the Angelo’s family has made I’m gonna guess, about $50 million a year, but not lifting a finger by letting things play out as it is relying on mass and contract keeping the payroll of the other team low. And so when you talk about legacy and legacy names and teams organizations, as much as we revile and despise the Yankees around here, I bet you’re he’s George Steinbrenner is revered up in New York, but to me as a sports fanatic. You gotta love what he did with a team how much money he spent on the team. He wanted quality. And and he wants championships, right? What they’ve averaged a championship every four years if I’m not mistaken. Well, where are the Oriental and all this? What is their legacy? Right, what is Peter Angeles’s legacy at this point? And then you have, as you mentioned, the stadium situation, like you said, nobody’s talking about, we have a young and up and coming team, I have zero confidence that we’re going to be able to sign these young players and keep them here in Baltimore. I think,

Nestor Aparicio  11:42

if we are there better be a way to find money. And there better be I mean, ideas, there better be good ideas around it. And that’s I don’t see. Good. I have a bright idea. TJ Brightman, I hear the ads now. Like, where’s the bright idea? Give me Give me the bright idea that’s going to revitalize our city, the way Larry Lucchino along with Rick Vaughn and Marty Conway and, and Bob Brown and Janet Marie Smith. And I mean, the people. The only reason we got the football team is because at that time, the baseball team was doing so well. This seemed like a great place to be because they built this enduring, it’s 30 years old. And it’s the only reason to go to the ballpark until this year. Right is the ballpark itself was the only reason to go to the ballpark. Right? And I just, where are the good ideas? Where’s the intelligent conversation? There is no conversation because John runs and hides on Martin Luther King Day and then shows up and hijacks Jason la Canfora. I mean, if John wants to be a real man, here it is. Come sit with me and Luke, Dennis. Don’t call any of our pain. Anybody wants to sit here and have an intelligent conversation about the future of the city and the baseball team role in it as a successful community endeavor. That’s a really basic proposition. If you’re trying to get $600 million from Westmore. Out in front, nobody should be hiding from this hip but but to me,

Dennis Koulatsos  13:14

it shouldn’t be a quid pro quo, a situation where you want to get this for that. Meaning that not just if the city throws money at this team and the organization, the team has a responsibility to be competitive to try to win. I have zero confidence that they’re going to sign Gunnar Henderson down a road or Adley rutschman down the road. If both of those guys go down the road that Manny Machado went, guess what I mean, I’m about to go to my fifth game this year. Because I want to see these players. If they can’t sign if they can’t extend these pillars of this organization. I will quickly lose interest because it will start losing again that’s it real simple for me the


Nestor Aparicio  13:54

the integrity of all of it for you to talk about them trying to win every year and they never did. And look, we have general managers a friend of mine who was a legend killed himself and before he killed himself. I talked to him a lot. And I know a lot and I have a lot of facts and things like MacPhail running the franchise saying why feed him steak when they’ll eat hamburger right and the notion the notion that like if you horrible

Dennis Koulatsos  14:18

say that that just went right through me by the way it went right through me never heard that before why feed them statement? I’ll settle settle for hamburger Are you kidding me? Wow, that is just a horrific mindset from

Nestor Aparicio  14:30

these were the words of Mike Flanagan to me about strong mindset of the Baltimore Orioles in 2007 and eight nine and here’s the thing. Angeles gets the the Masten deal right in Oh 456 The money starts flooding in and 6789 Right. And he’s keeping all the money remember it was was 9010 it was like John’s on the executive plan for however millions of dollars that he was his salary and you It’s a family business. Nope. That Major League Baseball can’t touch it, nobody’s touching it. The nationals are not even allowed to know how much it generates and they owe 10 person own 10% of it right. So so and they still have never gotten the money right the other night, they agreed to give the Nationals $99.2 million for 2012 to 16. That’s the disputed period. Now the nationals have to go figure out how to get the money from 16 to 23. So it’s it’s unbelievable and they can’t sell their franchise. This is Two decades later. And Joe fosse said this to me, mild mannered Joe Foss over coffee. You know, 15 years ago, when I was writing about the 10 years ago, when I was writing about this, he said that when Major League Baseball sent Bob do pay down here to negotiate with Peter, about Washington baseball, and Peter was Peter was by any stretch, not trying to get rich and leverage Washington baseball, Peter was making sure it never happened. And then once they made it happen, there was hell to pay. And that’s what the Peter principles is all about. In the end, which was they gave him a Get Out of Jail. They gave him a television network and two teams and almost all of the money for the first 10 years if not into perpetuity where he still was kind of screwing I mean, could screw them he gave they gave him the license to screw the Nationals, which he’s done for two years, two decades. So but the idea the whole premise and all of this and the big lie The Big Lie was the TV networks gonna leave us on pace with the Yankees and the Red Sox we’re going to be able to have that revenue when we have all the revenue from two major cities Baltimore Washington region we get all the television we’re going to keep North Carolina keep Delaware keep and and we’re gonna have two franchises and they’re going to compete be buddies and because it’s and and it’s gonna be like the Yankees and the Mets and you and we’re two decades into this and he can’t even pay the bills. And clearly the product in the fields been garbage by and large garbage. And in the end the money from Masson was it’s evaporated. It’s gone. Now now it’s level set. Now they are a popper franchise right in the equal world of how many fans do they have? How many fans can they get? Much like the Ravens. The reason Jack Kent Cooke never wanted the ravens to exist was he knew it would cut into his market. And then I sit with Dick Cass 15 years into the Ravens being here and winning championships and did Cass says, Well, you know, we bump our heads down and buoy and we can’t really go north beyond elkon and we can’t really go west past Frederick because Steelers Redskins eagles, they’re all there. There’s nowhere for us to grow unless we get to Lamar Jackson and turn Ravens fans in Bemidji in the Ravens fans, right? Like we become the Packers of the Steelers or the Cowboys. We become this global franchise like the Yankees are right or like the Dodgers are I guess at this point, all of these regional teams in baseball, just die because the sport is set up that all the best players wind up going to the five or six teams that can pay them and this is going on all of our lifetime. It’s not a fair fight, right? It’s just not. And now, where we are, the baseline of all of this is the oracles are a lousy franchise, not about booger Brooks. They play in a great stadium in a troubled city in a market that’s 38 miles away from a team that will always have more money that’s been charged ticketed by the the malfeasance of the owner here because of the media rights there. And they never squeezed a drop out of it. And they won a championship down there and had a parade and we’re pretty good by and large for learners ownership. So where are we now? Where we’re now is young players. Adley rutschman. Nobody’s going to the games, the TV. I don’t know how they can have ratings when I can’t even watch them. I can’t even find them. They will let me watch them. And, and I’ve told this story 10 times this week, but I’m gonna tell it 1110 You can go to skip Jack games right or did you? I did skip over the guy.

Dennis Koulatsos  19:11


Go go. Absolutely.

Nestor Aparicio  19:13

You remember Jeff Amdur? Yes. Jeff Amdur had the red hat on the fireman’s hat. He’s a school teacher, lifer, teacher. Beautiful Man. huge sports fan right. I mean, huge Oriole fan. The last time I went to Oriole Fan Fest I took a picture with him he was there right waiting in line hanging out buying tickets or real stuff. He had a fall and an injury in his in the hospital. Stay in the hospital. They only give you medicine one. So on the days when the Orioles play he can’t even watch your real game. And I’m thinking to myself What what are you doing TJ Brighton and what are you doing Rob man from what are you doing? John Angelo’s? You know focused on Oakland moving focused on getting Tampa Stadium focused on the regional sports network model. just implode mean, are you trying to get Adley rutschman? To an ally for Oreo fan on a Sunday afternoon? Are you trying to screw him to make more money? While you ask us more for more money while you ask the fans for more money? Well, next year, you’re gonna want more money. And while you’re gonna want more money, because the products good now so the bleacher seats are 40 bucks. It’s a squirt, so it gets too popular to raise the prices and add another one. I mean, I like I get it. But I’m not an ATM. I’m a fan. I’m a citizen. I’m a community member. I’m a media member. I’m Aparicio. I love baseball. recruit me, you don’t need to rub my feet. You got a good product. Now, tell me why Baltimore on the front matters other than you want to sell stuff, right? Right. I mean, like, what are you doing? So come out here, come out of your closet, get your ass in here, get your boots off and put your sandals on and put your Royal Hawaiian shirt on and your floppy hat on and get here and sell it, sell it. You sell cars. I sell media, like sell your product. You got a good product. You’re proud of your product. You should be proud of your product Finally, after turtling up for years, because the product was garbage and nobody should have been proud of it. But at least you said you had a plan. You felt so great. What’s the next plan? How is this baseball team going to make our city better? That was the whole promise at the stadium. That’s why we bought it the first time.

Dennis Koulatsos  21:24

Right? Well, it’ll be this semester how much money does does a person does a family need? I’ve always been curious about that before. I mean, come on. Now. It’s I remember owners like Eddie DeBartolo, Jr. of the 40. Niners right the guy was first class ball accounts, flew his players first class with their wives had pink towels at the hotels to make them feel at home. I mean, he invested back into his team, his players. He loved his players. He was he was proud of his legacy. He was he was beloved he still is by all in the San Francisco area in the Bay Area, right because he was a phenomenal owner. So to me, that’s a legacy and I imagine you get to a certain level with billions of dollars I mean, how many more do you need before you give back before your legs you

Nestor Aparicio  22:09

have enough money to be nice, you have enough money to be honest, you have enough money to be involved. But you don’t have enough time. When you’re doing nothing but hanging on your yacht. You’re not really running anything you don’t have enough time to just show up once in a while beyond on a video or writing a check or blowing on a cigar and having chat steal issue a press release then that’s not what art modell and David Modell were that’s not what Kevin Bernard Baker Koppelman, that’s not what Roy summer. That’s not what selling PSLs Dennis. So Rick Vaughn was on this weekend. I asked you, you know, listen to everything I do. You’re gonna listen to the Rick Vaughn piece, because you brought up George Steinbrenner. Rick Vaughn brought up George Steinbrenner. You know why he brought him up? Because he worked in Baltimore. He worked for great owner and Makino he worked for a terrible owner and Angeles and got the hell out of here. He then went work for the Redskins at the end of Jack can cook. Okay. And then he went and worked for terrible owners in Tampa moily Just terrible owners down there, right to get that thing started. And he talked about the only thing that matters, and this is a guy doing this 40 years is the owner. He said the only thing that matters in a franchise is the owner. And he talked about what an incredible legacy. His word that the Tampa Bay Lightning owner is leaving in Tampa with his involvement and taking a hockey puck in a 90 degree temperature where they told him it would never work in a pretty lousy ass arena downtown in a pretty lousy house downtown. I mean, downtown Tampa. They nothing downtown Tampa. I mean, I’m not being mean, it’s not rundown. It’s clean. It’s safe, safe. I walked in with four months ago, but like, there’s nothing there.


Dennis Koulatsos  23:47

And it’s not Miami, it’s that safe to say

Nestor Aparicio  23:51

and and they have turned the hockey team into the most important thing there. Even when Tom Brady’s winning championships, even when the baseball team has been phenomenal, and has this phenomenal. Everybody wants to be the rays and baseball except for their fan base and where they play and that nobody cares about them. And they change your name and their uniforms every three years and still can’t sort of catch on and the lightning. The bolts own Tampa. And the other thing that Vaughn told me and I want to give this to you about Steinbrenner. He said he hated Steinberg because he was in Baltimore, the Yankees and then he got down to Tampa, and saw George Steinbrenner his name on everything and realize that everywhere he went in every person he ran into selling Tampa Bay Devil Rays baseball, every one of those people talk well about George Steinbrenner. Of course, every one of them in Tampa and what he did in the community in Tampa, I’ll be shooting off his mouth in New York. And he’s from Cliff. So you know, you mentioned Steinbrenner and I’m, I’m going to revisit that, you know a lot of people have written books about Steinbrenner. I’ve had guests on your written books about Steinbrenner and I’m like Kevin cowherd chased them around on the beat back in the day, I mean, in the in the day when he was in elevators at the Bergen record When Steinbrenner was firing Billy Martin and Bob lemon and Bob Watson and all of that stuff, he covered all of that from the inside. I’ve had a lot of guys on, Mike for Kara was on recently who has covered Steinbrenner. You’ve opened my mind in a way that my dad always hated Howard Cosell. So I did until I started to do this for a living. Now Howard Cosell is a different kind. I

Dennis Koulatsos  25:21

like guys. I like winning championships. That’s me. Owners that Chase Championships even if they can buy championships. Sign me up. I think it’s fantastic for the fan base. Why wouldn’t it be whether you have a Tom Brady with with Bob Kraft and I’m not saying that. In the NFL, everybody has the same amount of money. But when you when you Chase Championships at any level, I’m all in. I’m all about that. Why wouldn’t I be because the Meath legacy? How many rings does the owner have the

Nestor Aparicio  25:48


first thing they need to do is recruit the community. Okay, like that. That’s it. You have to recruit customers cocoons Baltimore fort, I’ve had to recruit. I’ve got 25 years of my life in my name and my out on the line everywhere I go everything I do to to create significance. So I can have a career doing this. But it

Dennis Koulatsos  26:08

starts with winning though. The winning is the is what attracts winning as a travel they have that winning championship has extremely attractive and that’s what you build from.

Nestor Aparicio  26:17

Okay, but they’re winning right now. They’ve recruited you, you’ve given them money, you’re gonna give them more money, you’re gonna go out there. How can they do more? How can they do more and better? That should be? That should be a question. They wake up every day. They’re waking up and saying, Hey, we won last night. Let’s scream about winning.

Dennis Koulatsos  26:35

They’re on the right track. And let’s let’s see where it goes and enjoy the ride while we can.


Nestor Aparicio  26:39

Well, I’m engaged. The mariners are in town this weekend. But they don’t have a lease. I want to be the bad guy. I that doesn’t make me a jerk. It just makes me the one guy willing to ask them what’s going on? That’s all just what’s going on that give me an update. Because it’s important to me because Baltimore’s important to me, right? And the baseball team is important to me. Even though the Angelus families never sort of understood that I’m on their side. I said that the mike Elias when I met him, I’m like, you know, I did free the purchase like oh, yeah, I know who you are. And I said, I did free the birds to that guy like you would come along and fix it. There you go, you know? So anyway,

Dennis Koulatsos  27:17

great stuff. Nestor. I appreciate you.

Nestor Aparicio  27:20

I appreciate you. I’ll see you on Monday, man. It’s good. It feels good being back. We’re talking about relevant stuff here. Obviously the football team crabcake tours are happening. Um experienced West a Wilkins Avenue from st Joe gales out there and right there you like is gonna come and sing the flight song and duel. And I have for you. I will invite you if you if you can make it I know you have big plans on Thursday but I have Chad weaseling out. Chad whistling is the NFL agent for Josh Jacobs lives in Canton and he’s a lifer buddy of mine. I want to hear that and he’s a chirp and he said oh I have a lot on my mind about running backs and she talked about that so he’s coming up for crabcakes so you’re gonna like them alright, love that all right. Okay, wait, sir this station because we do good stuff.

Dennis Koulatsos  28:02

There you go. Absolutely. I appreciate my there we go semester J appreciate you’re here. 1570 am Baltimore positive W NS t where we never stopped talking sports. We’ll take a quick break and come back right after this.

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